Posted by Tina
A recent comment from Dewey got me to thinking about the rotten state of our economy and the decimation of the middle class. It’s a subject never far from my mind. Our government keeps trying to paint happy faces on economic news but we who actually live in the world outside of government and high money industries like sports and Silicon Valley giants of tech are living the reality of record poverty, high unemployment, static wages, staggering business closings, low and stagnant business sales, rising prices for energy and goods and government policy that frustrates growth and creativity.
So anyway, I was thinking about the economy and looking for something to post when I ran across a story in the Free Beacon, “Government Union Demands Major Upgrades to Taxpayer-Funded Research Facility – Newly completed water center at University of Alabama cost $18.8 million. Right off the bat the word “demand” grabbed my attention. I wasn’t far off base in my instantaneous cynical suspicions. A list of demands about how the facility should be decked out was submitted by the elitist union head who makes deals for government workers as if they were agents working for sports stars or top notch Hollywood actors. The list blew me away! See what you think:
“Cubicles will not be used in the building, each person will have their own office,” the union has demanded. The office walls will be a minimum of 3 inches thick and “insulated with ‘Quiet Batt 30 Soundproofing Insulation.'”
The offices will also be furnished with a desk from the Kathy Ireland Southampton Onyx Collection, have a “Freedom Task Chair with Headrest,” and a 51 inch Samsung television, with a cable package that includes all available news and weather channels.
Common areas will be painted the shade “marine” and all office areas will be painted in the shade “beeswax,” according to the document. The NWSEO also wants all artwork to be from “local artists within a 50 mile radius” of Tuscaloosa and the art is required to have a “water theme.”
Break rooms will also be furnished with Samsung TVs, a refrigerator, stove and oven, microwave, and an eating table that is “at least 18 square feet” as well as “10 Wynwood Garden Walk Arm Chairs.”
The union is also demanding that the break rooms be fully stocked with cleaning supplies before any employee starts working, and the women’s bathrooms be equipped with “personal feminine hygiene supplies.”
Outside, the union is requesting longleaf pine trees, water oaks, and camellias to be planted, and a minimum 100 by 100 foot plot for a “community garden.”
I don’t know about you but I’m thinking good old military green on the walls surrounding cubicles would be more in keeping with our governments massive debt and bloated bureaucratic waste. How about we shift the extra money on over to our vets for medical treatment instead?
The sense of entitlement boggles my mind. If our government actually performed well and gave us real bang for the buck, and if policies were creating a vibrant growing economy with great job opportunities, it might be different. As it is this is just absurd.
The union involved is NWSEO. It represents 4,000 NOAA employees.
You can view Kathy Ireland business furniture here.
A Samsung can run $500 to $1800 at Sears, depending on the model by the way. (Sears is closing stores)
Here’s a video that you will just love…remember, it’s fer da childern…
These educators have private pension accounts. The money, whether their own percentage of contribution or that of taxpayers is invested in the stock market…something Dems and their union thug pals deny the ordinary private sector working man when reforms to social security come up.
Unfortunately, many of the children most in need of a good education are not being served well by these syndicates of extortion. For the children my butt!
Slam dunk.
There are so many things wrong about Dewey’s post that I am overwhelmed by the deep left wing propaganda lunacy it represents. Duh, trade agreements are part of the process between nations.
Pacifica’s Democracy Now!
Source Watch
Re: “Social Security will not be privatized to get rid of it!”
No one is trying to get rid of Social Security. Some are trying to make it financially realistic and make it so it isn’t robbed (er borrowed from) to fund other big government programs.
What the hell is wrong with you? (Answer in links above.)
Dewey: “The Stock market should be a choice not demanded. Pensions were privatized to wall street and it pretty much wiped out my 401K which was a private pension plan before my employer was privatized.”
Dewey you are confused beyond measure. You really should learn more before you open your mouth.
I’d love to know what company you worked for that was “privatized.”
I can assure you that all 401K’s are private sector investment related. They cannot be “sold” to Wall Street or to the private sector. The private sector is simply citizens with ownership rights.
