Bergdahl Carried A Gun, Declared himself a Warrior for Islam

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.

The reports indicate that Bergdahl’s relations with his Haqqani captors morphed over time, from periods of hostility, where he was treated very much like a hostage, to periods where, as one source told Fox News, “he became much more of an accepted fellow” than is popularly understood. He even reportedly was allowed to carry a gun at times.

The documents show that Bergdahl at one point escaped his captors for five days and was kept, upon his re-capture, in a metal cage, like an animal. In addition, the reports detail discussions of prisoner swaps and other attempts at a negotiated resolution to the case that appear to have commenced as early as the fall of 2009.

The reports are rich in on-the-ground detail — including the names and locations of the Haqqani commanders who ran the 200-man rotation used to guard the Idaho native — and present the most detailed view yet of what Bergdahl’s life over the past five years has been like. These real-time dispatches were generated by the Eclipse Group, a shadowy private firm of former intelligence officers and operatives that has subcontracted with the Defense Department and prominent corporations to deliver granular intelligence on terrorist activities and other security-related topics, often from challenging environments in far-flung corners of the globe.

Click here to read whole story.

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19 Responses to Bergdahl Carried A Gun, Declared himself a Warrior for Islam

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Rush Limbaugh….. self made millionaire, cashed in on huge market for making fun of liberals
    Sean Hannity…….working class guy, contractor and self made millionaire, cashed in on huge market for ripping apart liberal issues and myths
    Glen Beck………. self made millionaire, cashed in on promoting all of the above

    These guys pay a boat load of taxes!

    Each man has risen to the top of the ladder in their area of entertainment because the state what so many Americans think and they do it so eloquently, so succinctly and with wit. They inspire us, they challenge the arrogance of liberal know-it-alls everywhere! I applaud these American success stories and we have Dewey to thank for reminding us.

  2. Tina says:

    Oh, Jack, I agree! Great reply.

    Let’s all celebrate these men who, with ingenuity and free spirited entrepreneurial urge, changed their own stars and enriched the lives of millions who daily partake of their fair. They have awakened what was once dubbed the Silent Majority; they have transformed the lives of many who found peace in discovering their conservative patriotism; they have inspired people all over the world to stand for liberty and free market ideas.

    And they are not going away….hurray!

    So thanks, Dewey, for the opportunity to extoll the brilliance and virtue of these great Americans.

    Besides, there’s a growing consensus that agrees, higher education is nothing but a system of single-minded, controlled thought.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Dewey … an anonymous loser an anonymous loser jealous of success.

  4. Peggy says:

    Interesting that Dewey pointed out these successful individuals who were smart enough to realize that a college education was a waste of time and money. Just look at how many now owe tens of thousands in student loans and don’t have a job in their area of study or don’t have a job at all.

    Thank God these guys dropped out of college. What would the world be like if they hadn’t.

    Steve Jobs dropped out of college after six months.
    Bill Gates dropped out of college his second year at Harvard.

    From Wikipedia.

    He {Gates}is consistently ranked in the Forbes list of the world’s wealthiest people[5] and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2009—excluding 2008, when he was ranked third;[1] in 2011 he was the wealthiest American and the world’s second wealthiest person.[6][7] According to the Bloomberg Billionaires List, Gates became the world’s richest person again in May 2013, a position that he last held on the list in 2007.[8] As of June 2014, he is still the richest.[1]

    Looks like Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity are in pretty good company. At least by Deweys standards.

    I’ll bet Dewey is still in college working hard to get “C” grades while having his head filled with progressive propaganda.

    Suggest before you try to use individuals to support a bad argument you do a little more research so you don’t come across looking dumb. Sorry, that sounded just like something Chris would say. Bad me.

  5. Libby says:

    “The group is run by Duane R. (“Dewey”) Clarridge, a former senior operations officer for the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1980s best known for having been indicted for lying to Congress about his role in the tangled set of events that became known as the Iran-Contra scandal. He was pardoned by the first President Bush in December 1992 while on trial.”


