Posted by Tina
Thirteen are dead and others injured. The shooter is dead. Reports are still sketchy but an eye witness account is chilling:
One student, Kortney Moore, 18, told News Review-Today that she was in her writing class in Snyder Hall when a single shot came through a window.
Moore said she saw her teacher get shot in the head, apparently after the gunman came into the classroom. At that point, Moore told the newspaper, the shooter ordered everyone to get on the ground. The shooter then asked people to stand up and state their religion and then started firing, Moore said.
I just listened to the President speak to the families and friends. His words were exactly what you would expect from any president.
Then he started lecturing the people of the United States about adding more gun control laws. He was very smug. He used examples and statistics that were not accurate. Bringing this up before, as Lars Larsen just said, “the blood is dry” is tacky and cruel. I think he’s stepped in it again!
Stay tuned.
It did not take long for the left wing media to blame the NRA for something NRA members never do.
Update: another source tonight reported eight dead…still sketchy.
Pie the president never lets an opportunity go to waste either. I cannot believe he again took the occasion to push for more gun laws…couldn;t he wait at least one day…talk about the gun thing separately? He has no shame. He uses incidents like this to push his political agenda and garner votes. I cannot think of a word low enough to describe what I think of this man
All I can think about is comments “post script”, said about removing the neighborhood watch signs in his town and put up “Buglers welcome, we enjoy the target practice.”
Why not try some gun control stuff for a while on a vote type deal, over 300K a year folks lost to gun violence? Like for a while, vote every year on a yes or no gun control ballot. Gun violence needs to be more in our face, we can put it on speed limit signs. Have the number killed in the county by guns updated somewhere so we are reminded constantly until were sick of it.
Robert I dare you to to explain how a gun becomes violent. I’ll bet if you placed a loaded gun on your mantle (No kids present) for a year, a decade, a century it would never fire if left untouched.
PEOPLE commit murder when using a weapon of any kind.
We already have plenty of gun laws. More gun laws will not change the behavior, or mental health, of criminals.
This is simple common sense, unless, are you one of those who thinks Americans should give up their guns?
Obama is a shill for the anti gun lobby, pure and simple
Oh one more point.
Liberals like Obama, as usual, don’t write speeches to fit history they write history to fit their speeches
As he has done so many times before, da prez jumped right to the podium and started pounding – without any facts! And all he had to do is rerun previous anti-gun speeches.
If Obumble was so angry about guns, why was there no mention of his hometown city with very strict gun laws – Chicago – is the murder capital of the world? So far, nobody has been able to prove that CRIMINALS follow gun laws.
Here’s an interesting paper out of Chicago (dated 2002) and posted by John R. Lott Jr.,
Crime Prevention Research Center and William M. Landes, University of Chicago Law School; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER):
A CNN report updates injuries of the victims and the bravery of an Army veteran.
Every time some lunatic or terrorist with a gun pulls off a horrific crime, legitimate and legal gun owners are attacked by Democrats and the left. Face it kids, these are the people we are up against. They will never go away. They will always be on the attack. We must be ever vigilant to protect our Constitutional rights. How different is this different the from the PC left that seeks to quash freedom of speech? Not different at all. Every time this sort of thing happens, the left blames the NRA!
No member of the NRA has ever committed such atrocities to my knowledge. Not any member of the National Rifle Association, not any member of the Gun Owners Of America, and not any member of the Disabled Americans for Firearms Rights.
With what little money I have I to support, I support these three organizations first and foremost. Above any political party. Above any politician. Disabled Americans for Firearms Rights especially needs your help.
Beware. Be aware. Give if you when you can.
Oh crap, another bad post. My forte. That last sentence should have read “Beware. Be aware. Give if you can when you can..”
People died and all one here can talk about is the Presidents comments? Wanting sensible control is not anti gun. The right to bear arms is important for security against any gov attempting to suppress the people. That said that does not mean the mentally ill, violent criminals ect should have Guns. Have a well organized militia is not allowing every nut job to have a gun, Hunting people has become the new sport.
Media is responsible. The NRA is a shrill for the same people trying to take us to fascism. Ya ever look at the board of directors and follow the money?
But all Conservatives care about is bashing anybody who does not conform to their thinking. Well there is a conservative young man do you agree with his thinking? Must have been Libertarian Conservative cause they tend to not like religion.
