BIG GOVERNMENT: Labor Department Proposes Investment Power Grab

Posted by Tina

If you work for a living and you have an individual retirement account the Labor Board wants to restrict the advice you can receive from an investment professional and grab that power and control over your savings for the government. The excuse for this power grab is not only deeply insulting it is arrogant:

According to the report, the department claimed that the rule was necessary because individuals could not “prudently manage retirement assets on their own,” and that they “generally cannot distinguish good advice, or even good investment results, from bad.”

Heads up Dewey. This is creeping fascism! This kind of control would put regulators in control of your investment and also in the position to pick winners and losers in the broker arena. Government would once again make itself your nanny and open the door for corruption.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute has estimated that the rule change could cost middle class Americans $80 billion in savings over ten years. It bases it’s findings on research into a similar policy in the United Kingdom that resulted in investment advisers declining to manage smaller accounts.

There is no end to the damage this president can do in the next 10 months through simple power grabbing rules like this that might be easily overlooked.

Read the story in The Washington Free Beacon.

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6 Responses to BIG GOVERNMENT: Labor Department Proposes Investment Power Grab

  1. Dewster says:

    LOL Tina

    I will look into this. But as a person who worked for American Express Financial I can tell you there are very few “Professional Investment Advisers” worth a hoot these days. I left the industry for a reason. The goal is to move the money around to extract fees for no other reason than profits. That is how they make their living.

    What did you do for a living that makes you idolize job titles without understanding the actual business?

    fascism is business control of government. We have a business controlled gov and a rigged economy.

    So I will look onto this and see what is up.

    Under all presidents whether Rep or Dem the corporations control all lawmakers. Obama has not been any different than the Bush or Clinton families or any president since Reagan who continued the road to fascist control.

    You really need to get in touch with what is going on.

    Your ideology that all businesses are some kind of godlike honest entity that cares about improving the investments of the common man is simply ….well misinformed.

    The hedgefund managers and corporate politicians are raiding all assets creating something to trade in the markets for their gain only.

  2. Tina says:

    “fascism is business control of government.”

    No moron. Fascism is government control of business. You have it upside down.

    I have never said all business is godlike or honest.

    I have said that ALL people are capable of good and evil.

    I have said there is corruption and greed at all levels of society.

    I have said that the law is the venue to use to prosecute wrong doing by companies or CEO’s.

    I have said that companies cannot tax you, jail you, punish you with onerous regulation, destroy you (coal industry and coal JOBS), harass you (IRS, FBI,OSHA, ATF-Catherine Englebrecht, Gibson Guitars, journalist James Rosen), force you to buy health insurance or pay a fine…but government can.

    A person can refuse to do business with any company.

    Try that with the government and it’s hundreds of thousands of regulations and tax laws and it’s well armed departments of enforcement!

    You need to get yourself educated.

    “The hedge fund managers and corporate politicians are raiding all assets creating something to trade in the markets for their gain only”

    High tax government types like Bernie and Hillary want to make government the biggest hedge fund manager of all!

    Tell me how it works better when you have no choice in the matter? How does it work out for the average worker when the federal takes from the rich, a huge chunk of the investor class that creates jobs, to spend and redistributes without anything positive to show for it but debt and lost jobs?

  3. Libby says:

    Sorry, Tina, but the nation’s financial services sector is badly in need of rigorous regulation. Remember when several of your beloved capitalist enterprises got the bright idea to put employees’ pension monies in company stock … soon-to-be-bankrupt company stock.

    We had to make law about that. We have to make law about some new excess of clever greed regularly. We can barely keep up. But we’re bloody well not giving up.

    You go put you head back in the sand, and then you won’t be bothered by it.

  4. Tina says:

    SMART regulations I would agree to. Stupid regulations, which your party can’t seem to quit writing, kill business, cost jobs, create unnecessary costs that are passed on to the consumer, and are filled with loop holes for cheats to exploit.

    There is absolutely no reason in he77 that regulations need to be complicated and difficult to read and follow. The only reason they are is so that slick lawyers and corrupt politicians can play games and rake a lot of cash for producing nothing…not a job and not a product.

    It’s insanity to think the solution is to destroy the entire capitalist system because of the bad apples…instead we punish the bad apples. That is the purpose for having laws. Smart regulations make it easier, not harder, to punish bad apples. They also make it harder to become a bad apple.

    Don’t try to lecture me, sweetie, there are plenty of crooks in your party writing those stupid, complex, easy to cheat with laws…Dodd Frank is a nightmare. It killed a lot of small community banks, helped to create monopolistic banking and made Hillary’s pals at the BIG BANKS:

    In public, Clinton says she will be “tough” on Wall Street. Yet Open Secrets reported in December that Wall Street represented about 7 percent of contributions to Clinton and her Super PAC. Then there’s that $1.8 million to her and much more to her husband, who as president ended a key bank regulation and deregulated credit default swaps. Both moves worsened the financial crisis.

    So what did Hillary Clinton say to Wall Street in private? The question goes to policy. Again in typical fashion, she has whined about a double standard. Why don’t all candidates release all such transcripts?

    That’s an evasion. Speechmaking has provided the bulk of Hillary and Bill Clinton’s income since 2001. She made $21.6 million in barely two years. She took $315,000 from eBay a month before starting her campaign. He has made $153 million. The Clintons often donate the fees to their foundation, but they keep enough to stay rich.

