Super Tuesday Results and Commentary

Posted by Tina

Republican race:

Democrat race:

Republicans voters are turning out in droves. In Virginia turnout was four times greater than in 2012 for Republicans. Democrat turnout in contrast is lagging. Supposedly Hillary has a plan. (AG Loreta Lynch says she may wait until after the election to take a look at all of those emails Hillary insisted didn’t exist…typical, no justice for the people)Carson

some speculate that with Rubio, Kasich and Carson staying in the race we may not get a clear winner and end up in a brokered convention…others say the Republican elites are considering running Romney…which would add yet another black eye in their history in my book.

After his strong victory, Trump announced that after tonight he will “go after Hillary.” Not surprised, she has been preparing a war chest filled with clubs and hammers to use on Trump for some time. America will look ridiculous and the American people dumb…really dumb.

So let’s see, Hillary will bash Trump, the media will continue bashing Trump, celebrity jokesters will bash Trump, conservatives will bash Trump, the Republican elites will bash Trump.

Who will bash Hillary besides Trump? And will the media let him get away with bashing the girl…you know she’ll play that card, she has before.

I’m very happy to see Cruz win two, including his home state. Any thoughts, guys?

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8 Responses to Super Tuesday Results and Commentary

  1. Peggy says:

    Carson and Kasich need to drop out now. Rubio after the Florida race if he doesn’t win it.

    Read Lindsey Graham say the establishment needs to get behind Cruz to take out Trump. That was a shocker, but also think it could be the kiss of death for Cruz to have Graham’s support.

    I thanked God for inventing the mute button on my remote so I could use it on Trump’s too long speech and whatever Hillary said. Hearing either of them raises my blood pressure too high.

    Lots of funny memes out of Christie’s look while standing behind Trump. Check them out for a good laugh.

    Trump won’t be the candidate and neither will Sanders, even if they do get the populace vote. Both the DNC and RNC have rigged the race and will get the candidate they want with super delegates and a brokered convention. We may see the end of the Republican party and possibly the Democrat party if they do. I don’t think the voters will put up with it because of their anger towards DC and the do nothing congress, and realizing the process invalidates their votes. IMO

  2. Post Scripts says:

    My thoughts are Trump is going to get it, unless something catastrophic happens. He’s got a lead that will make him almost impossible to catch. Rubio and Carson need to drop out if Cruz is going to have any sort of chance to overtake Trump.

  3. Dewster says:

    Trump may continue the climb. he has James Edwards, a notorious white supremacist radio talk show host broadcasting from inside a few rallies. James is now promoting an interview with Donald Jr. The American freedom party and racists are flocking to the polls for Donald. He represents the largest base of the Party.

    The media is creating Trump. Very little bashing. Trump has manipulated the Media for decades.

    Romney is on the outside looking in. The real question is will the GOP establishment ignore the voters and have a brokered convention appointing a candidate? While Trump is too dangerous I have a problem with the voters being ignored.

    On the Dem side Sanders almost accomplished his goal. He went for 5 states and got 4.9. In MA it was close. What is bothersome is Bill Clinton’s skirting election law by a thread. Bill was campaigning outside MA Polls where you must stay 150 feet away from the polls. There were pictures of Bill inside the polls shaking hands. Purely disgusting.

    GOP needs an honest candidate to which there are none.

    HRC is a Goldwater conservative on the Dem ticket and she is proud of it.

    If it became a trump/Clinton election the vote would become a vote to stop the fascist Trump.

    It is early in the primaries. Even Clinton won mostly Red States where the Dem vote is useless in the General. Media is just a bunch of Propaganda controlling peoples thoughts.

    Cruz has lied and Cheated he could not win the General.

    Bottom Line America has gone mad!

  4. Tina says:

    Dewey someone writing in an article yesterday put the white supremacist issue in perspective when he said, paraphrasing, that there are more people in the US claiming to have been abducted by aliens than there are white supremacists…

    Give it up! America does not support this disgusting group. attempting to use it against Trump and the republicans is simply Democrat dirty tricks…particularly when it is Democrat history that is riddled with support of the KKK and deadly racism and bigotry.

    Hillary’s history with Goldwater was anything but indicative of her eventual ideology. She is a socialist like Bernie with a lot of corporatist baggage that results from her incredible hunger for money and power.

    The biggest fascist in the game is Bernie who would take even greater control over private business through taxation and regulation. that you can’t see it is astounding! After all this kind of policy has worked so well for Venezuela. That was a year ago…the situation is even more dire today. Bernie’s America is an America of shared misery.

    You are part of the madness due to your ignorance and unfounded fears.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Tina to Dewey “there are more people in the US claiming to have been abducted by aliens than there are white supremacists…”

    Except they did not count the Deweys out there who believe space aliens are white supremacist fascists bent on dominating the world through their mind control of “world trade courts”, global corporations, and Israel.

  6. Tina says:

    Smack to the forehead…geesh, I completely forgot!

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