An online dating profile, linked to Mercer’s email address and featuring another photo of him, says the 26-year-old was living with his parents and searching for the “yin to my yang.” It identifies his views as “conservative, republican” and lists “organized religion” as one of his “dislikes.”
Vester Flanagan.
People “like him have nothing left to live for,” Mercer wrote on August 31. “On an interesting note, I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are… A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”
Media has created a whole generation of Haters
BTW that is the second known Conservative mass shooting. Time to talk real and cut the Propaganda
Dewey is there anything more hateful than purposely accusing republicans of murder by association?
Republicans don’t advocate mass murder, nor do they desire state control of all business or rounding up Jews to throw them in concentration camps. You need to back off of this ludicrous tripe. It makes you sound like a mental deficient in addition to being a hateful vindictive person. I know that’s not what you intend…right?
I once thought folks like Dewey and Chris were amusing, but when you get right down to it, they are nothing more than lunatic feces tossers playing a sick game of disruption.
The host of a fox program the one John Stewart always battles said that “we already have the laws but they are not enforced…” responding to Obama’s challenge that Gun Laws save people saves. Ya but the car which is a heavier killer than guns has why more deaths associated with it, and we keep registrations up and insurance mandatory and so on. Why not with gun ownership?
I don’t know if we have statistics on how many people have been INTENTIONALLY MURDERED by PEOPLE driving cars but I would bet its very few.
Get it straight…people kill people. Guns and cars are inanimate…that means they don’t have a life force within them.
We have so many gun laws on the books already that officials can’t agree on the number!
LAWS act somewhat as a deterrent but they don’t stop people from committing murder. Laws are used to prosecute after the fact.
This stuff is so basic…what is wrong with people! (She asked rhetorically)
lives not saves
way not why
Tina I do not know what second language I have.
I asked if English was your “second language” not what second language you have. Put differently…did you learn to speak another language before you learned to speak English?
Tina” You say:
Dewey is there anything more hateful than purposely accusing republicans of murder by association?
Republicans don’t advocate mass murder, nor do they desire state control of all business or rounding up Jews to throw them in concentration camps. You need to back off of this ludicrous tripe –
Where do you get this stuff? RW blogs? Amazing crap! Who said that?
Tina your assumptions and rush to conclusions does not surprise me, You miss the whole point. There are factions in these parties. Bottom Line If all Republicans can be grouped into a whole than your statement would be true.
They are a faction of the Conservative Republican Party movement. To ignore the fact this faction exists is shallow at best.
The Media and RW blogs feed these factions.
To suggest Democrats are all evil and Republicans are holier than thou is delusional. Sounds more like tribes from the middle east in that manner.
People Died!
Deflecting does not change the fact we have a problem.
If they had been “Lefties” You would have rambled on and on about how evil the left is.
This kid was some sort of anger or special needs case and was allowed to be around fire arms and a mother who bragged about all her guns on social media. They were into the conservative gun movement and crazy RW conspiracies. He may have well gotten into other crap. Who knows?
Bottom Line the hate and constant media propaganda from the Right has raised a generation. It is not a good one.
Like I said People died and all I hear is Obama bashing no solutions. I merely point out this kids beliefs are not from Obama.
Sensible gun control that protects the constitutional right to bear arms is the conversation. Try having it.
If you need bashing ammunition on Obama than you have to go no further than the Trade Deals on the table. There is plenty bashing to use. I personally am fighting him with facts and people power on those.
Here is another one.
What happened to keeping guns out of reach of children? What happened to teaching respect for guns? I want to protect the right to bear arms.
We have to stop this media glorification of guns and constant killing. It becomes normal to a child. Guns are a tool. No more. A useful tool for defense, hunting, and survival. Protect our right to bear arms. Stop the constant Propaganda.
Nothing happened to “keeping guns out of hands of children,” Dewey. 99.999% of gun owners do just that. They also teach their kids to respect guns, how to safely handle them, and from the time they are babies…never, never point a gun at another person.
No tina 99.9% do not do that. You would and I would. not everybody. You really need to live in some other pats of the country.
