1. The Enterprise Record Newspaper makes the rules, not Post scripts, we only abide by them.
2. And example of the ER’s rules would be, deliberately name calling, libel, vulgarities, or threats of violence violate the rules for publication.
3. Post Scripts is mostly self policing, commenters are expected to abide by the rules and use good taste and that allows us time to bring you interesting articles.
4. There may come a time when it’s necessary for Post Scripts personnel to invoke censorship, but being a censor is not what we signed on to do. We hate doing that, it runs against the grain, so we give you wide latitude, but when necessary see #2 and #3.
5. Post Scripts aspires to be family friendly site with news and views people can use and/or appreciate, thus the reason for rules #3 and #4.
6. Post Scripts tries to be 100%accurate, but we’re not perfect. We are die-hard, unapologetic, conservatives and it shows in what we choose to write or post, so we do have a bias and you should know that, but we also try very hard to be fair and accurate (unlike our counterparts on the far left).
7. Articles older than 7 days may, at the discretion of the PS staff, close the comment section. The main reason for this is to block spammers who use old posts to spam us relentlessly.
8. We encourage anyone who is motivated, to submit articles for consideration of posting on page one! To be successful, keep it pithy and of wide interest to folks. Preferably, it should not exceed 250 words, but if it runs over make sure its worth it!
9. Comments… pro or con, critical or praise, are always welcome. We will never censor anyone for posting a contrary opinion to our own, or for pointing out an error. Please point out errors anytime, it helps us do a better job. As the comment does not violate the basic rules for civility, see 2,3, and 4, it will be posted. Spam will never knowingly be posted. Links to other sights may be posted as long as those sites do not contain porn or otherwise violate our basic rules.
Post Scripts is entering its 10th year and with the exception of Anthony Watts International Weather site, we remain the most read of all blogs in the ER. We thank you for our success and we thank the ER for recognizing our contributions and dedication these many years. To that end, Tina and I started the new year with a very nice 50% salary increase with another big increase to follow July 1st. In addition, we also received a very generous Christmas bonus that exceeded all previous years bonuses by a factor of 4! But, as nice as the money is, what we can’t put a price on is what it means for us to write PS, seriously… we can’t put a price on it (you know we do this for free, right? lol). But, it does mean a lot to us to write it for you, you are that important to us!
Thank you ER, PS, Jack and Tina. I enjoy checking in almost every day to see what’s going on and reading what others say.
Since Fox News and Dish are still duking it out I’m kind of out of the news loop and relying on FB post as to what is going on. After watching for a couple of days CNN and MSNBC I understand now why Fox News is the #1 rated news channel.
So, here’s my latest find. Did you all hear Louie Gohmert is running against Boehner for speaker? Go Louie!!
For those interested in the Benghazi cover-up here is the latest from the desk of Sharyl Attiksson, investigative reporter.
26 Ways the Media Botched Their Reporting on the Latest Benghazi Report:
That is so good Peggy, you really are tuned in to the best information. You would have made a great analyst at Langley.
Sharyl Attiksson gets all of the credit. She is a great investigative reporter. I get her articles on FB. Just friend her and you will too.
She’s suing DOJ/Holder. Hope she wins!!
‘Challenging the federal government’: Sharyl Attkisson sues the DOJ:
Oh yeah, love your picture on FB. You both look really good.
CONGRATS to Post Scripts for breaking the 10-year mark, and THANX to Jack and Tina for their hard work! You folks ROCK!
I love post scripts! Keep writing. You say what I am thinking.
Don’t you just love it when liberals complain about the very law they alone supported? Poor babies. Gruber at least was right about them.
Liberal Harvard Faculty Upset By Rising Health Insurance Costs Due To Obamacare:
Peggy Sharyl Attiksson hits the mark in my estimation in her conclusion. Yes their have been seven+ investigations but each has turned up new information and produced contradictions requiring more investigation. Also, reporting by those who tend to cover for the administration have asserted outrageous things in their conclusions giving the public the the false notion that there was nothing to find and conservatives are just crazy…yah da, yah da, yah da!
