A Titanic President! Barack Hussein Obama

by Jack

If you think George W. Bush was the Hindenburg of Presidents, then Obama must be the Titanic. “W” had his faults for sure, mainly centered around the Iraq war. But, President Obama just keep turning out mistake after mistake like he’s doing it on purpose…. to ruin us. The irony here is, unlike you and me, Obama won’t have to pay for his collosal mistakes, his retirement into a lifetime of luxury is secured, again by our pocket book, nothing he did. So, he will escape all accountability and his blunders will fall squarely on us and future generations.

Barack ObamaWhy am I picking on Obama? Well, I’m not really picking on him, as much as I am citing the facts. See, last night I was watching one of these man on the street interviews and they got around to asking this guy in his 50’s who he would like to vote for as president. He said, “Hillary Clinton because she is going to carry the Obama legacy.” At that moment I nearly choked. I though, “What freakin legacy is that?” So, with that in mind I thought would turn that into a blog story, it could be a novel if I had the time. I’ve got a lot of material to work with! Ok, here’s just a brief list of the kind of legacy Hillary will have to carry on if she’s elected president:

Failed foreign policy. Failed budget. Failed internal management (thus the rise in racism, i.e., Feguson, Baltimore and New York riots). Failed immigration. Failed economy and failed healthcare.

Obama has managed to make most blacks believe they are being victimized by the police, even when the officers are black. He’s divided the nation with class warfare, trying to blame everything on the rich. We now have more illegals living in American than any other country in the world and its still growing. This is the wonderful legacy Hillary is going to carry forward? I don’t think we can afford it. Check out 7 of his monumental blunders re foreign policy:

7) The snubbing of Isreal and the embracing of the Muslim Brotherhood 6) The proposed closing of Guantanamo and the release of numerous Muslim terrorists 5) Benghazi debacle 4) Libya debacle 3) Obama’s Iranian Nuclear Deal debacle 2) The Bowe Bergdahl swap, debacle 1) Iraq/Isis.

What’s Obama’s plan to handle the disaster his policies created in Iraq and Syria? Last year, he said, “We don’t have a strategy yet. We need to make sure that we’ve got clear plans. As our strategy develops, we will consult with Congress.” This year we still don’t have a strategy. Wow, how could you ever vote for a democrat again?

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18 Responses to A Titanic President! Barack Hussein Obama

  1. Jess says:

    Snubbing of Israel?

    When Obama came into office Israel was getting 2.4 billion of our tax dollars every year. Now they get over 3.1 billion every year. And that does not include the loan guarantees from Uncle Sucker.

    Can you explain to me how that is snubbing Israel?

    If that’s snubbing I want to get snubbed, too.

    Where in the Constitution does it say that the government is supposed to take money out of the pockets of hard working American taxpayers and give it to foreign governments?

  2. Tina says:

    The US relationship with Israel benefits both countries, which is more than we can say for much of the aid we give to foreign countries. Much of the aid money we’ve given to developing nations ends up in the pockets of dictators and war lords…which is why GWB changed the way aid was distributed in his administration:

    One medical expert calls PEPFAR the “largest financial commitment of any country to global health and to treatment of any specific disease worldwide.”

    It’s impossible to tell exactly how many lives the program has saved, though Secretary of State John Kerry recently claimed that 5 million people are alive today because of it. That’s probably as good an estimate as any.

    If we are going to spend we should at least get positive results!

    In addition to a strategic and military alliance and cooperative weapons development, Israel provides innovation in technology and medicine. They also buy US bonds.

    Israel has said it would be willing to make due without US aid. It’s one of the few countries that probably could. The aid we give Israel is more a partnership than charity so it could be a mistake to end this cooperative alliance.

    It doesn’t say anything in the Constitution about giving aid to any other country but here we are; at least Israel gives generously in return.

    • Jess says:

      They also buy US bonds.

      So we give them money and they loan it back to us with interest. If that wasn’t so absurd it would be hilarious. Can this system be more broken?

      I think we all need a reality check. The federal government debt is $20 trillion, yes that’s trillion. And that does not include the unfunded liabilities which run in excess of 200 trillion. We can’t afford to be giving any money to any foreign government. It’s just common sense.

      Israel has said it would be willing to make due without US aid

      Then they don’t need it so it is absurd to be giving them billions of dollars every year. The people who founded this country warned us not to get into foreign entanglements, and they certainly didn’t intend for money to be taken from average folks and given to foreign governments. They would be appalled if they were around today.

      • Tina says:

        It is absurd Jess but we do the same thing. We similarly buy the debt of other nations. It’s nuts, but that’s what we get with money that’s not backed by gold and a fed that’s electronically printing money in sums it couldn’t possibly actually print.

