Posted by Tina
Train up a child in the way which he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. ~ Bible, Proverbs 22:6
Good fathers are greatly needed in our society. According to several studies, cited here, it is men who are most influential in establishing moral grounding and discipline in children. A quote from the MSNBC study:
“…teenagers whose fathers are more involved in their lives are less likely to engage in risky sexual activities such as unprotected intercourse. While an involved mother can also help stave off a teen’s sexual activity, dads have twice the influence.” Men are not just some small incidental with no significance as they are often regarded. Fathers have a large and very important role in the lives and futures of their children—in fact, double the influence on the moral development.
When I look around at the condition of our society, at the unprecedented numbers of children who feel betrayed or abandoned by their parents, who struggle because of a broken family structure, or who end up on the streets or in prison the truth in this study seems obvious.
We have spent several decades promoting and supporting women, minorities and diversity generally and in the process we have forgotten to value the men in our lives. Big mistake…huge! So on this Fathers Day 2014 let us vow to thank and revere the men in our lives. Let us vow to return them to their rightful, necessary place in our homes and our children’s lives.
Those who enjoy or appreciate a Christian perspective will also enjoy “What being a father taught me about God,” by Matt Lewis, The Week
Happy Fathers Day to our fathers and grandfathers and to all men who dream of being good fathers. We at Post Scripts appreciate and value the contribution fathers make not only in their commitment to us as individual children but in our families and communities. Tina and Jack