GOP Still Doesn’t Get It

by Jack

The more the GOP establishment tries to knock Trump out of the race, the more voters they lose and the more Trump gains. People don’t like bullying…period! They tried that with Rand Paul during his last Senate race and they lost big. Now Paul is disgusted with the GOP and who can blame him?

You might think with all the hue and cry for honesty and fairness in Washington the GOP would get a clue. But, as evidenced by the last debate they haven’t. And when I say honesty and fairness, what I’m talking about is Republican candidate’s and their party standing up for conservative values! We actually want candidates to keep their campaign promises! The voters will no longer be satisfied with sloganism, followed by excuses once they get into office! They (voters) want action on important issues like a simple tax reporting system, responsible immigration, responsible healthcare reform and sensible environmental policies. And above all, they don’t want more socialism. . . in any form! Most Americans, democrats included, really DO want government out of their lives and out of their pocket books.

Now lets take a look at how the GOP behaved during the last debate…. “Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, scraped up a bunch of GOP loyalists to build a made for TV, pro-establishment, anti-Trump audience to cheer on their establishment more establishment candidates against the unconventional anti-establishment Trump.

There was a different story unfolding on the popular conservative news aggregator site, The Drudge Report. Once again, the most striking illustration of the reaction of the majority of GOP voters that make up the party’s anti-establishment conservative base is the Drudge Report’s online readers poll. In Drudge’s poll of hundreds of thousands of readers, Trump dominated by more than 2-1 over the next closest competitor, Ted Cruz. Of course, it’s not a scientific poll, but it’s probably a much better reflection of how the debate was received by real Republican primary voters than the vocal reactions of the establishment packed debate audience.

The results after some 400,000 votes: Trump 55 percent. Cruz second at 21. Rubio third at just under 13 percent. Then Kasich, Bush and Carson, in that order, in single digits.”

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20 Responses to GOP Still Doesn’t Get It

  1. J. Soden says:

    The GOP Establishment are now reaping the rewards they rightfully earned for ignoring the voters, and they just can’t understand why!
    Both parties need a removal of the political “ruling class.” Surgery begins in November . . .

  2. Chris says:

    “People don’t like bullying…period!”

    Trump fans do. Bullying is all Trump has done throughout his entire campaign. He’s not just anti-establishment, he’s anti-decency, anti-common sense, anti-ethics, anti-honesty, and anti-presidential.

    I had a conversation with a Trump supporter yesterday in which I pointed out Trump repeating his impossible claim that unemployment is somewhere between 28 and 42%. First she claimed it was a joke, then when I showed her the clip in which he was clearly completely serious, her response was “Who cares?” Really, those were her exact words. Trump fans don’t care about facts, they care about being told what they want to hear. It doesn’t matter how the other Republicans approach Trump, he and his fans will just accuse them of being “unfair” like they did to Megyn Kelly, who committed the offense of accurately quoting Trump’s own hateful words back to him. Republicans should continue holding Trump accountable and ignore the polls showing him in the lead–the respondents are angry loudmouths, and I don’t believe they are representative of the Republican Party as a whole.

  3. Tina says:

    I can think of another guy whose fans did not care about the truth or the facts and who also loved being told exactly what they wanted to hear. Instead of being bombastic, this guy was smooth so he could say he was going to fundamentally transform America and his fawning supporters swooned, never realizing the man was deceiving them. Later he grandly declared his healthcare plan would save the average family $2500.00 a year in premium costs…and they believed him! There was more…much more…and he’s still doing it during this elections season! Democrats, and the media, should be holding Obama accountable but they aren’t and they have not.

    Trump supporters aren’t all Republicans. He has attracted “angry loud mouth” Independents and Democrats as well.

    I don’t know what that means for either party other than the fact that the American people are more fed up I’ve ever seen them, and rightly so!

