Video on Iran

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20 Responses to Video on Iran

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Off topic …
    Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households
    An Analysis of Medicaid, Cash, Food, and Housing Programs

    • Tina says:

      Very good information Pie. Of the thirteen points made in the article I found these two most useful:

      * In 2012, 51 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) reported that they used at least one welfare program during the year, compared to 30 percent of native households. Welfare in this study includes Medicaid and cash, food, and housing programs.

      * Welfare use varies among immigrant groups. Households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico (73 percent), the Caribbean (51 percent), and Africa (48 percent) have the highest overall welfare use. Those from East Asia (32 percent), Europe (26 percent), and South Asia (17 percent) have the lowest.

      Does it make any sense that our doors have swung wide open to illegal entry from nations south of our border?

      I heard this morning that California has the nations highest tax rate, highest level of poverty, and highest number of illegal entry population. This is a recipe for disaster.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Re : “I heard this morning that California has the nations highest tax rate, highest level of poverty, and highest number of illegal entry population. This is a recipe for disaster.”

        And guess what party brought that about. The party machine that runs this state. Chicago? They are third stringers compared to the golden state. Dang, these are the people I went to high school with.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Is this for real? Maybe it was me, not Clint.

    “I voted against that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron currently in the White House!”

    • Tina says:

      That was brilliant whether you, Clint, or millions more of us who want to shout it from the roof tops.

      I also enjoyed his next remark about the neighbors…men say the darnedest things! 😀

  3. dewey says:

    Here we go again using a paid propaganda think tank as a real source? Come on

    The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a think tank , has “been part of a broad-based and well-planned effort to attack immigration in all forms”.

    CIS has never found any aspect of immigration that it liked.CIS is part of the John Tanton Network, the anti-immigrant “empire of organizations” created by, or connected to, population-control advocate and nativist John Tanton.

    Think Tanks are lobbies period.

  4. Tina says:

    Bologna, Dewey. They favor LEGAL immigration

    • Chris says:

      “They favor LEGAL immigration”

      The hell they do.

      The New Case Against Immigration, Both Legal and Illegal

      By Mark Krikorian

      • Tina says:

        Chris, thanks for sharing this valuable article with our readers, I had not heard this before. Krikorian’s evaluation is on point.

        We should give consideration to this. Could it be that after an explosion of entitlement programs and years of open borders it might be smart to close down immigration for awhile?

        Krikorian’s position counters the heart string pulling position and nostalgia for yesteryear when our ancestors and relatives came to America looking for freedom and opportunity. They were eager to embrace American values! Today immigrants are coming to a changed America, poisoned by social programs and policies encourages dependency and discourages assimilation. Here’s the money quote:

        … changes in the economy, society, and government create fundamentally different incentives for newcomers. In other words, the America that our grandparents came to no longer exists. And this simple fact must become the new starting point for the explosive debate about immigration policy.

        Krikorian argues that although mass immigration once served our national interests, in today’s America it weakens our common national identity, limits opportunities for upward mobility, threatens our security and sovereignty, strains resources for social programs, and disrupts middle-class norms of behavior.

        If you were able to look at any issue through a wide lens you might understand what he is saying.

        “…this weekend Fox News stumbled upon a new issue of Captain America…”

        Yes, it’s a new propaganda tool of the left pointed straight at our kids. The writer is as intellectually vacant and narrowly focused as you are, Chris. He has hijacked an iconic American character fundamentally transformed him into a powerhouse for socialism and identity politics.

        Kudos to FOX News for recognizing a rat when they see one.

        • Chris says:

          Tina: “Yes, it’s a new propaganda tool of the left pointed straight at our kids. The writer is as intellectually vacant and narrowly focused as you are, Chris. He has hijacked an iconic American character fundamentally transformed him into a powerhouse for socialism and identity politics.”

          You have no freaking clue was you’re talking about. Captain America has been a New Deal Democrat–in your words, a “socialist”–since his inception. So has Superman. Many of their earliest villains were greedy corporate tyrants and corrupt cops. There’s no “hijacking” taking place–this is precisely in the spirit they were created.

          If you don’t like leftists using these characters to advance their political causes, blame the guys who created these characters.

