Watch This Video – It’s an Eye Opener

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33 Responses to Watch This Video – It’s an Eye Opener

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Well, of course they do! Especially public employee unions.

    Solution? I like the Rat bastards solution — exclude corporations, give public employee unions a free hand.

  2. Dewey says:

    Unions are not quite the thugs they were in the early years. The union members vote to support candidates. Hoffa is gone those days are over.

    With social media and public service time by these mega million stations we do not need billions of dollars in our elections.

    I would be more concerned about the huge amounts of foreign money. Especially from China and Israel. We are Israels patsies.

    The Koch Brothers probably spend more than anybody. They have even bought out influence in the public PBS stations. A coup is a coup. This is a corporate coup. The GOP is 100% gone and the Dem party is going fast. In Fact this TPA vote is showing the Dems turning into traitors by corporate bullying.

    If you do not do as the big corps tell you they will have you thrown out of office by election. The politicians are bullied.

    So let’s get the money out. Media panders for the donor dollars all day long. They hide stories because it is bad for business. The politicians spend 75% of time dialing for dollars and that money comes with legislative obligations.

    There are but a handful of politicians who do not take the big money.

    Again Let’s get the money out. These campaigns do not need to be 365 day a year 24/7 fund raising events played out by the media machine.

    How about talking about the issues for an election?

    Get the money out. Amend the constitution. Money is not speech. And BTW our pennies are not as loud as Israel and China’s.

  3. J. Soden says:

    An open letter to all members of Clowngress:

    In the last few weeks, it has been reported that the Trans-Pacific Partnership “deal” known as Obumbletrade has been voted on by the Senate and passed. SHAME on the Senate! The GOP-controlled Senate did exactly with the Demwits did with Obumblecare – they voted on it without reading it!

    And now the same bill is before the House, with GOP leaders scrambling to gather enough votes to pass it – AGAIN without knowing what is in it!
    You’da thought that Congress would have learned from Obumbleacare that voting with ignorance would return to haunt those that voted in favor. Guess not.

    Those in Clowngress who feel they cannot be bothered to read bills before voting on them have no business holding an elected office. The voters trusted you with their votes, and the lack of attention as to what is actually in a bill disqualifies you from ANY public office.

    There are those who will respond that “The bill is too big to read” or “I don’t have the time.” To the first response I recommend that perhaps bills should be limited in size and written in simple English instead of gobbledegook legalese so that Joe and Jane Taxpayer will be able to read and understand what their elected representatives are voting on.
    To the second response, the answer is simple: If you don’t have the time to represent those who sent you to Clowngress, you need to resign and allow someone else to serve in your place.

    The voters are watching.

  4. Peggy says:

    Ben Shapiro is right. If we aren’t willing to fight for our beliefs instead of constituently giving in to the liberals we should just pack up our bags and leave.

    The Right Caves on Social Issues, Then Loses
    Ben Shapiro:

  5. Peggy says:

    Oops darn spell check. “constituently” should have been constantly.

  6. Tina says:

    Unions still maintain the mob rule attitude and continue to use mafia tactics to intimidate, bully, and extort to get what they want. In the case of public employee union “negotiations,” the tax payer has no seat a the table and government officials are often willing to deliver to get the votes.

    The libertarian Koch brothers cannot hold a candle to socialist and Democrat Party supporter George Soros. By comparison the Koch donations bought influence amount to a mere pittance.

    Getting the money out wouldn’t address the problem or bring an end to advantage by big money. It would exacerbate the problem making it possible for the very wealthy to dominate and control…the very situation our Constitution was designed to eliminate.

    The problem is the American people. We have embraced lower moral standards, either consciously or unconsciously. We accept excuses and let criminals and politicians off the hook. We no longer respect the laws of the land. Our elected officials and those who serve in government are a reflection of this. Anyone who suggests we should return to high moral standards is demonized as a kook…and America continues to slide into the chaos and despair of third world countries run by tyrants.

    Israel gives us back several fold for whatever monies the American people give them. They are our only reliable ally in the ME. The technological and medical return on our dollars is also well worth the investment. And Israel, by the way, is willing to do without American money should we choose to follow through.

