Obamacare CO-OP Corruption – Where’s the Media Outrage?

Posted by Tina

The Daily Caller calls it the story “you’ve never heard about,” and I have to agree. And as old as it gets to complain about the media it has to be said again, Democrats are being protected and sheltered by the American press.

Richard Pollock, who’s part of a special Daily Caller investigative group is one of the few exceptions. Pollock has written several articles on corrupt dealings, cronyism, waste, and criminal activity within the Obamacare CO-OPs. According to Pollock, 23 Obamacare Co-Ops were created in 2011 with a price tag of two billion dollars. President Obama said these CO-OPs would “help lower medical costs by competing with profit-driven private companies,” Smoke and mirrors hides the fact that many of them are just money sinks, CO-OPs of corruption and vice. Is it any wonder that most are failing or have failed:“Seven of the co-ops have closed. A recent report by the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General said the rest of the co-ops are in deep financial trouble and more are expected to close.

The list of charges include: “blatant conflicts of interest, millions of tax dollars going to political cronies, thousands of Americans left without health insurance, lavish pay for incompetent executives, federal funds diverted illegally, multiple congressional investigations, insider trading convictions and big decisions made behind closed doors. … even child abuse.

Find links in the above linked Daily Caller article.

Big federal programs are a poor way to address healthcare needs and problems. The “free” money involved makes temptations great and taxpayers are the fools footing the bill. The bureaucratic monster in DC is so big no one can adequately mind the store. Too many of our representatives have been so corrupted they don’t even concern themselves as they funnel money to favored groups or supporters.

Obamacare was a “big f%*#ing deal,” according to potty mouth VP Biden. Shouldn’t corruption and waste of taxpayer money within the program be big news?

Obamacare must be repealed and replaced with a law that solves problems and puts greater power in the hands of the people and the states. If our media would serve the people, instead of the Democrat Party, we would see legitimate outrage and a Congress that is held to higher standards and is more responsive to the people.

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7 Responses to Obamacare CO-OP Corruption – Where’s the Media Outrage?

  1. J. Soden says:

    Few in what passes for today’s media are nothing but presstitutes, blindly following the Demwit talking points. The days when a Woodward and Bernstein would be given any headlines are long gone.
    Best thing to remember when reading the “media” or listening to talking heads is – consider the source!

  2. Tina says:

    Good advice J.

    There was more information today on this subject. The following is also from the Daily Caller.

    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) are reporting the CO_OP failures but refusing to disclose the names. That’s because under the Democrat produced and passed Obamacare law these groups were exempted from full disclosure!

    In creating the co-ops under Obamacare, Congressional Democrats exempted the co-ops from public disclosure rules that apply to publicly traded insurance companies and other publicly traded corporations on such exchanges as the New York Stock Exchange. Those rules require immediate disclosure of materially important financial details.

    Any materially “significant event” by publicly traded corporations have to be disclosed in “real time,” according to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    The Securities and Exchange Commission identifies 18 “mandatory disclosure items,” for private corporations including “any material impairment of a company’s asset.”

    Why should organizations that depend on public funds be exemted from public disclosure? What is it they don’t want the public to know? Why did Democrats (Nancy Pelosi and crew) want to protect these subsidized businesses from public scrutiny?

    As I recall both ACORN type activist groups and Planned Parenthood groups were among those receiving funds to create Obamacare CO-OPs…just sayin’

  3. dewey says:

    Jeez the Propaganda never stops!

    Bottom line 5 or 6 guys own the Mainstream Media. They launder superpac money and run the elections.

    Trump has hogged the airwaves with his fake Theater because he is a Democrat? No he has always been a Conservative of sorts. Bottom Line he supports what ever makes him money Period.

    Media is all about Establishment Candidates who feed them. There is no Liberal Mainstream Media.

    Comcast had everybody fired on MSNBC who speaks anything against their Agenda. CNN ? Well Time Warner is Hilliary’s 7th biggest Donor so they treat all other candidates bad and play the Hilliary game. They gve Equal Time to Trump. It’s About who ever buys the biggest ads slot.