In America every citizen has the right to own property, hence, the private sector.
Government owned business is communism. The pretense is that the people own everything communally but that’s a joke; under communism the elites have the riches, the people have no rights to property ownership and live in shared misery. Government controlled business is fascism. Fascism glorifies the state and the people and business are controlled by the state. See this simple chart.
Most investors lost money when the stock market crashed in 2008 losing 50% of its value. The market hit a record high on October 9, 2007, closing at 14,164.43. 18 months later it had fallen to 6,594.44. Most people have seen their 401K investments return to previous levels and beyond. Friday the DOW hit a new high closing at 16,836.11. (Notice that is higher than prior to the crash.) The problem for many citizens since then is the policies of the current leadership have decimated the middle class and increased levels of poverty…there are no jobs because the government is hostile to business (It is fascist in this regard).
American companies are privately owned or they are owned by individual stock holders. Stock is an instrument of private ownership. If you own stock in a 401K you are in the private sector. If you are railing against Wall Street you are railing against yourself!
The proposal by George Bush to give citizens the OPTION to invest some of their social security contribution in a private 401K was a plan to give every citizen the right to own his investment like congress does, like the president does, like teachers and union members do. Private ownership is one of the cornerstones of freedom and the difference between liberty and tyranny. some idiot has been filling your head with lies.
“Wall Street is a casino and will crash again in the next couple years”
NO nimrod. Wall Street is a place that facilitates the trading of investments…the buying and selling of privately owned instruments. This is important… stock market crashes occur “when there are more sellers in the market than buyers.” Many different events can cause this condition. Most are not severe and recovery usually takes about 18 months. There are times when our government has adopted stupid regulations and when regulators fail to do their jobs and that can make things much worse, which is why we need to pull back the power of the federal government.
The market will likely crash again and this time it will crash because government has intruded with unworkable regulations on banking and business (including healthcare), encouraged private sector debt, amassed extreme levels of government debt, devalued the dollar, and blunted productivity. Consumer confidence is low and citizen involvement in the stock market is very low. One expert opinion:
The key for the average citizen is to find someone that knows what he’s doing to manage investments. a young person who does this will ride the waves of the market building a substantial nest egg over the years to retirement. Most suggest higher degrees of risk when we are young changing safer investments as we age.
“The unregulated high speed trades so fast no one can see them.”
Technology has introduced high speed trading in the market. The advantage to big investment houses is real but also relatively slight. The average citizen likely has his 401K housed with these big investors so they reap from the advantage too. People who trade stocks individually do have a slight disadvantage but in the bigger picture they are not disadvantaged any more than they were before technology made trading lightening quick.
“Congress members allowed to inside trade often bet against the American economy.
“Corporatism the modern style of fascism”
Correct but corporatism is government intrusion in the private sector…something you seem to support! You are either very confused or a poor communicator.
People have the capacity for evil and good. Any person can choose to head down an evil path be they a president, congressmen, military man, educator, worker. Corporations are not bad by definition. When politicians fail to live up to the ethical standards we expect and begin making deals to give advantage to specific companies (corporatism) we have a failure of government. Anyone who supports big government supports a greater chance that corporatism (fascism) will follow.When the judicial branch becomes politicized this likelihood is further facilitated…another good reason for a small federal government.
“Those on social security and military checks need to be glad they have them.” And they would have been better off and less dependent on the younger generation had the social security system been structured to give market gains to the every individual worker rather than becoming a slush fund for government borrowing!
“We are seeing the rise of corporatism where those with the money are the ruling class”
The only way to stop this unethical, un-American practice is to downsize the federal government and take power away from unethical Washington DC politicians…private companies do not write laws or regulations. They can influence how laws get written if they work with a crooked politician or party. Unions, by the way, are just as corrupt and controlling and create their own brand of fascist deal making with crooked politicians.
“It is a well known fact they want to rid Social Security for future generations, it is written.”
Yes you ignoramous…to give the power and ownership of your money back to YOU!
