Election Issue – Voter Fraud

Posted by Tina

Voter fraud is liable to become an important issue in the coming elections in November. Several of our natuons leaders have already weighed in on the issue as the Wall Street Journal reports:

The Obama administration has been ramping up its rhetoric about the evil of voter identification as part of the run-up to the midterm elections. In January, Attorney General Eric Holder told MSNBC that voter fraud “simply does not exist to the extent that would warrant” voter ID laws, adding that many who favor such measures do so in order to “depress the vote.” Vice President Joe Biden claimed in February that new voter ID laws in North Carolina, Alabama and Texas were motivated by “hatred” and “zealotry.”

In an April 11 speech to Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, President Obama recited statistics purporting to show that voter fraud was extremely rare. The “real voter fraud,” he said, “is people who try to deny our rights by making bogus arguments about voter fraud.”

But their remarks are not based on adequate or complete information. As the WSJ article indicates a study performed by student journalist didn’t include information gathered from every state and left out important data. It noted too that judging voter fraud by “counting criminal proceedings” was “misguided.”

There is data that suggests a larger investigation would be wise and should occur because an outdated system “offers abundant opportunity” for fraud:

a February 2012 report by the Pew Research Center on the States, “Inaccurate, Costly, and Inefficient: Evidence That America’s Voter Registration System Needs an Upgrade,” found that 1.8 million deceased registrants were listed as active voters, and that 2.75 million voters had active registrations in more than one state.

In court papers filed last year, Virginia noted that a limited cross-check with 21 other participating states—which did not include California, Texas or New York—showed that 17,000 voters were registered in three or more states. Imagine if the cross-check were extended to all 50 states and if Virginia’s results were typical.

Every American shoud vote having have confidence in our voting system. The few investigaions that have been conducted show positive results can be achieved with some good old fashioned elbow grease doen by locals. It’s important that every vote counts. Cleaning up voter rolls would go a long way toward reaching that goal.

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22 Responses to Election Issue – Voter Fraud

  1. J. Soden says:

    Why is it so important to the Taxocrats that no voter ID be allowed? ‘Specially when it’s usually found when those same candidates win.

    Perhaps it’s time to require ANY politician benefiting from voter fraud (like ACORN with the last election of Dirty Harry to the Senate)to resign their elected office immediately.

  2. Tina says:

    The only reason I can think of J is that it would be more difficult to cheat.

    There is no logical reason to oppose strong measures that ensure every vote is not marginalized or compromised and every vote is legitimate.

    The government requires ID for all kinds of things. Voting should be no different.

  3. Peggy says:

    My brother, who lives in Nevada, said individuals claimed the voting machines changed their vote from Sharron Angle to Harry Reid.

    Harry Reid’s Son in Charge of Nevada Voting Machines Used in Fraud:

    “What could be worse than putting Nevada voting machines under the control of Obama’s hyperpartisan friends at the SEIU? How about putting them under the control of Harry Reid’s son?

    “Clark County is where three quarters of Nevada’s residents and live and where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s son Rory is a county commissioner.” That means that Harry Reid’s son is the person in charge of overseeing the election machines that are being maintained by the SEIU. Now, why would Rory Reid be suspected of any shenanigans here? But he is. “Since early voting started, there have been credible reports that voting machines in Clark County, Nevada are automatically checking Harry Reid’s name on the ballot.”


    Can Democrats Cheat Enough to Overcome Tuesday’s Teanami?:

    RUSH: “A trio of Bucks County residents backed by the county Republican committee say they have evidence linking Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy’s campaign to a scheme to flood the county voter registration office with fraudulent applications for absentee ballots. In a petition filed Tuesday, county Republicans say the name of Murphy’s campaign manager appeared on a Bristol post office box where voters were urged in a series of letters paid for by the state Democratic Committee to send absentee ballot applications.” That’s story number one in the “they cheat” stack.

