Obama on ISIS: “We don´t yet have a complete strategy”

Posted by Tina

Just prior to the last election in 2012 the President assured the American people that the emerging terror threat was being waged by a JV team. This hideous lie would soon prove to be utter political nonsense designed only to help ensure his re-election bid in 2012. Fast forward to the G7 Summit in 2015. The nonsense hasn’t changed:

Ten months since the start of the American-led intervention against ISIS in Iraq, President Obama said today that the United States does not have a “complete strategy” to defeat ISIS and stem the group’s rise in Syria and Iraq.

“We don’t yet have a complete strategy,” Obama said at the G7 summit of world leaders in Germany. “The details of that are not yet worked out.”

I watched the news conference. The President is practiced in the art of spouting nonsense. He reminds me of the adults in the world of Charles Schultz’s “Peanuts” cartoons: “Whaa whaa whaa…”

This administration isn’t doing much better on the home front. According to an audit performed by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General, TSA gave access to “secure airport areas” to 73 suspects because TSA, “…is not authorized to receive all terrorism-related categories under current interagency watchlisting policy,”


Isn’t it time to tell the President that he’s stubbornly clinging to failed plans? isn’t it time to deride him as an incompetent boob? Isn’t that what liberals in politics and media say when things are obviously not working? Don’t these folks demand a course change when a republican holds the Commander-in-Chief title?

We have recruitment terror cells in America, a camp right across the border in Mexico, and a porous border that is encouraged by this administration. Not having a plan, on any of these problems is simply unacceptable.

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23 Responses to Obama on ISIS: “We don´t yet have a complete strategy”

  1. RHT447 says:

    Inspector Clouseau: “I have a plen”.

    Perhaps this is part of the “plen”.


    Or this—


  2. J. Soden says:

    Anyone paying attention had figured out that there has been NO Obumble strategy on ISIS right from the start.
    Either Obumble has gone off-teleprompter this time, or the person loading the teleprompter accidentally programmed a bit of truth.
    Guess da prez figures that whatever he speechifies outside the US doesn’t count at home. Wrong again!

  3. Peggy says:

    Obama did his usual blame someone else ie. the Pentagon for his not having a plan. But, this time the Pentagon refuted his remarks.

    Also, Dr. Krauthammer believes he does have a plan to do nothing and hope he makes it to Jan. 2016, without an attack on US soil.

    Pentagon Official Reacts Angrily To Obama’s ISIS Strategy Claim: ‘What The F— Was That?’:


  4. Peggy says:

    Other countries aren’t just laughing at us they’re booing us.

    Jack Lew boo’d by pro-Israeli crowd for defending Iran deal: (2 vides Lew’s speech in second one)


  5. Tina says:

    One of Bin Laden’s goals was to see American prestige in the world destroyed. He couldn’t have picked a better ambassador than the current WH occupant.

    Another goal was to destroy our economy. Once again he couldn’t have picked a better ambassador.

    One has to ask, “Whose side is this Obama guy on?”

  6. Dewey says:

    Why would we have a strategy? I would lay money the CIA is still feeding them. We created ISIS and they may even splinter. Remember Bremmer fired many of them for their privatize Iraq experiment. ON taxpayers DIME!

    We created ISIS, The Iran war BiBI and GOP want is already planned. They need JEB to steal the white house. Cheney is in place, Old reagan, Poppy, and GW advisers hired by Jeb in waiting.

    GOP constantly going over to Israel to set it up.

    How many decades is it going to take for Americans to shut down our shadow government?

    Meanwhile Nuclear Attack on Russia on the table again as the 3rd extreme option. Kerry has been pulled from Ukraine stuff and held back. China owns us and we can not even get US made goods. Wake Up!

    Following the ISIS story because they feed the media while the Russian/China deal is heating up? We are playing war games with China over those islands for japan?

    ISIS is the setup for huge middle east war the pre written plan has not been finished. Redraw the borders and Bibi gets some too!

    Military fights for oil and corporate interests. Ya really think Israel had not 1 thing to do with 911?

    We know the Saudis did. We know Saddam did not and Bin laden? Well just maybe he was right. Americans need to get a hold of their shadow government the one General Eisenhower told us about during his Presidential exit speech.

    Kennedy was killed for a reason and Oswald was just the patsy.

    Think I’m crazy? No I am not the dots connect and history repeats.

    The attack on the USS Liberty was no Mistake.

    Do not forget the 5 dancing Israeli’s reported in NJ celebrating 911 attacks. It was initially reported.

    We have to dig for truth because we are lied to by all these presidents.

    BTW The fast track? There are a bunch of trade bills waiting to change our country forever. Wiki only has a bit of TPP, $100,000 reward for remaining chapters

    But here is the TISA, the one to follow so fast you will not be able to say democracy before it is gone.


    The one world corporate government papers is what I call them. Read Them.

    privatization = Globalization = no sovernighty

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, there is no question who attacked us on 9/11. That case has been solved and history has the complete story and it does not involve anything of the BS you linked us too. Please refrain from posting false information in the future just because you have a problem with Jews or Israel. Next time you post anti-Semitic propaganda it will be removed.