Myron CK thank you so much for taking the time to tell us you enjoy reading Post Scripts. Without feedback and comments like yours blogging wouldn’t be much fun and we definitely would have no idea how we are doing! I hope you will take another risk and contribute again sometime. We really enjoy hearing what new voices have to say and often find we have overlooked something or don’t say it as well as someone else does. Is it too soon to say, “Welcome aboard?”
I hope these rules will be enforced on a consistent basis, without regard to the political affiliation of the person violating them.
These rules have been flagrantly violated on this site by one frequent poster, and neither Jack nor Tina have said anything about it. Typically I am the subject of these attacks, but now one semi-regular commenter, Pete, was told to “drop dead” and called an “unabashed hypocrite” for no apparent reason other than his asking a reasonable question about the enforcement of this site’s rules.
Now you could call me a “tattle-tale” for hammering this point (although that wouldn’t really make sense as I am not reporting anything you don’t already know). Or you could actually live up to your stated principles and enforce your own blog’s rules. It’s your blog, your choice.
But as of now this blog is clearly not a welcome place for anyone who voices even mild disagreement with Pie Guevara. I don’t see what this one commenter contributes that justifies losing many potential commenters who will not participate because they have no desire to deal with his extreme and unprovoked abuse. Nearly every one he has submitted over the past few days has had bleeped out language directed at other commenters. I am not suggesting that you ban him but at the very least one of the moderators here could say something about his hate-filled comments. By not voicing any criticism toward this outrageous behavior, the commenters here can only assume he has your tacit approval.
Re #11 LMAO! Chris whining about abuse!
Re #11 LMAO! Chris whining about hate filled comments!
Re #11 LMAO! Chris whining about being treated in a manner consistent with his own treatment of others!
Seriously, dude, drop dead you “unabashed hypocrite”. I did not call Pete an “unabashed hypocrite” I called YOU an “unabashed hypocrite”!
The very least you could do is get your facts straight.
I will be happy to refrain from calling Chris what he is just as soon as he stops calling Jack and Tina and others liars, bigots, and racists … and worse! I will be happy to refrain from calling Chris what he is just as soon as he stops speciously mocking and ridiculing and lambasting others for their opinions and acting like an ***hole.
But that is never going to happen. Chris is a laughable, juvenile, hypocritical whiner, at that will NEVER change. He is the worst kind of adolescent scum. He is, and will always be, an ***hole.
Oops, my bad! Chris, I do not mean to call you an ***hole, I only mean to say that your behavior is consistent with being an ***hole!
(For those that do not know, that last paragraph was taken from The Book Of Chris. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, no?)
“Seriously, dude, drop dead you “unabashed hypocrite”. I did not call Pete an “unabashed hypocrite” I called YOU an “unabashed hypocrite”!”
Well now you are simply lying.
“Drop dead Chris, you unabashed hypocrite. (You to Pete.)”
“Re #11 LMAO! Chris whining about being treated in a manner consistent with his own treatment of others!”
Your behavior is nowhere near “consistent” with me or anyone else on this blog. No one here acts in the disgusting manner you do.
Pie is now literally name-calling on the thread that prohibits name-calling! We have reached peak Pie Guevara.
Are the rules here going to be enforced, or aren’t they?
You are a liar Pie. You called me a hypocrite and told me to drop dead. You are not a nice person.
Can someone explain the rules regarding swear words here? In response to Pie who said “no one gives a **** about” my opinion on a certain subject, I replied using the exact same phrasing, except I did not replace the swear word with stars. I was under the impression the mods did that. At first the comment showed up with a notice from Tina and Jack regarding a rule violation, and now it has disappeared entirely.
Am I to understand it that Pie is actually writing all those stars instead of spelling out the word himself? And that this is supposed to make the comments somehow less hostile and incivil?
Also, anyone seen Pete lately?