Politics in America, Corrupt, Crazy, Contentious, and Cooked

Posted by Tina

If the American people thought that American politics was a smooth running, organized, play by the rules affair before their eyes should be opened by now. The last few years have revealed levels of corruption the likes of which we haven’t seen before in modern times.

Lets look at the two main parties. Much is being made about the division in the Republican Party. There’s lots of maneuvering going on with the lack of a clear contender making it possible for contention and an open convention. If that happens the rules that would govern the procedure would be decided by the delegates even before candidates are considered. Can you spell fisticuffs? Republicans have two men contending in a close race. One is relying on a popular campaign and the other a good ground game. In the Democrat race an upstart socialist has risen in polls and made inroads in the delegate game with unexpected wins in several states. Bernie Sanders is supported by young people and Hillary strongly by feminists. There’s talk today of a brokered convention for the Democrats too…but the media doesn’t seem interested in talking up what could be a very bitter convention for Democrats. (Maybe that’s because their union pac is donating to the Democrats…but there’s no bias in the media!

The race may be most interesting when you look at un-favorables for the lead candidates and government in general. Hillary and Trump have the highest unfavorable ratings of any candidate since 1984. Un-favorables for Hillary and Trump are 52 percent and 57 percent, respectively. Hillary has a big problem attracting men men and Trump fairs the same with women. None of the candidates seem able to attract numbers sufficient to suggest confidence.

The people are damn mad and they have a lot to be mad about. In recent years we have seen the economy decimate the middle class and award Wall Street. Big infusions of cash to artificially prop up the economy and keep inflation at bay has not worked for the average worker in America or those who have recently graduated college or become employable. Our national debt has grown to an abysmal $19.2 trillion. Maybe for the first time ever in America a president openly declared war on a specific industry, coal…and corrupted legislators didn’t seem to notice or care. The border problems keep growing and are not being addressed in any way that supports the American people. Drugs dealers, human traffickers and terrorists have an open door and criminals are handled with a catch and release policy. The war policy has been hit and miss mixed with fast and loose with no clear goal or plan to defeat the enemy. This insanity has facilitated the rise of ISIS and surges of refugees threatening the economies and safety of allies in Europe and at home. A scandal at the IRS was investigated but little was done to make amends to those harmed by the criminal breach or prosecute those responsible. One of the main contenders for President, Hillary Clinton is running with the threat of federal prosecution hanging in the air. This after a massive failure of duty as secretary of state ended in death and embarrassment in Benghazi. Our allies have been insulted and left to fend for themselves from an administration that is vision-less and disinterested as he attempts to build relationships with terrorist nations Iran and Cuba. The healthcare bill that was supposed to fix problems has exacerbated problems and caused many consumers headaches and high deductibles that block them from seeking treatment. Meanwhile the insurance companies that were promised millions of new customers now find themselves swamped with subsidized sick patients and very few of the young and healthy who are choosing to pay the TAX. A class and race warfare president has ensured that Americans have been subjected to violence and protests not seen since the sixties. The President has been allowed to operate unchallenged by an enabling Democrat Congress first, followed by a feckless spineless Republican Congress. Is it any wonder a recent Rasmussen poll found that the people hold high contempt for our representatives in government?

Sixty-one percent (61%) of all voters think most members of Congress are willing to sell their vote for either cash or a campaign contribution, and the same percentage (61%) thinks it’s likely their own representative has already done so.

After hitting an all time low favorable rating on foreign affairs (31%) last November, the President’s ratings have improved only slightly since at 36% on foreign affairs. His favorable rating on the economy is at a low 43%.

Yes, boys and girls dissatisfaction with our government is high in America. Confidence in the process has hit a new low. How does the Democrat Party explain Hillary being awarded delegates in places where Bernie has clearly won? We’re told she has “super” delegates promised to her in 30 states. How is it that Republican elites are discussing ways to rob the front runners in a contested convention by bringing in someone who has invested zot in the process and hasn’t run the gauntlet? It can’t be explained by any American looking for a clean transparent race.

There’s something rotten in DC and the only viable solution available to the American people is our outrage and our votes. Clearly we had better get educated fast, and that’s not easy. We can’t rely on the crazy daily dose of Tweets. We can’t rely on the corrupt parties. We can’t rely on contentious name calling and accusations made by the contenders. Nor can we rely on what could become cooked conventions. We must rely on ourselves. We must test what we’re told against our own common sense and experience and share our thought as much as possible with family, neighbors and friends. And those who do must pray. Our once blessed nation is in deep trouble.

How about you? What makes you angry and disgusted right now? What do you think will happen? How will you vote…and why?

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8 Responses to Politics in America, Corrupt, Crazy, Contentious, and Cooked

  1. Dewster says:

    And you called me crazy? Welcome to the real world you have just started the journey

    Both Parties are corrupt. The FEC is gridlocked and can not even look at foreign shareholder money going in superpacs to influence American elections.

    The Snowden/panama paper leaks are just the tip of the Iceberg.

    This is happening on a global level by the same corporations who by law are “The people”. Humans are not legally People in their world.

    Wake Up!

    Ya see the big money trying to take out Trump with Cruz who they really do not like?

    This is quite the time to live …………………..history in the making.

