Germany’s Immigration Woes Increase – A Parallel Society Rises

by Jack

After WWII Germany was suffering from a labor shortage. Turkish

BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 19: German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at her traditional annual summer press conference on July 19, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. As the German Chancellor bids for re-election, the ongoing issues surrounding the United States' PRISM spy program are expected to feature heavily in the run-up to the September 22 general election. Merkel has stressed her concern over the U.S. government's compliance with German data collection laws and has pledged to seek tougher European Union data protection policies, but has faced pressure as the opposition questions how early she knew of the surveillance program. (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images)

BERLIN, GERMANY – JULY 19: German Chancellor Angela Merkel struggles with the immigration problems.  (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images)

immigrants seemed like a natural fit given Germany’s close ties to Turkey. Since the early 1960’s millions of “guest workers” were allowed entry under an evolving immigration plan which always included that one day the “guests” would return home.

Germany refused to face the reality that Turks once established, earning a good living, with children in school didn’t want to go home. The lack of a coherent immigration policy led to today’s integration problems.

As the Germans call it, a “parallel society” soon emerged. Germans called them Außenseiters – outsiders, then the more police version arose, Gastarbeiters or guest workers.

Ironically, Turks did not want to lose their cultural identity or their language and Germans initially didn’t want to accept them as full citizens…thus the parallel society.

germany578In today’s times German’s believed Turks are not making a reasonable effort to assimilate into the culture.  Well, this is true, but they were both responsible in some degree for this non-assimilating.  Turks were content to establish their own culture within Germany and with their vote they could seek elected political office to change Germany to accommodate them.  In this sense, they were using Germany’s system against them and for their special interest group.

A reflection of this social problem can be found in a new bestselling book, “Deutschland schafft sich ab” by Thilo Sarrazin. The book has really struck a nerve among German citizens.

This assimilation failure is precisely why the roughly 3 million Turkish immigrants living in Germany are, according to studies by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development, living poorer and more dependent on German safety nets than other immigrants.

Germany is known as the cross roads of Europe. Virtually every foreign army throughout history eventually found its way to German soil. But, despite this the German culture stayed strong to evolve in its own unique way.  But, today’s threat to their culture is not from outside, its coming from within in ways they could not foresee when they opened their borders to low cost labor.

Several generations later Turks still see themselves as more Turkish than German.
Islam has been a unifying force among the Turks because it is an entire life-style, one that is reflected in their behaviors in everyday life.  Those strict Islamic codes of conduct instantly set Muslims apart from their host society and make them readily identifiable as Muslim Turks.germanyally-racism-paris

Islam is a religion that demands complete obedience on many levels of devotion.  Surrendering of one’s will to the authority of the Koran and Allah as interpreted by their Imam’s is mandatory.   Next, Islam is also a political force and the combination of the two demands other political forms yield to its domination. This is another compelling reason for the Turks to strongly cling to an identity apart from other German citizens.

It is no coincidence that every country that has a majority Muslim population has adopted Islam as its guiding force within their government and to the detriment of all other religions. And while some countries may claim to be free republics, their Muslim influenced laws say otherwise.

There is a lesson to be learned from Germany’s ongoing frustrations and security threats. But, it’s likely not something to be learned by our liberals who wear rose colored glasses.

America has a long history of doing what is good for America when it comes to trade policies, foreign policies, agriculture policies, environmental policies, etc., but oddly when it comes to a cogent immigration policy, reason suddenly stops. It appears that our leftist-liberals in power are transfixed on doing what is good solely for the immigrant, legal or not and you must ask yourself why? The answers are not good; they involve economic exploitation coupled to short term monetary gain. This also involves the obsessive need power via coercion, and extortion in order to undermine our founding principles in favor of their leftist Utopian ideology.

immigrationcontrolThe leftists frame the argument around how can we best provide free things (great for buying votes and generally with other people’s money), like free healthcare, free education, free housing, or a monthly welfare check without asking what do “we” get in return? We know what the leftists get, they get re-elected and they get more control over us. Control is a leftists euphoria…along with the transfer of money.

To resist their argument is be labeled as anti-immigrant, a xenophobe or worse a racist! Politicians do not care much for such labels and it’s far easier to bend to the will of those with a powerful lobby, who are loud, demanding, and threatening, than to take a moral and courageous stand based on what is right for the country in order to preserve our security and our standing among competing nations.