    I’m not against ending subsidies for other nations but to place Israel in the same camp as China is outrageous.

  7. Dewey says:

    J. Soden :Correction

    We are not fighting on the TPP YET.

    We are fighting “Fast Track” officially The TPA. trade partnership Authority.

    It is how trade bills are passed so easily and that is because it limits the time congress can read it. No amendments are allowed and it is an up or down vote only.

    The Senate Leader Turtle McConnell is working with Obama on this. It is loved by the GOP. The democrats had 13 turncoats who were bullied into changing no’s to yes and it passed the senate.

    Such as Senator Patty Murray being twisted by Boeing with an election coming up. I posted all the turncoat dems names and pictures at one point somewhere else. The republicans voted yes. Gave away congressional power.

    The TPA is in the House. Obama is twisting arms and the corporations are bullying and threatening for votes to those who have elections coming.

    The joke is Boehner is handing out campaign donation promises from his donor pool and Obama is promising to speak on their campaign trails.

    The TPP is only 1 of many secret trade deals. Wiki leaks has released what they have.

    What we read is not good and allows global corporations to override a nations laws by suing them for lost profits.

    It goes on now. Tobacco companies are suing under current trade deals countries that have anti smoking laws. They are loosing money.

    Bottom Line they are going to try a vote tomorrow Thurs, more likely Friday.

    Call your congressmen. Call all Democrats and Republicans and let them know we the voters will vote all them out.

    All the trade deals look bad. They are secret and we are not allow to know what is in them for years?

    Those who got a look say it is bad. Congressman Alan Grayson being the first in congress to get a peak.

    He is so upset he has a video and petition. He is a Dem going against Obama.

    They will be prosecuted if they tell us what they saw. It is in a secret room, no notes, assistants, phones ect.

    If there is anything good in them we will not see. For now all we see is very very very Bad. Good Dems and Reps agree.

    The biggest group that has been fighting against this is the progressive liberals who are glad to see some conservatives join them FINALLY. So stop the bad bad liberal deal.

    We have been showing the newer conservative site to all cons so they get a clue.

    I was warning you guys over a year ago about this.

    Read the leaks.

    These are treaties. It is unconstitutional to pass them by fast track.

    Time for Congress to do their Jobs on these and also debate the war in Iraq.

    We need to hold them accountable.

    Pelosi is key on this one she may switch her vote.

    Obama and corps are pounding her. Call her and be nice. No fast Track. We have groups in front of her office and the capital now. Some groups in district offices around the country.

    Media will not show you how much work people are putting into fighting this. It has been a long long hard fight and the time has come.

    All hands on Deck – Liberals and Conservatives- Stop Fast Track.

    These Trade deals must be public and go through the normal congressional process. Not fast track Authority. Several Trade bills are waiting for fast track.

    Sorry no one gives any president Blind trust.

    Every country involved is protesting these deals right now.

    Congressional Switchboard @ (202) 224-3121 and 225-3121

    This is not a fight of Liberals against Conservatives.

    This is a fight to stop secret trade deals. There are several. All classified and secret.

    If they are so good than the Obama Administration needs to show us first. We understand things get messed up in congress because their master donors demand they change things for their profit, but the leaks are showing us very very bad text in these deals.

    We want to remain a sovereign nation.

  8. Peggy says:

    Unions are doing the same/similar in the private sector.

    Unions seek exemption from LA minimum wage law they helped pass:

    “Union leaders in Los Angeles are being accused of hypocrisy after being caught trying to exempt themselves from a new minimum wage law they tried to impose on others.

    For months, organized labor went after companies like McDonalds and Walmart, shaming any business that paid the old minimum wage. Carrying signs saying, “We see greed” and “We are worth more,” union members marched outside businesses and appeared at City Council meetings demanding Los Angeles raise the minimum wage from $9 to $15 by 2020.

    Yet after pushing through the new wage law, union officials are asking for a waiver that would allow any company that unionizes to avoid paying the minimum wage.

