Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Sounds Off in Support of Furguson Police Force

Posted by Tina

I am extremely impressed by a number of black men that have come forward lately to call out the irresponsible posturing of Attorney General Eric Holder and the race baiting faithful who never let an opportunity to create division and strife go to waste. The latest being County Sheriff David Clarke who made headlines last year when he encouraged the citizens of Wisconsin to arm themselves responsibly for protection. Now he’s appalled and angry at the automatic assumption and suggestion by Eric Holder, Governor Jay Nixon, Senator Claire McCaskill and others that police officers in Ferguson engage in racial profiling. He believes their words and actions made the situation worse:

Clarke argued on Fox News on Friday that the trio was “insinuating that our law-enforcement officers across the United States engage in some nefarious or systematic and cultural attempts to violate people’s civil rights.”

“I thought that was a slap in the face to every law-enforcement officer in America who puts on the badge and the uniform everyday to go out and risk their lives in service to their community,” he said.

Clarke specifically called on Holder to either further explain himself or apologize to law enforcement for “adding hot sauce to this volatile situation.”

“He doesn’t owe me an apology, but the men and women I know of do not have that kind of maliciousness in their hearts and I thought that that was a poor display in terms of leadership,” Clarke said.

We have laws in our nation. We use those laws to hold individuals responsible when they do wrong. We gather the facts and use the courts to prosecute and determine wrong doing. American justice is supposed to be blind justice. It does not recognize color, class, position, or creed. So when people in leadership, like Eric Holder, use their voices to foment animosity, to brand entire organizations or races within organizations, and to taint the jury pool they serve no one and disgrace the office they hold.

Eric Holder was not elected Attorney General to fix perceived social wrongs or to work out his personal demons and problems. He should try therapy for that or do volunteer work if social work is his focus. As the Attorney General it is his job is to be blind and to see that justice is done for the nation. He works for all of the people and not just, as he has sometimes put forth, “his people.”

I applaud Sheriff Clarke for voicing his disdain. Our nation needs strong clear voices like his now more than ever because of the divisive policies, posturing, and activism of this administration.

The heart and soul of America lives and breathes in the ideals of freedom and equality. It is made manifest in respect for the rule of law and for the rights and property of the individual. It survives only when all men and women comport themselves responsibly, honoring those ideals. Every day, in ways both large and small, ordinary Americans are stepping up to do battle for the heart and soul of America. Every day those men and women reaffirm their determination and vision when they speak out. It is through this dedication, and not divisive activism, that the battle for freedom and equality will be won.

Video of Clark available at National Review, linked in the first paragraph. Support Officer Wilson here.

Bonus: Bill Whittle is his usual spot on self on this issue!

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2 Responses to Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Sounds Off in Support of Furguson Police Force

  1. Peggy says:

    Ben Carson is another black man who is speaking out on what is taking place in Ferguson, MO.

    Ben Carson on Ferguson: We Should Remember ‘Police Are Individuals Too’:

    Ben Carson Challenges Al Sharpton to a Debate:

    My understanding is Mr. Sharpton has not agreed to debate Dr. Carson, but Jesse Jackson has agreed to on the Chris Wallace Fox News Sunday show. It should be worth watching.

  2. Peggy says:

    Could this be why the situation in Ferguson went to hell in a hand-basket so fast?

    From Politico

    Revved Up
    How Al Sharpton became Obama’s go-to man on race:

    “A few days after 18-year-old Mike Brown was gunned down in Ferguson, Missouri, White House officials enlisted an unusual source for on-the-ground intelligence amid the chaos and tear gas: the Rev. Al Sharpton, a fiery activist who became a household name by provoking rather than pacifying.

    And the White House, as the crisis following Brown’s death seemed to flare out of control, worked extensively behind the scenes to maximize The Rev’s doing what he does, using him as both a source of information and a go-between. After huddling with Brown’s family and local community leaders, Sharpton connected directly with White House adviser and First Friend Valerie Jarrett, vacationing in her condo in the exclusive Oak Bluffs section of Martha’s Vineyard, not far from where President Obama and his family were staying. Obama was “horrified” by the images he was seeing on TV, Jarrett told Sharpton, and proceeded to pepper him with questions as she collected information for the president: How bad was the violence? Was it being fueled by outside groups—and could Sharpton do anything to talk them down? What did the Brown family want the White House to do?”

    Read more:

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