The Insanity of Letting Dangerous Folks Go Free

Posted by Tina

Detained terrorists that have been released from Guantanamo often go right back to the fight, if not directly the through financing, recruitment, and propaganda efforts. This is insanity.

People who come to our country illegally, when caught, are given a court date. They often never bother to show. Released to roam free in our nation they sometimes seek out sanctuay cities. The man who murdered Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco was a felon that had been released five times. There are countless stories like this of murders, rapes and robberies. This is insanity.

President Obama’s program to release federal inmates early has ended badly for one woman and her two children. The former crack dealer repeatedly stabbed to death his ex-girlfriend and her children ages seven and ten. Six thousand inmates have been released under the plan since November. This early release program was done in the name of justice but to me it’s simply insane.

Why not just post signs all over America letting the public know that there will be no consequnces for bad behavior ever again?

Next… regulate guns to take them out of the hands of law abiding citizens and…VOILA!

World Peace.

It isn’t just the policies that are insane….

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14 Responses to The Insanity of Letting Dangerous Folks Go Free

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Whirrled Peas.

  2. Tina says:

    I have to admit the little fella’s are hard working and determined. the one with the box is enough to break your heart…and they have a lot of patience…even when abused.

    So you may be on to something. If that video goes viral I’d expect an activist group to form PDQ….

  3. Dewster says:

    I believe that one must first commit a crime before being indefinitely detained. You can not hold people without a crime. Period.

    You obviously are not aware of the Obama admin Ice raids and how many are being deported with a stop first at a FOR PROFIT detention center funded by the taxpayers with profits to a corporation.

    You also are not aware that illegal entrances into this country are negative.

    Bottom Line this country is not a great place to live. Most people want out. Californians need to realize how good they have it. You still have decent water to drink and a decent food supply.

    Out here the water is contaminated and if you are lucky enough to not have flammable water coming out of your faucet the chlorine levels are dangerous. Your faucet makes your house smell like a swimming pool.

  4. Tina says:

    All that socialist/progressive leadership in the big cities (MI 60 years) and yammering on about infrastructure hasn’t made a difference? Gee why not?

  5. Libby says:

    The moron who murdered Kathryn Steinle misfired a stolen gun (it was way too GD easy to get [from moron number 2]) … and he’s going to jail for it.

    You find a country with no morons in it, you let us know.

    Bon Voyage!

    • Post Scripts says:

      Moron #2 (which is a wrong label) was a federal law enforcement officer who secured his weapon in his vehicle because of a policy created by an anti-gun moron (liberal of course) that said weapons are not allowed inside building, even when carried by a sworn peace officer! So, what could he do?

      Here’s a snippet from the news that’s all over the internet and published in every paper in the bay area: “”The firearm in question was issued to a Bureau of Land Management Law Enforcement Ranger. The Ranger was on official government travel when his vehicle was broken into and the theft occurred. The theft was immediately reported to the San Francisco Police Department. The Bureau of Land Management is deeply saddened by the tragic events of July 1, 2015, and our thoughts are with the family and friends of Ms. Steinle.”

      He did the best that he could given the rules, he locked the gun in the car, since no gun lockers were provided. Unfortunately his vehicle was broken into, presumably by moron #1, inside the parking garage which was supposed to have security. But, the most obvious question here, a magnificently obvious question that you have failed to even recognize, let alone ask, is: Why in the heck was this illegal alien with a long criminal history in America the first place? WHY? (Because of people like you Libby?)

      He had no business being here and it was illegal for him to BE HERE…ILLEGAL!!!! GET IT? He should have been deported and kept out the country long ago, but no chance of that, and why? Because of yet other morons that decided that its really ok to violate our nations borders and its okay to have stupid and illegal sanctuary cities, and its okay to release dangerous criminals from custody, when common sense says the opposite….but nooooooo, Y-O-U don’t want to talk about those morons do you? Because they number in the hundreds of thousands, perphaps even millions and they are YOUR fellow liberals (aka morons) and they are the biggest, most stupid morons ever to walk the face of this earth! Any where else in history those kooks (morons) would have created so much animosity and broken so many laws that they have been sent to gallows. But, not here in America. here they flourish because of all our freedoms. They get to abuse the #1 freedom, freedom of speech, and take advantage of all the other freedoms, that eventually are used against the rest of us, the vast majority! And those liberal morons are destroying this country by aiding and abetting criminals every damn day. And if they aren’t doing that, they are doing something else just as stupid and just as destructive in any number of other areas of government.

