by Jack Lee
Did you watch the debate last night? Were you appalled by the illogical, narrow minded, sometimes laughable, rhetoric coming from the candidates? I was.
I learned many things about these shallow minded liberals, but none was more shocking than what I learned about Bernie Sanders. I learned that Bernie was a pacifist, antiwar activist and conscientious objector during his college days. Don’t get me wrong, its not that I oppose any of that, I don’t, it’s all part of our right to a free choice. He could have been a member of the Communist Party or the Nazi Party for all I care…that’s his choice. However, I do not think someone who applied for C/O status and dodged the draft should be allowed to become president and command our military.
I’m surprised that we do not have a law on the books that says you can’t run for the presidency if you were ever in C/O status or applied for C/O status. For way too many logical reasons to list now, C/O’s should be excluded from becoming Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces. Bernie, of course, says he’s no longer a pacifist. But, does that make it okay? What matters to me is, he escaped his military service and if elected, he will be in a position to send your sons and daughters to war. That’s fundamentally wrong.
Back in the day, I could relate to anti-war activists like Bernie. Some of my friends were anti-war activists and a few went to Canada to avoid the draft. I can empathize with their reasons, but I didn’t take that route and I did my small bit to serve as did most of my friends. But, with this personal history in mind, I can see how wrong it would be if we allowed a draft dodger or a C/O to become president. We would be asking too much of our military to put up with that. It’s bad enough to think we could elect a ditz like Hillary who wouldn’t know a fox hole from a port hole, but a conscientious objector, an anti-war activist? Nah, no thanks.
So, for me at least, last night Bernie ceased to be amusing. He’s no longer that annoying little fuzz ball that is causing so much grief for Hillary. He is simply an unthinkable choice for president.
EVIDENCE: “Bernie Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, his campaign confirmed to ABC News. According to a profile from the Vermont Senator’s hometown newspaper, the Burlington Free Press, his conscientious objector status application was eventually rejected, but by then Sanders was too old to be drafted.”
I think the winners in last night’s Demwit “debate” were the folks who tuned in to other programs. I kinda listened to the “debate” on the TV in another room but I really enjoyed reading the commenters on Twitter about the debaters on TV.
I highly recommend listening/watching future Demwit performances in this manner as it is much more informative and certainly more entertaining – even hilarious at times!
This is actually a very good point, and I didn’t know that about Bernie.
It’s possible he objected to the morality of the Vietnam War in particular, and wouldn’t oppose all wars, however I think your suggestion that C/O status should make one ineligible for the presidency makes sense.
I like Bernie but I don’t think he’s ready for this job. I’m probably just going to write in Leslie Knope this election.
Thanks Chris, I’m glad we can agree on this one.
Is anyone stupid enough to believe what water boy Chris says?
“However, I do not think someone who applied for C/O status and dodged the draft should be allowed to become president and command our military.”
Only because you are not thinking it through. A C/O is likely to be a damned sight more inclined against the reckless abuse of resources than was that much more underhanded shirker, The Shrub. And how many deferrals were collected by Cheney? Seems to me that your dismay is HIGHLY partisan in its application.
Talk about partisan opinion.
Seems to me that someone who filed for CO status is just as likely as president to make the same blunders as our equally unqualified current President when it comes to matters of war.
Abuse of resources? Please! Not only has Obummer wasted the cash and resources he used for war, he put the entire world in greater danger in the process! And while he was playing at Comander-in-Chief he also managed to rack up more debt than all previous presidents combined! And since Obummercare will be another unsustainable program that adds to the debt, the debt will just keep on exploding until something is done or our economy collapses.
Unlike businesses, the government doesn’t produce anything. Instead, it spends. The more it spends the more it must TAKE from the private sector. The more it takes from the private sector the less there is to create businesses, jobs, and even tax revenue. This is a recipe for self destruction.
People like Hillary Clinton lecture Americans. We have not done enough. The wealthy must do more. She wants free college for all and free preschool, to name just two agenda items. She says she will take the money from the wealthy and the profits of companies. She follows the formula for destruction.
Here’s a few thoughts, Hillary.
Your foundation is chock full of cash and you aren’t doing so bad either! If you care so much, why don’t YOU fund free college and free preschool personally!
Any person who can command $6000.00 for a speaking engagement, whose husband can get even more, and whose worth and assets place her among the wealthiest of Americans surely can join with a few wealthy friends from Hollywood and the big corporate world to create a super education fund!
People that support these deceitful leeches are being played. she offers freebies in exchange for votes and in a single stroke creates the economic conditions that will ensure fewer jobs, lower paying jobs, a sluggish economy, and even more people depending on government to live. By the time a baby who gets Hillary’s free preschool is finished with Hillary’s free college our nation will look like Greece…or Venezuela.
None of the Democrat contenders are fit to be the President and for both reasons. they are lousy at running the military and overseeing the war and they are a disaster when it comes to the economy, opportunity and JOBS!
Bush was not a “shirker” but Bernie certainly was and is. Evidently that qualifies him as presidential timber in Libby’s mind.
Try this on for size, dear — Bernie Sanders does not have a chance in hell. Get over it.
Here, here!
I think we’d all like to see Obama’s “reckless abuse of resources” explained by the always contentious Libby.
How does she, being against defense of the nation, justify the defense budget ($620.9 billion) for next year from her guy? Especially when she always has so much criticism for the opposition party?