Right now the government is taking the money you give them out of your paycheck and SPENDING IT! A private account invested in safe instruments would yield every citizen a nest egg and that nest egg, since it is yours, could be passed on to your kids if you die early. Private ownership is the major advantage for the little guy and the only means to improved quality of life.
“The Children will be taken care of by us the working population! ”
Communism is no better than fascism. the only difference is that communism pretends to be fair! Under communism the people share misery(crumbs) while the elites of the government (under a dictator) share the wealth.
“CEO’s and corporations are having record profits…”
As are citizens with 401K investments!
“…it’s time to do things like stop paying for food stamps for the working poor of rich companies and get them a fair wage.”
What is a fair wage? Work has value. Some work is more valuable than other work. The best way for any American to make more money and improve his life is to improve his education or skill level. Government cannot dictate a fair wage. Every company is different and workers are free to seek the best job and pay they can get.
“Busting unions is just taking away any help for the workers.”
Unions ARE superpacs! the only reason people talk about “busting” union power is because they ahve demanded ludicrous compensation that bankrupts the company and sends jobs overseas OR in the case of government worker unions, bankrupts cuties and sticks it to taxpayers!
“Look at the Bills the house wrote that had names like “The Contraception Bill” But really read The employer could dictate what medical services your insurance policy could cover according to that employers religion.”
Dewey you are a mess. Neither companies nor government has any business dictating to people. Before the great government intrusion called Medicare government regulations on health insurance were designed to keep insurance companies honest so no single insurance company could become a monopoly, limiting competition and choice for citizens and so that citizens had a system of redress, protection, should an insurance company fail to act in good faith with its customers. Religious people were not forced to pay for services that conflicted with their religious beliefs and people wanting birth control coverage could be accommodated with a separate product. Only after government began to dictate was there a problem. Free market principles allow choices…they allow companies to design products customers want. Individuals are in control!!!!
“The Walton Children make up over 30% of Americas wealth and the tax payers pay to feed their workers?”
Three things:
1. The wealth the Walton family has accumulated is irrelevant to you and me. Wealth is not a static entity. It isn’t a pie to be divided by the people. Wealth is made and can grow. Individuals can and do grow their own wealth by saving and investing and when they do it isn’t a result of “taking” from others.
2. Tax payers pay for food stamps and other services because the government has written laws to create this giveaway.
3. Low wage jobs like those at WalMart provide an opportunity for those with low skills to enter the job market. Without them there would be no place for the under-educated or un-skilled person to start. These jobs are not career jobs. Many people who start at minimum wage at WalMart go on to higher level jobs within WalMart or move on to other higher paying jobs.
“The Union is the onlt thing fighting and educating the public.”
Horsefeathers! The unions are run by bosses and they are usually as corrupt as big government politicians. They fatten their bank accounts on the backs of the workers. They rely on mob rule to coerce and manipulate with no regard to the survival of the company or the taxpayer. Unions are thug organizations designed and built by communists and the mob element in America. (And the bosses LIE to the workers to keep them in line)
“PBO, The Congress, …. crickets…. So far every trade agreement by Presidents from both parties have hurt us.”
Dewey this is simply not true. Trade agreements are tricky because they can disadvantage some sectors if they aren’t done properly but generally speaking American workers and business profit from a larger consumer base and that is what trade supplies.
” Our trade deficits are hurting us.”
We have a trade deficit because our government has declined to make trade agreements while the rest of the world has! We are being left in the dust simply because we are not participating.
Jack and I favor a return to the American values and system that the founders bequeathed to us as a means of blunting all of the concerns you seem to have. It has been incredibly frustrating for us to have you load up your comments with unrelated punches and bumper sticker statements that do not further our cause which is freedom, private property rights and the rule of law and which relies on adherence to social values that protect that system. We have noticed a corrupting influence in government, in corporations, in unions, in education and the law and we work to reverse that trend. Your participation here is important but it has to begin with some respect for our goals and purpose. It sounds like you actually share our concerns and hopefully our goals.
do you love freedom? Are you proud to be an American? I ask because there are times when you seem more tied to communism and desire a tyrants control. You have made business the villian. It is my experience that any government that has the power to control business has the same power over the individual and neither brand of power should be acceptable to Americans.