  7. RHT447 says:

    News and commentary from elsewhere—

    “The U.S. mission in Iraq has stalled at one of five coalition training sites because the central government has not been sending new recruits, according to defense officials.

    Baghdad has not identified or sent any new recruits to the Al Asad air base in western Iraq for as many as four to six weeks, defense officials said Monday.

    The U.S. is currently training 2,601 Iraqi forces, but none of them are at Al Asad, officials said.

    “Al Asad has zero. And Al Asad has had zero now for some time,” said one defense official on background.” Christina Wong


    Is Obama deliberately misleading us all? The US military has faults but lying to the Commander in Chief is not among them. We can be sure that Dempsey et al have informed POTUS of this distressing truth. And yet, he and his mouthpieces, like Twinkle Toes Kirby at State continue to repeat their talking points concerning the aspirational truth.

    Obama gave a splendid speech today defending the ACA. This was aimed directly at the largely Catholic mind of SCOTUS and based on Catholic Church social teaching concerning the duty to care for the sick, poor and infirm. It was lovely, but while he does that the ME burns.

    The Shia Iraqi government still does not wish to arm potentially dissident Sunni Arab tribes? what a surprise! The potentially dissident Sunni Arab tribes do not want to serve under the Shia enemies of their blood? Another big surprise! Hell! The Shia government is still rationing military assistance to the largely Sunni Kurds with a medicine dropper!

    The US has 300 USMC trainers at Asad Air base in western Anbar. They are surrounded. Why are they still there? Their blood is potentially on Obama’s hands. pl


    Link to blog—


  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Dewey #7: “Think I’m crazy?”

    Oh, heck no.

  9. Chris says:

    Tina: “One of Bin Laden’s goals was to see American prestige in the world destroyed. He couldn’t have picked a better ambassador than the current WH occupant.”

    America’s approval ratings around the world are higher under Obama than they were under Bush. You know this.

    “Another goal was to destroy our economy. Once again he couldn’t have picked a better ambassador.”

    Our economy was almost destroyed under Bush, and it has recovered (albeit slowly) under Obama. You know this as well.

    I’m not sure when exactly Republicans collectively decided to pretend not to know certain facts, and that their entire political party was just going to become one great big LARP, but it’s getting old.

  10. Chris says:

    Good lord, Dewey–that link is terrible. I’ve actually agreed with your more often than usual lately, but you’re not helping yourself by linking to anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist websites. I know you can do better than that.

  11. Tina says:

    Israel’s war strategy: Be defensively prepared for anything.

    How horribly evil!

    How vacuous does one have to be to completely ignore those in the ME who express their intent to wipe Israel off the map and bring those freedom loving westerners under sharia law?

  12. Tina says:

    Chris as long as you are unwilling to face reality there is no sense in discussing our prestige around the world or our economy. You are as delusional as the President on both scores!

  13. Tina says:

    Re: PS#11 Jack we could add to 911 the list of countless attacks, hostage taking, and kill the Jews rhetoric in so-called negotiations for peace and a two state solution and still there will be those who insist we are the bad guys and the religious zealots are just innocent people with a valid grievance. Maybe that’s why the left lends so much support to our enemies…they can’t resist a group with a grievance.

  14. Chris says:

    Tina: “Chris as long as you are unwilling to face reality there is no sense in discussing our prestige around the world or our economy.”

    Your comment ignored the fact that both the economy and our reputation around the world are doing better under Obama under every objective measure, and you accuse me of ignoring reality? OK.

  15. Dewey says:


    Dewey, there is no question who attacked us on 9/11. – ——————

    That is not true. There is a question and some.

    That is what we were told. There is no intel that proves it and they admit that.

    Think about it a man sitting in a cave did this? All by himself? This was a huge under taking. There is no document that says that 100%.

    The real story? It;s like the JFK murder will take years to get exact. CIA is always involved.

    Former CIA official Milt Bearden

    CIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn61PJQGCUo

    “9/11 is not mentioned on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”
    —FBI agent Rex Tomb, June 6, 2006

    “The goal has never been to get Bin Laden.” —General Richard Myers, chairman, US Joint Chiefs of Staff

    Where is the proof? Look I have not all the answers. I do not do conspiracy. But we have been lied to our whole lives. Then when truth comes out years later.

    It’s ok They do not lie now?

    General Eisenhower warned us. Sorry But I disagree.

    Feel free to find the documents that absolutely prove your statements. Real ones. They do not exist. Many of us have been looking for them ourselves.

  16. Dewey says:

    Again follow the media and we become sheeple here is our argument.

    Who is it that is controlling the media message, and how is it that the U.S. media has indicted Usama Bin Laden for the events of September 11, 2001, but the U.S. government has not? How is it that the FBI has no “hard evidence” connecting Usama Bin Laden to the events of September 11, 2001, while the U.S. media has played the Bin Laden – 9/11 connection story for five years now as if it has conclusive evidence that Bin Laden is responsible for the collapse of the twin towers, the Pentagon attack, and the demise of United Flight 93?


  17. Chris says:

    Oh Dewey…you are really barking up the wrong tree here, buddy. The 9/11 conspiracy theorists have absolutely no credibility and no evidence for their beliefs. Don’t go down this road.

  18. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #22 : I am deeply saddened to see this rift develop between the idiot twins.

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