Why the sudden rise in gun deaths and accidents? The culture has changed. You tend to group all people. You can not do that. A 10 year old boy just killed an 8 yr old girl because she would not let him see her puppy. There are too many stories like this. Irresponsible gun owners need a culture change. I want to protect our rights. We need this to stop.
Yet watching Dewey digging a hole deeper and deeper into a hole for himself has its merits in the humor department, even if his horrendously hateful comments inspire utter disgust.
“Sensible gun control.” The left’s perpetual answer to the agenda of the wholesale disarming every legitimate and legal gun owner who is not a criminal.
Everything is an attack by the left with you. Never a conversation. This is not Germany in the 1930’s.
Re : dewey says: “Everything is an attack by the left with you. Never a conversation. This is not Germany in the 1930’s.”
Funny, given some of your pronouncement, this IS 1930’s Germany!
And yes, the left is waging a war on the Bill Of Rights, in particular the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
Who is it that wants to rein in media (that is quash)? YOU dear boy. The “corporate media” that you so hound and whimper about. What a phony hypocrite. A phony hypocrite who does not even realize he is a phony hypocrite. That is the left for you, folks. In a NUT shell.
God, that is precious.
And here we go a good woman with a gun shooting up a Home Depot parking lot over a shoplifter! What if a child or innocent person was hit! This is outrageous
99% yea right
Dewey, dear boy, what makes you think she was part of the 99%?
There is a left wing supervisor on the City Council who once shot up his neighborhood going after a fleeing bad guy. Bullets flying everywhere.
I don’t think is is part of the 99% either. He is a 1 pecenter like you, Dewey. I hope you never own a handgun or any firearm for that matter. You are far too Loony Tunes for that responsibility.
Are we moving on to the new school shootings yet? Nothing is wrong right?
Dewey, what we are up against are the odds and not the guns. Let me explain. We have roughly 360,000,000 people in the USA and a certain percentage of them are going to be homicidal haters, totally unreachable by simple reasoning. They’re sick, demented, irrational people who should have constant supervision in a jail cell or an institution.
The system tries to find them and remove them from society whenever we can, but its impossible to get them all. Unless you want to live in prison like society. So, when we don’t catch them and some slip through the system, these crazies are left to their devices and that point they can and will do very bad things as we’ve seen.
Next, an idea can spread rapidly in society for good or bad, especially these days with TV and the internet. A really, really bad idea acts like a virus. It seeks out and infects those people who most susceptible, like the school shooters and before that it was post office shooters or it was 9/11. We’ve seen these evil people infected by bad ideas use cars to run over people, rocks or clubs to kill people, firebombs to burn people to death, bombs to blow up people, their own hands to strangle people, poison to kill people, knives to stab people, planes to crash into buildings and kill people, and yes guns to shoot people! Today it’s school shootings and terrorists, before it was postal workers, its always something.
Dewey, this has been going on for as long as there have been humans and we still don’t know how to stop it without taking away all our rights and living in a police state!
The main point is, whatever was convenient and available to these sick people is what they will use. We can’t ban everything that could be used to kill people, can we? We’ve got over 350,000,000 guns in the USA and we’re just not going to ban guns anymore than we’re going to ban cars. Guns, cars, planes, etc., are is just a few of the millions of risks things we own and use every day.
Next, I can’t think of anyone who has an issue with keeping guns away from crazy people, but do crazy people really make up a huge percentage of the people who are doing the killing? The answer is no! If you want to look at murder from a purely statistical point, then a black male, between the ages of 15 and 30, represents the biggest threat for homicide by guns. Do we hear the president calling for them to be banned from gun ownership? No, but statistically that makes more sense than casting a big net that will affect all people who are law abiding from gun ownership. Why should they lose their rights when they are [not] the problem? But, the gun grabbers don’t see it that way, they tend to obsess over adding costly fees, regulations and just anything to make it prohibitively expensive and a pain in the butt to own a gun. Their efforts only impact the law abiding, normal people, not the criminals or the crazy people.
Does any of this make even the slightest sense to you? Do you get what I am saying? This is not rocket science…its just human nature stuff. We can’t ban human nature.
Dewey: “Irresponsible gun owners need a culture change.”
More gun laws won’t fix that.
Methinks Jack and Tina finally shut him up.
That dog’s as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oatmeal.
— Foghorn Leghorn