    Las Vegas: “Some voters in Boulder City complained on Monday that their ballot had been cast before they went to the polls, raising questions about Clark County’s electronic voting machines. Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid’s name was already checked. Ferrara said she wasn’t alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen. ‘Something’s not right,’ Ferrara said. ‘One person that’s a fluke. Two, that’s strange. But several within a five minute period of time — that’s wrong.’ Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said there is no voter fraud, although the issues do come up because the touch-screens are sensitive.” Of course there’s no voter fraud. Who would think that? With the SEIU in charge of the machines, who would think that there’s no voter fraud? The Democrats know they don’t stand a prayer this election unless they do cheat. The question is can they cheat enough to overcome the tidal wave that’s happening on Tuesday.”


  4. Chris says:

    WSJ: “a February 2012 report by the Pew Research Center on the States, “Inaccurate, Costly, and Inefficient: Evidence That America’s Voter Registration System Needs an Upgrade,” found that 1.8 million deceased registrants were listed as active voters, and that 2.75 million voters had active registrations in more than one state.”

    Tina, can you please explain to me exactly how voter ID laws would address this problem?

    “Why is it so important to the Taxocrats that no voter ID be allowed?”

    Because we’re able to do a basic cost-benefit analysis? In-person voter fraud is extremely rare, and not enough to swing an election. Republicans have mostly shown evidence of voter registration fraud, which voter ID laws don’t actually address. Numerous studies have found that the number of people who won’t turn up to vote because they lack a proper ID is FAR greater than the number of people who impersonate someone in order to vote (that number is virtually zero).

    In-person voter fraud is not a real problem, and voter ID laws are a solution that just creates more problems.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Voter fraud is not a problem to the party that depends upon it. Voter ID “creates more problems” just like driver’s licenses and state identification cards do.

    Transparent jerks are transparent jerks.

  6. Peggy says:

    Off topic, sort of.

    Benghazi emails suggest White House aide involved in prepping Rice for ‘video’ explanation:

    Newly released emails on the Benghazi terror attack suggest a senior White House aide played a central role in preparing former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice for her controversial Sunday show appearances — where she wrongly blamed protests over an Internet video.

    More than 100 pages of documents were released to the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Among them was a Sept. 14, 2012, email from Ben Rhodes, an assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications.

    The Rhodes email, with the subject line: “RE: PREP Call with Susan: Saturday at 4:00 pm ET,” was sent to a dozen members of the administration’s inner circle, including key members of the White House communications team such as Press Secretary Jay Carney.

    In the email, Rhodes specifically draws attention to the anti-Islam Internet video, without distinguishing whether the Benghazi attack was different from protests elsewhere.

    The email lists the following two goals, among others:

    “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

    “To reinforce the President and Administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.”


  7. Tina says:

    Chris Cleaning up the voter rolls should be an important part of maintaining accurate vote counts and eliminating opportunities for fraudulent voting. People have cast votes in the name of deceased persons. I didn’t suggest voter ID would affect this. I only suggested that voter ID would be a move in the direction of cleaner elections…much more than ID needs to be done.

    “Because we’re able to do a basic cost-benefit analysis?”

    Oh give me a large break! Since when have progressives EVER been concerned with cost-benefit ratios?

    We could list hundreds, maybe thousands, of examples to show that when it comes to liberal laws/wants cost is no concern whatsoever!

    “Numerous studies…”

    Made by whom and for what purpose? Progressives are always doing “studies”…not impressed!

    “studies have found that the number of people who won’t turn up to vote because they lack a proper ID is FAR greater…”

    Again, not impressed! People have to show ID to get any kind of government assistance…if they’re actually American that is. they have to show ID to board a plane…to get a room. Most bills that have been passed also include provisions to make sure that those who want ID get it! this is a BS argument.

    One thing that is difficult to stop is activists going to convalescent hospitals to vote for the infirm. Those people’s votes should at least require a witness or two from the hospital.

