ISIS Has Used WMD, Should the Free World Be Concerned?

Posted by Tina

Color me alarmist, you will anyway if you’re a lefty, but I think the use of chemical WMD by ISIS should make headline news. Yet today is the first I’ve heard about ISIS using chemicals. I realize I was pretty much out of the loop for half a year this year but still, it seems strange that given the stepped up incidents of terror attacks in the West and thousands of young males surging into Europe and America, concerns over ISIS making and using WMD wouldn’t have been a big part of the story.

A PJ Media article has details from a paper written by an Israeli, Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Dany Shoham:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The risk of ISIS employing chemical, biological, and radiological warfare agents is real. In fact, ISIS already has attacked with chemical agents. ISIS has mobilized Iraqi and Syrian scientists who are assisting in the development of chemical weapons, particularly nerve and mustard gas, alongside foreign experts. It also has reportedly moved its labs, experts, and materials from Iraq to Syria.

Since its emergence, ISIS has sought chemical weapons and has used them against its opponents, namely the Syrian opposition groups, Kurds, Iraqi and Syrian government forces. (continues)

I guess our media think if they avert their eyes, suck up and shut up, these guys will get bored and go home. But even that doesn’t make sense since they have reported on beheadings, crucifixions, human conflagrations and such…or maybe it’s just part of the “we’re not like Bush” theme: only “good” wars, no boots on the ground, no new Gitmo prisoners, no negativity about Islam and terrorism, and no WMD’s.

Lt. Col. Dr. Dany Shoham is closer to the immediate threat but our enemies are developing the means to deliver nasty weapons to our shores. As the enemy grows and progresses we drag our feet…isn’t that more than a bit nuts?

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14 Responses to ISIS Has Used WMD, Should the Free World Be Concerned?

    • Tina says:

      Pie the history lesson was very interesting and fills in some holes left out of most narratives. Bottom line it is radicals like Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood, nit to mention those in Iran, that are most responsible for the crisis situation we face. goo. d find…and in the NYT?

      The second link was related in my opinion as this migration is part of the strategy to rule over the world. It’s no accident these types were in accord with Hitler. After WWII the communist method of destruction and defeat from within made more sense and we’ve been in a fight for the God given right to live in freedom ever since.

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic Culled from Drudge —

    How to spot a psychopath

    Given the history and current events of Islam, one might conclude it is the religion of psychopaths.

  2. Dewster says:

    The Military complex created ISIS. Saddam actually kept these groups in check. As bruttle a dictator he was he did keep these groups to a min. They feared him.

    To even try to take the blame away from the GW admin wars and all the Iraqi people he fired is anti American. Where did most those Iraqi army and civic people go? ISIS.

    Time for Saudi Arabia and the middle eastern countries to step up and battle ISIS. And why is there again a push to reduce revenue by cutting taxes for big corporations and then spend trillions on war? Did we not learn anything from the GW Admin?

    Same playbook repeating always. Americans are as dumb as other countries say.

    Yet how many people died in the USA in 2015? Domestic terrorism, police shootings, ect ect. Maybe we need to fix things at home.

  3. Tina says:

    ” Saddam actually kept these groups in check”

    I’ll give you that’s the way it looked, but who did he keep in check? Who did he brutalize for power? What groups did he align with and support? Try reading the article, you might see your understanding expand.

    “…and all the Iraqi people he (GWB) fired…”

    Who did he “fire?” Do you even know how the Iraqi government was formed post Saddam? Bush’s record must be defended because of all of the specious, vitriolic lies put forth by lefties with a lust for power. Their tactic, personal destruction in the arena of public opinion is actually anti-American. One of the things that has held this nation together is that the losing side in elections accepts the outcome and puts their support behind the President. He became OUR president. The sixties radicals changed that. Since then the Democrat Party has been radicalized and the cadre of special interest groups trained to be agitators for the left have worked overtime to create division and destroy the opposition party.

    In America we change things through our representatives…we are a republic. Power is supposed to reside in the individual, not the collective. Radical agitation is a construct of fascism, Nazism, and communism.

    “Time for Saudi Arabia and the middle eastern countries to step up and battle ISIS.”

