Will Low Democrat Turnout Doom Hillary?

Posted by Tina

An interesting element in the race so far has been somewhat overlooked (purposely overlooked?) as Hillary receives high fives from the media for being ahead in the primary. She’s considered to have the best chance to get the Democrat nomination. Woo hoo’s all around. She won the South Carolina Caucus with 66% of the Democrat vote, up from 55% in the last election…yipee! Hillary got the black vote in South Carolina…big news flash. Well, yeah, BUT…the black vote also declined by 18% and the white vote was down by 44%. The “folks” aren’t coming out to support the candidates on the left in big numbers.

So far this isn’t a big story…not like the fat headlines claiming the Republicans are imploding, but shouldn’t it be?

This is the nuttiest election I’ve ever seen. Anything could happen between now and November. It’s never been harder to make a responsible, informed decision. It would help if the media would bother to tell the whole story rather tha covertly carrying water for Hillary.

The source for this information is The American Thinker article, “The incredible shrinking Democratic Party,” by Thomas Lifson who sourced from Michael Barone and the Huffington Post writer, Zach Carter.

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21 Responses to Will Low Democrat Turnout Doom Hillary?

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    That would be nice, but we are still doomed if Trump becomes president.

    Off Topic : From the “Trust Us We Know What We Are Doing” Department

    Senior Clinton aide maintained top secret clearance amid email probe, letters show

  2. Libby says:

    I had an interesting thought … do you suppose the Joint Chiefs might be getting a little tense.

    I mean, we Dems are quite demoralized. We could put Bernie in, but listening to him berate our do-nothing Congress for four years is nothing I want to do. Hillary will make a nice place holder but nothing more.

    So what if we all stay home and Trump gets in … and then proposes some crack-brained imbecility like sending the National Guard out to check IDs, and the Joint Chiefs have to tell him, politely but firmly, no.

    That’s mutiny … and could be entertaining … but I’m sure they’d really rather not have to get into it.

    • Tina says:

      Why do you suppose the Joint Chiefs would tell him “no?” Do you suppose that they are his bosses?

      Don’t you think we’d more likely see Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer go ballistic?

      Now that might be entertaining…hair on fire, smoke billowing from their ears…

      I, for one, can’t stand the thought of that Hillary voice, haranguing between sputters and coughs, for four years

      It looks like our choices are pretty dim, but no, I will not stay home.

      • Chris says:

        Tina: “Why do you suppose the Joint Chiefs would tell him “no?” Do you suppose they are his bosses?”

        My understanding was that Libby was supposing the Joint Chiefs would put their duty to the constitution and the protection of our rights as citizens above loyalty to the president, but I could be mistaken.

        • dewster says:

          No you are not mistaken many Military Officials have now stated they would not follow A President Trumps Orders,

          It also amazes me the way the left has no spunk. There are congressional elections as well. Rather than vote out the obstructionists they condemn the new President to the same congress.

          The state of this country is the fault of all voters. Period.


          Also Clinton’s former Labor sec has endorsed Bernie.

          What we have in CLinton and the GOP candidates are fascists. They work for the donors who donate to both sides. Oligarchy period.

          Either voters wise up and buck the system or are doomed to continued debt slavery.

          Nothing will change until the people unite and mobilize. Playing this left right game is giving the Oligarchy power.

          Property will be seized and rights will diminish

  3. J. Soden says:

    $hrilLIARy could become the Mitt Romney or John McCain of the Demwit party – where voters stayed home because they didn’t like the candidate that had been chosen by the party hierarchy . . .
    If she isn’t indicted first, that is . . . . .

  4. Libby says:

    So, before I was trying to get you to consider a serious political theory, and you wouldn’t.

    So this is a nice, plain, old-fashioned gloat.

    Hee. Hee.


  5. Tina says:

    Nice try dump truck, but Trump does not speak “to what Republican voters want to hear.” He speaks to the center of the country…many of them angry democrats and Independents.

    The flaw in most lefty pieces about republicans is that they, like you and Chris (forget Dewey), do not get what republicans think…never have bothered to actually get it. They decide what we say then react to their pompous, insane interpretations.

    If I have not responded to your “serious political theory” it’s because I did not see it or you have not articulated it in such a way that I get it…care to try again?

    • dewster says:

      Tina that is exactly your mistake. You assume.

      I know exactly what any republicans think. I also know they are not aware of what is going on around this country.

      You seem to believe all these candidates. You protect them when they break the law. You think there is some republican utopia. You do not ive in a Republican state right now. You do not see how corrupt it is out here.

      No clean water, food deserts, starvation wages, high prices. Cities seizing property and assets. Cameras everywhere tracking your every move.