I once again invite you to write about the TPP and help us inform our readers.
Spot on reply Tina, Information containing this much common sense is historically wasted on a person profoundly tuned out,tempestuous and typically vocal in a quarrelsome manner.
You know, this all only bugs you cause you’ve got this eternal burr under your saddle. These people tell you when the hurricanes are coming. They should work in a hovel?
The breakroom furnishing is not extravagant … at all. The walls have to be painted something, why shouldn’t they get to choose the color. They gotta spend all day there.
The naming of a furniture vendor smells just a little bit like graft, and that would have to be checked out, but probably they just want to make sure they don’t get stuff that’s gonna fall apart immediately.
Why shouldn’t the employees have something to say about the design and furnishing of a new workplace?
The IRS retreats, that was worth crabbing about. And the crabbing was effective. They don’t get to do that anymore.
You know what I think this is? … more kvetching “anti-science”. Its the NOAA that’s gonna be telling South Beach, Florida, just about when it’s territory will come to be under six inches of water … and completely without monetary value.
You don’t want to hear it.
Dewey it WAS NOT a Tea Party flag, it was a Revolutionary War flag and further that flag is used by many groups for many reasons, including some states that use the motto “Don’t tread on me.” Our first Marines also used this symbol.
There’s no one official Tea Party flag and there’s no connection to the Tea Party in this murder case The flag that I always see mostly at Tea Party demonstrations is the American flag.
How irresponsible of you of to say this about the Tea Party. You’re very close to libel and it was an incredibly stupid thing to say.
Oh, Lord, not another shooting by crazy people armed to the teeth? Can you believe that women didn’t call the cops?
I hope this is a real kick in the teeth to those “open carry” morons bringing their rifles into Denny’s. The only reason to bring a rifle to Denny’s is because you intend to shoot somebody with it.
So, if somebody brings a rifle into your Denny’s, CALL THE COPS!
And that goes for shopping carts full of armament on the street too. Honest to freaking C!
The neighbor lady spoke at length to her best friend (the female shooter) and then she excused herself and said they had to go start the revolution. The odd ball couple their loaded guns and ammo into a shopping cart and wheeled it towards the diner. The brilliant neighbor they were talking with said in hindsight, “Maybe I should have called the cops?” No…ya think?
Dewey the Gadsden flag has been in use since 1775. It’s not a Tea Party flag.
The TEA Parties motto is, Taxed Enough Already. Get it.
From Wikipedia. History of the Gadsden flag.
The Gadsden flag is a historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike. Positioned below the rattlesnake are the words “Dont tread on me”. The flag is named after American general and statesman Christopher Gadsden, who designed it in 1775 during the American revolution. It was also used by the Continental Marines as an early motto flag, along with the Moultrie Flag.
You really need to think before you speak and put a filter on your mouth.
Off topic, but an interesting article and charts.
Causes of Death in 1900 vs. Today: One Chart Puts Firearms & Natural Disasters Threat in Perspective:
When it comes to Poster #9, you have hope things soon will have gotten beyond ridiculous, but then his next comment is even more cockamamie.
Dewey, you are going way too far and connecting dots that do not connect. Fair warning: Do not slander the Tea Party with baseless accusations.
Libby every single employee gets his own sound proofed office and 51 inch flat screen? Really? And you don’t find it odd that these government employees who are paid by taxpayers are being extravagant? No wonder we are a nation of massive indebtedness. (And idiocy)
Ah, Peggy, I’m sorry, but denial is not an option here. Tea Partiers fly the flag at events; they wear the snake on their t-shirts, and, alas, the very last entry in the Wiki entry on the flag … mentions y’all.
And weren’t you all, on this very site, crowing your admiration for Cliven Bundy not too long ago. The crazies were admirers also.
These crazies are yours. Own it.
Dewey: “Funny I have experience”
See right there you show you are not very bright.
We all have experience. In most cases people reveal at least some of their experience in the things they post.
