Mosby Won’t Release Autopsy Report – What’s She Hiding?

mosby2Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby (far left) plans to seek a protective order that would block the release of Freddie Gray‘s autopsy report and other “sensitive” documents as she prosecutes the six police officers involved in his arrest.

Mosby told The Baltimore Sun that prosecutors “have a duty to ensure a fair and impartial process for all parties involved” and “will not be baited into litigating this case through the media.”

But an attorney for one of the officers said the effort shows that “there is something in that autopsy report that they are trying to hide.”   “Mrs. Mosby is the one who did an announcement discussing what she said the evidence was in a nationally televised speech,” said Ivan Bates, who represents Sgt. Alicia White. “Now that it is time to turn over the evidence, to ask for a protective order is beyond disingenuous.

“It’s as if she wants to do everything to make sure our clients do not get a fair trial.”

Gray, 25, died in April after suffering a severe spinal cord injury in police custody. Mosby has charged the officers with violations ranging from misconduct in office to, in one case, second-degree murder. All six officers have been released on bail.

Baltimore’s chief prosecutor declared her intention to seek the protective order in a court filing Monday. She also asked for more time to respond to defense motions that she and her office be removed from the case and that the case be tried outside Baltimore.

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35 Responses to Mosby Won’t Release Autopsy Report – What’s She Hiding?

  1. Dewey says:

    Mosby told The Baltimore Sun that prosecutors “have a duty to ensure a fair and impartial process for all parties involved” and “will not be baited into litigating this case through the media.”

    The autopsy will be disclosed in the trial. That seems proper.

    I would do the same to keep all media out of the case. It needs to be examined in the courts.

    Let the media say what they want. it will be there in the proper place the trial.

    Bottom Line again we have a policing problem. The failure of the broken windows theory is the problem. Let us address problems not let the media try another case.

    O’Malley running for president is a joke. he is at the helm of the Baltimore policing problems. He is a Corporate Dem who may have a guitar playing cool side, but he sells out to cronies. Like many from both parties.

    There may be a good reason. I do know the fraternity of Police union here is a problem. If we find out later it was a bad move than we can address it. There are so many good police officers here but there are many many bad ones as well.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    There is only one reason I can plumb, she is hiding exculpatory evidence that would deprive her of scapegoats.

    It should all come out eventually unless the adjudication in Baltimore has been completely corrupted by Marilyn Mosby’s eagerness to get a name and pander to rioters.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    That said, frankly I find it dubious that career criminal Freddie Gray could have inflicted such injuries on himself, but it is possible. This case is in bad need of skilled forensics from multiple analysts. Blocking evidence not helpful to determining the truth.

  4. Jack says:

    I think she is making a mistake due to lack of experience. She must release this information eventually to the defense or they can force her too and then whatever it was that she didn’t want them to see gains even more traction. Was he high on drugs? Was he injury pre-existing? Was their evidence of a fight with another inmate? Until we know the autopsy report and hear the results of the police investigation we are left to guess. That’s not good for the prosecution, it shows they are trying to deprive the defendants of a speedy and fair trial.

  5. Jack says:

    By the way, anybody notice the resemblance between Mosby and Mussolini?

  6. Harold says:

    If your referring to the aloof head posture,

    it is also a major trait of Obamas….

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    As usual Dewey completely misses the point. Release of the information to the Defense is right and proper in order to allow them to prepare a defense.

    Mosby is wrong.

    Re #5 Jack: No, but the resemblance to Obama is uncanny. It is that “I can do anything I please and everyone else can go suck eggs” attitude.

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Mosby Slapped Down

    Judge orders Mosby to respond to defense motions in Freddie Gray case by June 26

    Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby has until June 26 to respond to three defense motions in the trial of six officers in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, a judge ordered this week.
    lRelated Officers in Freddie Gray case file for change of venue

    Attorneys for the six Baltimore officers have filed a motion asking that Mosby be removed from the case. They also asked that the case be moved from Baltimore and for it to be dismissed because of “prosecutorial misconduct.”

    The defense attorneys have argued Mosby has multiple conflicts of interest; one of them, they contend, is that her husband, City Councilman Nick Mosby, represents the area of West Baltimore where Gray was arrested.