    “It was a real surprise that in the 11th hour that labor was saying, ‘well, we basically support a sub-minimum wage if a company decides to enter into collective bargaining,'” Los Angeles City Councilman Mitch O’Farrell said. “And that really is a complete contradiction to what they’ve been saying the last couple of months.”

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Re : “The Koch Brothers probably spend more than anybody.”

    Sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh. The demented one didn’t even bother to watch the video. Public unions contributions to political campaigns DWARF big oil, big banks, and big pharma combined.

    Re : “They [the Koch brothers]] have even bought out influence in the public PBS stations. A coup is a coup. This is a corporate coup.”

    The Koch brothers underwriting science and nature programs on PBS constitutes a COUP????

    Dewey has written a lot of very stupid comments in these pages. These latest shine as much as any other including the moronic “We are Israels patsies.”

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #3 J. Soden : “…bills should be limited in size and written in simple English instead of gobbledegook legalese so that Joe and Jane Taxpayer will be able to read and understand what their elected representatives are voting on.”

    I agree. They do not have to be severely written down to Dewey’s level but simple, succint, plain language with an eye for brevity would at least help legislators and folks like you and me understand them.

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    Side Issue :

    The Secret Immigration Chapter in Obama’s Trade Agreement

    “Discovered inside the huge tranche of secretive Obamatrade documents released by Wikileaks are key details on how technically any Republican voting for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal would technically also be voting to massively expand President Obama’s executive authority when it comes to immigration matters.”

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #7 Dewey : Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah …

    “We have been showing the newer conservative site to all cons so they get a clue.

    I was warning you guys over a year ago about this.”

    As if we needed to be “clued” in by you! Sheesh.

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Addenda to Re #7 Dewey above : Who is this “we”. Your Soros funded handlers?

  14. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #6 Tina : Ditto. You nail it!

    Re #4 #8 Peggy : Ditto. Thanks for the links!

  15. Tina says:

    Re: #11 Pie There’s nothing the socialists want more than the complete obliteration of our Constitution based on individual sovereignty and rights. They prefer the UN’s idea of group rights and more power in the hands of the few.

    Remember when Obama said legislation should be posted on the internet for several days so the entire nation could read it? This is the second piece of legislation that the radical Dems have created in secret after running on transparency.

    This alone should turn voters to alternative choices even if they aren’t perfect.

    The Democrat Party leadership has shown us clearly that they do not respect the Constitution or the people!

  16. Dewey says:

    Pie you need to broaden your horizons

    The Koch network is vast and large. Either you are limited in the resources of common knowledge or you are just trolling me.

    The Koch brothers spend Billions. Why? to help? No because they want complete power and they basically have it. Look at Kansas failing and you see their Dream.

    These are the funders and part founders of the tea Party. Surely you know who and what they are. Their history, their fathers history and their grandfathers history.

    They are far from just a couple rich guys. David Koch’s 1980 VP Platform is exactly the Tea Party Conservative Platform.

    Me? I will fight them against abolishing social security with all my might.

    Charles G Koch is still following his fathers lead and they are the John Birch Society. Fred Koch being an original founder. Fred made his money off of Stalin when a German nazi family member turned him on to Stalin. The US had a bogus lawsuit against Fred and he went to Russia. He then turned against Stalin and came home where he wrote the crazy McCarthy style booklet :An American Businessman looks at Communism”

    Even Congress admits they have a hold on them. I am not the stupid one.

    And PIE then call your Republicans in the House the Republican party is for Obamatrade. That is why we are calling the democrats on TPA. If the Democrats cave it is a done deal.

    Bottom line the GOP has added 700 million worth of cuts to medicare in the bill. Koch Brothers are against Healthcare reform and medicare.

    If the Democrats take the deal to vote for fast track their voters will throw them out. There is no way Boehner will reverse those cuts as he is promising the Democrats and they know better.

    Some of us hold all Politicians Accountable these days. I will never join a party.

    You ought to like Fred’s Book.

  17. Dewey says:

    Tina My dear Obama is not a socialist he is a Corporatist. Also he did not start this trade “Treaty”. It is over 11 years old. Over 600 multinational Corporations and US Negotiatprs have been working on these to transfer all business law to the WTO.