Interesting to note that the president that cut his defense budget earlier (2014) now proposes increases in spending..oh yeah, it’s an election year.
Wouldn’t it be smarter to budget steadily instead of playing politics with our military?
EVERYTHING the Democrat Party does is for power.
First off, your submission form says my email address will not be published. I don’t care if you publish my email or not, what difference does it make?
Now about your comment “Everything the Democrat Party does is for power.” I must disagree. Sometimes we do it for the money, sometimes for sex, sometimes for free tickets to the ball game. It all depends on what you need and what you have to offer.
Thanks for your donations,
Your next president, Hillary
Hillery, you’re a hoot! đ
“Bush was not a ‘shirker’â.
Oh yes he was. Daddy wangled him a cushy billet as a pilot in the reserves, fer pity’s sake, and then Daddy had to intervene yet again to keep the dweeb from getting busted out for his truancy, or I suppose AWOL is the correct terminology.
Eat the rich!
Dan Rather’s phony documents that gave life to your assertion, Libby, were proven to have been forged. Four people lost their jobs and Rather lost his reputation.
Mary Mapes, the producer of the Killian documents story, was terminated over the incident because it was shown that she had in her possession prior to going on air with the false story that Bush volunteered for duty as a fighter pilot in Vietnam but was denied by his superiors at the time due to his inexperience. See here.
Being a fighter pilot requires tough training, intelligence, awareness, skills, and yes, courage. Even when flying practice missions disaster can strike the best of ’em, “Elite Top Gun pilot dies in fighter jet crash in Nevada during a training exercise.”
So Libby you can take that BS lie and stuff it. And you can take your crappy condescending attitude and stuff that too.
Neither Obama nor Kerry can hold a candle to GWB when it comes to keeping Americans safe or being willing to fight for his country! (You can add Hillary to that list of failures as well.)
“Any person who can command $6000.00 ….”
Oh, Tina … you left off some zeros. I am not a partisan drone.
Eat All the Rich!
And then … Feel the BERN !!
Holy cow, you’re right Libby. The poor little woman who complained about how broke she and Bill were when they left the White House has been paid as much as $20,000.00 for a speaking engagement. (Are her fans that dumb or are they just funneling money to her campaign)
So, to borrow a phrase from you, why doesn’t she just “pony up” for her pet projects? She and her relatives and friends can get it done if they pool their resources and smarts. Why not do it herself?
Can you answer that, Libby?
In fact, why do wealthy democrats prefer big government to personal projects?
Another question. After you eat the rich, who will be left to pay the tab for all of this generosity?
This is moronic thinking if EVER there was moronic thinking.
So you like Bernie…figures. His thinking is as moronic as yours when it comes to how “we” can afford those pet projects.
Just once I’d like to see someone like him step into the shoes of a wealth producer and take responsibility for generating the wealth he so casually would confiscate. I’m not talking about occupying the chair; I’m talking about getting the customers, bringing money in the door to do payroll and meet obligations month after month, and paying the price of tax burdens fees and regulations.
Tina, only you would call universal healthcare at “pet project”.
Besides, isn’t that what the Microsoft Gates called for some years’ back? … that the nation’s moguls should unburden themselves of some of that capital in the public interest? Not a huge response, as I recall.
I believe it was the Census Department, just a day or two ago, let fly with another annoying demographic: fully half the nation’s wealth is in the hands of the one percent.
Half, Tina. Half.
Gee Libby it would be equally nutty to say those without wealth are a bunch of shirkers and parasites! Why the he77 haven’t they worked harder to get ahead so they too can contribute? Half don’t pay taxes at all!
Does it occur to you that when you tax and regulate a wealthy person/entity too much he will find a way to avoid paying that extra, egregious burden. In their position YOU would too!
The Tax Foundation:
We bump up here against another one of those progressive phrases meant to invoke anger, create division, and deceive the people: “The rich don’t pay their fair share.”
What bologna!
It would be more truthful if progressives would just come right out and say what they believe, we are all slaves whose earnings are the property of the government.
Universal healthcare, free daycare, and free college for all ARE pet projects that progressives hold dear because its a means to power. Hillary is arrogant enough to want the power personally…first woman president, goes down in the history books, jet sets meeting with important people, is seen as the smartest woman in the world, AND gets to spend other peoples money. She’s lived off the backs of others for nearly her entire adult life. Bernie is more of a true believer but one who carries a bludgeon. If he could he would force compliance to his Marxist ideas.
Conscientious objection doesn’t seem too cool during a time of war. Example is Vietnam. Lots of our soldiers died there and many more were injured yet mostly none were considered heroes like they are today. The story was the same . Lets go interfere in other nations problems to keep our economy going strong. Most of the wars we are in, especially Iraq and Afganistan should be handled by the UN. Why do we always interfere in the Middle East but not lower Africa?
Maybe the anti-war pacifists are only that way when it involves other people’s soil and not our own.
I believe Bernie Sanders would use military force if absolutely needed and lets not forget that he is always fighting for Vets to get the benefits and attention that they deserve.
It would be just the ghastly sort of irony you might expect. Bernie will take the White House, Pooti will nuke something (by mistake), and WWIII will commence.
Well Libs, Obama and Kerry have certainly set the stage!
Good article this morning by Monica Crowley points to Putin’s ultimate goal of control of the worlds oil supply: