An Inspirational Story of Overcoming Obstacles – RIP: Meadowlark Lemon

meadowlark lemonPosted by Tina

Modern radical liberals insist that minorities must be treated differently in America. They push for special programs and set-asides to give minorities an advantage they say has been denied them by “privileged whites.” They form political organizations to agitate and reinforce the notion that America still has a “systemic” race problem. They target groups, like the Tea Party or police officers, to use as straw man enemies. How sad and unfair to young people of color!

America is a free nation guaranteeing the fundamental right to pursue happiness. there are many, many minority people that have achieved becasue they refused to be victims and vowed to pursue their dreams despite obstacles. Meadowlark Lemon is one example. He achieved his dreams having overcome during the Jim Crow era. His inspirational story tells of a black man who rose above racism and bigotry that was much more oppressive and evil than any seen today to become one of the most revered basketball players and entertainers in the sports world. His story shows that the best way to defeat racists and bigots is to become a success in life. Lemon was not only a success, he was revered around the world. He expressed his motivation in simple but powerful terms:

“God planted that dream in my heart as I sat right there in the Ritz Theater,” Lemon wrote. “He gave me a relentless desire, determination, energy, and the talent to make my dream come true.”

Read a bit about Meadowlark Lemon here.

I had the great privilege of seeing Mr. Lemon and his teammates play members of our high school staff and it was an amazing experience. I believe if we could focus more on men and women like Meadowlark Lemon and less on grievances, our children would all see a brighter and more unified future. I believe we would see less crime, drug addiction, and death as young people, inspired by the accomplishments of others, would choose to pursue their dreams.

Video available here.

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2 Responses to An Inspirational Story of Overcoming Obstacles – RIP: Meadowlark Lemon

  1. Peggy says:

    Never saw the Globe Trotters in person, but enjoyed them many times on TV.

    And at the other end of the scale there’s Lynn Author.

    Justice Served: Squatting on a squatter in Detroit (Video):

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Meadowlark and I followed each other on Twitter. He was an inspiration in my youth and in my adult life. He was a great role model and wonderful human being. I have never been able to live up to his example of a beautiful, kind, and generous heart. Horrid and evil stupid jerks like Dewey and Chris still piss me off.

    I first saw The Globe Trotters as a Cub Scout. I’ll never forget them.

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