Hillary is 50 Points in Front of Runner Up – Polling Says

Posted by Jack

HillaryClinton44Latest polling shows Hillary Clinton is the democrats front running candidate for president by a huge margin, despite ethics and security concerns.   She is ahead of the next runner up, Joe Biden, by a whopping 50 points, according to the latest CNN poll.   In a theoretical election if held today Hillary easily wins over the top polling Republican (Jeb Bush) by a margin of 10 points.

This news may give Mrs. C. some pause about dropping out of the race.  She was considering packing it up and closing her campaign doors, say those closest to her and many in the DNC hierarchy had been thinking this probably wouldn’t be a bad idea.   But, what a difference a day makes!  The timing of the CNN poll appears to give Hillary the boost she needs to drag out the email scandal until voters are sick of hearing about it and just want to move on.

Dragging out scandals, avoiding answering the hard questions, introducing diversions, plausibly deniability and the voter’s penchant for short term memory is the political formula that served the Clintons well over the years.

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton continues to be a dominant force heading into the 2016 presidential election, according to a new CNN/ORC poll. The former secretary of state maintains a broad lead over the field of potential Democratic challengers she could face in a nomination contest and sizable advantages over the leading contenders from the Republican side in general election match-ups.

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17 Responses to Hillary is 50 Points in Front of Runner Up – Polling Says

  1. Harold says:

    I would check the IP address for those results….

    • Post Scripts says:

      Yeah, the timing is very suspicious, but are you saying that CNN may be a biased news agency and therefore they could have stacked the deck in the polling? Nah…. they wouldn’t do that.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Poll was obviously taken of those in line for unemployment, welfare, or obumblephone handouts or at a “burn the bra” assembly and who haven’t paid attention to the latest Shrillary shenanigans.

    Funny how it comes now that so many questions are being asked about whether Shrillary believes she is above the law.

    • Post Scripts says:

      J. Soden: Peggy and I had meeting/lunch today with a GOP representative and he didn’t think Hillary’s emails were a big deal. He said it could have just as easily been a Republican and perhaps we should be focusing on bigger issues. I was a little take back, because this isn’t just about an email infraction, it’s about Hillary’s lack of transparency. Its about trust in our elected officials, it’s about Hillary’s personal ethics and ultimately its about the law. That’s about as big as it gets.

  3. J. Soden says:

    And remember what the polls said going into the election when Reagan was running for President? They all said he didn’t have a chance.
    I quit paying attention to polls after that, ’cause a lot depends on where/when/how/and to whom the questions are asked so results can be skewed – especially when the pollster (or who paid for the poll) has an agenda.

  4. georgia says:

    Polls are not to be trusted especially from any news station that collect millions in election money. They actually rake in most of the election money and if you think they do not rig a poll then I am the Queen of England!;-)

    That being said, there is no one announced on the Democrat side. We of course know Clinton is more than likely running.

    All that was is generating a bunch of bull to feed their audience and pull in pac money.

    Politicians only work for the money, news stations only work for the millions of dollars in their ads. That is the system to which you support?

    Check out Udall’s new chemical safety bill written by the Chemical lobby! They left their name in the author box!

    Time to wake up and stop this silly game of parities. It’s about who has the most money including foreign money.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Georgia, et al, politics has almost always been about money and power, except in the earliest days when good men sacrificed it all for our freedom and inalienable rights. Since then we’ve been tumbling downhill and the longer this democracy lasts the more we decline. People just can’t help but screw up a good thing with greed.

      It’s as simple as 1,2,3:

      1. Money equals power and power equals money. 2. Power corrupts. 3. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s it.

      GOSPEL TRUTH: It takes way, way too much money to gain entry into politics and way too much corruption to stay there. Thus its become a very exclusive club. If they don’t become addicted to the power and money then the crooks that make up a majority of Congress can’t wait to force them out!

      Regarding what you said about party’s. You’re right. Democrats are dragging us into Hell on a greased wheels, Republicans are only dragging us a little slower….so like you said, the best we can do is vote for the lesser of two evils. I voted for Reagan because I thought he was a pretty decent guy, but other than that I am always making a compromise and voting for the slightly better choice.

      I think most of our elected meant well in the very beginning, but the longer they are in there the more chance for corruption. They begin to lose contact with the little people like us and the next thing you know they are NOT one of us, if they ever were. Look at the crappy legislation they spend so much time on! Legislation…what a joke… its just a tool to mine gold and little else.

      Don’t you think politicians in Washington know we can’t spend more than we take in? Don’t you think they are aware of the tangled mess and outrageous power of the IRS? Don’t you think they know the ill effects of unchecked illegal immigration has on society and social services? They know all about the problems, but they do this dance called musical chairs and nothing ever gets fixed. It’s always about money – it’s never about doing what is good for the nation, its about doing what is good for themselves. We’re just the enablers…nothing more.

      They (big shots in Washington) feed us bullsh#@ come every election cycle. We’re so easy too, they have us sitting up and begging for more just like dogs at the feet of their masters. It’s sick how they lie to us over and over and over…and we still have this belief they are telling the truth this time.