        Jess, there isn’t much that does make sense in today’s crazy world. But it is the world we are stuck with unless and until it changes drastically.

        It’s incorrect to say we “give” them money as if we just dumped it down a toilet in the process. We spend trillions that give us nothing in return, which is waste on a tectonic scale. At least the money we invest with Israel results in valuable returns. In addition to the strategic and weapons innovation advantages Israel’s inventive contributions are good for Americans (scroll down for list).

        I agree about the founders and I would not have any trouble ending aid to foreign countries. I would hope we would be smart enough to prioritize, evaluate benefits to America, and end wasteful spending first.

        It would be great to avoid “foreign entanglements” but when technology has advanced to the point of seeing jetliners overtaken and flown into high rise buildings in New York and the Pentagon in DC, it’s hard to avoid being entangled. Remember those same founders, specifically President Thomas Jefferson, got involved when pirates were boarding our ships to demand “tribute”:

        When Thomas Jefferson became president, he refused to pay any more tribute to the Barbary pirates. And in May 1801, two months after he was inaugurated, the pasha of Tripoli declared war on the United States. The US Congress never issued an official declaration of war in response, but Jefferson dispatched a naval squadron to the coast of North Africa to deal with the pirates.

        The American Navy’s show of force quickly calmed the situation. Some pirate ships were captured, and the Americans established successful blockades.

        But the tide turned against the United States when the frigate Philadelphia ran aground in the harbor of Tripoli (in present day Libya) and the captain and crew were captured.

        The capture of the Philadelphia was a victory for the pirates, but the triumph was short-lived.

        In February 1804, Lieutenant Stephen Decatur of the U.S. Navy, sailing a captured ship, managed to sail into the harbor at Tripoli and recapture the Philadelphia. He burned the ship so it couldn’t be used by the pirates. The daring action became a naval legend.

        Ironically it is the same mindset that demands we keep Israel as a strategic partner. we are under assault from extremists of the same bent today. We the “infidels” continue to be threatened and have no choice but to engage.

        • Jess says:

          You are right that a fiat money system perverts economic incentives and leads to much of the economic and political absurdity we see today. But all fiat currencies eventually collapse. Ours is no different and if drastic measures are not taken we may very well see that collapse in our lifetimes.

          Israelis are some of the smartest people in the world and they don’t need US taxpayer dollars to create all the inventive contributions your link mentions. Israel has a population less than New Jersey and living standards comparable to the US, yet it receives the most foreign aid. Yes, it is incorrect to say that we give money to Israel. I don’t give money to Israel. I have money taken from me for that purpose.

          Governments have interests, not friends. If Israel is working on weapons systems with money they get from the US taxpayer it is for their interests, not ours. In the past Israel has sold US military technology to China, among other countries. Israel has one of the most sophisticated spy agencies in the world and they use it on the US. And never forget what Israel did in 1967 to the USS Liberty. The founders of this country were spot on when they warned against entangling alliances, and they would be outraged that the hard earned money of average Americans is sent off to foreign governments. And by giving that money to foreign governments, the enemies of those governments become the enemies of average Americans.

  3. Dewster says:

    I did not know I live in Israel or that the millions a day we gave Israel made them more important than the American people. We should not be patsies for Israel anymore.

    They use those US tax dollars to kill. We always have plenty of money for other countries but not our people.

    “Obama has managed to make most blacks believe they are being victimized by the police, even when the officers are black.”

    Oh really? that is just plain a stupid statement. They are mad at Obama for not stepping in more. The police own their actions not Obama. One can supply hundreds of videos showing police brutality. The good cops need to make a stand against the bad ones. Period. They are just as guilty. Your reluctance to see the problem and help solve it is part of the problem.

    Latest video a cop slapping a High School student around in school. They are bullies. http://fox2now.com/2016/03/02/video-shows-officer-slapping-student/

    What the difference is people have cameras on their phones and we can now see police actions on youtube.

    Epic Fail!

    yet you defend GW’s admin? The war that created all the turmoil in the middle east?

    Your hate for Obama is known. You can not blame all the repercussions of the GW admin on him. You seem to support the TPP. That will be his biggest blunder. It will further the fascist takeover of the world as the world trade courts become the lawmakers for all countries .

    Move On we have bigger problems Like trump.

  4. Soaps says:

    Do you still not get it? These are not mistakes, not failures, not disasters, not blunders. Everything is going according to plan. You just did not realize Obama’s plan was to destroy this evil country, as his heritage demanded.

  5. Chris says:

    Failed immigration?

    Immigration from Mexico has been at net zero for most of Obama’s two terms.

    Failed economy?

    We’ve had five straight years of job creation, and unemployment is now under what it was when Obama took office.

    Failed healthcare?