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13 Responses to Germany’s Immigration Woes Increase – A Parallel Society Rises

  1. Tina says:

    The picture isn’t pretty and should serve as a warning but so many Americans are clueless about both the value of freedom and the uniqueness of our republic as established. We should have known when the clueless started calling the founders old white dead guys…as if Marx et al are not…fools!

    Thanks, Jack, for taking a moral and courageous stand!

  2. Ralph says:

    Minus the religion, isn’t this exactly what is happening with Mexicans in this country?

    • Ralph says:

      Today I went to the Chico Mall. It has been a while since I’ve been there. Over half the people in the Mall were speaking Mexican. (And for the misinformed there are differences between the Spanish spoken in Spain and Mexico.)

      How is that for assimilation? Or forget assimilation how about courtesy? If I planned to become a citizen of Mexico I would learn Mexican and speak it or at least try.

      • Chris says:

        “Speaking Mexican?” Oh I get it, this is satire, right?

        “(And for the misinformed there are differences between the Spanish spoken in Spain and Mexico.)”

        Yes, but the language is still called “Spanish.” There are differences between English in America and English in England, but no one says “speak American” unless they are intentionally trying to sound like an idiot.

        • Jack Lee says:

          Si, …hablo Espanol! Pero no muy bien. As it was explained to me by a Spanish speaking friend of mine, there is Castilian (the kind you learn in school) and then there Mexican-Spanish, California-Spanish, Guatemalan-Spanish, and anyone who is a Spanish speaker can generally tell where someone is from by their strong accent and slightly different dialect.

          California style is the roughest, as it incorporates a lot of English and slang and is looked down on by South of the border Spanish speakers. For example, there is no word in Spanish called ashavar, but in California is means wash the car…just slang, a short cut. If you were saying, “Where is the car?,” you could use the word coche, carro, auto or automovil as the object, preceded by dónde está (where is) all depends on where you grew up.

          I don’t know how to write it, but a common greeting among the home boys goes like this, como-thay-ietho, kinda like saying, “whas happenin dude” but in California-Spanish. Said correctly it is, ¿cómo va el hombre (or esse’). And that kids is my CA-Spanish lesson for today.

          Adios amigos.

          Enjoys Mandarin, Russian, French, German, Spanish, and absolutely not fluent in any, #2$#$!

        • bob says:

          …unless they are intentionally trying to sound like an idiot.

          There you go again, Chris. Incendiary attacks and name calling. You are pulling the same kind of cr@p you did with Joe with the intent of running off this new poster and anyone else who is new and does not agree with your liberal agenda.

          Instead of calling Ralph names and squabbling over semantics why don’t you address the issue of assimilation. (BTW, I have had Brits tell me I speak “American.” I guess they must be stupid, too.)

          • Chris says:

            Bob, for the last time, Joe scurried off because he told Jack and I that we deserved to be tortured for all eternity for disagreeing with him, and we didn’t like that. Again, there is nothing–no insult, no condemnation–that could be worse than telling someone they deserve to be tortured for all eternity, is there?

            Anyway, I didn’t call Ralph any names–I said he sounded like an idiot, not that he was one. Meanwhile, you call Democrats names here in nearly every comment, and you don’t see me getting the vapors and blaming you for driving delicate souls away from this blog. I guess you can dish it out but you can’t take it, huh?

          • bob says:

            …because he told Jack and I…

            Jack and I? Jack and I?? You do speak American! 🙂

            It makes perfect sense that you are an English teacher in the gooberment schools! Sorry, I should say you teach American in the gooberment schools. 🙂

            Bob, for the last time, Joe scurried off because he told Jack and I that we deserved to be tortured for all eternity for disagreeing with him…

            There you go again…lying. If you go back and read the posts you will see that he did not say anyone deserved anything. He was just stating what was in scripture. And he even told you how (in his opinion) you could stay out of Hell.

            Meanwhile, you call Democrats names here in nearly every comment…

            I do not call individual posters here names.

          • Chris says:

            bob: “Jack and I? Jack and I?? You do speak American!”

            Well played, and fair. (Grammar has never been my strong suit, and I’m open about that with my students.)

            “I do not call individual posters here names.”