    But if ya wanna Blame Obama go for it he has drank the kool Aid,

    Make no mistake The GOP is the Party trying to pass this. john Boehner and turtle McConnell are for it.

    The corporations are paying both parties for votes

    If social security is socialist then I am a capitalist socialist. It works

  18. Peggy says:

    Since I rarely if ever read anything Dewey post I for some reason read his TPP post and I agree with him.

    This TPP must not pass. Like he said it will go to the floor for an up or down vote with no opportunity for discussion or amendments. And it will give Obama super powers and hidden in it is a way for him to circumvent Congress on the illegal immigration issue.

    I’ve already let Doug LaMalfa know to vote no and everyone should do the same with their senator and house rep.

  19. Pie Guevara says:

    The brainwashed idiot who thinks that the Koch brothers’ funding of nature and science programs (along with many others) on PBS contitutes a coup thinks I need to broaden my horizons.

  20. Pie Guevara says:

    Correction: Just so there is no confusion …

    The brainwashed idiot who thinks that the Koch brothers’ funding of nature and science programs on PBS (along with many others who underwrite the same programs)constitutes a coup thinks I need to broaden my horizons.

  21. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #18 Do you really think the Soros brainwashed stooge will actually answer?

  22. Pie Guevara says:

    Re ##15 Tina : “Pie There’s nothing the socialists want more than the complete obliteration of our Constitution based on individual sovereignty and rights. They prefer the UN’s idea of group rights and more power in the hands of the few.”


  23. Tina says:

    Heard more about this today and it struck me that this long made-in-secret deal is very typical of the radical left. They use an important issue like trade as a vehicle. A trade agreement is very important for the US. We are falling behind in the international trade arena and American workers will suffer if we don’t get on board. So the carrot held out is trade. The need for secrecy is all about hiding the stink that’s in this deal…an attempt to fool our representatives into a yes vote.

    A yes vote will put America at the mercy of other nations and UN mandates. The passage of this would result in tragedy for America. No is the only choice even if we are left behind on trade.

  24. Chris says:

    Dewey has been warning us about the TPP for at least a year and I don’t remember anyone here (including myself) being willing to engage on the subject. It’s funny to me to see so many complaining about it now.

    Peggy, in your link, Ben Shapiro blames the left for the perception that conservatives are bigoted toward gays. Yet Ben Shapiro has also said this:

    “If you pay tuition, you’re sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda. If you pay taxes, you’re sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda. If your child majors in English, you’re sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda.”

    Furthermore, his websites TruthRevolt and Breitbart have both defended Vladimir Putin’s draconian anti-free speech laws prohibiting any positive depictions of LGBT people in Russia.

    Shapiro doesn’t need the left to make him look bigoted against LGBT people. The reason that people call him bigoted against LGBT people is because he is bigoted against LGBT people. The best thing conservatives could do to reduce the impression than they are bigoted against gays is to distance themselves from people like Shapiro and other anti-gay bigots.

  25. Chris says:

    Tina: “Heard more about this today and it struck me that this long made-in-secret deal is very typical of the radical left.”

    Yes, let’s completely ignore that this deal had bipartisan support, because acknowledging that little fact would be terribly inconvenient.

  26. Dewey says:

    Peggy Thank You

    This is a non partisan issue.

    La Malfa was against it last I saw but Lobbyists, Boehner, and the Obama team are changing that. Keep on him and call all house members.

    The people are out in numbers. Everywhere. The media is not showing that. I personally went to Pelosi’s office in DC and joined in.

    Congress does not represent us the people they represent the corporations who give them money. These are multinational Corporations.

    It will be very close vote tomorrow. People power matters here.

    Also they are not voting on the TPP they are voting on fast track. It is how all all these bad trade pass. Fast track lasts for 6 years.

    There are several trade bills being negotiated. TTP, TTIP, and TiSA. With fast track they will be whipped through congress.

    All classified and secret and even after they pass we can not see them for 5 years. It is a blatant shift of power from a nation to a World Tribunal.