  6. Libby says:

    And Jack, you’re not saying that the wealth of these conservative media ideologues makes them worthy? How undemocratic of you.

    It has always been appallingly easy to become wealthy in this country by manipulating morons, our morons being so much more affluent than most, but intellect, education, wisdom and/or morality enter nowhere into it.

    Only capitalism.

  7. Tina says:

    Oh please Libby, Scooter Libby was also indicted for lying to congress…he misremembered a date. Big crime! We know how you lefties use the law and the media to destroy lives.

    There are plenty of things that are much worse than your silly ick…a girl left to die in a creek, for instance…your media was complicit in covering it up. that’s called lying to the people in case you wondered.

    Even that little blue dress is ickier. Or, how about selling secrets to the Chinese for campaign cash?

    “It has always been appallingly easy to become wealthy in this country by manipulating morons…”

    Apparently PBS, NPR, NBC, ABC, CBS, NBC have been doing it for years. Paybacks a b*tch.

    “…intellect, education, wisdom and/or morality enter nowhere into it.”

    And that’s where you make the big error. Only an arrogant fool would underestimate his rival with such idiocy.

    Works for me and the millions who are grabbing more audience than anyone on your alphabet channels or in the NYT.

  8. Tina says:

    Peggy Judge Jeanine nailed it! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Dewey you claim Rush Limbaugh is a drug addict as if his medical problems makes him a criminal. That’s not very liberal of you. There are many people in this world that take pain medication for real medical problems and this can lead to excessive dependency on those drugs. Are they morally bankrupt because they take too much medication? Should we jail them like criminals and label them as bad people? Two of Chico’s City Council people have these problems and they went into rehab for it. I never heard you hating on them like you do Limbaugh. Why? Oh wait, they were liberals, Limbaugh is not. How is that fair? Dewey do you not see how wrong this is?

    Here is a suggestion for improving your standing among people here: Stick to facts and apply your moral values equally to all people, not selectively. It’s okay to judge, it’s okay to criticize, just do it fairly and balanced. Use evidence to support your argument, not libel. Sometimes you use facts, but you twist them to fit your bias, try to be more independent of your personal bias and see things as they really are and not how you would wish them to be. This is what I do and I am not always successful, but I make an effort because I want to be credible. Don’t you want to be credible? Then try the balanced approach and stay away from hit and run insults absent any facts that could help support your argument.

    Look at this smear crap below in quotes. It’s absent one supportive fact, absent one bit of evidence, absent one clear and direct criticism, these are just wild accusation and you need to narrow it down and focus on something people can understand and respond too, otherwise nobody will want to read anything you write. Get it?

    “The actual facts will come out. The military will handle it. When the Propaganda is debunked and the real truth comes out will there be an apology for the Propaganda? So many previous stories have been debunked. Propaganda for hate is Anti American Freedomworks and the other Koch superpacs pay for Propaganda. Rush is a drug addict Jack who gets rich off hating. Freedom is not being dictated to by the few. Freedom for all not just those you like. Due process is what we fight for! The NDAA got rid of that. So which is it Tina? Americans get due process or Tea Party gets to pick and choose? Death Squad by Propaganda? Like I said I have no opinion on the case cause I have not heard the facts. But fear mongering causes more violence in the country.” Dewey

  10. Harold says:

    Everything about this Bowe Bergdahl trade should remind us just how out of touch President Obama is with ordinary Americans and American sensibilities.

    Just look at what has been learned.

    Obama reportedly expected that the American people would meet his egregiously lopsided deal exchanging’ five Osama bin Laden’s’ for one Benedict Arnold with a “euphoric” response. Isn’t that special!.
    Obama obviously doesn’t’t share the ordinary American’s concern about jihadist, his thoughts and direction were/are to close the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay by pretended we are not in a war with Islamic jihadist.

