Ted Cruz Suggests John Bolton as Good Choice for Secretary of State

Posted by Tina

Ted Cruz sat for a CNN interview and was asked which cabinet position would be the most important to fill. Cruz replied it would be a three way tie between Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and Attorney General saying all three are “critically important.” He then went on to describe how important the state and defense positions are:

Listen, State and Defense – when it comes to defense we need to start rebuilding our military immediately. When it comes to State, we have abandoned our friends and allies nationally and we need to – it’s part of the reason I mentioned before.

Ripping to shred the Iranian nuclear deal, and moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. Both of those are within the power of the president, but they’re also powerfully symbolic. You know, moving the embassy to Israel tells Israel, it tells all of our allies, it tells our enemies, America is back. You know, Obama in his opening weeks, he sent back the bust of Winston Churchill to the United Kingdom. If I’m elected president, Winston Churchill is coming back to the Oval Office.

So as secretary of state we need someone strong, someone who defends this country, someone who represents this country.

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton would be an excellent choice. His thoughtful steady approach and dedication is exactly what is needed right now.

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10 Responses to Ted Cruz Suggests John Bolton as Good Choice for Secretary of State

  1. J. Soden says:

    Good choice, Ted.

  2. Dewster says:

    Explain why we want the same architects of the Iraq war and what they accomplished?

    Secretary of State? Bolton is not respected. He is considered a war criminal.

    This all about being Israels patsies and creating a war in Iran. Oil. Power and Greed.

    We pay taxes for never ending oil wars yet we are too poor to rebuild our infrastructure as long as it is not privatized?

    Yep that’s a Real Grassroots candidate hiring the same ol establishment war mongers.

  3. Tina says:

    The purpose for the Iraq war was multifaceted. Saddam Hussein was in breach of the cease fire agreement that ended the first gulf war to free Kuwait, he was in breach of seventeen U.N. resolutions, and he was suspected of hiding weapons of mass destruction which he had already used. These conditions helped to form a strategy for defeating al Qaeda. We would establish a theater to fight al Qaeda in Iraq and take out Saddam at the same time. We would fight the terrorist enemy over there rather than here and other places around the world. We proposed to take Saddam out and assist the Iraqi people to set up a democratic system of government to establish another allied government in the ME. The US military won that war and all that was left to do was continue a strong military presence there and in Afghanistan, continue with mop up operations to make sure the enemy stayed defeated, and diplomatically work to encourage and support stability. The Iraqi’s had set up a parliamentary government and held elections. It wasn’t perfect but it was working. Instead of building on that success the current president decided to deride the effort and turn his back on Iraq. He was sure he had a better way. His haphazard efforts lacked a strategy to win and brought instability that spilled across several nations, created the rise and spread of ISIS, and opened the door for increasing acts of terror around the world. At the same time his ineptitude included the rise of Russia as an aggressor. The China, Russia, Iran, North Korea alliance also poses new potential threats. I would elect the same “architects of the Iraq war” for the simple reason that they have the intention of winning against terrorists and making America strong again. I would elect them because the alternative offers the same losing designs we’ve witnessed for over seven years now!

    Bolton is highly respected among those who face the realities of the world as adults. Only the childish Utopian dreamers think he’s a “war monger.”

    Grow up Dewey.

    • Dewey says:

      You grow up Tina. The war was well planned out. In fact the oil fields were even divided up. We are not the worlds cops. You believe such crap!

      Read the official docs. Bottom Line we kill Americans and destroy whole countries for greed and power.

      Then we treat our vets like crap. Endless war.

      Where is the missing 3.2 Trillion? What did we get for this war? ISIS!

      Meanwhile privatized contractors including Halliburton made out like bandits leaving us in debt. The war was not even put on the Books. They left that for the next President then blame him for their war and market crash deficits.

      Saddam was a horrific dictator. But he kept the middle east at bay as well.

      Explain to me why it is the American taxpayers Job to pay for that war?

      That war squandered money like no tomorrow. PERIOD a scam. Payday.

      We need to fix our own country not dictate to other countries on the taxpayers dime. The military should be used for self defense not corporate offense.

      The mere fact you still support that war is plain out disgusting.

      America is so broke we can not fix our infrastructure but when it comes to feeding the Military Industrial Complex we have an endless credit card?


      The world is tired of the Imperialist US Wars and the people are as well!

      • Tina says:

        “In fact the oil fields were even divided up.”

        That is a lie Dewey. You’ve tried to pass it off as fact here before and it’s complete crap.

        Iraq is in charge of it’s oil.