      Another election changes nothing, a thousand elections changes nothing, because the game if fixed. Get it?

      We can’t win, because of the power and money that [we] give them and that’s the pathetic irony here. See, they were never our masters! It was an illusion. We owned this country and all its wealth this whole time. But, somewhere along the line we lost sight of that didn’t we? We lost our courage to defend our ownership and demand our representatives do as we demand. Instead it’s evolved into us doing as they demand.

      We let them steal our country from us. If there was ever a crime, this is it! We are guilty of gross criminal negligence because we squandered the gifts of our founders. Party’s are just a symptom of our own corruption. We’re so stupid… I’m disgusted and the headlines in the paper today doesn’t help. This country is very close to failure.

  5. Harold says:

    No, I am saying those numbers may be coming from Hillary’s own server, who’s to say?

  6. Peggy says:

    We just got a peek behind Obama’s curtain of secrecy and how he plans to further transform America.

    Giving social security cards and drivers licenses to millions of illegal immigrants was just the first step in increasing the democrat’s pool of voters. Now, he wants to make voting “mandatory.”

    Voting was a right and privilege for US citizens only. Obama is on the path to make us a one party system. All he needs now is all of the illegals and convicted felons to register along with all of those who signed up for ObamaCare and he will have succeeded.

    Mandatory voting? Obama says it would be ‘transformative’:

    “WASHINGTON — They say the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes. President Barack Obama wants to add one more: voting.

    Obama floated the idea of mandatory voting in the U.S. while speaking to a civic group in Cleveland on Wednesday. Asked about the corrosive influence of money in U.S. elections, Obama digressed into the related topic of voting rights and said the U.S. should be making it easier — not harder— for people to vote.

    Just ask Australia, where citizens have no choice but to vote, the president said.

    “If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country,” Obama said, calling it potentially transformative. Not only that, Obama said, but universal voting would “counteract money more than anything.”

    Disproportionately, Americans who skip the polls on Election Day are younger, lower-income and more likely to be immigrants or minorities, Obama said. “There’s a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls,” he said in a veiled reference to efforts in a number of Republican-led states to make it harder for people to vote.”


  7. Peggy says:

    Jack, I was surprised too when he said Hillary’s emails weren’t where we should be spending our efforts with so many other issues of more importance. I wish we could have spent more time with him to hear more about the issues he thought we should be concentrating on. What she did and how she did it is a big deal with me because it’s a window into just how devious she is. Those emails are the property of the gov’t not hers and they were from her very first day on the job.

    While I fully realize all of the Democrats are overwhelming the voters with so many “scandals,” violations of our Constitution, lawsuits, etc. it’s impossible to keep track of everything, big or small. All the while they’re doing the look over hear, not over there and with the help of the media telling us everything this is no big deal they have everyone’s head spinning.

    What the Democrats aren’t counting on is for voters to have the brains to figure out what they’re up to. The voters figured it out when Reagan was elected, both the 2012 and 2014 elections with the largest Republican elected since WWII and even the Bibi’s huge win in Israel despite Obama’s #2 campaign manager going over with $300k of our tax dollars to help elect an anti-Jew pro Palestine guy. Obama is so pissed he won’t call Bibi and congratulate him. Such a small man with an ego that will be his undoing. The people of Israel see Obama for what he is and they showed up without a mandatory voter law because he messed with their countries election.

    Will enough voters get to the polls next year to shut the Democrats down again like they did with Reagan?

  8. Peggy says:

    Here’s a question for queen Hillary.

    Welfare “Princess” Has ONE Question For Everyone:


  9. Peggy says:

    Oops, forgot to warn about the strong language in my above post.

  10. Peggy says:

    The untold story will be told.

    It Was a Mass Murder in America the Media Didn’t Report. Now There’s a Director to Tell the Story.:


  11. Georgia says:

    Georgia, et al, politics has almost always been about money and power, except in the earliest days when good men sacrificed it all for our freedom and inalienable rights. Since then we’ve been tumbling downhill and the longer this democracy lasts the more we decline. People just can’t help but screw up a good thing with greed.

    It’s as simple as 1,2,3:

    There is a difference Mr Post now it is on steroids, The Citizens United Decision has removed Democracy. It is not the same as in previous history.

    We use to have laws preventing politicians from taking certain money. So If you are happy loosing your rights and freedom than OK for you.

    I am not. Also who cares what the people think than? Why even talk about it? If you want something go buy a politician … it is pay to play only.

  12. Harold says:

    Politics today is all about hiding the truth of mistakes being made by those we elect.

    Then sugar coating the medicine needed to hide the cure to every problem those elected have created.

    All for benefit of those in office. Politics has nothing to do with the voters needs, until time to put or keep them in office. Then it is just the pretense of campaign promises, based on populous polls.

    And much like a Dentist who fills your cavities, bills you and give you a lollypop as you leave, the iconic meaning of the candy is that you the voter are the sucker, and will repeat the same mistake of accepting the candy, and continue the cycle.

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