    Obama has made clear that he believes that radical Muslims have legitimate grievances against the United States

    Obama’s radar for terrorists is defective,if it exist at all. Obama, who truly wants to close Gitmo and release the worst of the worst global terrorists to kill Americans in the future either doesn’t’t care about our national security or is so naive about human nature and Islamic extremism that he might as well not care.

    The more we are learning about the deal the more it looks as though Obama didn’t have Bergdahl in mind at all in this exchange. Obama wasn’t primarily motivated to secure a soldier’s release at the “end of a war” as Obama claims. The war is not over and it will likely never be over for jihadist extremist, whose ranks are reportedly growing once more, with the sole dedication toward killing infidels.

    It is far likelier that Obama was motivated to release these killers and then looked around for a plausible cover, with or without getting Bergdahl.

    Simply, Obama is eager on closing Gitmo and when these 5 were released paves the way for that. I mean If we can release five of the worst, after all, why should we maintain the facility? Could that be Obamas end game?

    For Obama to have engaged in this exchange at all reveals his insensible mindset, but to do it against the advice of senators, the Pentagon and certain White House aides makes it very likely that he had an ulterior motive that had nothing to do with Bergdahl.

    If Obama had truly been looking for a wise exchange, he would’t have had to sidestep Congress, and he wouldn’t have had to cover up the truth about Bergdahl, and I’ll bet that soon theres the speculative prospect of removing evidence of Bergdahl’s desertion from classified files. Which I read somewhere were sealed until 2019

    Once again, Obama uses arrogance to justify his actions, when he sent Susan Rice out to lie for him, again! Now his aides have had to walk back what she said. The similarity is striking. Remember Jay Carney saying that Rice was talking about a video not in relation to the Benghazi attacks but concerning the Middle East in general? Now the White House is saying that Rice was not referring specifically to the circumstances of Bergdahl’s captivity when she said” he had served with honor and distinction” but to his service in general.

    Of all the blameworthy actions Obama has taken during his 5 1/2 years in office. He may have just outdone himself.

    A lot of credit on this post belongs to an article by David Limbaugh, that I used as a base and paraphrased

  11. Tina says:

    After reading just a few lines of Dewey’s disjointed, screed I am very sorry I wasted so much time explaining the error in his thinking and offering another way to look at things.

    Dewey, I seriously hope you are okay and if not suggest you seek help from a professional.

  12. Peggy says:

    Obama has lost his mind, is on his way to loosing it or believes we’re all so stupid he can get away with the worst act committed against this nation.

    He keeps talking about the ending of the war in Afghanistan as the reason he traded for Bergdahl. We’re not at war with Afghanistan, so what does the war ending in two years have to do with it.

    We are still at war with terrorist, which is who held Bergdahl hostage. And there is no ending to that war, at least not in the near future and especially since he just let five of their commanding officers and strategist free.

    I hope all of those who supported all of Obama’s past violations since Fast and Furious realize they contributed to his most recent act and will step up to stop any more he has planned for the next two year.

    At least psychiatrists are speaking out now questioning his mental stability and members of Congress will, hopefully, follow through with legal action to stop him from harming our country more.

  13. Peggy says:

    Tina, you deserve a gold star for trying to reason with Dewey. He appears to not be taking his meds and as you suggested needs professional help if he isn’t receiving it already.

  14. Peggy says:

    Jonathan Turley, an Obama supporter, has this warning for the WH.

    Law Professor Jonathan Turley: White House ‘Heading Into A Buzzsaw’ If Obama Defies Congress Over Bergdahl:

    George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley warned the White House it is “heading into a buzzsaw” if President Obama refuses to cooperate with congressional inquiries into why lawmakers were shut out of the trade of five dangerous Taliban prisoners for Army. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

    Turley spoke Friday with CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield about the growing anger on Capitol Hill over President Obama’s failure to give Congress 30 days’ notice before transferring prisoners from Guantanamo Bay — an action required by federal law.