          • Tina says:

            I’m not a big comic book fan but after a little research I think it is you, Chris, that hasn’t a clue.


            Looking at the very first issue of “Captain America,” it’s easy to dismiss it as a piece of jingoistic wartime propaganda. After all, the cover has our hero leaping into a war room and punching out Hitler while Nazi goons fire their Lugers and machine guns at him. However, “Captain America” No. 1 hit stands in December 1940, a year before the attack on Pearl Harbor drew the United States into World War II. While Captain America fit perfectly into the mood of the war effort once it got underway, co-creators Jack Kirby and Joe Simon originally forged the character as a protest vehicle to stir a stubbornly isolationist America to action.

            Lefties today would label the writers, “war mongers.”

            The writers of that comic book were not confused about good guys and bad guys.

            In answering the question about Captain America’s politics today, Salon characteristically misrepresents the right in their evaluation when describing the Tea Party position as: “lower taxes on billionaires and gut Medicare.”

            The idea presented is that progressives are kind and conservatives are mean. This is intellectual dishonesty on steroids.

            Former writer Steve Englehart said Captain America transcends politics: “He stands for America as an ideal, not America as it’s practiced.”

            I would think America “the ideal” would be that expressed by Superman: Truth, Justice and The American Way. The American Way could best be described as a liberator…a character that fights evil.

            Daily Caller:

            Pow! Bang! Thud!

            That’s the sound of the new, progressive Captain America defending illegal aliens against a group of militia members in a new politically-charged version of the legendary comic book franchise released on Wednesday. …

            …In the issue, Captain America beats up members of a white supremacist militia called the Sons of the Serpent as they attempt to apprehend a group of illegal aliens crossing the desert from Mexico into Arizona.

            The new story fights an evil enemy. The bad guys in the newest offering are White Supremacists…who just happen to hold some of the same views as Tea Party groups, Donald Trump and others in the Republican Party. These views are exaggerated and distorted in the same moronic juvenile way that Salon used to describe the Tea Party position. Anyone calling for reasonable immigration policy and in favor of following our immigration laws is, in one magical swoop, labeled a White Supremacist.

            Sounds just like you Chris so yes, this is a progressive piece of propaganda aimed at our kids whether or not the comic book writer realizes it.

            Some of those that have critiqued the character claim he is apolitical. But in the last few issues there is a definite “give peace a chance” theme that paints America in a bad light and our involvement in WWII as an effort that was equal to that of today’s Jihadists. All killing is equal and bad.

            As far as I can tell the author(s) are confused about human nature and history. For instance they offer the notion that we knew about the holocaust before entering WWII and innocent civilians killed by our bombs as evil as the Nazi’s.

            I welcome the views of others that might be more familiar with the series.

          • Chris says:

            Tina: “Lefties today would label the writers, “war mongers.””

            Do you even know who the isolationists were prior to 1940? Captain America’s drive to fight the Nazis does not contradict his left-wing nature at all.

            “The writers of that comic book were not confused about good guys and bad guys.”

            Neither are the writers today. White supremacists are bad guys.

            “The new story fights an evil enemy. The bad guys in the newest offering are White Supremacists…who just happen to hold some of the same views as Tea Party groups, Donald Trump and others in the Republican Party.”

            And? Are you saying white supremacists in real life DON’T hold some of the same views as the above? You’ve cited them yourself, so you know that they do.

            “Anyone calling for reasonable immigration policy and in favor of following our immigration laws is, in one magical swoop, labeled a White Supremacist.”

            That certainly did not happen in the issue under discussion.

            “Sounds just like you Chris so yes, this is a progressive piece of propaganda aimed at our kids whether or not the comic book writer realizes it.”

            How can something be propaganda without the author’s intent? Doesn’t propaganda by definition have to have intent?

            “But in the last few issues there is a definite “give peace a chance” theme that paints America in a bad light and our involvement in WWII as an effort that was equal to that of today’s Jihadists. All killing is equal and bad.”

            You will have to be specific about which scene you’re talking about. This doesn’t match my understanding of the issue at all. Where did it say that our involvement in WWII was evil? That would certainly contradict a LOT of Captain America’s history so if that message was in there, I’d expect to see a lot more angry fans of all political stripes.

