Terror Recruitment: Al Shabaab Video Aimed at Black Lives Matter

Posted by Tina

The al Qaeda affiliated group Al Shabaab has creating a recruitment video that targets members of the Black Lives Matter movement. Taking a cue from Hillary it also features a few seconds of Trump. Breitbart – Big Government has details:

The video is known as “the Donald Trump” terror recruiting video, because it features twenty seconds of Trump that Al Shabaab says shows the United States is hostile to Islam.

As Breitbart News has reported, the video gained notoriety in the wake of false claims made by Hillary Clinton during a Democrat debate that Trump was featured in a terror recruiting video. That wasn’t true at the time, but the terrorists took Clinton’s advice and included Trump in their newest release.

The sick irony is that video was made by a group violently hostile to America using talking points lifted directly Black Lives Matter, a group that Democrats Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have all actively supported.

Phrases used in the video are designed to show soldarity: bigotry, institutionalized racism, and mass incarceration.

The black hats are a deceitful, evil bunch.

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13 Responses to Terror Recruitment: Al Shabaab Video Aimed at Black Lives Matter

  1. Libby says:

    But Tina, we do do those nasty things.

    If the U. S. does indeed comprise 5% of the planet’s population, but 25% of the planet’s incarcerated … that would be “mass”.

    We want AQ to stop throwing it in our faces, we should probably quit doing it.

    And, you can deny the charge of bigotry til you’re blue in the proverbial face, but you posts affirm it, regularly.

  2. Tina says:

    True to form as always Libs.

  3. RHT447 says:

    From else where on the web—



    “More than a decade ago I wrote my first novel, Enemies Foreign and Domestic. Part of my motivation was to establish my bona fides at forecasting social, political and military trends. I didn’t like the direction America was heading, and I wanted to warn as many readers as possible about some of the dangers I saw coming. At the end of 2015, I hope that my past success at prognostication will encourage people to pay heed to this essay.

    As we roll into the New Year, we are witnessing the prelude to the culmination of a titanic struggle between three great actors. Three great social forces are now set in motion for a 2016 showdown and collision that will, in historical terms, be on par with the First and Second World Wars.

    Two of these great social forces are currently allied in a de facto coalition against the third. They have forged an unwritten agreement to jointly murder the weakest of the three forces while it is in their combined power to do so. One of these two social forces would be content to share totalitarian control over large swaths of the globe with the other remaining social force. One of these social forces will never be satisfied until it achieves complete domination of the entire planet. So what are these three great social forces? They are Islam, international socialism, and nationalism. Allow me to explain the salient aspects of each, and how they relate to the coming 2016 cataclysm.”

    • Tina says:

      Thanks for the link RHT447. This is an incredible amount of information in short form at about 13 pages, and in my mind, right on the money!

      I printed it out to give to my grandson.

      • Chris says:

        Here are some quotes from that lovely little website:

        “Islam is similar to a self-replicating supercomputer virus. It is a hydra-headed monster, designed by its creators to be an unstoppable formula for global conquest. It’s almost impossible to eradicate, because it has no central brain or control center.”

        ” Islam is like a brushfire or ringworm infection: it is dead and barren within the ring, but flares up where it parasitically feeds off the healthy non-Islamic societies around it. What produces this uniquely fanatical motivation, from within nations and peoples that otherwise seem devoid of energy and new ideas?”

        “A meaningful or permanent reformation of Islam is impossible…”

        “This latent danger breeds fear and causes nearly all non-Muslims to be carefully circumspect in their dealings with Muslims, lest they lose their heads at a later date.”

        This is the language endorsed by both RHT and Tina as “right on the money.”

        I’ll remember that next time either of you complain about being perceived as anti-Muslim.

      • Chris says:

        Tina: “I printed it out to give to my grandson.”

        I really mean this, and I don’t care how harsh you find it:

        I hope he has other influences in his life to teach him how to respect others’ religions, and to counter the hateful drivel you would place in his hands.