  9. Dewey says:

    Why is everybody here bashing politicians they know nothing about?

    Why is it the consensus Republicans are better?

    And Why was there no mention of the Vice President’s son’s death?

    Ya know I watched Beau take on Mers. Their corrupt illegal methods of not keeping records of title transfers amongst the corrupt mortgage trading hurt many Americans Republican, Democrat, and Independent.
    Beau was an honest man, rare these days.

    Rick Perry is running for president indicted.

    Denny Hastert was the 3rd Speaker after the 2 previous had to quit for sex scandals. He impeached Clinton. Funny look at him now. Talk about hypocrisy.

    Scott Walker has the Koch’s buying out the judges. Christie is slithering by indictment so far.

    I could keep going on.

    There are corrupt Dems and Reps selling out Democracy.

    Why not talk about fixing the system.

    No instead you pick on a Baltimore Mayor on a case that few know anything about.

    Media is a sham. Follow it and you become sheeple.

  10. Soaps says:

    Contrary to the comment from Dewey, the prosecution must provide all the evidence to the defense team well before the actual trial begins. That is well-established law. If she does not, the defense can ask for sanctions. At the very least, it is grounds for a re-trial based on prosecutoral misconduct, if not outright dismissal of charges. Actually, that is something that would have happened already in a normal American court. There is no way these charges could be sustained.

  11. Peggy says:

    Off Topic.

    They said it couldn’t be done.

    The George Stephanopoulos Song – Why Yes, There Is One Now…:

  12. J. Soden says:

    Ms. Mosby has also asked for a gag order on defense attorneys while she remains free to incite from her podium.
    The City of Baltimore would be better served if disbarment proceedings were begun on Ms Mosby.
    She is supposed to work only with evidence instead of rhetoric – and she has failed miserably.

    The question of “What is she hiding?” will be asked by all reasonable people.

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #5 Jack : Nice photo editing.

  14. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Myself : “Nice photo editing.”

    Addendum — “DOH!”

  15. Tina says:

    Dewey asserts: “The failure of the broken windows theory is the problem.”

    Wow! What a mind.

    The theory actually produced positive results reducing crime in New York, a statistical FACT!!!the name of lae enforcement did he

    Dewey likes to lecture others about their sources of information. Where in the name of law enforcement did he come up with the ridiculous notion that the broken window theory proved to be a failure?

    The “problem” is failed liberal policies! Policies that keep unemployment high; policies and politics that are not supportive of better public schools; policies and social mores that discourage intact families; policies that discourage entrepreneurial small business in poor communities; policies that discourage teaching morals; policies that encourage dependence on the government and demean the human spirit.

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic — Must see. Pamela Geller, imam debate threats to free speech

    “The Southern Poverty Law Center is a smear machine.”

    Absolutely! More precisely it is a radical left wing smear machine.

  17. Dewey says:

    Contrary to the comment from Dewey, the prosecution must provide all the evidence to the defense team well before the actual trial begins.

    No one is arguing against that.

    The news story is:

    Baltimore state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby filed a protective order on Monday that would keep Freddie Gray‘s autopsy from being publicly released. Mosby’s request would mean that only the state’s attorney’s office and defense attorneys will be allowed to view the autopsy results and other “sensitive” documents connected with the case.

    Again it is against public release for the RW media to try the case in the media and taint the jury pool.

    If the Mayor was suggesting to breack the law as an African American there woyuld not simply be the news spin but she would be in trouble.

    The mere fact the right wing machine has spun the story shows they can not respect the case.

    Now where is all the outrage over the white bikers who had a shoot out and were treated like royalty by cops?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, that helps clarify why the autopsy has not been made public, but it doesn’t explain everything. 99% of the time the DA has no problem releasing the results of an autopsy. Makes people wonder what she may be hiding? I find it humorous that you are defending the government and I am accusing them of being up to something.

  18. Dewey says:

    Also “Career Criminal” lol Explain to me why Freddie is dead. No charges. Then they decide to write up Bogus charges weeks later. Is being black a problem?