Your posts show you have very little experience when it comes to American ideals, the economy, the goals and ideals of the Tea Party and conservatives generally. In fact you rely completely on the caricature straw men propped up by the radical left. Your “experience” is limited which means your ideals have never been questioned or tested by you. Your blanket acceptance of totalitarian/socialist ideals doesn’t even occur to you, so indoctrinated and imprinted are you. This is why you have ti rely on standard leftist/union line and bumper sticker Occupy ignorance. So…your experience so far hasn’t been worth much, at least not on Post Scripts where often it is impossible to make sense of your erratic musings.
“…you follow paid propaganda and the majority disagrees with your views.”
Sure…that’s why all of the longstanding propaganda machines of the left persuasion, ACB,NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, PBS, NYT, etc. are all loosing market share and money. That’s why Media Matters, Salon, Huffington Post, The Nation, etc. are well matched, even outnumbered on the web…and that’s why not a single lefty can make it on radio…because everybody thinks just like you!
“The Tea Party flag left on the slain officers in Las Vegas will wake up those who need to realize we need to deal with the Tea Party problem.”
Planted by some thug in the SEIU for just that purpose, Dewey?
It’s more logical than your giant leap. We’ve seen how SEIU thugs
treat people who dare to try to sell this flag.
Of course, anyone with half a brain can see that these people are exactly the kind of people that would hang out with this woman or“>these folks. They look just the type to carry a sign like this, right.
Dewey you are deranged, my friend, which is a polite way of saying you have your head loaded and locked.
Dewey: “ect ect.” What is that? Illiterate moron.
More Dewey: “You are well aware of what is going on and the anti gov militia that wants to throw away democracy.”
We don’t have a democracy nimrod (yes its name calling, so what!)…we have a republic!
It was established after a long hard fight to throw off tyranny…the same kind of tyranny (and disrespect) that is on display now in the White House and in the Attorney general’s office and the EPA and a lot of other departments under Obama’s edicts!
The pair of likely drug addled wannabe shoot-em-up rebels are delusionally wrapped in fantasy movie script of their own making.
The Tea Party is not even an organization. There are no common T-shirts, there is no main building or structure with the name on it, and you won’t find a common constitution or manifesto. The Tea Party is an ideal shared by patriotic citizens seriously opposed to excessive taxation and tyrannical leadership and policy.
“The original funding name was the US Tea Party I believe 2002 funded by Koch and Tobacco.”
SO WHAT! There is nothing illegal, immoral, or unpatriotic about forming a group and giving it a name. They have every right to express their political views and spend as much money as they choose.
Tea Party is in common usage.
Your problem, the left’s problem, is the sheer number who spontaneously marched on Washington with very little advance notice! IT SCARED THE HELL OUT OF YOU! And so you pulled the race card…you accuse people of violent acts without a shred of evidence.
It was/is fascists and communists who work to silence people…Dewey, you fit right in.
“Hate and all liberals are radical leftists ect ect is exactly the language again own it”
How about you own your own hate, pal…and your desire to silence people, and your ignorance about most things. You can’t explain Reaganomics and you sure as hell don’t understand it. Even after it’s explained and demonstrated to you that it works better for middle class and poor people you resort to the same propaganda lies.
You also can’t explain the last five years of utter economic FAILURE, but you sure as hell can think you know it all.
I agree with Jack. You’re on a fast track to oblivion at PS…“Fair warning: Do not slander the Tea Party with baseless accusations.
Libby: ” Tea Partiers fly the flag at events; they wear the snake on their t-shirts, and, alas, the very last entry in the Wiki entry on the flag … mentions y’all.’
Oh yeah, a clear indication of reckless murderers! Call the cops…round us all up.
” The crazies were admirers also.”
Yep, that’s it. Round up the Tea Partiers and toss them all in the Gulog!
You’re nuts. Besides, more than a few lefties planted plotted against the government and even planted bombs. Should we also indict all of you for holding similar views, listening to the same music maybe or wearing the same garb? You did, you know you did!
Come on Libs…this line of thinking is pure BS and you know it.