            Also a fair point, though I feel when you label Democrats as DemonRats you’re including me in there.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Ralph, to a greater extent I believe you’re right. I’m just glad most of them are Catholics, we might be in big trouble if they were all radical Muslims! I’ll take Mexico for neighbor over Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, etc., any day!!!!!

  3. Tina says:

    Ralph thank you for commenting. It sounds like your question is rhetorical but it deserves an answer nonetheless.

    Mexicans have been coming to America for decades if not over the centuries. Most of them assimilate without losing appreciation for the culture of the “mother country.” In fact many states along the border are infused with Mexican culture and why not? We share the common values of family, religion, and a strong work ethic.

    Latino’s, and others, traveling from countries south of our border now include dangerous gang and drug criminals who plant their flags and take over areas of our land or neighborhoods to establish cartel zones within our country. This is much different from those who came here for work or with a sincere desire to become Americans. They sought a means of providing for their family and then went back home. Others planned to stay seeking the freedom and opportunity available here. But many of the Latino’s encouraged to cross our borders illegally today have come from socialist nations. They have an expectation government assistance and a sense of entitlement. Others are militant activists with a desire to establish their culture in our Southwest area, which they wrongly believe was “taken” from them. It’s a mixed bag.

    Our nation over the past fifty years has done several things to invite the criminal elements and non-assimilating people.

    1. We became a nation addicted to drugs.

    2. We became a nation of handouts.

    3. We made it easy for non-English speaking people to get along in America, starting with notices and labels in Spanish. New arrivals don’t need to learn English and are more inclined to cling to the nation from whence they came.

    4. A wrong interpretation of the Constitution created an easy gateway that side. So called “anchor babies.”

    5. In the 1980s when Reagan signed the “one time only” agreement to make citizens of those who had come here illegally we failed to alter our policy to ensure that being the result. Now liberals use that as a political shaming point, Reagan did it,” even though it is they that have encouraged and defended continuing illegal entry.

    6. We have failed to secure our borders.

    7. We have allowed Marxist/socialist thought to replace the thinking of our founders and failed to pass out heritage of freedom along to our children.

    In other words we have, through our negligence AND our generosity, invited undermining and dangerous elements into our “home.” This is not good.

    I understand in Germany Muslims are demanding an end to Oktoberfest, a tradition dating back to the early eighteen hundreds. Will the Germans give up their beer for Muslims tyranny? They may not have a choice unless they are willing to do battle to preserve their culture.

  4. Tina says:

    PJ Media:

    The United States will increase its cap on the number of refugees it admits and resettles to 85,000 in the coming year and 100,000 in the following year, Secretary of State John F. Kerry said Sunday. The additional refugees, up from 70,000 in the current fiscal year that ends Sept. 30, will come from countries around the world. But the increase largely reflects the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the White House has promised to resettle over the next 12 months.

    Naturally, this is being couched in Alinskyite terms: making the enemy (us) live up to their own book of rules.

    “This step is in keeping with America’s best tradition as a land of second chances and a beacon of hope,” Kerry said in announcing the increase during a visit to Berlin to discuss the Syrian refugee crisis with his German counterpart, Frank Walter Steinmeier.

    The more the merrier, right? How many Americans are out of work or working part time when they would rather have a full time job?

  5. Tina says:

    We should also read Frank Miele’s column today, a partial repost from January 2007 which begins:

    It was the great historian Arnold Toynbee who said “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.” That puts it very well, and takes the blame off the Islamists or the Mexicans, and puts it squarely on ourselves. If this country, this civilization is going to perish, then it will be because we sacrificed our values, and laughed at our principles — not because a few thousand terrorists or a few million Mexicans crossed our borders.

    Which brings us … to fear.

    Isn’t “fear” just another name for “understanding consequences”? When you see a child playing with matches, are you afraid because you are a right-wing extremist, or because you understand the potential consequences to your house, your neighborhood or your national forest if the child is not stopped?

    Is it fearmongering when the National Park Service hands out those brochures about grizzly bears when you drive into Glacier Park? Or is it merely an attempt to avoid the unpleasant task of scraping up bear scat for signs of human DNA after a couple of campers go missing?

    Mr. Miele is writing from somewhere in the beautiful state of Montana; he is brilliant!

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