    Funny how people in CA think they knw the case. Media makes people talk like Sheeple. I am here. I saw a lot of the riots ect. I know a lot more about the case.

    The media has misreported from the get go. It took me 6 hours to get home because the cops would not let us by until the baseball game was over. Even though there wee no more protestors anywhere near. Where is that report? Cost me $50.00 in a bar tab.

    • Post Scripts says:

      “Also “Career Criminal” lol Explain to me why Freddie is dead. No charges. Then they decide to write up Bogus charges weeks later. Is being black a problem?”

      Dewey, they can’t book anyone into jail without filing a charge. I think you know that, so be please be more responsible when you say things here.

  19. Dewey says:

    “The Southern Poverty Law Center is a reputable org.

    Geller is a nut job. She wants to fear monger? She has the right.

    When are you going to admit Cheney, Bremmer and gang created ISIL?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, the Southern Poverty Law Center fluctuates in its credibility. They have been known to get some radical people in their organization on occasion.

  20. Peggy says:

    Off topic.

    Mike Rowe rocks again.
    Mike Rowe has AWESOME Response for Liberal Who is Tired of His Talk About “Work Ethic”:

  21. Pie Guevara says:

    Chris has some very serious competition when it comes to Dewey.

  22. Pie Guevara says:

    Come to think of it, Mussolini has some serious competition when it comes to Dewey, but he is dead.

  23. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #27 : This will be her “legacy”.

  24. Pie Guevara says:

    To be successful, Marilyn Mosby should follow Michelle Obama’s example at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Baltimore police were directed by the DA’s Office to start cracking down on drug dealing in the precise area where Freddie Gray was arrested. In fact it was D.A. Mosby who wrote the memo just 30 days before this arrest occurred. Even the intersections where the high crime – high drug dealing was taking place was specified by Mosby! The funny part (odd) is Mosby could be called as a defense witness. She gave the order, she’s the one who said get in there and get those guys and they did. She’s part of this story and she has kept silent, she kept this little secret quiet until the evidence was found today! She has a clear conflict of interest… this is becoming a circus.

  25. Dewey says:

    Post that may have been true at some point but since they are a civil rights group they are hated by the John Birch Society and the Koch’s. But at present they have been correct.

    Post I would not release the autopsy myself after what the media did in Ferguson. The integrity of the case and jury pool would be my concern.

    Regardless of the results I am just saying media is not honest and will sensationalize and some even spin all for profit. US Media is horrible.

    Think about it even bit of news from the case is a conspiracy.

    I do not stick up for government. I do not want to shrink it so small it can be flushed down the bathtub for Gubber Norquist either.

    I want to take it back. Fix it. Get the elite out. We fought to get out from under the English Monarchy and corporate rule. I’ll die before I allow this reversal.

    Anti government? No. Who is running the gov? Oh the anti government millionaires people elect like idiots.

    They are getting rich after getting elected, Now we have millionaires running telling the people a bunch of lies, then passing law written by ALEC for whichever company wants something.

    How can you support selling off public assets to anyone and everybody namely foreign countries?

    1/7th of US Assets are now foreign owned. We are being colonized. The world is being colonized.

    We are being told we can not have American grown food labeled as such. We are wearing clothes from China! We are now being told American Workers have to compete with Communist country slave workers.

    I will get them out of Government and we will get the USA back.

    If you want to live in a fascist corporate ruled world that is your choice.

    Let this case be tried in court. The government has been corrupted by the Billionaires and their foreign donors.

  26. Tina says:

    Re: #3 Pie, ” I find it dubious that career criminal Freddie Gray could have inflicted such injuries on himself…”

    Unless his spine was already hairline cracked and waiting for just the right blow to finish the job.

    It was reported that another arrestee him throwing himself around in the back of the van. Has anyone else heard this?

  27. J. Soden says:

    RE #33: Was reported right at the start and came from another person incarcerated in the van along with Freddie.
    Also heard a report that Freddie had some kind of taxpayer-funded back surgery around 10 days prior to his arrest. THAT could be why Moron Mosby doesn’t want the autopsy report made public!

  28. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #33 Tina : Could this be why Mosby seeks to suppress forensic evidence?

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