Tina in Dewey’s world if somebody owns a Gadsden flag they must be in charge of the Tea Party and anything they do is because the Tea Party was behind it. That is beyond prejudice and beyond paranoid.
Tina: “We don’t have a democracy nimrod (yes its name calling, so what!)…we have a republic!”
A republic is a type of democracy, nimrod. And I guess by your logic both Bushes, Ronald Reagan and Sarah Palin are all nimrods too, since they have all called America a democracy.
Your excuse for this should be amusing, if nothing else.
It is quite clear at this point that the killers in this case were motivated by Tea Party rhetoric. They frequently cited conspiracy theories from Alex Jones’ on their Facebook pages. InfoWars is commonly cited here on Post Scripts and around the conservative blogopshere, and has been praised by no less than Matt Drudge. However, some of their views go beyond the typical Tea Party stuff; they are also very anti-cop, which is usually associated more with leftism but has found more support among the InfoWars crowd as of late as they have become more and more anti-government.
Now, is every single member of the Tea Party responsible for this? No, of course not. But let’s not pretend the Tea Party hasn’t been openly calling for violent insurrection against the government for the past several years. They have, and you know that they have. This culminated in the Bundy thing which showed how intertwined the Tea Party is with the militia movement and the kind of ignorant racism that prompted Bundy to wonder if blacks were better off under slavery.
Now that does not make all Tea Partiers are violent racists. What it makes you are enablers, people who didn’t stop and think about the possibility that someone might one day just act on your paranoid anti-government conspiracy theories.
You were warned.
#19 Libby: “Ah, Peggy, I’m sorry,..”
I’m glad you’re sorry, as you should be.
The Tea Party rally attendees also bring lots of American flags. Does that make them patriots and supporters of our Constitution or radicals.
Which is it, because both flags are just symbols of our countries history?
You and Dewey really are pathetic if you can’t see the waving of a flag represents pride and the desire to honor those who died under that flag.
That would be, at #19 “Libby”…right Peggy 😉
“You and Dewey really are pathetic if you can’t see the waving of a flag represents pride and the desire to honor those who died under that flag.”
Worse they are the lowest form of life if they accuse anyone that waves the flag as being of the same moral fiber as any who would murder waving that flag. They should instead further accuse the murderer of desecrating the flag by using it as a symbol of murderous rebellion!
Oops, “Tina” should be Libby. My big mistake. Sorry Tina.
Chris: But let’s not pretend the Tea Party hasn’t been openly calling for violent insurrection against the government for the past several years.”
Talking about the need to overthrow government when it has abandoned the principles of our founding and quoting the founders as justification is not the same as “openly calling for violent insurrection”. You are letting your imagination and prejudice run away with you.
It is also ridiculous to suggest that those who do openly call for violent insurrection represent any tea party group when no such association is established or apparent. it’s incredibly irresponsible to say such a thing.
“This culminated in the Bundy thing which showed how intertwined the Tea Party is with the militia movement”
The “Bundy thing” has been going on since the seventies! The administration has/did overstep its authority and continues to do so. Violence of the type engaged in by this couple is in no way associated with the “Bundy thing” or the Tea Party which focuses on taxes and government that has grown too big and overbearing.
The leftist radical political machine that seeks to control the narrative conflates for effect. You swallow the narrative hook line and sinker.
“…that prompted Bundy to wonder if blacks were better off under slavery.”
Not under “slavery” you a$$hole! As working people.
Plenty of white people picked cotton and quite a number of free blacks were sharecroppers who picked their own cotton along with the cotton raised for the landowner. (Free blacks also owned slaves!)
Typical liberal can’t hear what someone says because he LIVES inside that race card box.
“What it makes you are enablers, people who didn’t stop and think about the possibility that someone might one day just act on your paranoid anti-government conspiracy theories.”
Oh right. Instead of just holding the responsible party to account we should restrain speech and never criticize our leaders or point out the reasons for forming this country because some nut ball might go off and murder people. Yeah…like that’s what the left did under Bush. They restrained their speech.
“You were warned.”
Oh please! What arrogance.
