by Jack
A fight between about 30 inmates at the Santa Clara County Jail was caught on video camera Thursday, less than 24 hours after surveillance cameras were installed. The incident happened just after 3:00 p.m. as Reporter Cristina Rendon (KTVU) and her photographer were inside the jail lobby waiting to get a tour of the new security system.
But, that’s not the real news here, check this out: Sheriff Smith learned about a week ago from the county that it was going to take 2 years and about 20 million dollars to install the security cameras she needed. The Sheriff was angered at the delay and high cost and felt there must be a better way! She took it upon herself to find it.
The solution was quickly found at COSTCO and for $761, not $20 million. It took a couple of days for maintenance to figure it out and install it. These are good quality, high definition cameras, and they were put to the test almost immediately after installation. By all accounts, these budget rate video cameras worked every bit as well as the bloated budget cameras that cost millions.
Thankfully Sheriff Smith was not your average government bureaucrat and she saved the county taxpayers millions! (That’s right I said she, the Sheriff is a lady)
An Afterthought: Can you imagine how much money would be at our to build many wonderful and needful things if the bureaucrats didn’t waste it? We could have world class super highways and bridges or we could provide low cost tuition in colleges and youth programs, if only government didn’t squander billions of your dollars. But, the sad fact is, government does do just that and the waste only gets worse the closer you get to Washington, D.C.
Is it any wonder taxpayers are so fed up that they would gravitate to a guy like Donald Trump? No, now hold on…. I’m not saying Trump is a horrible person, I’m only saying he is an amateur when it comes to politics. Well, that and he lacks the kind of balanced temperament to be successful president. Sure, Trump could make better deals for America than our current amateur in the White House, but there’s a lot more to being a really good president than the ability to make business deals. It starts with the basics of diplomacy and collecting a partnership of the willing. The president must know the limits of his office as set forth in the Constitution and appreciate that great legacy given to us by our founders.
This is where Trump comes up short. He might be one heck of a business guy on his own, but reality says the White House runs by a consensus of two other houses (Congress and the Senate). The challenges facing America in today’s world requires so much more than what one man can deliver. Besides, we’re a democracy not a dictatorship. Being president is a big job and we’ve seen what a mess our current rank amateur Obama has made it. We don’t want a repeat of the last 8 years. I’m convinced the Donald will find himself in over his head and all alone, should he be elected. But, even worse, I fear we (taxpayers) will be up Schitt Creek if Hillary gets elected!
Santa Clara? Isn’t that the jurisdiction where the inmate was kicked to death by jailers … on video … going into and out of his cell?
That was really sick-making.
Jack Mr. Trump has demonstrated through the years that he lacks core convictions. While I understand the need for a business person to “work with” people in both parties I also believe that someone who wants to be president should show some signs of core ideals and a solid foundation. Trumps ideals seem to shift like the desert sands, which may explain the lack of substance and knowledge in his rhetoric. It is time for America to be “great again” but “it’s going to be beautiful, trust me,” doesn’t quite cut it.
And you are right, Jack, it would be good for us to remember that no matter who the next president is, he/she will be faced with a Senate and House. We need someone we can trust to both inspire these bodies and hold them responsible to deliver legislation that serves the people.
Tina Trump is not even a great Business person. What Trump does is Branding. He is not as he describes himself.
His Father started the biz using tax dollars. Trump rarely actually does the building ect ect he sells his Brand to the project and controls his interest. Trump has not been grate at anything except Media. he is a media master.
Everything Trump claims is not true. trump has lied so many times over the years it is crazy people forget.
Also It should be the people first not business. Why do businesses have the right to sue to take control for potential profits over the health and welfare of Humans? That is how the law reads and it will be on steroids with these new unconstitutional trade agreements.
Trump is correct on tariffs and treaties. That is how the Constitution is worded. He is just not a man with honest intentions.
Fascism. Trump is a Fascist Period.
Instant spellcheck is now off *Great
Jack, you are nuts … or you really are panting after WWIII. The situation in the Middle East is very complicated, very dangerous … positively Baltic.
The top three Repugs are way too ignorant and unstable to be allowed anywhere near the situation. Hillary ain’t much, but she can be trusted to forestall any global carnage for as long as possible.
All these politicians have taken part in creating these groups. What do you think the CIA was doing in Benghazi? Who were they arming? CIA armed the Syrian rebels!
Heck we even helped create Al-Qaeda. The History is documented in declassified documents. CIA gave Bin Laden 3 Billion in Afghanistan. Will we ever learn? The CIA needs to go.
Americans just need to refresh their memories and stop idolizing puppets in these political parties who care not about the common man.
Both Parties are full of bought out criminals.