  8. Tina says:

    The most transparent administration ever came out of the “transparent” party…whatever they say about what they are up to we can be sure the opposite is true.

  9. Peggy says:

    Just learned it was True the Vote, Katherine Engelbrecht who headed up the voter fraud investigation in Allen West’s loss.

    Bet, that’s what got her on Elijah Cummings radar and his personal investigation of her and her business.

    Allen West on Election Loss: ‘Explain to Me How You Can Have a 4,000-Vote Change at 1 O’Clock in the Morning’:

    NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — Former Rep. Allen West said Thursday there were some suspicious results in the November race that lost him his seat in Congress.

    “I tell you what, you gotta explain to me how you can have a 4,000-vote change at 1 o’clock in the morning,” the Florida Republican and Tea Party favorite told TheBlaze at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

    St. Lucie County, Fla. election supervisors acknowledged “mistakes were made” in tabulating the votes for West and declared winner Patrick Murphy (D).

    True the Vote, a Houston-based anti-voter fraud watchdog, filed suit last month demanding all election and recount records in the contest between West and Murphy.

    “I am glad that the American people have stood up because what we wanted to expose was a lack of integrity in the electoral process, and if we don’t have integrity in our electoral process we don’t have the consent of the governed and that’s the good thing about what True the Vote has done,” West told TheBlaze.


    Voter fraud according to information presented for 2012 by True the Vote are widespread and massive, not rare as some people believe. Hopefully, updated information will published soon to reflect current irregularities.

    How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures

    Here are the facts:

    • To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.

    • More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, yet remain on the rolls nation-wide.

    • There are over 1.8 million dead voters still eligible on the rolls across the country.

    • More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.

    • True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.

    • Maryland affiliates of True The Vote uncovered cases of people registering and voting after their respective deaths.

    • This year, True The Vote uncovered more than 348,000 dead people on the rolls in 27 states. ◦

    California: 49,000
    ◦ Florida: 30,000
    ◦ Texas: 28,500
    ◦ Michigan: 25,000
    ◦ Illinois: 24,000

    • 12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.

    • The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters than residents.

    • Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.

    • The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.

    • True The Vote is Chuck Norris approved.

    How popular is Voter ID?

    • 74 percent of Americans support, according to The Washington Post.

    • 71 percent of Latinos support it, according to the PEW Research Center.



    HOUSTON, TX. January 13, 2014 – True the Vote (TTV), the nation’s leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today announced a favorable legal settlement along with co-plaintiff Judicial Watch that ensures proper maintenance of Ohio’s voter rolls lasting until 2018. (Judicial Watch and True the Vote v. Jon Husted in his official capacity as Secretary of State of the State of Ohio, Civil Action (No. 2:12-cv-00792)).

    “This settlement demonstrates the positive impact citizens can have when they demand better accuracy in voting records,” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said. “Every person fundamentally understands the problems that come with bloated voter rolls and inefficient maintenance processes. This settlement – under Secretary Jon Husted’s leadership – will bring Ohio much closer to being on the cutting edge of smart voting policy that holds records and officials accountable.”

    “Election officials in the State of Ohio are to be commended for shouldering their responsibility to maintain clean voter registration lists. This is a historic settlement, the first of its kind in the history of the National Voter Registration Act. Dirty election rolls can lead to voter and election fraud. Under the terms of this groundbreaking settlement, the people of Ohio can now rest easier that their elections will be cleaner, beginning with the 2014 elections. The problem of dirty rolls is a nationwide problem, and Ohio’s good faith steps to address it can serve as a model for other states,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.




    I could continue, but I’m sure you get the picture. Voter fraud is a major problem. Therefore, voter ID is one way to improve the process and guarantee one voter one vote.

  10. Chris says:

    Tina, surely you have a better rebuttal to the many studies showing the disenfranchisement effect of voter ID laws other than “a liberal did it?” What’s wrong with the methodology of these studies? What are their specific flaws?