    Fox is all GOP infotainment 24/7. Facts not important cause some people say…………

    RT is Rusian Owned TV

    Aljazzera was once Current which would be thriving now If Al Gore and his partner did not sell out.

    Media? Worse than Goebels Propaganda for the fascist machine.

    but this boo hoo they cover for Dems is a load of Propaganda, they go after money period. Turn off the crap like the rest of us. You will be free.

    • Tina says:

      What do you think about laws that are written to keep information from the public about how billions of dollars is spent? Full disclosure…a joke with democrats!

      What do you think about these failured CO-OP’s in which the bulk of the money was apparently used for perks for the administrators or somehow disappeared down a rabbit hole?

      In other words Dewey…stuff it.

  4. Tina says:

    This story just keeps getting bigger. The American Spectator’s reporting is more in depth:

    etween 2010 and 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) awarded $4.6 billion in Obamacare start-up grants to 16 Democrat-controlled states and the District of Columbia. $1.4 billion of this taxpayer largesse was spent on exchanges, many of which imploded upon launch or operated so inefficiently that enrollees have been left to the tender mercies of Obamacare.gov. The rest of these states also appear likely to abandon their exchanges in favor of federal “marketplaces.” Yet, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), they have kept all but $1 million of the grants. Where’s the rest of our money?

    What happened to the remaining $3.2 billion in taxpayer-funded grant money remains unknown, despite the valiant efforts of the GAO to solve the mystery. The nonpartisan agency released a report at the end of last month revealing that CMS oversight of the Obamacare grant process has been so inept that it is virtually impossible to gain more than a tenuous grasp on the expenditure amounts, much less where the money actually went. As the GAO points out, it was only able to get spending data through March 12, 2015. And even that stale information was woefully incomplete: “According to CMS… some states were two or more months late in reporting.”

    The stout-hearted reader able to wade through the turgid prose of the GAO report will be rewarded with some startling revelations. Not the least being that, of the $4.6 billion awarded to these 17 Democrat strongholds, the GAO was only able to glean enough data to identify about $3 billion in the “amount drawn down… from CMS’s account to the state’s account.” In other words, the reporting delays mean that the transfer totals reported by the GAO are of necessity far less than the actual total siphoned from CMS coffers. Thus, when the GAO reports that the “amount drawn down” by California was $709 billion, the actual figure could well be $1 billion.

    And it gets worse. Neither the states nor CMS have been able to provide adequate information concerning where and on what the money was spent. CMS permitted these states to report spending in terms of vague categories such as “contracts, consultants, personnel, equipment, and supplies.” Thus, 89 percent of the money spent was reported to CMS as having been paid for nebulous services such as “systems integration, project management, and independent validation and verifications.” One hardly needs to be a criminal genius to see that such a sloppily run system of doling out cash to state politicians offers all manner of opportunities for graft.

    See chart of states involved and how much each received at link.


    Disgusting! Democrats are such phonies.

    • RHT447 says:

      From George Will—

      Today’s Democratic Party is frozen, like a fly in amber, in the New Deal preoccupation — but with less excuse than Democrats had during the Great Depression. The party believes that economic inequality is an urgent problem, and that its urgency should be understood in terms of huge disparities of wealth. Neither proposition is (to use the term Jefferson used when he wrote equality into America’s catechism) a self-evident truth.

      The fundamental producer of income inequality is freedom. Individuals have different aptitudes and attitudes. Not even universal free public education, even were it well done, could equalize the ability of individuals to add value to the economy. Besides, some people want to teach, others want to run hedge funds. In an open society, rewards are set not by political power but by impersonal market forces, the rewards of which will differ dramatically but usually predictably. Beyond freedom’s valuable fecundity in producing unequal social outcomes, four other facets of today’s America fuel inequality.

      First, the entitlement state exists primarily to transfer wealth regressively, from the working-age population to the retired elderly who, after a lifetime of accumulation, are the wealthiest age cohort. Second, big, regulatory government inherently exacerbates inequality because it inevitably serves the strong — those sufficiently educated, affluent, articulate and confident to influence the administrative state’s myriad redistributive actions.