    • Chris says:

      Tina, the $2,500 statement was made when Obama still favored a public option. I think he probably pulled that number out of his posterior, but it seems odd to hold that as among his worst deceptions given that it was in relation to a plan which never came to fruition. Closing Gitmo, his changing policies on indefinite detention, his aggressive prosecution of whistleblowers, and “If you like your doctor/plan…” all strike me as far worse.

      But IMO, none of it compares to Trump, or any other past president or candidate. Trump really is something new.

      • Tina says:

        Agree that other Obama promises might be far worse.

        Don’t agree about Trump being something new other than his packaging.

        Slick Willie didn’t get that name by being forthright and honest.

  4. dewster says:

    Both Parties are out of line. They are no more than lobbyists for their big donors.

    Also it has been reported that in the Palm Springs Koch Summit the network of about 700 elite said they will go “Nuclear” on Trump if he takes the nomination. The GOP establishment has hinted at a brokered convention.

    DWS of the DNC is on tape saying they have super delegates so the democrat political elite class does not have to compete with an activist for the spot. Such garbage.

    In Hong Kong the students took the streets because they said China picked their candidates and they wanted a say.

    We are not much different.

    Post Citizens United decision we have completely lost our voice to the big donors. The people are rising on all accounts

    • Pie Guevara says:

      It would be nice, if just once, Dewey would try to not post incoherent garbage. If this is representative of our future, we are a dead species.

      • Tina says:

        True…for one thing Democrats have always done the primary this way so the elites could pick their candidate. The parties are not exactly the same. Both are much more than infuriating but for different reasons.

        • Dewster says:

          Tina The elites are just Democrats in your Book? The Koch network of about 700 millionaires is grassroots right?

          Both parties work for the elites period. It has been proven legislation the last 30 years has been for the benefit of the elites, …

          read a bill, look at the earmarks, If you want to be a politician you must obey or they will primary you out of office.

          • Tina says:

            Dewey whether you like it or not the Kochs are American citizens just like you are. Like other groups they are FREE to assemble with like minded individuals to participate in the election. The single largest donor to Obama was a group of big money educators in California. Democrats have been supported by the billionaire George Soros under the table through hundreds of “nonprofits” since long before citizens United.

            Much of the legislation passed over the last thirty years has been for redistribution of wealth and special interest groups on the left…the greens, feminist women, minorities.

            Your observation is filled with biases and exclusions.

            Get a friggin clue…Post Scripts has voiced opposition to earmarks and big government in general. Your criticisms of us show you do not read or get what we say.

            Dewey you are an output channel…you do not take in new information…you spew left wing talking points…and you haven’t a clue about what constitutes fascism. Bernie, your frigging hero, thinks like a fascist.

      • Dewster says:

        Funny Pie, when I show people here in DC some of these posts they call them incoherent and uninformed.

        Bottom Line…… Chico is a far cry from reality

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Now this really is interesting. I agree with Chris.

  6. Peggy says:

    Trump is a master con artist and he has members of both parties falling for his con game. He even wrote about how he pulls off getting what he wants in his book.

  7. Libby says:

    Jack, you do realize that your opening statement, there, makes Republican voters out to be not very admirable?

    Any number of entities are busily exposing Trump for a graceless, ignorant, imbecile, largely out of his own mouth. What is there to resent? … the truth?

    I would have to say that any digging in of the heels at this point is utterly childish. It’s hardly the media’s fault that childish people are childish.

    • Tina says:

      Of course there was the time (twice) the press joined the “childish” to promote the O man and protect him from criticism and exposure. That was absolutely the media’s fault…and intention!

      And here we are in a big fat mess.

      • Chris says:

        I can only recall two instances where Obama struck me as “childish:” describing Republicans as “enemies” to “punish” and using the phrase “If they bring a knife, you bring a gun.” But those are notable partly for being unusual for the way Obama typically speaks. Meanwhile Trump is actually saying his opponents should “go **** themselves” and calling Ted Cruz a “pussy” in front of crowds of cheering morons.

        He’s different.

  8. Libby says:

    Ah, but Pie, you admire the bullying … so you don’t agree with Chris after all.

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