      There is more than 1 type of Republican, you are not an expert.

    • Trevor Burgart says:

      Tina is right when she says that Trump speaks to all Americans. Also another thing that I think the liberals are afraid of is if Bernie were to run as an Independent, I believe that would automatically cause the Republican Nominee to win the presidency because of the split vote. I also don’t understand where people get that Trump’s a racist. It makes no sense to me because all of the info on him is out there and easily accessible. All it is is the liberal media at it again with their stupid crap, and no young (and dumb) people actually listen to him. Anybody who is whole-heartedly against Trump has no idea what he even says, they just go by what the liberal media says.

      ~Make America Great Again!~ Trump for President 2016

      • Tina says:

        Trevor thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

        Th liberals have a lot of nerve accusing others of inflammatory language. It’s their bread and butter. they are always calling people names, accusing them without real cause. They even have a rule, Alinsky, rule #12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

        The Chicago mob was filled with militant activists that engaged in such nastiness. It’s going to be a long difficult, possibly dangerous, road to November.

        Hope you join us again when you feel the urge.

  6. Libby says:

    Ah, the Queen of Denial will not be … denied?

    But if you think we’s gonna let you “conservatives” off the hook for Monster No. 1, … no chance of it.

  7. Libby says:

    Oh, and again I am dismayed by ignorance. Our military is sworn to uphold the Constitution, not the unconstitutional whims of some demagogue. Upon receiving an order to violate citizen’s rights en masse, the Chiefs would be in a bind … or maybe they wouldn’t.

    There’s a thought.

    • Tina says:

      Good grief, Libby, there’s plenty to be concerned about without imagining future wrongs that may not ever happen. Get a grip, girl.

      And by the way, where has all of your concern for “unconstitutional whims” been over the last seven years?

      Obama took it upon himself in July of 2013 to amend the ACA on his own when he announced that enforcement of the employer mandate would be delayed until January of 2015. The ACA called for that to happen by Dec. 2013. There are many more examples. See the Heritage Foundations for several more.

      • dewster says:

        Tina you seem to not understand the Constitution nor protect it. If PBO had broken the law you think the GOP would not have brought a real case? No they lie and promise nothing of substance. Clinton does the same. The Clinton’s are Moderate Republicans under the Dem flag.

        The Constitution? Does it support a Gov removing all power of the locally elected and appoint a Manager to dictate? (MI)

        You ignore this….. but it shows you are blinded by Media.

        • Tina says:

          The government in MI was so dysfunctional and broke from years of democrat leadership that an outsider HAD TO BE APPOINTED. It was done according to the LAW:

          When a city or a school district in Michigan runs out of money, the state can appoint an emergency manager to take over the responsibilities of locally elected officials. An emergency manger’s powers are broad—made even more so this year – and are designed to help EMs balance the books and return governance to locally elected officials as quickly as possible.

          Today, there are four cities and one school district under the control of an emergency manager:

          Benton Harbor
          Detroit Public Schools

          This is the second time around for Flint, which had an “emergency financial manager” from 2002-2006. The cities of Detroit and Inkster and Benton Harbor Public Schools could soon be added to this list.

          1. What can an emergency manager do?

          An emergency manager can:

          Hire/fire local government employees
          Renegotiate, terminate, modify labor contracts with state treasury approval
          Sell, lease, or privatize local assets with state treasury approval
          Revise contract obligations
          Change local budgets without local legislative approval
          Initiate municipal bankruptcy proceedings
          Hire support staff

          An emergency manager cannot raise taxes.

          2. Then and now: Emergency financial managers vs. emergency managers

          Michigan’s emergency management system has been in place since 1988, when Public Act 101 allowed an emergency financial manager to assess and manage the finances of Hamtramck.

          Dewey you should really learn something before accusing others of being ignorant of the law.

        • Tina says:

          The GOP elite has shown itself to be feckless, Dewey. Of course when the people charge racism, rather than looking at the Constitution and holding Obama accountable, what do you expect. Obama is teflon due to his race. If the left is determined to be this dishonest and activist both parties are rendered useless to the Constitution and the people.

  8. dewster says:

    LOL How can low voter turnout in a Democrat Primary doom a democrat? it will doom Bernie if voters do not go out.

    The Media has done it’s job. Turn off voters from politics. The voter suppression laws will keep hundreds of thousands of votes from being counted. That is more of a problem.

    Also the machines are corrupt. Both parties. Never vote by machine.

    The economy is rigged, the elections are rigged.

    The GOP will have a brokered convention. But even if the voters are wrong about Trump that is wrong. Ignore the voters? Put in place a candidate for the donors?

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