You were advised that electing this inexperienced Marx educated fundamental transformer would destroy our economy and end in disaster. It didn’t stop you from putting him in the White House twice!
We can’t prevent people from committing acts of murder and it is idiocy to hold anyone but the murderers responsible. But the ignorance that elected and re-elected Obama is inexcusable and a direct result of an education and cultural failure.
Tina: “Violence of the type engaged in by this couple is in no way associated with the “Bundy thing””
Of course it is. The Las Vegas shooters attempted to join militia members at the Bundy Ranch. (To the militia’s credit, they did not accept them because of the husband’s criminal record).
Miller also made this comment on his Facebook page:
“Ranch war almost under way. [W]e need to watch this closely, could be the next Waco and start of revolution”
This comment is indistinguishable from hundreds of other conservative comments about the Bundy situation. How can the American people be sure that any of these commenters won’t also act on their desire for “revolution?”
Calls for insurrection against the government were common at the Bundy ranch. Certainly you remember some militia members even admitting they were prepared to use women as human shields if the cops started firing.
“Not under “slavery” you a$$hole! As working people.”
It is very stupid not to fact-check yourself before attempting to correct me and calling me names, Tina. Cliven Bundy DID openly wonder if blacks were better of under slavery:
“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
Do not insult me like that again. I fact-check everything I post here. You, clearly, do not. Only a fool goes up against someone more informed than themselves with this kind of arrogance.
Ignorance and arrogance. What an unattractive combination.
“Oh right. Instead of just holding the responsible party to account we should restrain speech”
Every person has a responsibility to restrain their speech to some degree. I have not proposed that the government restrict this type of speech. I have simply asked you to be more careful, and to think seriously about the things you are saying.
Obviously that’s too hard for you.
I didn’t like Bush but I never made violent threats against him and I would never support anyone who would.
Chris: “A republic is a type of democracy, nimrod. And I guess by your logic both Bushes, Ronald Reagan and Sarah Palin are all nimrods too, since they have all called America a democracy.”
The difference is important since most wood agree the caricature militia that Dewey was so concerned about would probably support democracy…democracy amounts to mob rule. lefties are fond of it too.
Tina, why do you have to go all … extravagant?
You all were trying to deny an undeniable link between your movement and crazy murderers … and I wouldn’t let you.
That’s all.
I never said that YOU, here, were crazy murderers. But it might be possible for a person to infer from this undeniable connection that people who hold “Tea Party” sorts of opinions are more likely to do great bodily harm. It might.
On the other hand, I don’t believe that there’s every been, say, a “pro-choicer” who has murdered a doctor for refusing to perform abortions. No PETA affiliate has, as yet, stormed a McDonalds and machine-gunned the patrons. We just don’t seem inclined toward that sort of thing.
I know you wish you could say the same … but you can’t.
And I, almost, even forebore to rub Jack’s nose in the “effectiveness” of his “armed civilian”.
(So sad … I just couldn’t not do it.)
Libby: “You all were trying to deny an undeniable link between your movement and crazy murderer”
Libby you are simply engaging in button pushing when you know dam* well there is no “link”…it’s your perverse, adolescent payback cause your leftist position is exposed and looking so terribly BAD!
It may very well be that this pair thought of themselves as Tea Party types…on the other hand their behavior was similar to some of the characters that hung around the occupy movement or the nutball animal rights groups.
““Tea Party” sorts of opinions are more likely to do great bodily harm”
Libby you just love to needle…all those liberal ideas are looking like a pile of crap about now and its the only defense you have.
” We just don’t seem inclined toward that sort of thing.”
As I said before…your fringers prefer blowing things up for major impact. Of course you reward them and they go on to become professors and college chancellors and such. Plus I imagine quite a number of the millions aborted were done in by die hard lefty feminists. And the Chic-fil-A guy was a lefty.
This strategy to paint all liberals as saints and all conservatives as mean and deadly is just stupid as any reasonable person KNOWS.
“The difference is important since most wood agree the caricature militia that Dewey was so concerned about would probably support democracy…democracy amounts to mob rule. lefties are fond of it too.”
