Panama Papers: Let the Revelations Begin

Posted by Tina

Remember when Hillary tried to float the idea that she and Bill were practically destitute, just a couple of middle classers slogging along and trying to make ends meet? I know, I know, nobody, and I mean nobody, was buying it. The meme quickly wafted away and Hillary moved on.

The people aren’t fooled by Hillary Clinton’s pretenses, nor do they trust her. So it will come as no surprise that her name popped up in the recent financial documents leaked in what is now called,”The Panama Papers.” The Daily Caller has the details:

A billionaire and a Russia-controlled bank named in the Panama Papers have links to Hillary Clinton through two separate lobbying efforts — one through a Clinton-connected lobbying firm and another through Sidney Blumenthal.

Clinton is linked to Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, through Podesta Group, a lobbying firm co-founded by Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta and his brother, Tony Podesta, a major Clinton bundler.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, which first reported the connection, Sberbank registered with the Podesta Group last month to lobby on issues related to economic sanctions against Russia and on stock and bond trading for its U.S. clients.

Bidzina Ivanishvili, a Georgian billionaire and former prime minister of the Caucasus state, is also named in the Panama Papers, which is believed to be the largest leaks of financial documents in history. A close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ivanishvili appeared in the Hillary Clinton email dump through her longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal.

Clinton isn’t implicated in the Panama documents, at least not at this point, but the associations come at a time when The Clinton Foundation has been subpoenaed by the State Deapartment and the FBI has expanded it’s investigation:

In particular, the federal agency is investigating if there’s any “intersection” between State Department business and her work with the Clinton Foundation, a non-profit humanitarian organization founded by her husband and former president Bill Clinton. This investigation follows some concern that the two positions overlapped during her tenure as Secretary of State, in America creating a conflict of interest.

The Clinton’s may be the most high profile crony capitalists in America, and quite possibly the most corrupt. As Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge put it:

…perhaps no two people in current public life have benefited from this economic hybrid more than the Clintons. Hillary Clinton will champion the middle class in her rhetoric, but the dynamics and the history of crony capitalism tell us that the middle class and the poor suffer the most from such an arrangement of political economy. …

… The focal point of the Clintons and crony capitalism is not the huge speaker fees that both Bill and Hillary received (after Hillary left the State Department), however, but the role that the Clinton Foundation has played in turning the Clintons into multi-millionaires. To be blunt, the Clintons essentially ran a protection racket through the foundation that would have made Don Corleone blush.

When she was at State, Hillary would grant a firm some legal or administrative favors, and then the firm would make large contributions to the Clinton Foundation or had Bill make a speech with an accompanying honorarium that could take care of numerous middle class families for a year.

This woman should never serve as President of the United States.

The Panama Papers are a treasure trove that will take weeks to examine…stay tuned for more to come.

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4 Responses to Panama Papers: Let the Revelations Begin

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    PS comes through again. Thank you.

  2. Tina. says:

    You’re welcome Pie.

    One of the reasons American names have not shown up at initial reading is the reforms and pressures we have already brought to bear. But this should prove to be interesting in terms of exposing corruption. But it will also be interesting in terms of political bologna. The presidents recent comments are part truth, part spin, and quite possibly a bit of cover your butt, time will tell:

    There has been some progress made in coordinating between tax authorities in different countries. But as I said before, a lot of this stuff is legal, not illegal. And unless the United States and other countries lead by example in closing some of these loopholes and provisions, then, in many cases, you can trace what’s taking place, but you can’t stop it.

    If a lot of it is legal it isn’t about loophole that needs closing. It’s about the fact that the dealings of lobbyists and corporate cronies will be exposed. The President just comes from the point of view that this money belongs to the collective and he (government) should have access to it.

    It will be interesting to see what investigators uncover but I doubt there will be much that’s actually illegal. it’s like the housing crash. it was Legal, in fact enforced, to make loans to people with bad credit or no credit. It was legal to bundle those loans and sell them as securities “backed by the full faith and credit” of the good ol’ U.S. of A.” Fannie Mae was anxious to buy up those bundled securities; until it all came tumbling down people like Jamie Gorelick and Franklin Raines made huge bonuses in the scheme.

    The Obama administration is also intervening to stop corporate inversions. His grubby little hands just never do get enough of other peoples money.

    America would benefit greatly from companies staying at home and bringing their businesses home but I can’t blame them for making legal decisions to lower their tax burden when their own country inflicts double taxing and high tax rates and regulations that make it difficult to compete in the world market. Our policies should act as incentives for them to remain and grow in America!

  3. bob says:

    Jack, I’ve got a great shirt for you…

    Click here.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    That says it all.

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