  11. Chris says:

    “• True The Vote is Chuck Norris approved.”

    Well, hot damn! I for one never make up my mind on an issue until I know the opinion of former terrible actor and current birther who has written a column seriously arguing that if Mother Mary had “been covered by Obamacare” (whatever that means), she might have aborted Jesus, even though Obamacare has nothing to do with abortion.


    This is a person that True the Vote was *proud* to announce backed their organization.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  12. Tina says:

    Chris how could anyone answer your questions regarding “numerous studies”?

    I asked by whom…I notice you didn’t respond to that. what is the purpose of the study. what questions were asked. What information was sought? What information was left out? what questions were not asked? How many people were involved?

    “Numerous studies”? Surely you can do better than that!

  13. Tina says:

    Peggy one thing that’s significant in the voter fraud situation is that wide spread voter fraud isn’t needed. All that is needed is voter fraud in a few significant states to push the balance in the direction the fraudsters wish. In past elections Florida and Ohio have been significant.

    Also, Democrats got their super majority by fraud when amazingly just the right number of votes were suddenly found in a trunk after weeks of counting so that the former clown Al Franken won.

  14. Chris says:

    Tina, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Al Franken charges are untrue:

    “But Freeman said that once his office started investigating, they found many names submitted by McGrath from the 2008 election to be incorrect. Ultimately, the county charged 38 felons who voted before their rights were restored — less than 1/100th of 1 percent of the roughly 665,000 votes cast.

    Freeman said he believes most of those convictions were the result of mistakes, not attempts to influence the election.

    Beth Fraser, director of governmental affairs for the Secretary of State’s office, noted that in 2009 the Legislature passed a bipartisan bill that might have had a greater effect on voting by felons — a bill that would have required the state to notify felons of the status of their voting rights. Such a bill could have made it easier to prove intent, resulting in more convictions, but Pawlenty vetoed it.

    Right solution?

    If voting by felons is Minnesota’s main voter fraud problem, it is unclear whether photo ID is the solution. Ineligible felons can and do carry valid government-issued IDs and currently there is no way to flag them at the polling place.


    “• In the hyper-excited Fox News reports, Carruthers is quoted as praising the Minnesota Majority study.

    “What I said is that they did as well as they could do given the data they had, but much of their data is not good,” Carruthers said.

    • Of the 475 cases Minnesota Majority questioned, 270 examples were just not accurate, Carruthers said.

    There are reasons for so many inaccuracies, Carruthers said. For example, because of data privacy laws, Minnesota Majority was able only to get year of birth of many of the people they claimed had voted illegally. But, for the group to be sure it had the right individual, it would have needed the actual date of birth.

    “In a state with so many Johnsons,’’ said Carruthers, “you have many people with the same name born in the same year. You have to have date of birth, to be sure you have the right person.’’

    • Additionally, Carruthers said, Minnesota Majority would not have had access to changes in sentencing. For example, a person who initially had been sentenced to 10 years of probation may have had that probation reduced during the period of the sentence. At that point, the individual’s civil rights – including the right to vote – would have been restored.”


  15. Chris says:

    “’Who’s Counting?’ opens with an insinuating account of how Al Franken, the Minnesota Democrat, was elected to the Senate in 2008. According to the book, there is ‘compelling’ evidence, compiled by a citizens’ watchdog group, that ’1,099 ineligible felons voted illegally’ in the contest—’more than three times’ Franken’s victory margin. The subhead of the chapter is ‘Would Obamacare have passed without voter fraud?’

    Fox News and other conservative media outlets have promoted this argument. However, Mike Freeman, the Hennepin County Attorney, who oversees Minneapolis, told me, ‘Those numbers are fraudulent. We investigated, and at the end of the day, out of over four hundred allegations in the county, we charged thirty-eight people. Their research was bad, sloppy, incredible. They are just liars.’”