    Those idiotic EPA regs on the coal industry are also dumb, dumb, dumb. The cost to meet them isn’t justified by the minuscule percentage of return in cleaner air…but thousands have lost jobs and businesses.

    You lefties are a bunch of dumb a$$es, con artists, and crooks. There is nothing reasonable in what you do. You run around with your noses in everyone elses business, acting like you’re gods gift to the country, when in actuality you destroy a lot of lives in your wake.

    We’d all be better off if all of you would stick your own noses…elsewhere…and get out of the way so that decent working folks, who don’t mind reasonable regulations and laws, can get back to providing for their families. Frankly, we are da*n fed up with your meddling.

  5. Libby says:

    So is law that prevents any more pension fund raiding a good law? Is a law requiring that only a certified fiduciary is permitted to give investment advice a good law?

    You can’t crab about regulation in general, like it’s all bad, when it’s not. In fact, the whole post is an exercise in hyperbole. Nobody is out to destroy capitalism, just modify it. And economies are eternally in flux. If you work in a coal mine, you better start looking around, because we sell most of ours to the Chinese and even the they are scaling back purchases.

    You’re probably right about Hillary, as I believe I’ve already conceded.

    But you’re dead wrong about coal plant emissions.

  6. Tina says:

    “So is law that prevents any more pension fund raiding a good law?”

    There is no such law, never can be. (Reference immigration and gun law on another thread). Laws do not “prevent” crime. They exist to inform about the rules and as justification to prosecute when rules are ignored or flaunted. If you want to hold out the expectation that the rules will be followed you had better make them simple and clear.

    “Is a law requiring that only a certified fiduciary is permitted to give investment advice a good law?”

    As far as I know this has been law for some time now. Anyone who is involved with other peoples money has a fiduciary responsibility. Realtors, bankers, investment advisers certainly all do.

    Too bad we don’t hold our governments to the same high standard!

    The post is exactly on point! I don’t want the government deciding how I should invest any more money than they already do…in fact I’d like to take back MUCH of their power over my money because they don’t manage or control it responsibly or well!

    “Nobody is out to destroy capitalism, just modify it”

    Your ignorant, socialist party has done a damn good job of destroying it in the last seven years…Bernie would do twice the damage in half the time!

    Regulations have exploded in the last few decades. June 2013:

    Twenty years ago saw the release of the first edition of Ten Thousand Commandments, an annual report that tracks the cost and scope of the federal regulatory state. It’s been a very busy two decades for Washington, with 81,883 new regulations hitting the books during that time. That’s a new regulation every two hours and nine minutes—24 hours per day, 365 days per year, for 20 years.

    A lot has changed since then. Encyclopedias, landline telephones, and paper maps are things of the past for most people. But some things have stayed the same. As the just-released 20th anniversary edition of Ten Thousand Commandments shows, every year, agencies continue to issue thousands of regulations costing billions of dollars. What is new is that the costs of federal regulation are at an unprecedented level. The total estimated burden is now up to $1.8 trillion per year, or roughly half the size of the federal budget. This is larger than Canada’s entire economy.

    The number of specific regulatory restrictions listed in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) topped one million in 2010. The CFR has grown by more than 42,000 pages in the last twenty years. The most recent print edition contains 174,545 thrilling pages—nearly a quarter of which have been added since the Clinton administration took office. The print edition takes up 238 volumes, and the index alone runs 1,242 pages. The number of individual regulatory restrictions in the CFR topped one million in 2010; “Ten Thousand Commandments” turns out to be a gross understatement.

    The Federal Register is a daily digest that lists all new proposed and final rules, along with other federal documents. The last two decades have seen nearly 1.43 million Federal Register pages published. The Obama administration is responsible for three of the four highest page counts, including a record 81,405 pages in 2011 — an indicator of how busy regulatory agencies have been under President Obama’s watch. (continues)

    Sorry old girl, but this is nuts!

    “economies are eternally in flux”

    Natural flux is a lot less disruptive than those instigated by political manipulation! They also rarely effect all sectors and a are much more likely to recover on there own quickly. That’s because people, acting in their own best interests will get busy and make it happen.

    “If you work in a coal mine, you better start looking around…”

    In 2012 17,000 jobs were lost due to the shut down of coal plants because of Obama’s war on coal. conditions haven’t improved since then believe me…the time to “look around” is long past!

    The Chinese economy is falling apart…nobody is doing all that well. SOCIALISTS are the reason.

    I am right on about coal plant emissions. If the industry hadn’t already cleaned up operations the East Coast would look like Beijing! It doesn’t!

    Additionally coal companies would probably be more than happy to continue to look for ways to clean up operations but it’s insane to make them do it so quickly that it’s impossible to comply and jobs (170000) are lost!

    NOTE, “NOAA Radiosonde Data Shows No Warming For 58 Years:

    In their “hottest year ever” press briefing, NOAA included this graph, which stated that they have a 58 year long radiosonde temperature record. But they only showed the last 37 years in the graph. (see graph at link)

    Here is why they are hiding the rest of the data. The earlier data showed as much pre-1979 cooling as the post-1979 warming.

    17000 jobs lost because of hysteria and political opportunism over a HOAX!

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