What I’ve Learned From This and a Few Prior Elections

by Jack

My thoughts, in no particular order of importance. . .

  • Candidates rarely reflect the best and brightest of us.
  • More often, holding high office is about meeting their own personal goals than it is a genuine desire to serve the people, do good work and improve the country.
  • The nation was absolutely desperate for a candidate to tell the truth and that few of us actually trust career politicians. This is why the GOP has seen so many political outsiders running for president in the last two elections.  The normal political candidates have failed us once too often.
  • Patriotism is too frequently trotted out like a tool to trick the masses into thinking complex issues can be answered by flag waving and rhetoric.  It’s also used as a diversion and substituted for critical thinking.
  • Voters rarely understand the popular issues,  so they are subject to a lot of manipulation.  There’s gap in understanding between the ideas and goals a candidates espouses and what the voters think they mean and/or how they will be accomplished.
  • The country is basically fed up with both democrats and republicans. They see the party’s as a springboard for corruption, deception and looting of the public. Disapproval for both party’s has never been worse.
  • The country is in greater danger now of losing sight of the original plan as created by our founding fathers than at any other time in our history, including the Civil War.  Our newest generation (18-25) is actually in favor of socialism for the first time and we have a popular socialist candidate potentially capable of winning the presidency.  This is stunning to me and everyone over the age 40.
  • Too many of us, and especially these new voters,  they want government to provide way too much than is healthy for freedom.  These people seem oblivious to the fact that it costs more when government does it and we’ll get less of it, than if we did it ourselves and more that more government results in less freedom.
  • There is too many lies being told in this race than at any other election I can recall:
  1. Women are economically oppressed, they make 76 cents on the dollar compared to a man. Baloney, totally false and misleading.  Every worker has a value determined by his output, this is an economic law.  You can’t force a higher value – it is what it is.
  2. Free healthcare is a right that should be provided by the government. BS.
  3. Mass immigration from South of our border poses little or no real problem, therefore any concerns are based in racism, not reality.  Ha!
  4. Americans need and deserve a livable minimum wage!  Since when? 
  5. 2% of the wealthiest are pulling the strings for the rest of us.   So taxing them out of existence will help…how?  
  6. Big banks need to be reined in and broken up because being too big too fail is too big to exist.  Sounds like more socialism to me.  However,  government has the all the needed rules in place to keep this area honest, they just haven’t done a very good job at enforcing the rules.  More rules will not insure success. 
  • I’m seeing a disturbing trend in terms of competence in leadership. Six or seven of the last eight presidents were arguably unworthy of holding that position.
  • There’s a better than 85% chance were about to elect another unworthy person to that high office.  Our check and balance system is barely alive because incompetence in the Congress is even more rampant that at the White House.  92% of us currently agree.

Conclusion:  There is a 100% chance that the American people will get exactly the kind of government they deserve!   Let me be more specific…the majority that elected them will get what they deserve.  The rest of us will get it too, because we all share the same sinking life boat. 

Of course these are just my opinions and you may feel differently, which is why we have our comments section.

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11 Responses to What I’ve Learned From This and a Few Prior Elections

  1. Tina says:

    Good article Jack. I think you’ve described the situation we find ourselves in very well.

    From my perspective a lot of this is the result of a near 100 year push to fundamentally transform our nation from a republic, based on Constitutional representative government and steeped in individual responsibility and respect for individual privacy and rights, to a collective socialist nation based on the principles of Marx and/or Mussolini, collective responsibility and collectivist (special interest) rights. is it any wonder we find ourselves deeply divided and at loggerheads?

    It’s troubling to me that so many Americans don’t understand the difference. It is also troubling that the opposition party favors importing people from socialist and oppressive nations, both legally and illegally, without regard to our nation being overwhelmed with costs and without regard to assimilation. This amounts to transformation by design and tactic, a move that to me is treasonous in nature.

    Our elected officials have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution. They have been failing that duty for decades, if not literally then in spirit. In the last ten years they have overtly worked to undermine and usurp the literal meaning and the spirit of the Constitution.

    Our Constitution limits what the people can do to “take our country back.” We have little to complain about since we have through the decades failed to pay attention much less take the steps necessary to ensure our constitutional republic remains true. There is little to complain about since we have tolerated the constant political pressure of the radical left through the years and we have tolerated or ignored the lopsided takeover in education, the law, the courts, journalism and the law. yes, there is little to complain about but complain we must if we are to have any influence at all.

    This is why we do what we can here at Post Scripts. Thanks again, Jack, for the opportunity!

    • Post Scripts says:

      Tina I appreciate your words of encouragement and I would say dittos right back at ya! : ) Yes, sometimes it just feels like we’re circling the drain, but I have hope. I do not have any “$$$ change” (thanks to Obama), but I still have hope.

      It is entertaining to watch this election drama unfold, it is so weird and a bit scary. Thanks for letting us know there have been weird and scary elections in our past and we’ve survived them just fine. I wished I had a crystal ball to look into our future about a hundred years from now. If we based that future on the current trajectory… God help us! lol

    • Dewster says:

      Every time you buy goods made in a communist country you support that country as well as the greedy ex American country. They build a fancy military that is a threat to US.

        • Tina says:

          If the socialist and ignorant greens weren’t so hostile to American business it would be possible to make inexpensive products in America.

          A local company here in Chico was recently put out of business over a silly regulation that forces companies to put tags on pillows… it’s NUTS!

          Now we’re pushing for a $15.00, entry level/supplemental income, minimum wage. How will that help US companies compete with China?

          The American people have been severely economically depressed in the last eight years. The NEED low cost items produced in China and other countries.

          You have big problems with cause and effect.

  2. Tina says:

    It might make us feel a little better about the bitterness we’re feeling toward the establishment and what appears to be corrupt practices to control the outcome if we look at similarly contentious battles within the parties in our history. I heard on the radio yesterday that one Republican convention had around one hundred rounds of voting before a candidate was chosen. Wish I could recall the exact number.

    Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1860_Republican_National_Convention“>1860 Republican National Convention”

    The 1912 campaign and conventions were also contentious. Roosevelt was shot and continued on the stump!

    We just need to take a deep breath and soldier on.

  3. Harold says:

    What I have learned to accept is that the Liberals have tapped the sloth of this country favor by providing more and more free money and assistance.

    The sloth have accepted it and now want more, and that will never subside. Obamas second term speaks volumes about how Liberal government are only buying votes and not really helping people achieve things for themselves to break the cycle of government dependency.

    A handout is not, and never will be a hand up, it’s more like feeding stray cats, who show their appreciation by using your garden as a bathroom.

  4. Dewster says:

    “Obamas second term speaks volumes about how Liberal government are only buying votes and not really helping people achieve things for themselves to break the cycle of government dependency.”

    Take responsibility for the conservatives who are worse than the Dems.

    My friend that is how more than 90% of Washington works! They work for the big money interests who donte and primary them if they do not comply. ALEC? You claim you do not know who and what they are?

    Even AIPAC is largely military contract lobbyists. We give the money to Israel, they have to spend most money in US arms contracts then they bomb the heck out of Gaza! over and over again! We pay for most of those bombs! Yet we have no money to take care of our own!

    Corporations run the country. We are a new brand of Imperialist Fascists.

    The GOP is worse than the Corporate Dems!

    • Dewster says:

      Fun Fact! Condi Rice and her parents lived next door to Netanyahu’s parents in Denver, Colorado. She was a teen, he was in college.

      Bibi may still have US Citizenship!

      “War is a Racket”

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