        December 2009 – Time:

        Those who claim that the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 to get control of the country’s giant oil reserves will be left scratching their heads by the results of last weekend’s auction of Iraqi oil contracts: Not a single U.S. company secured a deal in the auction of contracts that will shape the Iraqi oil industry for the next couple of decades. Two of the most lucrative of the multi-billion-dollar oil contracts went to two countries which bitterly opposed the U.S. invasion — Russia and China — while even Total Oil of France, which led the charge to deny international approval for the war at the U.N. Security Council in 2003, won a bigger stake than the Americans in the most recent auction. “[The distribution of oil contracts] certainly answers the theory that the war was for the benefit of big U.S. oil interests,” says Alex Munton, Middle East oil analyst for the energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie, whose clients include major U.S. companies. “That has not been demonstrated by what has happened this week.”

        December 2009 – BBC:

        A total of 44 companies took part in a bid for 10 fields in the second such auction since the invasion in 2003.

        Shell and Petronas beat a rival bid from France’s Total and China’s CNPC.

        Although Majnoon is a huge oil field, with reserves of 13 billion barrels of oil, it currently produces just 46,000 barrels per day.

        And more recently:

        July, 2014 – Iraq Business News:

        The Ministry of Oil has approved a contract worth $607 million (708 billion Iraqi dinar) with China Petroleum Pipeline (CPP).

        The company will now be able to begin construction on an oil storage facility to accommodate future development projects at the Nassiriya oilfield.

        The field currently produces 40,000 barrels of oil per day, but is planned to reach an output of 300,000 barrels per day by project completion.

        “What did we get for this war? ISIS!”

        Moronic thinking…we got ISIS because of seven years of the apologist without a plan who bends over backward to enable and empower the enemy! The Middle East is a now a real mess, even more dangerous, and we haven’t stopped spending in treasure or blood.

        Haliburton is a company used by our government because they are the one firm with the expertise and resources to do the job…there is no conspiracy.

        “We need to fix our own country”

        Yes! After seventy years of socialist policies and seven years of Barrack Obama, you bet we need to fix our country.

        “America is so broke we can not fix our infrastructure…”

        The biggest contributor to our debt is the long term socialist inspired entitlement programs. it’s not a coincidence that those same socialist inspired ideas have also led to sluggish growth in the economy and a lousy job market.

        “The world is tired of the Imperialist US Wars”

        Name the nation America has taken.

        The world depends on America because freedom made us the richest and most productive nation on earth! In the last seven years they have witnessed what happens when America is made weak. They are asking what the hell happened to the Americans!

        America is not an imperialist nation; we never have been!

        We are a liberator nation; we do not take countries over. We encourage freedom and independence. We work with allies to defend against aggressors and threats to freedom. Saddam Hussein was a monster in the same vein as Hitler.

        If it were not for the anti-war socialist in this country we would have liberated more countries at a lot less expense and the world would be a much safer place. (Vietnam and Iraq)

        The old monarchies were imperialist. The old communist USSR and China are modern examples.

        Imperialism: a type of advocacy of empire. Its name originated from the Latin word “imperium”, which means to rule over large territories. Imperialism is “a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means”.

        Liberator: a person who liberates a person or place from imprisonment or oppression

        Geez Dewey spend some of that internet time learning the meanings of words!

  4. Libby says:

    No, Bolton is one of the neo-cons who got us into Iraq (for no good-goddamned-reason). Criminally large mistake. I thought you all were so big on accountability?

    He is also notorious for his lack of diplomatic skills, so only a war monger would want such a person in the State Department.

    Cruz was dumb to say anything, really. He’s still got way to much competition ready to pounce on whatever he says.

  5. Dewey says:

    BTW Bolton was not approved by the Senate as UN Ambassador. GW Bush sidestepped the Senate and INSTAL.

    Bush ignored the Senate’s constitutional rights and responsibilities.

    UN -Jose Bustani- former director-general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. His role was hunting and regulating WMD in Iraq. Bustani advocated solving the perceived Iraq WMD problem through means other than violence. Not what Bush wanted so……

    John Bolton, forced a vote to oust Bustani on trumped-up charges, failed, then threatened to cut funding to the OPCW if it did not have its way, forced another vote, and prevailed. The U.N. would later rule that Bustani was wrongfully dismissed and award him damages.

    Bolton is a war criminal period. War Mongers seem to be respectable men to some.

    History – Reagan – Bolton also aided congressional Republicans who attempted to stop investigations of Contra drug smuggling.


    • Tina says:

      ” GW Bush sidestepped the Senate and INSTAL.”

      Wrong. Bolton was a recess appointment (completely legal). The Senate did nothing to remove him once back in session and he resigned at the end of the term.