  16. Chris says:

    Peggy, what is that e-mail supposed to prove? Rhodes’ statements to Rice are identical to the assessment of the situation provided by the CIA at the time. What exactly was the problem with Rhodes making sure Rice was giving what was then thought by the intelligence community to be the most accurate possible information at the time?

    Remember, according to the Congressional Research Service, in the week of the Benghazi attack there were anti-video demonstrations in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, and Malaysia.


    But somehow the idea that the attack in Benghazi was motivated by the video is so ridiculous that it could only have originated as part of a nefarious White House plot?

    Come the frak ON.

  17. Chris says:

    Federal Judge Strikes Down Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law

    In a decision that could have implications nationally and in Wisconsin’s November elections, a federal judge on Tuesday struck down the state’s voter ID law, saying it violated the Voting Rights Act and the U.S. Constitution.

    The law known as Act 23 had already been blocked by a state judge. For the law to be put back in place, supporters would have to overturn both the state and federal decisions — a possibility thatcould prove difficult between now and the Nov. 4 election for governor.

    “There is no way to determine exactly how many people Act 23 will prevent or deter from voting without considering the individual circumstances of each of the 300,000 plus citizens who lack an ID,” U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman wrote in his 70-page ruling. “But no matter how imprecise my estimate may be, it is absolutely clear that Act 23 will prevent more legitimate votes from being cast than fraudulent votes.”

    Adelman, who is based in Milwaukee, found the state didn’t have an appropriate rationale for imposing a voter ID requirement. In-person voter impersonation — the only type of fraud a voter ID law can prevent — is nonexistent or virtually nonexistent in Wisconsin, he wrote.

    “Because virtually no voter impersonation occurs in Wisconsin and it is exceedingly unlikely that voter impersonation will become a problem in Wisconsin in the foreseeable future, this particular state interest has very little weight,” he wrote.

    “The defendants could not point to a single instance of known voter impersonation occurring in Wisconsin at any time in the recent past.”

    Adelman, a former Democratic state senator known for sponsoring the state’s open records law, determined that in practice the law requiring voters to show one of nine types of photo IDs at the polls established an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote. It also violated the federal Voting Rights Act because its effects hit Latinos and African-Americans harder than whites, he wrote.

    Under the voter ID law, minorities “must pay the cost, in the form of time or bother or out-of-pocket expense, to obtain what is essentially a license to vote,” he wrote.

    He issued an injunction barring the voter ID law from being enforced.

    Read more from Journal Sentinel:


  18. Peggy says:

    You’re welcome Chris, but before you stop laughing maybe you’d like to learn a little more about Chuck Norris and why True the Vote included him on their list.

    Mr. Norris may not meet with your approval, but he obviously meets with thousands of others. Turns out he’s a very religious and patriotic man who believe his country is worth more than what the Democrats have been doing to it.

    Chuck Norris

    Chuck Norris is one of the most enduringly popular actors in the world. Chuck Norris has starred in more than 20 major motion pictures. Chuck Norris’s television series “Walker, Texas Ranger,” which completed its run in April 2001 after eight full seasons, is the most successful Saturday night series on CBS since “Gunsmoke.” It is seen in more than 80 countries worldwide, ranking as one of the top U.S. shows in both sales

    and audience.

    A New York Times best-selling author of two books, including the 2004 autobiographical “Against All Odds,” Chuck Norris also has penned two books of fiction. Set in the Old West, the most recent installment of this series, “A Threat to Justice,” was published in September 2007. In 2006, Chuck Norris added the title of columnist to his illustrious list of credits with the launch of his popular Internet column on the independent news site WorldNetDaily.com. Norris’ commentaries have become so widely read that he was signed recently by Los Angeles-based Creators Syndicate to market his column to newspapers across the country. Among the leading commentators Creators Syndicate represents are Robert Novak, Mike Luckovich and Bill O’Reilly.