            “As far as I can tell the author(s) are confused about human nature and history. For instance they offer the notion that we knew about the holocaust before entering WWII and innocent civilians killed by our bombs as evil as the Nazi’s.”

            Again, please be specific. Where is this in the issue?

        • Chris says:

          (Furthermore, how is it that the right and left can’t both agree that a group of sipervillains kidnapping and killing illegal immigrants is a BAD thing that should be stopped? How is it that Fox News, and so many in the right wing media, are looking at this fictional group and seeing themselves?

          • Tina says:

            Chris: “White supremacists are bad guys.”


            White Supremasists are bad guys. But they are being portrayed as having the values of Tea Party groups or militia groups. When this group of bad guy kidnaps and kills immigrants trying to cross the border the message is that Tea party members would physically harm people crossing through the desert on our Southern border.

            The thing about propaganda is that it’s often delivered in subtle ways, especially to kids.

            The early villains were individual greedy corporate heads, not corporations in general. They were individual corrupt cops, not the entire police force.

            “How is it that Fox News, and so many in the right wing media, are looking at this fictional group and seeing themselves? ”

            They are seeing themselves as the left portrays them which is false. May I repeat from Salon: “Salon characteristically misrepresents the right in their evaluation when describing the Tea Party position as: “lower taxes on billionaires and gut Medicare.”

            That doesn’t describe the Tea Party position; it describes the lefts intentionally demeaning portrait.

            The Tea Party has been described as racist by the left. It doesn’t take much of a leap, now, does it Chris?

            We are way off topic. I really have no desire to discuss this further since it would require looking at individual stories and long discussions. I frankly don’t have the time.

          • Chris says:

            “White Supremasists are bad guys. But they are being portrayed as having the values of Tea Party groups or militia groups.”

            White Supremacists do share some of the same values as the Tea Party and militia groups. Not all, probably not even most, but some. They also take these values to a far more extreme place.

            “When this group of bad guy kidnaps and kills immigrants trying to cross the border the message is that Tea party members would physically harm people crossing through the desert on our Southern border.”

            No, the message is that white supremacists would physically harm people crossing through the border. It said nothing about the Tea Party.

            You’re being overly sensitive, and what you’re really saying is that the writers shouldn’t have told this particular story because it MIGHT imply something bad (without ever actually saying it) about a political group you like.

            In other words, you’re the one asking that the story be changed for the sake of political correctness.

  5. Chris says:

    Forgot the money quote:

    “So as the politicians argue about border fences and amnesty, they are missing the bigger picture: the harmful impact of large-scale settlement of all kinds of immigrants, whether legal or illegal, skilled or unskilled, temporary or permanent, European or Latin or Asian or African. Modern America has simply outgrown immigration, and we must end it before it cripples us.”

    They’re an anti-immigrant group, period.

    In related news, this weekend Fox News stumbled upon a new issue of Captain America in which the hero stops a group of villains from kidnapping and killing immigrants. Guess who Fox News sided with?

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Spiderman, and Captain America. Chris is a cartoon character. Frankly, I find Foghorn Leghorn more compelling.

    • Tina says:

      The Center for Immigration Studies does just what it’s name implies. It studies issues and looks for solutions to problems surrounding immigration, both legal and illegal.

      Our readers can view pro legal immigration articles by Krikorian and others at the site.

      One article by Krikorian offers suggestions to guide immigration policy. It includes the following:

      …a meta-policy that combines low immigration and no-nonsense enforcement with an enthusiastic embrace of lawfully admitted newcomers. In other words, a pro-immigrant policy of low immigration — fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome.

      The conventional wisdom is that an immigration policy that admits a large number of newcomers is necessarily paired with pro-immigrant policies, and vice versa. In fact, what we have today is an anti-immigrant policy of high immigration, bearing the fingerprints of libertarian idealogues — admit huge numbers of people from abroad with very little control, but make sure they don’t get too comfortable.

      Knee jerk retorts like Chris’s and Dewey’s just shut down responsible discussion of the serious immigration and related problems we face.

  6. Tina says:

    Most people get paid for work they do…even Bernie!

    Think tanks are thinks tanks. They are groups of smart people who study things and form opinions and then relay what they know to people in Congress and elsewhere.

    I guess Dewey’s afraid of information as much as he is of money.

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