It’s Shameful That Our President Has Not Taken the ISIS Threat Seriously

obama angryPosted by Tina

In Manila last night the President decided to go political in his remarks. Speaking passionately, the president once again lectured fellow Americans as “un-American” and “shameful” for expressing concerns about bringing thousands of Syrian refugees into America. Without the slightest bit of evidence or proof the President stood on foreign soil to slam America and American values. This is a free speech nation. We have the right to debate policy and express doubts about the decisions our leaders make. We should be able to do it without being labeled by a President that has shown himself to be divisive and quick to play the race card.

It is unseemly for a President to criticize Americans on foreign soil.

When it was suggested earlier that maybe we should concentrate first on resettling Christians refugees the President pounced. The suggestion was “shameful.” Obama has plenty of fire when he accuses others for lacking compassion. He has plenty of disdain for those he decides are bigots. Where is his compassion for Christians being crucified and burned alive in a cage? Where is his outrage over the mass murders and decimating of churches by Islamic terrorists. Where is the passion and commitment to destroy the Islamic enemy that is burning, murdering, and terrorizing people of all nations and faiths across the entire world? Sadly Obama’s attitude is divisive, tepid, and insincere.

Obama admonishes that there should not be a “religious test” for admission to America for people fleeing a “war-torn” country. But is he right? According to Andrew McCarthy (link above) he is not:

Under federal law, the executive branch is expressly required to take religion into account in determining who is granted asylum. Under the provision governing asylum (section 1158 of Title 8, U.S. Code), an alien applying for admission must establish that … religion [among other things] … was or will be at least one central reason for persecuting the applicant. Moreover, to qualify for asylum in the United States, the applicant must be a “refugee” as defined by federal law. That definition (set forth in Section 1101(a)(42)(A) of Title , U.S. Code) also requires the executive branch to take account of the alien’s religion: The term “refugee” means (A) any person who is outside any country of such person’s nationality … and who is unable or unwilling to return to … that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of … religion [among other things] …[.] The law requires a “religious test.” And the reason for that is obvious. Asylum law is not a reflection of the incumbent president’s personal (and rather eccentric) sense of compassion. Asylum is a discretionary national act of compassion that is directed, by law not whim, to address persecution. There is no right to emigrate to the United States. And the fact that one comes from a country or territory ravaged by war does not, by itself, make one an asylum candidate.

In addition there is evidence that the concerns being voiced about refugees are well founded:

US authorities have charged at least 66 men and women with ISIS-related terror plots on American soil – including a handful of refugees, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

The terror group has set its sights on Washington, D.C. as it vows to further infiltrate the West and ramp up its blood-soaked offensive.

President Obama (and a radical progressive cadre of Democrat leaders and activist groups) have more passion for dividing America than they have for defeating ISIS.

Obama’s response to ISIS has been apologetic, ineffective, and destructive without victory or progress. Paris is simply a “set back,” according to Obama. But before there can be a “set back” there has to be some real measurable progress. Paris doesn’t represent a “set back.” It is the natural progression of the unimpeded aggression by ISIS to bring terror to the entire world.

When Al Qaeda took the towers down in New York President Bush sought help from his close advisers, Congress, heads of nations, the banking community, intelligence from around the world and military advisers. He formed a long term strategy to fight terrorists “in many ways and on many fronts.” One of the fronts he spoke of was a plan to cut off funding sources for Al Qaeda.

Obama has a lot of time to shame Americans as racist and bigots, a bald faced lie. What has he done to cut off the funding sources for ISIS?

Islamic State militants, who once relied on wealthy Persian Gulf donors for money, have become a self-sustaining financial juggernaut, earning more than $3 million a day from oil smuggling, human trafficking, theft and extortion, according to U.S. intelligence officials and private experts. … The group’s reliance on oil as its main source of revenue could easily be disrupted by American airstrikes, officials say. But so far, no decision has been made to target Iraqi or Syrian oil infrastructure, which is serviced by civilian workers who may have been conscripted.

After years…no decision has been made. Obama’s presidency represents the biggest “set back” of all. It is shameful that the refugee crisis is even happening. It is shameful that Christians, and others, have been specifically targeted and ISIS has gotten away with it.It is shameful that the rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq has been allowed to happen at all. It is shameful that Obama has more passion for dividing Americans and making the country vulnerable and weak than he has for fighting ISIS.

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12 Responses to It’s Shameful That Our President Has Not Taken the ISIS Threat Seriously

  1. J. Soden says:

    In addition to all of the failures by Obumble, History will show that he did his best to
    1. Increase racial strife within the US
    2. Ignore and sometimes assist with the creation of Islamic jihadists
    3. Increase the size of the Federal bureaucracy
    4. Demonstrate to the world that he is a total Incompetent as a leader
    and was successful in all of the above.
    What he did not try for, but was very successful doing, is increasing the number of regular folks across the country who now are armed – thank goodness!

  2. Tina says:

    Good points J.

    The overall state of the economy makes our nation vulnerable too…the increased debt, high number of workers who can’t find jobs, low growth, disappearing manufacturing…he did his best in this area too.

    • Dewey says:

      OMG Tina

      yea everything is Obama’s fault, nothing to do with the Capitalists and their tax cuts for moving jobs over seas, Nothing to do with Greed or slave labor or wall street bankers. We were losing 750,000 jobs a month when GW left that is all Obama’s fault too. The mess GW Bush left is not easily cleaned up. Yet you want to go back to that same platform.

      Sorry guys but this blame Obama for everything is getting old.