      There’s a list a mile long I could cite of liberal morons doing terribly destructive things! And they are not just being destructive, but actually they are doing un-American things that cross the line right into sedition and treason and run exactly opposite to US Constitution and they expressed intent of our founding fathers! You want to talk about moron’s Libby, we’ll be happy to accommodate you, we run into them regularly right here.

  6. Tina says:

    Three cheers, Jack!

    The rest has made you strong of voice, my friend. It’s time to let the morons know just how moronic their PC BS is.

  7. Libby says:

    The gun was in a backpack in plain sight. I might cut the ranger a little slack for not being an urbanite, but to leave anything that might possibly be valuable in plain sight in a car is to invite a window smash. If there’s a gun in the backpack and you don’t put the thing in the trunk … you is an irresponsible gun owner … and a moron.

  8. Libby says:

    Now, we need to talk about all this anger: the Trump phenomena.

    First, moron no 1 has been dealt with. Second, the nature of our physical reality being what it is, there is no keeping away people who really, really want to be here. Unless of course you want to put a cop on every corner … which would be a violation of the founding principles, right?


    So maybe the anger comes from an inability to cope with the insecurity of a free and open society?

    Moron 1’s variation of the resourcefulness and determination of our immigrant population is problematic, but nothing we can’t deal with.

    Why the rage?

  9. Tina says:

    Libby your remarks are so typical. You believe there’s no way to stop people who are determined to come here from coming here, so you throw up your hands At the same time you insist you can stop killers who are determined to get guns from obtaining guns simply by writing onerous laws that in reality only restrict responsible gun owners. There is no consistency in this thinking.

    Our border remains porous mostly because people like you support our laws selectively and because people like you are willing to compromise principles and wrongly use the issue as a bludgeon against your political opponents.

    The law is clear. There is a way to come here legally. There is a way to punish any business that hires illegals. But when even the president of the nation refuses to uphold our laws and does it for his own and his party’s power, the system breaks down. This issue should have been resolved when Reagan agreed to a “ONE TIME” amnesty. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) “provided amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants, in return for increased border security and penalties for companies “knowingly” hiring illegal immigrants. Aside from creating the H-2A visa for seasonal employment, IRCA failed to create new avenues for legal immigration. The combination of amneree societysty and inadequate avenues for legal immigration exacerbated the problem of illegal immigration.”

    Since that time liberals have become more and more tied to using “brown people” as political hammers and to flouting the law with sanctuary cities and voices that disparage law enforcement that attempts to uphold our laws.

    “Open society” is not the same as a free society. The open society paradigm does not recognize borders. That little experiment in insanity is playing out in Europe as we speak. More responsible nations are resentful of less responsible nations and the open borders have created a nightmare in the refugee situation. The “union” that destroyed all borders doesn’t work, big surprise.

    Rage? Ignorance played out on a global scale can do that to even the best of us.

    The airy fairy, on the other hand, are too enamored with themselves to notice the chaos they’ve created with their airy fairy policies.

  10. Libby says:

    No, Tina. We have immigration laws. They are enforced. Obama has deported more people than Bush did. But that’s not going to stop everybody. Do you want to put a cop on every corner?

    If you do, say so.

    If don’t want to earn a “fascist” to go with your “paranoid”, you might consider supporting the union movement on the Maquiladora. If they can make a good living at home, they will stop coming here.

    Jack, you own any Commscope?

  11. Tina says:

    “We have immigration laws. They are enforced.”

    Sheriff Babeu: Obama has ‘handcuffed’ Border Patrol:

    Florence, AZ, – Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu denounced the Obama administration Tuesday, accusing the White House of preventing border agents from enforcing immigration laws.Babeu, flanked by Border Patrol agents and union leaders, said high-traffic smuggling routes are not appropriately staffed and laid into the administration for failed leadership.The sheriff denounced the politicization of immigration enforcement at a news conference at PCSO’s Florence headquarters.

