Hillary Says No Lives Lost in Libya

hillary-clinton-benghazi-600x337Posted by Tina

In perhaps the most extraordinary moment yet in the presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton has opened her mouth and uttered a lie so obvious it is not to be believed. It’s frightening to think this woman was put in charge of our nations security and foreign affairs and trusted to speak with our allies and enemies alike:

“Libya was a different kind of calculation. And we didn’t lose a single person. We didn’t have a problem in supporting our European and Arab allies in working with NATO.”

Obviously she wasn’t thinking of the aftermath of her ill-conceived plans. she callously overlooked the four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, killed in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. She was insensitive to the families and friends of these men.

While I’m well aware of the grueling nature of a campaign for the presidency I am also not going to let this slide any more than detractors of other candidates are quick to jump on errors in judgement in their speech. Hillary doesn’t just say offensive things. She has done destructive and offensive things while serving the people and she has demonstrated that she is willing to lie like a rug for power. Hillary should never be president of the United States of America.

But hey…what difference could it possibly make? Think about it.

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3 Responses to Hillary Says No Lives Lost in Libya

  1. J. Soden says:

    How convenient!
    However, I’m sure the families of the 4 Heroes who died in Benghazi wouldn’t agree.
    And I’ll bet she’s also “forgotten” about her active participation in the “Blame the Video” coverup and her lying to the victim’s families promising to “get” the video maker as well.

    I can just envision the GOP campaign ad now – split screen with scenes from Benghazi and the returning caskets alongside $hrilLIARy claiming no lives lost . . . .

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Like Trump, Hillary is a serial — perhaps pathological — liar. I find it quite depressing that these horrid people get away with it and are so prominent in American politics.

  3. Chris says:

    Nitpicking. She was clearly talking about the mission in 2011, in which no American lives were lost, not the Benghazi attack which was a year later. Her statement was factually true.

    Also, multiple investigations into Benghazi, including those launched by House Republicans, found no cover-up, and the anti-Islam video was named as a motivating factor by multiple assailants. But pretending there was a cover-up and the video played no role is so much more fun than the truth, I’m sure.

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