After almost eight years of liberals in charge of foreign policy and the ME is in absolute chaos and danger…chaos that’s spilling into other countries! And Libby proposes that republicans are “too ignorant and unstable” to deal with it. Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for the increased danger and mess in Libya and Syria. Unbelievable! Libby is nuts. The level of denial and deflection required to hold this absurd posture is monumental.
WHo created all this unrest in the Middle east? I believe the quote is “Mission Accomplished”
Nothing happens by accident it happens by design.
Those who still idolize GW Bush and defend his criminal lies can not be part of the solution.
The military Industrial Complex raids our tax dollars. We need a good world class Military but we do not need all this private contractor Bull and wasted military spending.
Halliburton was near bankruptcy until these wars.
Question where is the missing 3 trillion from the Pentagon? What was in Building 7?
Again Nothing happens by accident it happens by design.
Libby trusts the rapist enabler, the national security disaster, the architect of the Libyan civil war, the water carrier for Obama’s idiotic policies in Syria.
Why am I not surprised?
Hillary is hilarious –
Killing Qaddafi: Hillary’s Secret Role
Hillary lied; innocent Libyans and Americans died.
Jack: “I’m not saying Trump is a horrible person”
Why not? He’s openly mocked a disabled journalist, called POWs losers, implied that Megyn Kelly asked him a tough question because she was on her period, and said that we should kill terrorists’ family members (which is a war crime).
Trump is a horrible person. Say it. It feels good.
How many on the left would say “it” if Trump were a Democrat…or black man?
Bill Clinton continues to receive accolades and a lot of cash support from lefties today even though he’s accused of raping and abusing several women and in 2008 was heard to say to Ted Kennedy about Obama, “…a few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”
People say despicable things and often get away with it. Why should it be different for Trump?
1) “Accused” isn’t “proven,” as you often say when defending Clarence Thomas, and as I think I remember you saying about Herman Cain.
2) We’ve discussed the “coffee” quote before, and again, it could mean two possible things: Clinton could be a) longing wistfully for the “good old days” when blacks waited hand and foot on whites, or b) making a factual comment about how race relations have changed in our country for the better. If I heard anyone else make that same comment, I would most likely assume the latter, unless that person had a history of racist statements. Since Clinton has no such history, I think b) is much more likely. Since you are inclined to assume the worst possible interpretation of every statement made by a Democrat (as well as the best possible interpretation of every statement made by a Republican), you assume he meant a). We are not going to agree on this.
3) When I showed you a tweet by Ann Coulter in which she wrote, “The left’s plan to destroy America is almost complete! Politico: Pew: White Christians no longer a majority,” you tied yourself into knots trying to pretend that there was some kind of non-racist interpretation of her tweet, when in fact she had clearly just said that America will be destroyed if white Christians are not a majority in America, which is–by definition–racist. Pretending that you care even a little bit about racist statements is disingenuous; you only care about them to the extent that you can smear Democrats as the “real” racists, even if you have to ignore all the rules of the English language to do so.
4) Trump was a Democrat for decades, and I wouldn’t even consider him a Republican. He’s an opportunist. His only Republican stance are anti-immigration and pro-torture, and he’s more extreme than most conservative Republicans on both issues. Abortion, healthcare, taxation–he’s left of center on all of those.
Ann Coulter makes racially charged statements. That means she is a racist? No it does not, you fool. Peddle your racism crap elsewhere.
Coulter is reacting to the vile, never ending left-wing political meme of demeaning white Christians and yes, you do wish to destroy America and remake it in your own image. Your vision is, at best, sophomoric Marxist claptrap. It isn’t a stereotype when the stereotype fits you so well, Chris.
So, all those victims of the un-indicted rapist are liars and Anita “Pubic Hair” Hill was truthful. OK, I get it..
You should get on Bill Cosby’s defense team Chris, they need a good feminist.
That’s obviously not what I said, but with some more effort I’m sure you’ll get through Hooked on Phonics and then we’ll be able to have all kinds of great conversations.
Tina the Clinton Machine is corrupt just as the GOP Machine is. But this is the system you so defend. The Koch Machine is a bit more corrupt.
Again you defend these corporate ran Politicians so why are you upset at the Clinton’s? They are actually Moderate republicans who campaign on the Left.
Hilliary 1992 telling the truth
Hilliary has also said her policies are influenced by Goldwater.
Bottom line Goldwater the true conservative would be considered Liberal today in many ways. “Conservatism” has become an extreme faction created in the eyes of a large network of Billionaire Propaganda over the last few decades.
Why not refresh yourselves on the “Powell Memo”
Read it! It was the call to arms for corporations created before he became a supreme justice.
