Posted by Jack
Obama’s Deceptions Are Crafted to Protect and Promote His Own Godhead
Why is it that it’s always the politicians who promote their honesty, who promise the most corruption free and the most transparent actions while in office wind up being almost the polar opposite? If you are a truth defender and you believe in accountability, this article is your cup of tea. The following are excerpts from an article by Stanford’s Victor Davis Hansen for the National Review. A link is posted at the bottom for the full version, definitely worth the read!
Remember the al-Qaeda-is-on-the-run 2012-election talking point? It was mostly a lie. The administration deliberately released to sympathetic journalists only those documents from the so-called Osama bin Laden trove that revealed worry and dissension among the terrorists.
Recent disclosures by some of the combatants about the night of the Benghazi attack remind us that almost everything Jay Carney, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama swore in the aftermath of the debacle was knowingly false. A video did not cause the attack. The rioting was not spontaneous. A video-maker, an American resident, was soon jailed, while one of the suspected killers was giving taped interviews at a coffee house in Benghazi. There were ways of securing the consulate and the annex that were not explored, both before and during the assault. Talking points were altered. Again, the catalyst for untruth was reelection worries by an administration that believes its exalted ends of social justice allow any means necessary for reaching them.
Untruths promote his agenda and reputation, but what happens when the truth comes out?
Has anything the administration said about pulling our troops out of Iraq proven true? Was it really the Iraqis’ fault or George Bush’s? Was our leaving proof that Iraq might be one of the administration’s “great achievements”? Was the Iraq that we left without any peacekeepers really “stable”? On more than ten occasions the president bragged on the campaign trail that he alone had ended American involvement in Iraq. When Iraq predictably blew up after our departure, he snarled to reporters that he was angry that anyone would dare accuse him alone of being responsible for our precipitate departure.
Was there any element of “reset” with Russia that was accurate? Obama came into office lambasting the prior administration for alienating Russia — when all it had done was adopt some rather moderate measures to punish Russia for invading Georgia. Reset, in truth, was a remission of punishments — from missile defense with the Czechs and Poles to cut-offs of some high-level negotiations — and thus served as a signal to Putin and his subordinates that Obama believed America had been wrong to react to Georgia. And we know what followed from that.
On issues where the public is at odds with the administration, the Obama team too often makes things up to hide its isolation. Little the administration has stated about the IRS scandal has proven true. It was not a slip-up in one local office; nor were liberal groups equally targeted. There was quite a bit more than a “smidgen” of corruption. The administration’s strategy was to make so many things up that the public got confused and the matter went away. The corruption worked to defang the Tea Party in 2012, and the cover-up — except for fall woman Lois Lerner, who took the Fifth Amendment — worked even better.
The result is that almost any time the president makes reference to the past, ours or his, we can assume two things: His facts are wrong, and they are wrong in a way that is meant to highlight his own godhead.
The alternative is truth.
Our former President was mocked and ridiculed over more than eight years and now we find out he spoke the truth.
He predicted in 2007 that every single thing that is happening today would happen if we did not follow through with his strategy and follow the advice of our generals in Iraq!
Obama thought he knew better and dismissed Bush’s advice.
The President is the icon the left has waited for since Kennedy was cut down in the sixties. He embodies every failed peacenik ideal, every failed socialist position, every big government solution that they have trumpeted for decades. It isn’t just President Obama that speaks these untruths. Those who speak untruths are most of the Democrat Party leadership and the left media and activists that promote him and the failed ideals and agenda.
Obama’s fellow democrats are having a hard time telling the truth too.
Watch Jon Stewart Dismantle Democrats Running from Obama – Piece by Hilarious Piece:
How do you know a democrat is lying? His lips are moving.
More “Untruths”
Letter: Holder Aide Accidentally Calls Issa Staff for Help Spinning IRS Scandal:
I watched Obama on a video say Hirohito surrendered to MacArthur. Emperor H was not even the same ship. I can’t afford Obama’s health insurance. The deduction is too high. I might as well not have health insurance.
Hey Axel thanks for sharing. I heard that too!
Man, sorry about the insurance problem. Spread the word. Obamacare must go. It just doesn’t work for too many people and too many reasons.
Yeah Axel, sorry to hear about your ObamaCare insurance problem. I hear you’re not alone. There are so many people pissed off about ObamaCare and scared with what’s going on with ISIS the DemonRats are in a panic for the 2014 election. Pollsters are even predicting a “wave” election for the Republicans. If they get the Senate too and the WH in 2016 they can get rid of OC and replace it with items the Democrats refused to even consider when they had control of Congress.
Have to get everyone to the voting booths to make it happen!!
Holly SH$%!! This was just posted to FaceBook and is going viral.
“Several weeks ago I was made aware of a bus of illegal invaders at the Social Security Office here in Memphis. I went to check it out for myself and couldn’t believe what I saw. A bus load of Illegal Invaders with Mexico Passports, and Visas, being issued Social Security Numbers. At the time I was unsure if they were there for money or something else. What I’ve learned is that they were issued the passports at the border as they crossed and then at our “The Tax Payers Expense” driven all day and night to the Social Security Office in Memphis to be issued SSN’s.
We know that every swing county in every swing state in America had far more people vote in the last presidential election than they had registered voters due to dead people voting, people getting in line and voting over and over again and others voting multiple times in different locations. This is the result of allowing people to vote without an ID. I believe with all my heart that illegal Invaders are being assisted at our borders with the issuance of Passports & Visas, then bused to Social Security Offices all over the country to obtain a SSN at tax payer expense and then likely bused to strategic locations or states within our country where Democrats are in trouble and that this will be an attempt by a very corrupt President and Democratic Party to create a new, increased, overwhelming illegal voter base in an effort to steal retention of the Senate in the upcoming Senatorial Race in November. There are 3 videos I will be posting and I will attempt to post them as quickly and closely together as I can. Watch as a bus driver claims to know no English but was able to read our signs as he drove these invaders around our country. This is the first of 3 videos, the last of which I try to explain what had just happened. At first I thought our government may have been giving them Food Stamp Cards and or money and I don’t know that they weren’t but keep in mine that what I do know now is they were definitely receiving everything they needed to be here without any pressure from law enforcement but everything they would need to work and vote. Regardless it all looks, sounds and smells rotten to me and I just wonder if it will to you too.”
Should the Repubs win the day at the voting booth, they will have to perform. Remains to be seen if those in DC will listen to the folks instead of “business as usual.”
For the good of the country, I certainly hope it’s the former as we are not being well served by the Beltway Bloviators.
Criminals with a D after their names are getting away with all kinds of illegal and anti-Constitutional activity. Are there enough loyal Americans with honor left to stop this corruption? I guess we will see but I have to say it doesn’t look good. Ultimately it’s the people that have allowed this to happen.