Carl’s Jr. is Leaving California! Wha?

Posted Proudly by Jack (Wake up voters)

To hear Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, you’d think that taxes can go up to 60% or even 80%, and businesses and investors will just … pay up. But the growing number of businesses stampeding out of high tax areas suggest that they’re very wrong.

Carl's Jr.We got more evidence of that this week when CKE Restaurants, the corporate parent of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. restaurants, announced that they are relocating to Nashville, Tennessee.

Hardee’s will move its headquarters from St. Louis, Missouri, to Nashville, Tennessee, one of America’s fastest growing states.

Oh, and did we mention that the state has no personal income tax?

Meanwhile, the Carl’s Jr. move puts more egg on the face of California and the political class in Sacramento. Hamburger fast food chain Carl’s Jr. was founded in California and for years has been headquartered in Carpinteria, California. The highest income tax rate in California is 13%, so moving to Tennessee, where the tax rate is zero, will save the company millions of dollars on taxes a year.

Yes, we know that CKE’s official line is that the firm is relocating because it has less need for office space as it consolidates operations. But the company executives say this with a wink. Tax savings are a big factor, as is the stifling regulatory environment on the left coast, where businesses are treated like villains and rich people as cash dispensers for big government programs. It’s not a coincidence that CKE’s CEO Andy Puzder has been one of the leading critics of high taxes and onerous rules in Washington D.C. and Sacramento.

The state legislative group ALEC finds in its latest “Rich States, Poor States” rating of the states on business climate that California ranks 44th of all the states in business competitiveness. California has lost roughly 9,000 companies over the last decade, with most of them moving to Texas, Florida, and Tennessee. Last year, in a major loss, Toyota moved its North American headquarters from the Golden State to North Texas.

(Courtesy of IBD) for the full story click here.

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23 Responses to Carl’s Jr. is Leaving California! Wha?

  1. J. Soden says:

    Had the honor of meeting “Carl Sr,” the founder of Carl’s Jr when he came to Blythe for the opening of his extablishment in the early ’80’s. A wonderful gentleman!
    And as more and more businesses depart those states with higher taxes and $15 minimum wages, who is gonna pay for all the giveaways that the Lunkhead Legislators think up? We left Taxifornia in 2000, for a state with no income tax – Nevada – and thank our lucky stars every day!
    That rumbling noise you hear is the sound of moving vans . . . . .

  2. Dewster says:

    States offering existing business big tax breaks and stuff to steal existing jobs is all we have. No one is creating new jobs.

    Remember Rick Perry driving round Sac taunting Brown trying to get the Tesla battery Factory? What did Nevada have to give for the factory?

    Create a new business. One that is not owned by wall street. Republicans just steal business and hurt the middle class by promising these greedy corporations the pot of gold while tax payers pay for all the roads ect.

    I will never eat at hardees again. Do you know who

    Create real business that shares the cost with the country not these wall street owned companies who have to show investors never ending increases in profits at the cost of human life.

    Time for these people living on Gov benefits to enter the workforce and live in poverty.

    California is a Great State compared to these states out here. Poverty, food deserts, dirty undrinkable water. Get a grip!

    Fascism is here. How about creating real family business serving real meat in their hamburgers?

    • Tina says:

      Dewey there is no incentive to create a business in today’s economy. In January of 2015 Gallup reported that the US ranked 12th in business start-ups. there was a time when we were number one. They also reported in September of that year that “American business deaths” outnumbered “American business start-ups” for the first time. Entrepreneurs rely on personal savings to start their businesses. The ability to grow wealth for the average person has been greatly diminished. the fed has kept interest rates artificially low to keep inflation in check. The down side is that people’s savings don;t earn any interest. the government attempts to get the economy going by encouraging these people to borrow. why would people go into debt and risk losing even more in such an atmosphere? Answer…they wouldn’t. the fed has pumped all kinds of funny money through QE into the stock market and propped it up. The result is that the people with big money make more money, the people with pensions recover somewhat and pray it isn’t lost again but they aren’t seeing the real gains they need for retirement, and the little guy just gets poorer.

      This is the progressive economy. This is the result of progressive tax, regulate and redistribute policy.

      Today Bernie thinks he can tax us into prosperity by “taking from the richest among us and redistributing it to lesser souls. It’s more of the same only worse. Even more investment money will be put on the sidelines or leave the country. Production will falter. Service jobs will dry up even more.

      Hillary too is on the tax, regulate and redistribute bandwagon. Today she reiterated the pledge to destroy the coal industry. Not to worry coal workers, big brother will see to it that you get services. Hillary will decide what your new profession will be.