    16 million more people now have health insurance.

    The rest are less easy to dispute–the budget has too many factors to place all the blame at Obama’s feet, same for foreign policy–but these three statements at least are factually wrong.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Cops are bullies, Americans are patsies, Bush is to blame for Obama’s ineptitudes and failures, world trade courts are part of the fascist conspiracy to take over the world.

    Dewey, you are one sick and sad pile of excrement. One might say that your mind has been poisoned, but that would infer you had a mind.

    The “Epic fail” boy struts his stuff.

  7. Tina says:

    Deportations in Obama’s first term were up. So was self deportation due to the flopped economy. In more recent years the administration has worked against law enforcement, and the state of Arizona, as they attempt to enforce our immigration laws. There is also the matter of all of those “kids” surging on the border, which apparently they are doing again, as well as the refugees Obama plans to bring to the US.

    The system is broken. A president who refuses to enforce out laws is not showing leadership. He’s more like a babysitter than a leader.

    • Chris says:

      The Arizona immigration law that Obama objected to was unconstitutional and racist. A president’s first duty is to the constitution. When state and local law enforcement violate constitutional rights, as they have in Arizona, the president should work against them.

      Taking in refugees does not prove that the system is broken.

      Next argument.

      • Tina says:

        “A president’s first duty is to the constitution.”

        Apparently not. this president swore to uphold the Constitution and laws of the US an he has chosen to ignore laws when it fits his agenda.

        Words are meaningless when they are not honored. The left believes the Constitution a “living document” which offers them the opportunity to decide what it says to fit prejudices and agenda. They even changed the definition of a word to make the constitution fit their agenda.

        The left has proven time and again that words are simply tools to be used to manipulate, deceive and control..

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Re : “The Arizona immigration law that Obama objected to was unconstitutional and racist.”

    No, neither Arizona SB 1070 nor Arizona House Bill 2162it was racist, you phony, closet racist liar.

    Take it up with Arizona, you outrageous racist jerk who tosses “racism” slurs about freely like every single @#$damn horrid leftist creep on the planet.

    • Tina says:

      Absolutely correct Pie. In fact the Arizona law mirrored the federal law almost word for word. That race crap was just the usual political Alinsky smear garbage.

      The people that live along the border in Arizona and the officers that have to try to deal with OUR LAW and this presidents flaunting of it would certainly appreciate support.

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Chris is non too bright and pretty ignorant, like all knuckle walking racists, so perhaps this may help.

    Mexicans are not a race. Illegal migrants from anywhere in Mexico or from Central and South America south of the boarder are not a race. The huge problem of illegal immigration is not a race issue. The only people who make it a race issue are themselves virulent racists who appeal to race and exploit its fraudulent divisions. The left and the Democrat party embrace racist groups like La Raza, The Democrat party created the Ku Klux Klan and embraced that evil organization.

    Illegal immigration is a huge problem and the Rats and the left seek to encourage it through the lowest possible means, charges of racism. Get used to it folks, this is the left, these are the Democrats, this is Chris the racist.

    • Chris says:

      Pie: “Mexicans are not a race.”

      Ok? What’s your point? That discrimination against Mexicans is not racist? Ridiculous.

      “The Democrat party created the Ku Klux Klan and embraced that evil organization.”

      Bringing this up to smear modern Democrats is a disqualifying argument; it is, in and of itself, evidence that the speaker is either uninformed or dishonest. Yes, the KKK was created and sponsored by the Southern Democrats for decades. That is completely irrelevant to the politics of both the KKK and the Democrats today. Who is the modern KKK endorsing today? Sanders? No, they are endorsing Trump. And they have repeatedly endorsed Republican candidates over the past few decades. That doesn’t mean Republicans are a racist party, nor does it mean that there is no racism among the Democrats. But the KKK is no longer affiliated with Democrats at all, and it is the Democrats, not the Republicans, that are now working on behalf of the concerns of minorities.

      • Tina says:


        The issue is, and always has been, the right of the people to control our borders. And the expectation should be that foreigners respect and obey our laws…GET IT!

        America is not a convenience store of benefits.

        The politicization of this on the part of your stinkin’ underhanded party is the problem…that, and your insane belief that the American people should be responsible for shouldering the responsibilities of foreign governments when it comes to the opportunity, well being, and education of their people…GET IT?

        You and your party EXPLOIT MINORITIES for power, control, and money! Your position is condescending clap trap, an insult to minorities and foreigners that have waited in line and spent a lot of money to come here LEGALLY.

        Foreign governments exploit you, your party, and the American taxpayer. A lot of them are dictators and tyrants who don’t give a damn about their own people but love the American dollars that flow into their country…and YOU enable them.

        LEGAL…look it up!

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