What Does An IED Look Like?

suspicioussuitcaseOf course this is not the only form for an IED, it can be in many other configurations.  Hope

this helps you understand what an IED could be.

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7 Responses to What Does An IED Look Like?

  1. Harold says:

    Yep, I “C” the difference, they all come with that C-4 label… right?

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Well… not exactly, but the English version does.

  3. Tina says:

    Hence the question by officers, which Ahmed declined to answer, “Have you brought anything else to school?”

  4. RHT447 says:

    This video is not new, but while we’re on the topic—


  5. Peggy says:

    Fraud or hoax?

    Richard Dawkins Says ‘We Were All Fooled’ by Texas Teen Who Was Arrested for Bringing Homemade Clock to School:

    “Richard Dawkins, a 74-year-old outspoken atheist biologist, took to Twitter Sunday questioning 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed’s “invention” and his motive for creating it.

    Citing a YouTube video posted by Thomas Talbot, in which he shows how Mohamed didn’t invent or build a clock, Dawkins wondered, if this was true, what then was Mohamed’s motive for bringing the device to school.

    Talbot, in his video, says the device Mohamed put in the metal case was a “commercial alarm clock that you would purchase at any department store and use at your bedside.”


  6. bob says:

    Our society is so absurd it is hilarious.

    It’s a Chris world and we are all just visitors.

    Remember, Raptor lives matter and watch out for those pastry guns…and the truth about the “clock.”


    And Jack, did you know they have rodent delivery of pizzas in NY?


  7. Harold says:

    Great link on the Clock Kids test run ……..if you suspect something, these days it is important to report it.

    I wonder if he’ll take to show Obama at the WH?, go the bathroom and after that ask to plug it in??

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