Super Tuesday Predictions

by Jack

Most of the major polls show Donald Trump winning in Georgia and Tennessee with Cruz in the number two slot by a wide margin. Cruz is winning his home state of Texas, polls say. If they (polls) prove out to be true, this will give Trump the serious momentum he needs to take it all the way to the general election.

Can Cruz close the gap? If you’re not a Trump supporter, then you better hope so, because it doesn’t look like Rubio can do it. He might have, if he had gone on the attack like Trump did early in this race. But, now it looks like Rubio is a day late and a dollar short.

TrumpClinton supporters are cheering Trump on, sensing an easy victory in a one on one showdown. They see Hillary’s political experience, especially on global politics, as her edge over a novice Trump.

If Trump wins big tomorrow, he better start reading up on his world history and become familiar with a lot of cultures and how they match up with our economy. He’s going to need educating if wants to hold his own with Hillary. Being bombastic has taken the Donald further than anyone thought, but it won’t be a vote getter. He has to show he’s knowledgeable at home and on the world stage. Using consultants to cover his political shortcomings will not inspire confidence at the ballot box.

I think Ted Cruz could beat Hillary in the general, but I’m less confident about Trump, there’s just to many unknowns with the Donald. Possibly Rubio could beat her too, but I think that opportunity is almost over. So much rides on Super Tuesday. So stay tuned!

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8 Responses to Super Tuesday Predictions

  1. Peggy says:

    I’m with you Jack. Hopefully the voters tomorrow will wake up and not vote for Trump.

    This just came out. It’s hilarious.

    John Oliver Takes On the Donald

  2. dewster says:

    I do not think Hilliary will necessarily beat Trump.

    Trump must be stopped at all costs. So if you are a Republican do something. Trump is a dictator type and has always been. The world is responding to ban Trump. That alone is dangerous.

    Truth be told Cruz is not respected by many in the GOP and us Independents despise that sake. He is a liar and has an agenda far from what is best for the people.

    Tina people see Cruz for who he is. I have him recorded. I can prove what I say/ The man is a Liar.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    What difference would it make? Either Trump or Hillary as POTUS will spell disaster. A security risk rape enabler who should be stripped of her security clearance, prosecuted, and jailed, and a pompous, overblown, phony reality TV show jackass posing as a conservative.

    I am ashamed. I am ashamed that the sons and daughters of the greatest generation have passed on this circus, this side show, this political disease onto millennials and have tried to pass it off as leadership of the free world. As far a politics is concerned, the greatest generation has given rise to the most ludicrous generation.

    Off Topic : Remember officer Ashley Guindon

    • Tina says:

      Well said Pie. The Boomers get to take a lot of the blame as well. it was our generation that undermined the republic following the playbook of the soviets.

      The Officer Down Memorial Page lists all officer deaths including officers and K-9’s killed in the line of duty.

      These men, women and dogs give a lot to our cities and towns. Bless them all.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    It is the boomers I speak of, Tina, the ludicrous generation spawned by the greatest generation. Dewey is part and parcel of the disease the ludicrous generation has created. The ludicrous generation spawned this absurd and hideous monster, this intellectual derelict, this insufferable and vomitous clown who is no less odious than Trump or Hillary.

    By the way, Dewey, your moniker “dewster” or “the dewster” is even more stupid than your stint fraudulently posing as a female commenter.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    The first time I have ever watched John Oliver. Brilliant.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    It is time for Rubio, Kasich and Carson to stop bleeding off their few percent and throw in behind Cruz.

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