    Chuck Norris first made his mark as a renowned teacher of martial arts and was a six-time undefeated world middleweight karate champion. Chuck Norris is the first man from the Western Hemisphere in the more than 4,500-year tradition of tae kwon do to be awarded an eighth-degree black belt grand master ranking. By the 1970s, Norris had completely revolutionized martial arts in the United States and was in the process of taking this exciting individual sport to a new level by transitioning it into a team event,..

    Chuck Norris is a man of deep religious convictions and a giving spirit. Among his more rewarding accomplishments is the creation in of his KICKSTART program in 1992, which began in Houston, teaching 150 at-risk children martial arts as part of the physical education curriculum. Since that time, this program, which instills discipline and respect and raises self-esteem, serves more than 5,000 youngsters year round at 35 schools in Dallas and Houston. To date, KICKSTART has served more than 40,000 students, with many going on to college and becoming successful in their own right. Proceeds from his books, as well as his World Combat League, go to support this life-skills nonprofit foundation.

    An in-demand public speaker, Chuck Norris has served as a spokesman for agencies such as the United Way and Veterans Affairs. Additional honors include Make-A-Wish Foundation’s Celebrity Wish Granter of the Year, the Veteran Foundation’s Veteran of the Year Award and the Jewish Humanitarian Man of the Year Award. In April 2007, Marine Gen. James T. Conway named Norris an honorary member of the Marine Corps, in recognition of his two “handshake” tours of our troops in Iraq within a one-year period. Also this year, leading strategic brand-licensing firm Brand Sense Partners will release a line of clothing called “C Force,” chronicling the legendary star and humanitarian’s remarkable career.

    A genuine Internet phenomenon, Chuck Norris has become the subject of countless Paul Bunyan-type fictional “facts” of his exploits, submitted by fans. There are currently more than 600,000 such “facts” floating around the Internet, with one “fact”-generating site receiving as many as 18 million visits a month.

    Continue to article.

    Are you still laughing Chris after reading what this man has done? Getting 18 MILLION visits to a website is not something a “normal” person would laugh at.

    Before you go attacking a man again you may not agree with politically I suggest you do a little research and find out what’s in his heart and all of the good he’s done for others.

    How’s it feel to be such a big jerk? Laughing still?

  19. Peggy says:

    HELLO earth to Chris, Rhodes is Obama’s foreign affairs advisor. The email now links the talking points Susan Rice delivered on the Sunday talk shows directly to the WH.

    It wasn’t the most accurate information at that time. There are documents and witnesses stating there was NO protest at Benghazi that night!!!! The WH knew that within 24 hours after the attack and long before Susan Rice went out that Sunday and Obama spoke at the UN and on the View two weeks later.

    Then there’s Obama and Hillary telling the parents they’ll get the guy who made the video while their son’s caskets were just feet away.

    Gohmert: Benghazi talking points “an intentional misleading of the American public”:

    “The tragic thing Dana is not only was it a distraction. It was an intentional misleading of the American public,” Rep. Gohmert said.

    The Congressman was particularly disturbed by the fact that not only did then United Nations ambassador Susan Rice make the rounds on the Sunday shows to mislead the American people just weeks before early voting was set to begin, the Obama Administration then spent thousands of dollars on a pacifying television ad that ran across the Middle East featuring then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton apologizing for the supposedly offensive video.

    All of these steps, documents seemingly confirm, were part of a deliberate cover up by the U.S. government to protect President Obama and his reelection chances.

    Watch the interview below:


    PS – The Blaze TV will be showing a documentary on Benghazi tomorrow night.

  20. Tina says:

    Chris: “Ultimately, the county charged 38 felons”

    I see but that would be an inaccurate count since many more than that were convicted. Pat Dollard reported the cases when he reviewed the report by Fund and von Spakovsky: “, 177 people have been convicted — not just accused, but convicted — of voting fraudulently in the Senate race. Another 66 are awaiting trial.”