      The Democrats under Bush were the most obstructionist bunch this nation has seen in modern times. The Senate refused to even hold hearings to affirm or deny Bush’s court appointees:

      …from June 2001 to January 2003, when the Senate in the 107th Congress was controlled by the Democrats, many conservative appellate nominees were stalled in the Senate Judiciary Committee and never given hearings or committee votes … During the 108th Congress in which the Republicans regained control of the Senate by a 51-49 margin, the nominees that the Senate Democrats had blocked in the 107th Congress began to be moved through the now Republican Senate Judiciary Committee.[10] Subsequently, Senate Democrats started to filibuster judicial nominees. On February 12, 2003, Miguel Estrada, a nominee for the D.C. Circuit, became the first court of appeals nominee ever to be successfully filibustered.[citation needed] Later, nine other conservative court of appeals nominees were also filibustered. These nine were Priscilla Owen, Charles W. Pickering, Carolyn Kuhl, David W. McKeague, Henry Saad, Richard Allen Griffin, William H. Pryor, William Gerry Myers III and Janice Rogers Brown.[11] Three of the nominees (Estrada, Pickering and Kuhl) withdrew their nominations before the end of the 108th Congress.

      Bustani’s four-year term was due to expire in 2001. Magically he was unanimously reelected to his position one year early, in May 2000 for a term of four years. Bustani was working with Saddam in Iraq the way Obama worked a deal in Iran. He was hoping to persuade Saddam to sign up to the OPCW. Iraq was in violation of seventeen UN resolutions at that point. It was as ridiculous to think that Saddam would suddenly change his war mongering, tyrannical stripes and join the peace makers as it is to think Iran will change its ways today.

      Peacemakers empower warmongers!

      Records on the Contra drug incident can be read at the CIA Library.

      Democrats actively worked to undermine Republican presidents:

      A 1983 KGB memo uncovered after the fall of the Soviet Union described a meeting between former KGB officials and former Democratic Sen. John Tunney (Sen. Kennedy’s confidant) in Moscow. Tunney asked the KGB to convey a message to Yuri Andropov, the Soviet leader, proposing a campaign in which Kennedy would visit Moscow to offer talking points to Andropov and Soviet officials on how to attack Reagan’s policies to U.S. audiences. According to the memo, Kennedy, through the intermediary, offered to help facilitate a media tour in a proposed visit by Andropov to the U.S. Kennedy’s hope, as conveyed by the letter, was to hurt Reagan politically on foreign policy at a time when the economic recovery was working in his favor. …

      …In 1984, 10 Democratic lawmakers — including the then majority leader and House Intelligence Committee chairman – sent a letter to Nicaraguan Communist leader Daniel Ortega known as the “Dear Comandante” letter. In it, the lawmakers criticized Reagan’s policy toward Nicaragua and whitewashed the record of violence by the Sandinista communists. …

      …”In September 2002, David Bonior, the second-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, flew to Baghdad in an attempt to undermine George W. Bush’s case for war in Iraq on a trip paid for by Saddam Hussein’s regime. Bonior, accompanied by Reps. Jim McDermott and Mike Thompson, actively propagandized for the Iraqi regime. McDermott, asked whether he found it acceptable to be used by the Iraqi regime, said he hoped the trip would end the suffering of children. ‘We don’t mind being used,’ he said.” …

      …On Nov. 20, 1990, as President George H.W. Bush gathered support to oppose Iraq after its invasion of Kuwait, the former Democratic President Jimmy Carter wrote a letter to nations who were in the U.N. Security Council trying to kill the administration’s efforts. As Douglas Brinkley explained, Carter’s letter was an attempt “to thwart the Bush administration’s request for U.N. authorization of hostilities against Iraq. President Bush’s criterion for proceeding with a war was the exhaustion of ‘good faith talks,’ and Carter placed his interpretation of that standard above the administration’s.”

      You lefties always snuggle up to the tyrannical murdering black hats of the world.

      I know…it’s the sheer wonderfulness of your presence that makes you think dictators and tyrants will play nice. But we’re witnessing the value of the liberal nice approach and it’s ugly.

      Time to let the big dogs clean up your mess.

  6. Tina says:

    Libby what does accountability mean to you? Groveling at the feet of numb skulls with a different opinion on their say so? Fagetaboudit!

    Bolton has no problem being accountable, nor do I.

    Expecting Bolton to be accountable for what’s happened in the last seven years is going too far. You lefties refuse to be accountable for the last seven. All you do is make excuses, blame others, and pass the buck.

    You really have no ground on which to stand. Your war legacy is wasted time, wasted money, wasted blood, and nothing to show for it but empowered enemies.

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