    We just lost a case in that court. Mexico and Canada just sued us.

    No One can name a trade deal that has not lost us jobs.

    Tina We can figure out how to reverse the damage the other trade deals have caused us. We have to start creating our own jobs with new companies. These Trade deals just keep digging the hole deeper as power shifts out of our reach.

    Tomorrow is important. This is a huge fight and they did not have votes. They think they have bought enough now.

    We have to lobby as hard as the lobbyists are. This is for all of us.

    NO On Fast Track. #ObamaTrade Stinks.

    ALso fast track lasts for 6 years.

  27. Dewey says:

    And Jack Sorry that video is not credible. It is paid propaganda.

    That is not an opinion. That is fact. Indoctrination just like WW2.

    Prager University, an online institution founded in 2011 by conservative radio host Dennis Prager to create right-wing educational resources, is directing its religious politics directly at students and teachers, while receiving financial support from two fracking industry titans, a new investigation by RH Reality Check found this week.

    PragerU is not an accredited educational institution, but rather provides online lectures and lesson plans. It has received more than $6.5 million in donations from fracking industry billionaires Dan and Farris Wilks.

    It took me less than a minute to figure it out.

  28. Dewey says:

    Pie yes I do. So all the Koch Brothers do is fund a few documentaries. OK Sorry The facts are on my side.

    Ever hear of the Kochtupus? Google it

  29. Peggy says:

    Agenda 21 comes to mind with this “secret” trade agreement giving power to the UN and the pres. Not good.

  30. Chris says:

    If Agenda 21 ever comes to one’s mind, it’s a good sign that one has spent way too much time on conspiracy theorist websites.

  31. Peggy says:

    While some liberal progressives continue to deny the coordinated efforts to undermine our Constitution and diminish congressional power thankfully other liberals are realizing the threat is real.

    Dem Rep DeFazio: Obama Tried To Get Us To ‘Give Up Our Constitutional Authority’:
    Lame duck: Democrats clip President Obama’s wings:

    Any time someone denies the decline of America for the rise of third world countries one only needs to look at Detroit and other once great manufacturing cities and listen to members of their own party who realized this agreement was about the transfer of power and not jobs for more Americans.

  32. Peggy says:

    Boehner has to go!!

    Boehner Purges Conservatives Who Defy on ObamaTrade Votes:

    “House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) have taken swift retribution against House members who dared to break ranks with “the team” on a rule vote for Trade Promotion Authority (Fast Track). On Monday, June 15, Scalise booted GOP Reps. Cynthia Lummis (Wyo.), Steve Pearce (N.M.) and Trent Franks (Ariz.) — all members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) — from the whip team.

    Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) is another HFC member who was among the 34 House Republicans voting against the TPA rule. He sees the Boehner-Scalise revenge going deeper and attacking their donor base. “Because voting against the rule is almost like a capital crime here, and we know what’s going to happen to us,” Labrador told Congressional Quarterly Roll Call. “We know that the leadership is going to come against us, we know that they’re already telling our donors not to give money to us, which, by the way, I think is unethical. We know exactly what they’re doing.”

    According to Labrador, there is mounting dissatisfaction with the current House GOP leadership’s iron-fisted rule. “That’s not leadership,” Labrador said. “That’s tyranny.”

    Team Obama-Boehner-Wall Street

    But, to which “team” is Speaker Boehner referring? Quite obviously he, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the other GOP Congressional leaders have teamed up with the Obama White House, Goldman Sachs and other corporate globalists to foist the secret, sovereignty-destroying TPP/TTIP/TISA treaties on the American people before they find out about them and develop widespread organized opposition. However, the outrageous lengths to which Team Obama-Boehner-McConnell has gone to keep these agreements secret and to rush them through Congress has, in the end, worked to stir public anger and unify resistance across the political spectrum. The defeat of the Trade Promotion Authority/Trade Adjustment Assistance package in the House last week, and the failure of Obama, Boehner, Scalise, and company to twist enough arms or bribe enough support for a revote on Tuesday is a hopeful sign that more members of Congress are Choosing Team America over Team Obama-Boehner-McConnell.”

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