    In addition the ability to discover and convict is somewhat compromised: “The numbers aren’t greater,” the authors say, “because the standard for convicting someone of voter fraud in Minnesota is that they must have been both ineligible, and ‘knowingly’ voted unlawfully.” The accused can get off by claiming not to have known they did anything wrong.”

    So there’s a good chance that the election was stolen but after six months the Coleman campaign decided not to continue to press it:

    … At least 341 convicted felons voted in Minneapolis’s Hennepin County, the state’s largest, and another 52 voted illegally in St. Paul’s Ramsey County, the state’s second largest. Dan McGrath, head of Minnesota Majority, says that only conclusive matches were included in the group’s totals. The number of felons voting in those two counties alone exceeds Mr. Franken’s victory margin.

    Thus far no one is calling for the results to be overturned. Indeed Dan McGrath, who spearheaded the inquiry, told Fox News, “We aren’t trying to change the result of the last election. That legally can’t be done.” He added: “We are just trying to make sure the integrity of the next election isn’t compromised.”

    Looks like your side “proved” its point by citing only one county.

    If something smells fishy it probably is.

    “currently there is no way to flag them at the polling place.”

    There should be a way to “flag them” as they register to vote or if they were registered prior to their felony conviction. This should be one of the tasks regularly performed by the registrars office!

    Amazing how easily the left apologists contrive excuses.

    “…but Pawlenty vetoed it”

    According to Gov. Mark Dayton who later vetoed a similar bill the reason for his and his predecessors vetoes is that bipartisan support was very shallow and they wouldn’t pass a bill without solid bipartisan support.

    So the claim of bipartisan support was a bit of a fudge. Both sides have been guilty of that one.

  21. Tina says:

    Washington Times (video):

    Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA’s station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that no such demonstration occurred, documents and interviews with current and former intelligence officials show.

    Washington Times:

    Members of the House Intelligence Committee held a classified session Tuesday with the CIA’s former Libya station chief, whose assessment that there had been no protest leading before the Benghazi terrorist attacks was left out of the Obama administration’s talking points used on national television.

    While the CIA would neither confirm nor deny the session on Capitol Hill, other sources familiar with the development told The Washington Times that committee members sought the station chief’s perspective on the talking points ahead of a long-anticipated public hearing Wednesday — during which former Deputy CIA Director Michael J. Morell is slated to testify.

    Lawmakers say the hearing will delve into why Mr. Morell and other agency officials in Washington did not include the station chief’s assessments in claims by then-U.N. Ambassador Susan E. Rice to assert during several news talk shows that the Benghazi attacks grew out of a protest over an anti-islam video.

    The discussion Wednesday will home in, lawmakers say, on a series of secure-video teleconferences held between senior officials in Washington and officials based in Libya during the days immediately following the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks.

    Sources directly familiar with the CIA’s early gathering of the Benghazi intelligence told the Times on Tuesday that Mr. Morell attended a secure video conference call — known in intelligence circles as a deputies meeting — on the morning of Sept. 13, just two days after the Benghazi attacks.

    During the call, Mr. Morell provided participants, including CIA officials in Libya, with the current thinking of intelligence analysts that the attacks had been carried out by extremists, but may have been an outgrowth of protests inspired by an anti-Islam video earlier that day.

    At the time, the intelligence community’s assessment was that a possible protest outside the State Department’s Benghazi compound may have provided a convenient opportunity for the terrorists to carry out the attack.

    But by Sept. 15, the CIA station chief in Tripoli had talked directly to his team in Benghazi, which had come to the defense of the compound during the attack, according to sources who spoke only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the news media.

    The sources said that the station chief relayed to his superiors in Washington in an email that the CIA personnel on the ground found no evidence that the attack had been an escalation of any protest. (emphasis mine)

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