I’m sorry, is this word salad supposed to MEAN something?
Are you denying that a republic is, by definition, a type of democracy? Are you denying that Reagan, both Bushes and Palin have all called the U.S. a democracy?
Are you ready to admit you were wrong when you said Cliven Bundy was not talking about slavery, and called me an asshole for accurately describing his statements?
Will you ever admit you are wrong about anything?
“It may very well be that this pair thought of themselves as Tea Party types …”
which would, I’m sorry Tina, make them Tea Party types. It’s not like you set an examination and issue licenses, now is it?
“… on the other hand their behavior was similar to some of the characters that hung around the occupy movement or the nutball animal rights groups.”
What the …? Do they teach you this in “The Blaze Academy of Big Lies”?
Occupiers didn’t shoot; they got shot (or bludgeoned, I can’t remember … definitely gassed). And the PETAs do property damage, not murder.
Do this again, and I will have no choice but to use the “L” word again, and we’re trying to be civil here.
It may very well be this couple thought of themselves as progressives! Why else would they shoot police officers. Officers of the law are the considered heroes of conservatives as much as they are despised by the liberals. But, since we do not know and it doesn’t matter anyway (what difference does it make now?) I won’t speculate. Comment withdrawn.
“Libby every single employee gets his own sound proofed office and 51 inch flat screen? Really?”
No. The flat screen goes in the break room. While it isn’t strictly necessary, it’s quite common. I diligently avoided the breakroom in my last place for that very reason.
And you’ve never spent time in a corporate-type office building trying to conduct your own business when the clown next door is recounting his latest golf outting, not even that loudly. Inter-office walls generally are not insulated, and they should be. (The unrestrained farts are the most entertaining. It’s hard to remember that, visible walls notwithstanding, your neighbors can hear EVERYTHING.)
You’re just being unreasonable, making pronouncements about things you have no experience or knowledge of. Keep this up and I’ll start calling you Juanita.
Libby you didn’t read that very carefully:
“You’re just being unreasonable, making pronouncements…”
And you are displaying that incredible sense of entitlement that demands Wall Street accoutrements for taxpayer funded jobs.
Sorry lady, these demands are over the top, particularly from a supporter of the party that has creates such a lousy economy for us private sector working schlubs.
You really, really, really can’t face it … can you? Your fringe murders people. They murder doctors, and gay people, black people and cops. Their victims are wide ranging and choosen on the basis of entirely irrational animus.
The same animus you’re now displaying against refugee children, fer pity’s sake.
It is what it is. Live with it.
(I hear Brit Hume got his clock cleaned for suggesting that American conservatives to the decent thing re the situation. I’d love to know how many denizens of this site sent nasty emails.)
Jack, we do know, and there is no reason to speculate. The killers have been very clear about their political views. You are right that cop-hating isn’t all that common among the Tea Party–a point I’ve already made–but it is becoming more common on the far right fringe, as seen by the InfoWars articles the couple frequently linked to. (Gotta hand it to them, at least their hatred of government is consistent.)
I for one feel ashamed that they were Batman fans who liked to dress up as the Joker and Harley Quinn, two of my favorite characters. But Batman fans typically don’t really sit around and talk about overthrowing the government, so I’m not really putting any of the responsibility on that group.
Ok. The TV is too much. They can watch on their monitors like everybody else.
But the rest is just SOP fer yer government scientist-type agency, and you’re just being irrationally resentful … like always.
Libby I’m sure this means you have turned over a new leaf and will have only praise for the next Republican president…can’t wait for the chance to chat in 2017.
Tina, you’ve not been paying attention, lo, these previous seven years. You do remember Mitt? You can’t have forgotten Mitt!
He thought the white boys were going to put him into the White House. Alas, there are, no longer, enough white boys to do that.
And you have to know, Cantor’s demise has cinched it. For the next 50 years, there is not an Hispanic wage earner in this country that will vote GOP.
You has fried yerselves. You are a minority party for the foreseeable future. And we’ll be monitoring your weapon acquisition … yes, we will.