    National Border Patrol Labor Council President Brandon Judd picked up on that theme, saying the agency is at a crossroads.

    “We are either going to be a specialized law enforcement agency dedicated to enforcing our nation’s immigration laws or a political arm of the administration,” Judd said. He said because the Obama administration failed to convince the American public to pass immigration reform, “the president is bypassing Congress by legislating through policy. These policies in essence are granting amnesty to thousands, if not millions, of persons who enter the country illegally.”Judd alleged the administration has engaged in a campaign to mislead the American people to believe our borders are secure.

    “He (Pres. Obama) has manipulated the data, had agents assigned to low traffic areas and attempted to quiet dissent by calling those who question his approach as misinformed without offering an evidence to support these allegations.”According to figures Babeu released Tuesday, traffic of illegal immigrants in the first four months of this fiscal year is up by 25 percent. He said there’s been a 102 percent increase in unaccompanied juveniles. Babeu said.“What we see from this administration is an actual reduction at a time we should be providing more support to secure our border,” Babeu said.

    The following suggest that Obama doesn’t have a clue about his own policy. Like his fawning followers he imagines that his actions are benevolent.

    Immigration Enforcement Isn’t Smart, Obama Says:

    Enforcing immigration law “isn’t smart,” President Barack Obama told law enforcement officials Tuesday, just one day after the public learned he had released 36,007 illegal-immigrant murderers, rapists, thieves and other criminals into the nation’s communities.

    Cops should be going after major criminals, not the many illegal immigrants that are quietly living in their districts, said Obama, who has twice sworn to uphold the nation’s laws.

    “You’ve got to spend time dealing with somebody who is not causing any other trouble other than the fact that they were trying to make a living for their families,” Obama said.

    “That’s just not a good use of our resources. It’s not smart. It doesn’t make sense,” said Obama, who has already directed immigration police to minimize enforcement of illegal living far from the border.

    Andrew McCarthy: Obama ‘Not Enforcing the Law’ on Immigration:

    The Obama administration’s claims of enforcing strict deportation standards were undercut Monday with the release of a report showing that 68,000 illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds were set free last year.

    The report comes from the Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank that supports strict enforcement of immigration laws, and is based on an internal memo from the Department of Homeland Security.

    That document shows that Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials encountered 193,357 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions but released more than 67,800 of them. The remaining 125,478 were not issued charging documents, according to The Hill.

    The Obama administration has been criticized by Democrats and liberal groups for the high numbers of deportations under his administration, expelling some 396,000 illegal immigrants each year since 2009, compared to about 252,000 a year under the George W. Bush administration, the Pew Research Center reports.

    Andrew McCarthy, senior fellow at the National Review Institute, told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV on Monday that the new figures are just the latest evidence that President Barack Obama doesn’t really care about enforcing the nation’s immigration laws and has tweaked the reporting to reach those high deportation numbers.

    “The way that they’ve gotten away with this is they have inflated their number of deportations from the very beginning, so that, for example, they were caught a couple of years ago taking the numbers of thousands of people who voluntarily departed the country and taking the numbers of people who they’ve turned away at the border and including them in their deportation numbers so that they could run around and say they have a very aggressive deportation record,” McCarthy said.

    “Under the radar of that story, which is really a nonsense story when you look at it, what you’re finding is that they’re basically not enforcing the law.”

    We’re talking about open borders policy driven by power hungry ambitions.

    “…you might consider supporting the union movement on the Maquiladora.”

    Geez, Libby, the Maquiladora has been around for at least thirty years maybe longer. We’re still talking about a nation where corruption is systemic. I would remind you that my position on immigration has always been that the best solution is a good economy in Mexico with a lot of job opportunities. It was one of the purposes behind NAFTA. We buy a lot of goods from Mexico that helps to improve their job opportunities and economic improvement. Of course between Donald Trump pandering to unions by bashing Mexico and unions complaining and making deals with Democrats there are a lot of hoops wrenches being thrown into the mix.

    None of this will work anyway if we work against ourselves with high taxes, complex, punishing regulations, and lots of free stuff through redistribution.

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