9/11 Approaches – Terrorist Chat Unusual Volume

by Jack

hamasterroristsBritain has upped it’s terrorist alert warning to severe, the highest we’ve seen in years meanwhile the USA has no terrorist alert warning in place. The color code system was abandoned in 2011 and replaced by a national terrorist advisory system. Global security centers have been tracking communiques between Muslim terrorist to Muslim terrorist and Muslim terrorist to Muslim terrorist cells and they have noted a marked increase, similar to that that preceded the attack on the USA in 2001.

Recent video threats directed at the USA by ISIS warns they are coming, but nothing is coming from the White House. Threats dismissed – no need for extra security. The silence at this time suggests absolutely no need for concern here or abroad and that is very strange given the internet/phone chatter and the new threats. This is in stark contrast to the handling by PM David Cameron. He’s issued high alert warnings. Yet the most recent ISIS death threats were directed at the US, not the UK.

Breast Implant Bombs: In the UK, Heathrow Airport is on high terror alert amid fears women suicide bombers are ready to strike with ­explosives concealed in breast implants. Security checks have been beefed up after “credible” intelligence that al-Qaeda is plotting attacks on airlines flying out of London. One staff member said: “There are genuine fears over this. “We have been told to pay particular attention to females who may have concealed hidden explosives in their breasts. “This is particularly difficult for us to pick up but we are on a very high state of alert.”

Al-Qaeda’s chief bomb-maker Ibrahim al-Asiri is understood to have developed the method of foiling airport scanners by concealing ­explosives in an implant or bodily cavity.

Apparently Obama is unconcerned by these recent developments and as 9/11 approaches not a peep is being heard from our security people. Weird.

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3 Responses to 9/11 Approaches – Terrorist Chat Unusual Volume

  1. Peggy says:

    Thanks 447. No I hadn’t seen it. We know another attack is coming. We just don’t know when, where and how big.

  2. Tina says:

    Good read from Robert Spencer at PJ Media, “Who Lost Britain.” It’s is an eye opener…lots of links, take your time.

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