  4. Chris says:

    There is no evidence that Al Qaeda “took Clinton’s advice.” As usual, and as fitting for its namesake, Breitbart is lying. The Obama administration and the Bush administration both warned for years that anti-Islam sentiment in the U.S. would be exploited by terrorists; they were right. Clinton’s statements were false at the time, but it was always obvious that what the terrorists want is a war between Islam and the West, and Trump’s rhetoric fuels that narrative. That’s why Bush made such an effort to delineate Islam from terrorism, and why Obama continued that.

    As for terrorists using BLM talking points, how is that any more of an indictment against them than white supremacist groups endorsing Trump is an indictment of him? People really seem to like guilt by association as long as it’s not directed at them.

    • Chris says:

      To clarify, the above should say, “As for terrorists using BLM talking points, how is that any more of an indictment against BLM than white supremacist groups endorsing Trump is an indictment of him? People really seem to like guilt by association as long as it’s not directed at them.”

  5. Tina says:

    Chris you have used guilt by “drive by reference” against both Jack and I.

    Breitbart suggesting this could be the case…and it could!

    And you, as usual, never miss a chance to make a snotty comment about the opposition. Good dog.

    “…how is that any more of an indictment against them than white supremacist groups endorsing Trump is an indictment of him?”

    It isn’t but this is how you guys have chosen to play the game. It’s Alinsky driven politics. We either sit back and let ourselves be maligned on a regular basis or we jump in with both feet and give it right back to you. We tried sitting back for decades and your side controlled the narrative and gave the conservative position and representatives a huge, undeserved, black eye. We aren’t sitting back anymore which is why I can say without reservation:

    It isn’t any different than the Communist Party USA endorsement of Bernie…or the Moonlight Bunny Ranch brothel endorsement of Hillary?

    The problem, as I see it, is this country has shifted it’s manner of thinking. Instead of evaluating individuals based on personal history, position, and patterns of behavior, we approve or condemn them according to a group or groups. If anyone agrees with even one thing that group stands for or does, they are deemed to be allied with that group completely. The association is then used to destroy them. It’s absurd. It works the other way too. If someone says something negative about an individual or subset of a group (i.e. Muslim terrorist) it is automatically assumed that they hold animosity toward every member of the larger group. Again, it is then used to destroy.

    Example. I agree with Minister Farrakhan when he talks about males being more responsible in terms of fathering children and then caring for them. I don’t agree at all with the other things he says, but a favorable comment about him could result in me being labeled an anti-Semite.

    Until the American people realize the toxicity of this thinking and begin to speak and think as individuals again we will continue in failed, useless, ugly, nasty, kindergarten arguments. It won’t happen any time soon. The lefts propaganda machine has embedded in our schools and no longer teach the dignity of individual freedom as being superior to group think.

  6. Chris says:

    Tina: “Breitbart suggesting this could be the case…”

    No, that is not what they said. They said it was the case. The exact quote you provided:

    “That wasn’t true at the time, but the terrorists took Clinton’s advice and included Trump in their newest release.”

    This is no different from a liberal defending Clinton’s original statement by arguing that AQ “could” use Trump’s words to recruit.

    Breitbart is being outrageously hypocritical here; in the same sentence they rightly condemn Hilary for lying, they tell another lie to advance their own cause. Both are wrong. And this:

    “It isn’t but this is how you guys have chosen to play the game. It’s Alinsky driven politics. We either sit back and let ourselves be maligned on a regular basis or we jump in with both feet and give it right back to you.”

    Is the kind of logic that makes them think that’s morally acceptable.

  7. Tina says:

    An interesting semi-endorsement of Trump…they come in all sizes and shapes:

    “Look, we’ve gotten along fine,” the Democratic leader told reporters. “With that bunch of people running, I’m kind of pulling for him.”

    Harry Reid pulling for trump…it’s yuge…yoouge!

  8. dewster says:

    You realize the CIA created Al Qaeda?

    They took no clue from Clinton. Trump did ecaxtly what they say to recruit. It would only be a fool who did not use the soundbites. They are professionals in media and propaganda.

    I believe the CIA has lost control of Al Qaeda , but also have to ask how involved are they still? I say it is a fool who follows media explanations.

    In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

  9. Tina says:

    Boing! The Dewster flips out.

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