Clinton Innocent of Wrong Doing!

by Jack

Coming to the defense of Hillary Clinton is out of character for me, granted, but the protesters at a Hillary rally hosted by her husband Bill got it all wrong.  In fact they got it  over the top wrong.  Check this out:

“PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Former President Bill Clinton engaged in a heated exchange on Thursday with protesters upset about welfare reform and gun violence laws passed when he was in office 20 years ago.

Addressing supporters at a Hillary Clinton presidential rally in Philadelphia, Bill Clinton was interrupted by people in the crowd holding signs reading “Clinton crime bill destroyed our communities” and “Welfare reform increased poverty.”

As first lady, Hillary Clinton said in a 1996 speech about the crime bill, “They are often the kinds of kids that are called super-predators.” Some blacks have found the term “super-predators” offensive and have tried to hold her accountable during her presidential campaign. She was interrupted at a rally in Charleston, South Carolina, in February by an activist who wanted her to apologize for her remarks.

Critics of the 1994 anti-crime bill have tied it to mass incarceration disproportionately affecting blacks. Bill Clinton said he talked at the time to black groups, which endorsed the legislation, and he said the bill led to a decrease in crime and murders due to gun violence.”  End of puff piece.

The consensus of opinion, in the media recently, is this law has had a devastating impact on the black communities across America.  Really?

I’ve heard this BS repeated by pundits on NPR, on CNN and wherever so-called progressives spout off on a regular basis.   But, according to all the studies done on this allegation…it just isn’t so!

Blacks have not been devastated, and the arrest rates for blacks remain about the same as they always have.  The bill was non-starter, it did little to lower crime and did little to harm the black community…  that’s virtually nil on both counts!   However, these are dopes  will believe anything or saying anything if it fits their agenda…especially in an election year.   

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3 Responses to Clinton Innocent of Wrong Doing!

  1. Tina says:

    Part of this deal was $60 million to put a hundred thousand new cops on the street. Nobody bothered to asked how communities would sustain the salaries of these new officers once the subsidy ran out. It was about as effective as midnight basketball.

  2. Dewster says:

    The Clinton’s are old school Republicans. Bill named it The 3rd Way Democrats.

    Hillary was a Goldwater girl!

    The GOP has moved so far to the right way beyond even Goldwater people have lost sight!

    Bill blew it pretty bad actually. The Clinton’s are rigging the Dem primary in a GOP style. They are 100% disgusting.

    Too bad you never see the real news. Even AZ has declared there was election fraud. This election is rigged by both parties in a battle of elite domestic and foreign for power.

  3. Tina says:

    Bill does what’s good for Bill.

    Hillary is an Alinsky “communitarian” (socialist/fascist) See here.

    The Dem Party has been doing things this way for many decades. Please don’t pretend this is something new for them.

    Your preaching to us is a tiresome habit. You’re obviously a socialist troll and not a very well informed one at that.

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