In Politics Nothing happens by accident it happen by design.
Bravo, great letter.
Dear Liberal…Here’s Why I’m So Hostile:
Thank you Peggy. Outstanding!
Yes Peggy…excellent letter…right on the money.
I will add this from Bill Whittle to the mix—
Thank you RHT447. I haven’t listened to Bill Whittle lately.
This video deserves front page treatment imho.
Speaking of Coulter, she’s only embraced white nationalism further since:
“No wonder white men are committing suicide.Rubio runs anti-white men campaign & their wives & daughters support him!”
The woman is insane.
You have no understanding of humor and wit. You so fit the mold of deliberate, asinine, bone-headed liberal literalism it is painful. You rely on Mediaite to feed your idiotic left-wing agenda and get your marching orders from them and the Soros funded Daily Kos and Media Matters.
Do not think for a minute you pass as anything else Chris. (Ooops, like THAT would ever happen.)
Coulter is a Trump fan. I am not. Nevertheless I still love and admire her. She is a multiple member of the New York Time bestseller list. You, Chris are an anonymous, unknown, left-wing tripe spewing jerk who has never written anything worth reading and never will.
Calling Ann Coulter a racist is the card you want to play? Idiot.
“You have no understanding of humor and wit.”
Nor can he mine the fundamental truths in her wit.
WELL SAID, Tina and Pie!
If Chris thinks he’s a wit, he’s half right . . . . .
I do not like green eggs and Trump.
I do not like them in any dump.
I would not like them with a skunk!
I wish Drumph would go away.
I wish he would get lost today .
Trump is a narcissistic liberal clown like Chris and only posing as a conservative. Even so, Trump is not as horrible as Chris. Thank goodness for people like Sheriff Smith. She restores my faith in humanity. A faith that people like Chris, Libby, Dewey and Trump work so hard to destroy.
On Statesmen —
Trump is neither conservative nor liberal. He is a sociopath like many of the elite.
What is dangerous is he is knowingly following the election playbooks of past fascists. Even more amazing is how easily American idiots fall in line to the false promises of the buffoon.
When you define everything by right and left, Liberal or conservative you play into their hands.
1) Ann Coulter’s statement that America has been almost completely destroyed because white Christians are no longer the majority isn’t “humorous” nor “witty,” nor was it merely “racially charged.” It was racist. There is no argument to this, which is why no one has presented one; the best Tina could do was pretend Coulter didn’t say what she clearly said, which is that without a white Christian majority, America could not survive. That is racist as well as religiously bigoted.
2) Coulter is a Trump fan because she is just like Trump. In addition to both of them being openly racist and pro-torture/war crimes, they both have decided that the best way to stay in the public eye is to say the most shocking and appalling things possible. What is the difference between Trump saying that John McCain is a loser because he was a POW, and Coulter calling 9/11 widows who disagreed with her “greedy harpies?” There is none. It makes little sense to like one and dislike the other; they’re two of a kind.
3) Read the comments from Coulter fans on the Mediaite article. Hell, read the reactions from her fans to her tweets any day of the week. They are even more openly racist than Coulter’s words. Now, usually I’d say people aren’t responsible for what their supporters say, but Coulter knows exactly what kind of people she’s attracting, and she does it on purpose. When her fans insist on keeping America “pure” for whites–which they do with regularity–she doesn’t object. In fact I’ve never seen her respond negatively to her white nationalist following, which has been growing over the past few years. There is no excuse for this. Coulter has gone beyond dogwhistle politics and is openly courting white nationalists. If you want to be one of them, go right ahead.
A permanent wedgie.
What amazes me is those who try to defend racism. Those who defend the racists are racist cowards.
Some are just pandering to racism for profits.
In the end…. White nationalism, False Religion, Fascism, …….. The New World is repeating the history the old world has recovered from. Americans are not the brightest.
What amazes me is that Dewey actually believes that “white nationalism” is actually a problem. This idiot thinks that such a tiny and self-marginalized group is actually a threat. Dewey lives in a bizarre world of fantasy.
White nationalists are a tiny and marginalized group.
Ann Coulter is trying to bring them into the mainstream, to the point where she has cited noted white nationalist Peter Brimelow as the major influence on her anti-immigration book, and frequently contributes to the white nationalist website VDARE.
Stop helping her do that.
When Dewey asserts that “Americans are not the brightest” does he realize that the very electricity and computer he uses to make such asinine statements are largely due to the basic scientific and engineering work of Americans?
Nevertheless, Dewey is of a class of Americans, a stupid, ignorant, left-wing jackass.
The National Review had a great piece about how Coulter panders to white nationalists via Twitter (sample tweet: “How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” Classy as always).