      How many days will the useless Republican led Congress work next year? Ya know the ones who block every and any progress for Americans? 111 days on a full paycheck. Talk about overpaid.

      Thanks Obama that must be your fault too.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Uh oh, that pesky “tabloid” The Daily Mail writes — “America’s ‘enemies within’: How nearly SEVENTY have been arrested in America over ISIS plots in last 18 months – including refugees who had been given safe haven but ‘turned to terror’

    I yearn for the halcyon days of yore when The Weekly World News was still in print at every nearly every supermarket checkout counter with blazing headlines like “Elvis’ Ghost Is Spooking My Cows.”

  4. Dewey says:

    The Islamophobia and Fear mongering from the far right has to stop. Then of course everything is Obama’s fault, Thanks Obama!

    Hypocrisy again.

    In Fact what could terrorists do to us that we do not do ourselves? We have white men walking into churches, schools, theaters and shooting people. Christianist’s are every bit as capable of acts of terrorism as radical Islamist’s.

    Many of the terrorist attacks in the US have been carried out by people who had long histories of networking with other terrorists. Most of the terrorist activity occurring in the US in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from a combination of radical Christians, white supremacists & far-right militia groups.

    Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012 – White supremacist Wade Michael Page murdered 6 people in an attack – Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

    4 after 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh immigrant from India who owned a gas station in AZ, murdered by Frank Roque, a racist who mistook him for a Muslim.

    Dr. George Tiller: 993, was shot 5 times by female Christian Right terrorist Shelly Shannon – May 31, 2009 – was shot and killed by anti-abortion terrorist Scott Roeder.

    Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008 – Christian Right sympathizer Jim David Adkisson began shooting people at random during a children’s play.

    Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994 – Paul Jennings Hill, (Christian Army of God) shot Dr John Britton & bodyguard James Barrett. (said it was the work of God).

    Eric Rudolph, Army of God – bombed Centennial Olympic Park July 27, 1996 – Bombed an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama in 1998, Bombed the Otherwise Lounge.

    James Charles Kopp another radical Christian terrorist who has been exalted as a hero by the Army of God, killed Dr. Barnett Slepian, suspected of other murders.

    John C. Salvi – Army of God member – Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994

    Joseph Stack – Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010 – Flew plane into the Echelon office complex – outrage over bank bailouts and the practices of health insurance companies

    Members of the Order, a white supremacist group killed Liberal talk Host Alan Berg, June 18, 1984.

    Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995 – motivated by an extreme hatred for the U.S. government – When in the Army U.S. Army, McVeigh was reprimanded for wearing a “white power” T-shirt.

    Dylann Roof who did Bible study in a Black church then killed them said he learned from the Council of Conservative Citizens

    There are many to collect – but the point is made Just because a person says they are Christian it does not mean they are safe.

    Stop the hate!

    The Paris Attackers were all European. Republicans are embarrassing this country stop It!

  5. Tina says:

    Dewey do you think us idiots or are you just that stupid?

    We have a cute little system in America for handling domestic terrorists. It’s called law enforcement and a judicial system whereby the perpetrator when caught goes to jail for a very long tie or is executed (Timothy McVeigh). I don’t know a single soul who doesn’t condemn murderous acts. It’s insane that you imagine anyone does!

    We also have another big boy outfit called the American military. Ever heard of them? When threats come from outside of America, or are planned, influenced, trained, or funded by groups or nations outside of America, the U.S. military is dispatched to kick their asses so they stop bothering people…well, at least we used to before the liberal PC crowd became sycophantic slaves to radical left influences bent on dividing America and ending our sovereign, free existence. I said it a long time ago on this blog, America is a ripe plumb. (Net worth as of Q1 2014, $123.8 trillion) Liberal elites would LOVE to get their hands on that much wealth and power.

    The difference in the murders you describe above is they acted on their own. Did any of them escape justice, legal or fatal? NO! Did anyone celebrate what they had done? NO!

    How about you stop making things up. We have not said Christians are incapable of evil…ever!

    We have said everyone has the same capacity to do evil or to do good.

    Stop the hateful erroneous accusations.

    Once again: “Many of the terrorist attacks in the US have been carried out by people who had long histories of networking with other terrorists.”

    Name the networks that are anything close to as dangerous or threatening right now as ISIS…name them…we need to report them to the FBI!

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Dewey, no one here hates you, at least not I. Speaking for myself I only hate how dangerously stupid you are. If I were to hate anyone, it would be the sick and evil people who have so thoroughly brainwashed a mentally defective idiot like you. If this keeps up you will soon be strapping on a suicide bomb.

    Petulant Obama Mocks Republicans for Fearing 3-Year-Old Orphans, While ISIS Trains Children to Become Jihadi Killers

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    STOP THE HATE! To date 412 murders in Chicago, most due to black gang activity.

    I invite Dewey to move there. They might even give you refugee status.

    “244 teens killed in the Windy City — nearly all from gang violence… 74 percent of these homicides have been black teens. And while ten were killed by Chicago’s police department, hundreds of others on the list were killed by fellow blacks.”

    • Tina says:

      Those killed by cops were most likely posing a threat to them or others.

      I tried to find information on cop killings where convictions occurred. A page at Wikipedia is interesting. Out of fourteen officers of the law convicted of murder, exactly zero, involved cops killing blacks and most were domestic violence related or mafia related.

      Sure puts holes in the specious accusation that cops are running around slaughtering blacks.

      Left radicals use lies to foment resentment and hatred. their goal is chaos and division. Time to don that wolf suit…ahoooo!

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