by Jack
A couple of fairly serious things got my attention today. First, was an allegation of widespread discrimination against Asians in our universities, and especially in our Ivy League colleges. Seems there is a concern by some in academia that the Asian’s are displacing black minorities, because the blacks are unable to compete with them head on. So blacks get the bar lowered and Asians get it raised and this is supposed to be fair. According to some academicians, the Asian test scores are so high they are being placed in a separate category to compete only against themselves for admission, while other minorities are given preferential treatment, so the college/university can achieve a “holistic” approach to education, which is a code word for “affirmative action.”
You might want to take a look at this article that lines out the discrimination, it’s a real eye opener. Click here.
Next up, CA goes one direction – Texas goes another, time will tell who was right. California passed new gun laws designed to prohibit persons with a concealed carry permit to enter a school with a firearm, doesn’t matter what school, any school, college or even school grounds. Can’t even have a firearm on you if you are sitting in your car waiting for your kids. On the other hand, Texas thinks its just great if you have a concealed carry permit on campus. They say you ought to be able to safely carry a firearm on school property while engaging in some official business, because this could save lives if some crazy person starts killing students. They think this will have deterrent value and be an aid for law enforcement who may not be present when a violent crime is going down.
Here’s a good one. Can someone, preferable a liberal, tell me why CA imposes a 10 day waiting period (aka cooling off time) for the purchase of a firearm, even if the purchaser already owns a firearm? Even, if he/she has a permit to carry a concealed firearm and actually carries said firearm into the retail store legally? Even, if it is a police officer who bought said firearm, why must he/she wait 10 days before picking it up? I think this is UN-Constitutional because it means he has paid for his property, but is denied the use of his property because the idiot State of California says someone else must hold it for him for 10 days. And who is holding it for the officer, a clerk at Big 5? Does this make any sense to anyone? I can’t help but wonder what kind of idiots would pass such a stupid law?
Jack the Asian issue is deplorable. A for of this descrimination has been going on at Berkley for some time.
Making our schools soft targets at this particular moment in history seems particularly stupid. the possibility of a permitted person carrying a concealed gun in our schools would deter criminals and terrorists to at least some degree. Insane.
There’s also this California gun law that goes into effect January 1st:
The full text of the law is posted here:
I can see an ultra liberal relative and activist judge misusing/abusing this law but in general it seems like a good law. I guess the relative would go through an officer to get to the judge? Jack?
I can’t help you here, Jack. All I can say is that it was not Republicans who have instituted discrimination against Asians nor was it Republicans who have instituted these idiotic gun laws.
If I could afford to, I would move to Texas.
Jack, what do you make of this guy?
Pie, this is very disturbing. I met some of the people from Booz, Allen, Hamilton while I was at training in D.C. He’s right on target about what they do and the rest sounds very plausible too. As a side note, I have some major issues with too many sub-contractors being in control of too much federal money, doing too many things that our government is supposed to do. These guys have very little oversight and they are forming a secret government where bad things can happen like it did to this guy.
It’s simple math. If just 20% of our population carried concealed weapons in public, shooters such as terrorists and crazies could possibly be stopped short and would also think twice about their actions. Gun Free zones are already becoming a magnet for shooters. Bump the number up to 30% of teachers and schools would be immensely safer. Only requiring a percentage lets those who are uncomfortable with guns opt out.
Steve there was a caller on the radio that claimed he was “terrified” when he saw someone carrying a gun. Terrified!
Doesn’t it seem to you that we have percolated a nation of people with unrealistic fears on the one hand and total tone deafness to actual threats on the other?
Copied and pasted from a article by Alan Korwin
“It seems there are people at work in the government and the euphemistic gun-control movement who have figured out if they can’t disarm the public — because the public will not stand for it and put up intense opposition — they can subarm the public (that’s you) a little at a time. If you’re subarmed, and they’re fully armed, that’s pretty much victory for them and a shift in control.
Because it happens by bits, the big picture is obscured. Little by little the power shifts from the public to the authorities. We used to have parity with government, and this kept government in check”
The last thing I want my kid to be scared of is a crazy idiot with a gun at school.
We see a 12 year old kid gunned down in 2 secs for playing with an airsoft gun in an open carry state. Ya ever think how edgy the police may be because they see any gun?
I am for the right to keep people armed. That said I am not against sensible gun laws. Why can we not even pass a bill which keeps foreign terrorists from buying guns here? Nothing is fool proof but jeeze… folks it is big business
Open carry does not give twelve year old boys permission to menace people in a park with a fake gun that looks real. The parents are the failures.
(Wasn’t his father reported as a gang member? Anyone?)
Open carry does not give anyone the right to shoot up and murder kids and staff at a school or anywhere else.
Open care makes criminal activity, especially murder, more dangerous for the shooter. Criminals look for soft targets and plan for minimize risk.
“Ya ever think how edgy the police may be because they see any gun? ”
Sure, that’s what makes your targeting them for disdain and disrespect is even more disturbing. They are required to get special training and it is specialized and exacting. They are trained to have patience and restraint when working people and they show much more restraint than most average citizens. They put their lives on the line every single day to bring criminals to justice and get them off our streets! Blaming them for a disrespectful, out of control, undisciplined, unruly child’s actions is just dumb. That kid was a victim, all right. He was a victim of a broken society and poor family upbringing.
“I am not against sensible gun laws.”
Good, then you should be satisfied with the thousands of laws already on the books.
“Why can we not even pass a bill which keeps foreign terrorists from buying guns here? Nothing is fool proof but jeeze… folks it is big business”
You already answered your question. It’s impossible to write a law to prevent theft, murder, assault or any other crime. Criminals always look for ways around the law and find them…so do terrorists. People can and do kill with cars, knives, bottles, hammers, screwdrivers, wire and a lot of other things that are also big business. Business is not responsible for the criminal minds of those who murder…nor can their customers!
The cop story you linked to is about an individual cop and he will be held to a very high standard and brought to justice if guilty. So what’s the problem? That is how our justice system works. It does not work, and indeed becomes dysfunctional, when groups are tried in the court of public opinion for crimes that were not committed or for crimes that members in their ranks committed.
Don’t know anything about this story, but on the face of it sounds like the parents are as much to blame as anyone.