      Profit is not a four letter word. Businesses exist as an opportunity to make money. Businesses do not exist to redistribute money. But businesses do OFFER PEOPLE THE OPPORTUNITY TO WORK AND EARN THEIR OWN MONEY.

      In a free capitalist society, with sensible regulations, reasonable taxes, and a neutral federal government business can thrive offering our citizens choices about where they work and real opportunity to build a life and personal wealth.

      In the socialist authoritarian society of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama high taxes, onerous regulations, and a government that picks winners and losers freedom is blunted, opportunity wanes, and the chance to build a life and personal wealth is greatly diminished.

      Wall Street companies offer opportunities for investors to grow personal wealth. Many Americans benefit from the money invested in their pension plans and 401K’s. They would be making a lot more in a better economy.

      Those yelling “fascist” are often the most fascist among us.

      Fascism as Mussolini envisioned it:

      1.”Everything in the state”. The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompasing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.

      2.”Nothing outside the state”. The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.

      3.”Nothing against the state”. Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.

      Big government is “the state” having power over the people. Democrats love big government and wield power over the people through the EPA, the IRS, the NEA, and other departments.

  3. Dewster says:

    Also you know these hedgefund managers are raiding US companies still. Eddie lambert has taken Sears down, Kohls, macy’s ect ect. They transfer the wealth to their hedgefunds and are scamming Americans into oblivion. Yet you seem to have not a clue.

    America is under attack by Hedgefund managers period. This includes cities and states. Defund them til they are broke and sell off the assets. It is the Tea Party Agenda quite frankly. Privatize away till we have a master landlord and pay for every little molecule.

    People built those businesses not Wall Street

    • Tina says:

      They are not “raiding” them. They are attempting to save them. the lousy economy and the onset of online buying through companies like Amazon have hit retailers hard. Big retailers like Sears have the ability to adjust but it requires revenue. One way to get revenue is through buying back stock.

      Not every person out there who is wealthy is conspiring against the people Dewey…YOU get a grip.

      • Dewster says:

        Tina they are raiding them. You have not a clue. You are not in the working force nor live in a State where the workers are treated like slaves.

        You do no research as well. You live in a bubble of ideology. You are in denial. Try reading a bit outside Republican blogs.

        Heck even Wall Street has been writing about what Eddie was going to do to sears. These hedgefund managers crunch numbers for investor profits. They do not know how to ran a business nor are interested in it.

        Google around this is a man raiding assets and taking a company down transferring everything to his hedgefund.

        Yet when Sears goes down it will be everyone else’s fault to you.

        You have not a clue how these guys are raiding Americans for profits. You live in the old America in you head. This is the wall street owned America.

        DO yo even know who owns these businesses? Capitalism has hit the fan.

        • Tina says:

          “These hedgefund managers crunch numbers for investor profits. ”

          It’s perfectly legal. People who already have a lot of money invest in this high risk choice. The people who lose are people who, A. should be highly informed and B. wealthy enough to risk at this level. Small investers don’t play in this world.

          Dewey what makes you think that when hedgefund investors profit workers are hurt? How does that work? What is the mechanism?

          Jobs for workers depend greatly on profit…without profit there can be no companies large or small!

          Investors who make profits in the stock market include teachers, union workers, pilots, taxi drivers, ditch diggers, carpenters, brick layers…anyone with a pension! Their investments are a calculated risk that they can grow their wealth. It’s not a requirement but a CHOICE. NOBODY IS FORCED TO INVEST IN THE MARKET.

          Dewey why would a man put all of his holdings in a company (Sears) and then work like he77 to take that company down, thus making his holdings worthless? Answer? He wouldn’t! So there has to be another explanation for the fall of Sears. Some of these include the advent of internet sales and the fact that Sears has not kept their stores up to date…they look like the 1960’s. There are other factors I’m sure. When a company brings on a new CEO they are betting he might be able to turn the company around but it doesn’t always work. sometimes the CEO lacks the necessary insight or skills and sometimes the company is too far gone to revive. Sears may be in that last category. Two articles of interest: photo’s that show why Sears is in trouble. 22 reasons why the end is near for sears.

          “You have not a clue how these guys are raiding Americans for profits.”

          It appears I know a lot more than you do with your hate filled conspiracy theories and dictatorial solutions.

          Capitalism has been slammed against the fan by a greedy, control hungry federal government that sucks the life out of the people that were once the citizens of a free country! You can’t rob and tie the hands of wealth builders and expect the economy and jobs to be in abundance. You can’t consume without tending the garden or you will soon starve!

  4. bob says:

    We need these companies to move to the state of Jefferson.

    But first we need a state of Jefferson before these Taxicrats tax, spend and regulate us out of existence!

  5. Tina says:

    I’m sure they would too, Bob, if Jefferson actually existed.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    The self-marginalizing lunatic Dewey strikes again!