    True. Also moderate Muslims must reform the religion and defeat radical elements. We had a cooperative coalition during the Bush years. Obama has pretty much destroyed diplomatic relationships with allies in seven years with the help of Hillary Clinton. Nobody trusts him. It looks like he is aligned with those who would like to see Israel destroyed and it’s people eliminated. They don’t like freedom. Russia and Iran have more power and influence in the region than we do thanks to Obama, who, by the way, spends money on the war and continues to lose ground!

    “…why is there again a push to reduce revenue by cutting taxes for big corporations and then spend trillions on war?”

    The two have different purposes. The importance of cutting taxes for companies is the economy and jobs, jobs, jobs! The importance of funding the war is to defeat the Islamic terrorists that wage war under a twofold plan: 1. Murder and terrorize infidels and, 2. Create a world-wide caliphate. Defense of the nation is a constitutional requirement!

    “Maybe we need to fix things at home.”

    I’m doing my best Dewey but you are proving to be one of those “dumb Americans.”

    • Dewster says:

      Funny one in Chico thinks that cause here in the DMV area It is quite the opposite. In fact I participated in a lobby that got a Republican Gov to sign a bill on a water issue in MD.

      Ya see I am out here working on issues, I see the corruption first hand….

      The conversations are quite different in DC, Media is all crap.

      Try coming on out and see the difference between what they want people to think and what they actually think. Both Parties are corrupt as heck Period.

  4. Libby says:


    Since Assad has been gassing citizens from day one (well, until the rest of yer armied planetary entities told him he’d get invaded, like, now, if he didn’t knock it off, like, now), and since ISIS likely obtained (aka, captured) these substances from the Assad regime, I’m kinda thinkin’ “what the hell should we expect?”

    And, you know, I just can’t get too excited about it.

  5. Tina says:

    Well Libby, I certainly hope that a WMD carrying “refugee” doesn’t visit your environs within the next few years to spark some excitement.

  6. Dewster says:

    Tina we have just as much domestic terrorism going on,

    Ryan Bundy, said they are not looking to hurt anyone. But they would not rule out violence if law enforcement tries to remove them, they said, though they declined to elaborate.

  7. Dewster says:

    Militia Member Jon Ritzheimer Posts Video Suggesting A Fight To The Death

  8. Tina says:

    Yeah, that’s quite a comparison all right…two peas in a pod. (Heaven help us)

  9. Tina says:

    More evidence that concerned American citizens in protest over an overstepping government are just as serious a threat as Islamic terrorists, she said facetiously.

    The Oregon ranchers (Hammonds) are willingly going to prison after being convicted of terrorism charges. According to Ammon Bundy, the Nevada rancher the Hammonds expressed fear of being “shot in the head” if they joined in the protest. Bundy alleges that “the family is “being silenced” by federal officers and prosecutors.”

    “We have obtained appalling evidence that the U.S. Attorney’s Office threatened the Hammond family with early detention and further punishment if the Hammond family continued to communicate with a certain individual,” Bundy writes. “This evidence…speaks against the U.S. Attorneys [sic] Office in their gross effort to infringe upon the Hammond’s right to free exercise of speech.”

    Local citizens are understandably concerned, including the local sheriff:

    “In one sense, I believe very much in local government, and local control, and local authority,” Sheriff Ward said. To him, the militiamen are welcome to protest. But he doesn’t want to see the rally escalate. “We cannot have what happened at the Bundy Ranch here,” Ward said. “I won’t allow it from law enforcement and I won’t have it from citizens.”

    (Fergusson anyone? Wasn’t it the President, Eric Holder, the Black Panthers, and a cadre of civil rights leaders and protesters that were praised for their protests? As I recall few were charged with “terrorism,” even though businesses were burned to the ground and death threats were made against police officers.

    After learning of the government’s treatment of Catherine Englerecht, the Tea Party conservative that was outrageously targeted by not only the IRS but also the FBI, OSHA, and the ATF without cause, I wouldn’t put anything past this administration and its radical department heads.

    Dewey your comparison to ISIS is a partisan ploy! We’re not buying it.

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