Psycological Profile: Internet Trolls

internet-trollPosted by Tina

I came across a provocative article this evening that suggests internet trolls share certain traits linking them to “narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadistic personality. Internet trolls are people who drop by a blog or other forum just to ruffle feathers and frustrate and demean the regulars. Political trolls are also bent on damaging the opinions expressed on a blog by confounding and confusing the issue. They are uninterested in conversation or “sadistic” discussion but seek to distress others:

Trolls truly enjoy making you feel bad. To quote the authors once more (because this is a truly quotable article): “Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others. Sadists just want to have fun … and the Internet is their playground!” …

…Psychology today has some sage advice when it comes to dealing with internet trolls, “(1) These trolls are some truly messed up people and (2) it is your suffering that brings them pleasure, so the best thing you can do is ignore them.”

Hmmm…there have been times when some of you have chosen to disengage. Perhaps you were onto something.

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12 Responses to Psycological Profile: Internet Trolls

  1. Chris says:

    I don’t think I’ll ever understand why anyone would use abusive and hateful language against others just to get attention. Seriously, what kind of right-wing radio host would do such a thing?

  2. Peggy says:

    This guy is right. Why else would someone troll blogs to attack, belittle and demand they’re right and everyone with a different opinion is wrong? They have to be getting their “jollies” from feeling they’re superior by demeaning those who disagree.

  3. Tina says:

    I agree Peggy. I have decided to alter my responses permanently from now on. There are four levels (at least) of trolls. Some more obvious than others. Recent postings by me and others have made this reality suddenly stand out in living color.

    Sorry about the bold type…I’ll close that puppy here in a sec…

  4. Dewey says:

    Many trolls are paid – not all. Also if you do not realize the NSA, FBI ect troll they do.

    All Blogs, Chats, emails are collected and they use meta data to screen as well as other techniques.

    You can not watch a livestream without troll bots in the chat repeating hateful things by bot.

    Welcome to the new world.

    But the hateful things said about people who disagree or do not want a corporate owned fascist society as we have now is not really trolling. Trolling is an attempt to break up a conversation by making it impossible for others to speak.

    That is why you see hateful comments roll at a fast pace in open chats during a broadcast or livestream.

    Never underestimate your safety in these places they steal your ip’s and some are dangerous people The rest are haters and contracted gov agencies.

    So I take these articles with a grain of salt. Trolls are not all normal citizens… look at Yahoo questions….. Company trolls repeating the same racist questions and many sock accounts.

    That Paul Grass deal is fake and has been trademarked. I have secretly taped some GOP troll training classes as well. I got caught recording and was asked to leave but I got some footage still.

    When you get out there and investigate you are sickened by what you see….Not American

  5. Peggy says:

    Great idea Tina. I don’t know how you’ve done it for this long. It’s had to take a toll on you.

    Reading discussions from individuals is interesting, while reading arguments especially the same ones over and over is not. There are certain individual’s comments I don’t read at all. They say the same thing without contributing anything.

    Hopefully, those who used to contribute will return. I miss their comments.

  6. Tina says:

    I guess my situation is that I do love the exchange of thoughts and ideas. I am willing to tolerate a certain amount of contention as long as a certain level of respect is maintained. Once breached it becomes pretty easy to get sucked in and take a tumble down the rabbit hole.

    Looking forward to better times.

  7. Dewey says:

    Attention Peggy skip this!

    You do not understand what a troll is my dear.

    A troll is not someone who disagrees.

    The comments of hate and accusations are not even trolling. But then again education is not important in this country.

    Epic Fail. Stop taking facts as personal attacks and attacking people.

    You see to disagree is healthy and a right.

    To live in a Bubble of non factual information and follow propaganda is not healthy and dangerous.

    better yet Foe a Christian I say the attacks on people and selfishness is anti Christian at best, so be nice, recognize facts and disagree if ya want.

    But you do not understand what trolling is for sure.

  8. Tina says:

    The point that ugly or hateful comments aren’t trolling is valid, however, you don’t have to be a troll to share the common traits: “narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadistic personality.”

    Alinsky was a classic Machiavellian: “the view that politics is amoral and that any means however unscrupulous can justifiably be used in achieving political power.”

    Anyone who believes that has to be sadistic.

  9. Dewey says:

    Tina here is an official psych review…if the shoe fits

  10. Tina says:

    Dewey the first sentence from the link includes the following supposedly about the “paranoid” tea party hodge podge of groups:

    …spout frankly paranoid beliefs as received wisdom, e.g. the Federal Reserve is our enemy and should be abolished

    If memory serves you have posted in comments here that the federal Reserve should be abolished.

    If the shoe fits…

    Of course who would be stupid enough to take the word of an obvious left-winger passing himself off as informed.

    Isn’t it a bit unethical for someone representing the profession to make such broad judgements on people based solely on their own politic animosity toward a group?

  11. Dewey says:

    Tina it was for fun a Joke lighten up girl!


    You are always so attacking and accusatory

    Try having a conversation… I do not agree with the Tea party and will never vote for them to overthrow democracy but that does not mean the issues should not be intelligently discussed using facts.

    facts seem to upset you.

    Whether it’s Chris or me we are always attacked for not pulling the Tea party Line… well the majority of Americans do not agree but do I ever say you can not have your opinion? No

    Also The name calling and hate is not very Christian so cut it out do I call you names? No

    ya see I do not want to dictate to you by law how to live your life and I do not want you to try and dictate to me how to live my life

    Is that so Bad?

  12. Tina says:

    I will “never vote for them to overthrow democracy” either Dewey because none of them want to overthrow democracy.

    You are incredibly thick. You write: “ya see I do not want to dictate to you by law how to live your life and I do not want you to try and dictate to me how to live my life”

    I have never tried to dictate how you live your life.

    I have expressed my opinions about life…expression is not dictating. I have no more power over you than you have over me. Get it?

    I doubt it. It’s impossible to converse with an output channel.

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