      Third, seven years of ZIRP — zero-interest-rate policy — have not restored the economic dynamism essential for social mobility but have had the intended effect of driving liquidity into equities in search of high yields, thereby enriching the 10 percent of Americans who own approximately 80 percent of the directly owned stocks. Also, by making big government inexpensive, low interest rates exacerbate the political class’s perennial disposition toward deficit spending. And little of the 2016 federal budget’s $283 billion for debt service will flow to individuals earning less than the median income.

      Fourth, family disintegration cripples the primary transmitter of social capital — the habits, mores, customs and dispositions necessary for seizing opportunities. When 72 percent of African American children and 53 percent of Hispanic children are born to unmarried women, and 40 percent of all births are to unmarried women, and a majority of all mothers under 30 are not living with the fathers of their children, the consequences for the life chances, and lifetime earnings, of millions of children are enormous.

      Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is doing well, if not good, by reducing the debate about equality to resentment of large fortunes. He should read Harry G. Frankfurt’s new book “On Inequality”. It is so short (89 pages) that even a peripatetic candidate can read it, and so lucid that he cannot miss its inconvenient point: “It is misguided to endorse economic egalitarianism as an authentic moral ideal.”


      From Matt Walsh—

      It’s comforting to project all our anger onto politicians. Lord knows, they deserve a fair amount of it. However, the difficult reality is this: America’s biggest problem is its citizens, not its politicians. Indeed, its politicians are a symptom, a reflection, of its people. They may manipulate and coerce and propagandize, but when it comes down to it, in a democratic system, if a bunch of lunatics and scoundrels are in power it’s because the people chose to put them there. The sickness originates, then, with the people. And the people’s sickness is rooted in the soul.

      . . .

      With the frazzled Muppet from Vermont leading the way, all of the candidates (except Jim Webb, who apparently stumbled into the wrong debate) spent the first several minutes complaining about “income inequality.” This was a theme they’d all return to incessantly throughout the evening, because there’s nothing more exhilarating than listening to old rich white people complain about old rich white people. Bernie Sanders lamented again and again that the “middle class is collapsing,” but never expressed any interest in seeing us poor middle class folk move up and out of the middle class. For Sanders and the rest of them, the “middle class” should be all we peons aspire to. Success and wealth ought to be solely possessed by the left wing ruling class. Wealth is evil, you see, so that’s why we should let our great and generous protectors carry the burden.

      Middle Class! Inequality! Greed! Middle Class! Inequality! Greed! I can’t really blame them for shouting socialist catchwords all night. This is what their voters desire. They don’t desire capitalism, because capitalism means opportunity and freedom, and opportunity and freedom mean hard work. Economic freedom is so unpopular among liberals that Bernie Sanders openly disavowed it to the sound of roaring applause. Clinton was hesitant (for now) to fully label herself a socialist, so instead she said she’s a sorta-capitalist who thinks “capitalism has to be saved from itself.” This is another way of calling American people children who need to be rescued by benevolent bureaucrats, but that’s OK because Democrat voters fervently wish to be treated like children. They want their own failures and struggles in life to be the fault of “the rich” and they want a president who will magically make it better.


      From Kipling—

      The Gods of the Copybook Headings.


  5. Tina says:

    Excellent RHT447!

    This bears repeating:

    …the difficult reality is this: America’s biggest problem is its citizens, not its politicians. Indeed, its politicians are a symptom, a reflection, of its people. They may manipulate and coerce and propagandize, but when it comes down to it, in a democratic system, if a bunch of lunatics and scoundrels are in power it’s because the people chose to put them there. The sickness originates, then, with the people. And the people’s sickness is rooted in the soul.

    This is why we at Post Scripts remain a voice for freedom and self reliance, no matter how small. Our citizens are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Those who preach greater dependency are part of the problem. We need policies institutions that will create a strong citizenry.

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