    • J. Soden says:

      Dewey is like Obumble in that he has obviously never run a business or had to make a payroll or deal with the onerous regulatory gauntlet that businesses must run, yet he’s so quick to tell others how to do it.

      “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” – Plato

  7. Libby says:

    I have to say Dewey has a point. You live in an America that exists only in your head, re-enforced by dubious (and frequently fraudulent) news sources.

    You need to get out some.

    And if Carl Senior’s corporate tax profits go into his investment portfolio, then Carl is a pig. And I’d threaten never to set foot in a Carl’s Jr … except … I don’t think I ever have.

  8. Tina says:

    You’re damn straight I live in an America of my dreams. It’s the same America imagined by the founders. It is NOT the socialist nirvana you lot dream of, a system that has failed repeatedly in varying degrees all over the planet.

    I’m sure Carl would be heartbroken.

    You need to learn more about business and wealth building or shut your pie hole.

  9. Libby says:

    It’s true. Carl doesn’t feed me. He feeds people who live on the outskirts, pay more than half their salary into some blue-haired, Repug bitch’s REIT … and live on one meal a day … sometimes from Carl, sometimes from Jack, and at the end of the month, from MickieD.

    Gives a person some insight into Trump’s appeal … but these people really need to re-think the situation, if they can.

    That blue-haired Repub bitch (and/or Donald) should be set afire.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Hmmm, did anyone notice the similarity between “That blue-haired Repub bitch (and/or Donald) should be set afire” and potential Negro Burner Chris’ statement that he would be first in line?

      The left.

  10. Tina says:

    Libby has run off the rails…the hate that woman can spew!

    …pay more than half their salary into some blue-haired, Repug bitch’s REIT…and live on one meal a day…

    For those who don’t know, REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust. Now how Libby has come to believe that a poor or homeless woman buying a burger at Carl’s Jr means she’s donating to someones retirement trust, blue haired or not, is beyond me. The woman Libby describes would be purchasing a product she can afford at a price she can pay from a local franchisee, a man or woman working hard to feed his family just like anyone else! These low cost food places are made possible, in part, by the investments others make for their retirement, including school teachers, nurses, and people who work in legal offices if their fortunate to have a good boss or the good sense to plan for their own futures.

    The blue haired REIT crowd didn’t invent poverty any more than Libby did. I’ll bet a lot of them are a lot nicer and more generous than Libby too!

  11. Libby says:

    I merely laid out a scenario. You haven’t read your Barbara Erhenrich? You think people don’t live like this?

    Think again.

    And own up.

    • Tina says:

      Libby you did not merely lay out a scenario.” You took a nasty swipe, made an ugly false accusation, and then a threat.

      “You think people don’t live like this? ”

      What people…the blue haired crowd or the poor woman living on one Carl’s Jr. meal a day?

      Since you referenced the far left socialist Barbara Erhenrich, who “bravely” spent a few weeks working as a minimum wage “waitress, hotel maid, house cleaner, nursing-home aide, and Wal-Mart clerk, and then went back to her comphy home and wrote a book netting herself a few million (If it sold well), I’d guess, the poor woman.

      Of course they exist. They always have and always will. Short of adopting the woman, there is nothing an individual can do to “save” her or any other poor person. You haven’t adopted any have you? Taken a few home from time to time. Paid out of your own pocket to get them trained for a better job? No? Then shut your pie hole, lady.

      I do give personally to good organizations with good records of working with the poor. I also pay my taxes. So your attempts to guilt other people about the plight of the homeless and poor is unwarranted.

      You, on the other hand, have not bothered to notice that in fifty years there has been no real progress in this area as a result of throwing money at it, nor are you willing to consider the myriad problems that never get addressed because of the leftist lobby to keep the gravy train rolling in exchange for minority votes.

      Why does the left fight school choice? Why does the left back the teachers union making it nearly impossible to fire bad teachers? Why do so many on the left disparage churches, which used to help keep families together and on the straight and narrow? Why does the left pretend that fatherless families don’t contribute greatly to generational poverty, drug addiction, and crime? Why are you satisfied to let the government take the place of father, provider, in minority and poor families? Why have Democrat run cities become such pits of dysfunction and decay? What is the cause?

      Why are you so bent on turning a blind eye to the real everyday suffering that is not being helped or changed by the trillions of dollars we’ve spent through government programs?

      And why do you conveniently forget that we pay taxes and we do give to charity, including shelters?

      Or do you just enjoy having a crap attitude, an enemy to blame, that is no more responsible for or able to fix this “problem” than you are?

  12. Libby says:

    And, Pie, will you defend the Safeway unto your dying breath?

    Will you?

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