    Some lawmakers — particularly Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley — are demanding the president turn over documents detailing Attorney General Eric Holder’s justification of White House’s refusal to follow the law and keep Congress in the loop.

    Turley explained that in this case, the White House would be wise to comply. “There’s a great deal [those documents] might tell us,” he noted, “including the dates of those documents, when the analysis occurred, the decision not to comply with this law.”

    “The administration can argue that when the president signed the law, he never intended to be bound by it,” the professor continued. “But he signed the law. It’s a federal law. And I don’t think there’s any serious argument that he violated the language of that law.”

    “Now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t argue these other constitutional points,” Turley admitted. “But the White House needs to be very careful. They have not played this thing very well. And they’re heading into a buzzsaw if they take an obstructionist position to Congress. Congress has an oversight duty. There is a law that’s been violated.”

    Turley later claimed he doesn’t buy the Obama administration’s argument that the president’s failure to notify Congress was legal under executive privilege.

    “Many of use believe it has gone too far,” he asserted. “That executive privilege is now shielding too much. … But putting that aside, Ashleigh, the White House would be wise not to fight this fight and to make the maximum amount of disclosures.”

  15. Harold says:

    “The release of five Taliban commanders in exchange for captured U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl has prompted critics to charge that those released could return to battle.

    And one of the five Taliban commanders released last week has indeed pledged to return to Afghanistan and fight Americans, a fellow fighter and a relative told NBC News.

    But how many of the more than 600 detainees transferred from Guantanamo Bay since 2002 have returned to lives of terrorism or crime is up for debate.”

    One would be to many,as well as a MAJOR warning to anyone with common sense or concern for America.
    For the entire article heres a link:

  16. Libby says:

    Buzzsaw? Our Congress? Our Congress can’t find it’s own fanny with both hands, let alone collaborate on sensible policy.

    You know, Turley and the rest of them are, in essence, saying they wanted to leave Bergdahl with the Taliban. Do you agree with that?

    And, one way or another, we’ve got to get Gitmo cleared. Do you really think these guys pose much of a threat? Other people hold the positions they once did, and will be, I expect, disinclined to give them up. I anticipate dissention and strife in the organization. Or, there is also, and perhaps I shouldn’t say it out loud, the intriguing possibility that we might have turned one or two of them. Though I would be amazed if this possiblity has not occurred to the current Taliban leadership.

    It’s very distressing that none of this seems to have occurred to our “leadership”. All they can think about is making political hay, and wondering, for the life of them, where it was they left that ass.

  17. Tina says:

    “And, one way or another, we’ve got to get Gitmo cleared.”

    No, we don’t. Anyone who has declared himself an enemy of the free world and acted on it deserves to be held.

    These are enemy combatants:

    Captured fighter in a war who is not entitled to prisoner of war status because he or she does not meet the definition of a lawful combatant as established by the geneva convention; a saboteur.

    The U.S. war against Terrorism that began after the september 11, 2001, attacks led to the invasion of Afghanistan, the toppling of the Taliban regime, and the aggressive dismantling of al-Qaeda terrorist strongholds within that country. Although many Taliban soldiers were released after the conclusion of the conflict, the United States took into custody over five hundred individuals they labeled enemy combatants. This designation, which is also referred to as unlawful combatants, gives detainees fewer rights than those conferred on prisoners of war by the Third Geneva Convention (1949).

    As always, radical leftist politics gummed up the works and made a mess of things.

    enemy combatants and would have been tried and convicted had lefty lawyers not stepped forward to treat them like POW’s or worse, citizens of the USA!

  18. Chris says:

    Tina: “Anyone who has declared himself an enemy of the free world and acted on it deserves to be held.”

    And, of course, if they are being held in Guantanamo without any kind of trial or admissible evidence, they must have done something really bad. Because you believe everything the government tells you, when it tells you what you want to hear.

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