    • Tina says:

      “Welcome to the real world you have just started the journey ”

      Dewey you live in your own world where you are the king as well as the poor victimized serf…narcissistic idiocy assumes other people know nothing.

      I’ve been at this party for decades.

      “The Snowden/panama paper leaks are just the tip of the Iceberg.”

      Yes, wealthy socialist tyrants are uniting to claim that legal activity is somehow unconscionable and immoral even as they are found to be the perps!


      Does it occur to you that they already carry almost all of the load by paying extraordinary amounts of CASH into government coffers. They pay through investment taxes. They pay through a myriad of corporate taxes and matching employee taxes. They pay into “the collective” by providing jobs and the goods and services that people need. They pay in to the collective school system through enormous property taxes. They make huge purchases and pay huge sales taxes. They pay into the collective by giving to endowments and foundations for hospitals, colleges, and research.

      On top of all they give they get to live with the sanctimonious socialist myth that wealth is a fixed amount that belongs to the people as a collective and that they are not sharing…SUCH DESPICABLE HOGWASH!!!

      Of course humans are people in their world you complete twit! They are human and they hire people and pay them! Up until the government took control they also provided perks such as health insurance, life insurance, stock options, vacations, and paid leave!

      The reason corporations are designated as people is so that greedy, controlling government has another tax stream, another excuse to control, and another straw man “enemy” that can be used to divide the people and buy votes. Pure IGNORANCE allows them to get away with it.

      Big money is ALL OVER THE PLACE in this race. You are delusional if you think otherwise.


      Alphabet Inc $255,814

      University of California $151,633

      Machinists/Aerospace Workers Union $105,000 (ALL PAC)

      Microsoft Corp $96,446

      Teamsters Union $96,393, $3,393 (Individual), $93,000 (PAC)

      National Education Assn $94,861, $13,861, (Individual),$81,000, (PAC)

      Apple Inc $85,576

      United Auto Workers $81,125, $2,225 (Individual),$78,900, (PAC)

      United Food & Commercial Workers Union $73,635, $1,135(Individual), $72,500 (PAC)

      Communications Workers of America $72,428, $5,928 (Individual), $66,500 (PAC)

      Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $68,519, $15,519 (Individual), $53,000 (PAC) (continues)

      Big corporation and Big union are backing Bernie and that’s in the open. Bernies always schmoozed with the fat cats on Wall Street.


      During his 10 years on the Senate, Bernie Sanders has been a regular presence at luxurious Democratic fundraising retreats, according to more than a half-dozen lobbyists, donors and former Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee staff members with whom he attended the events. Sanders most recently appeared at one last July, shortly after he announced his presidential run. … The DSCC used its financial and political power to bolster Sanders and urge Democrats not to challenge him in his 2006 Senate bid, and spent close to $200,000 through various means to aid his election. … The private events attract around 150 to 200 guests, according to a former DSCC staff member, about half of whom are lobbyists and half are large individual donors. To attend, guests had to donate the federal maximum (currently $33,400 a year) to the DSCC, or raise $100,000. … During his 2006 Senate race, Sanders received at least $7,500 directly from lobbyists with ties to the financial industry, including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Visa, as well some energy companies like the American Petroleum Institute.

      Like most radical socialists he is a phony living the good life off the backs of working Americans while pandering to the envious and covetous natures of an uninformed lower class.

  2. Rick Clements says:

    This 2016 election is about to be historic and point out how really dumb, uninformed, and gullible the voters are. The dumb are a product of the Far Left Liberal Professors across are nation who devoted their time teaching our children how wrong our country was. The uniformed are all those who gave up on their government officials actually being honest and someone they could count on. The gullible are the rest of the voters who will believe the Democrats and that all their bribes for a vote will save them and their families! $15.00 Minimum Wage, Gender Inequality. Funny, Obama figured out a way to make all of you idiots for believing him and his hope and change campaign lies in 2008. But what’s funnier yet, there are still idiots out there who believe his bull manure oratory!!! They are called the Progressive Liberals; ops, I mean the Regressive Liberals! Hitler anyone?

  3. bob says:

    Yes the politicians and the gooberment is corrupt, no doubt about it. And there is this:

    Americans spend more on taxes than food, clothing, housing combined


    To the gooberment we are merely tax livestock waiting to be harvested.

    So I am wondering how all of you will respond to all the local efforts to raise our taxes even more. CARD wants to tax your house even more so they can build a Taj Mahal swimming center. The cops want to increase your sales tax and so does Lando and all his crony capitalists friends. Not to mention that PG&E and Cal Water want more rate increases and the PUC will be happy to go along. Does anyone here care about any of this?

  4. Tina says:

    How do you stop it? Unfortunately it’s not something that can be stopped quickly. Stopping “it” requires a complete turn around in terms of how people think and are informed. Education runs against us but that is what’s required. We’re in a race for the survival of this nation with a competitor that’s gained a lot of ground. They say the truth will out…but what they don’t say is what has to be endured first.

    Do you suppose young people today know they are digging their own graves?

    That tax figure doesn’t even include the sales taxes and fees we pay that are not associated with employment. In California we work through May to pay the federal and state tax. We also pay hefty sales taxes, property taxes, registration fees, and a myriad of other fees and taxes on utilities and phones.

    Governments have plenty of money. The money is managed poorly and the taxpayers are disrespected. The fascist rules apply…everything for the state…

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