Hillary V Bernie – Last Night in Brooklyn

by Jack

The Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders race for the Democratic presidential nomination got down and dirty last night. Sanders accused Clinton of taking huge campaign contributions from corporations like $600K from Goldman Sachs in exchange for presumptive legislative influence. Clinton fired back to cite one example where the money resulted in special interest legislation and Sanders had no response. However, such contributions are not always easy to tie to a specific event. It is naïve to think the millions in dollars donated to politicians by big business has no impact on legislation.

“they questioned each other’s judgment, susceptibility to lobbyists and grasp of political reality in by far the most heated discussion of the campaign to date.
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders came out firing over banking and continued to trade jabs over guns, Israel and Palestine, and a $15 minimum wage.

From Wall Street to the minimum wage, gun control and mass incarceration, Israel and climate change, the rivals battled to set themselves apart in the hope of pulling ahead in the race. With the stakes so high – just five days before the critical ballot in New York state that carries a bonanza of 291 delegates out of the 2,383 needed to win – the rhetoric also reached a new intensity.” Daily Mail

At times the debating erupted into personal attacks, reflecting long standing animosities between the two candidates. But, each candidate held their own and in the end, there was no clear victor and at this point Clinton needs a clear victory.

Sanders started out the race as a long shot underdog and then has made a near miraculous come from behind race that has Clinton barely 2% ahead in the polling. In other words it’s still a dead heat.

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8 Responses to Hillary V Bernie – Last Night in Brooklyn

  1. Tina says:

    Neither candidate addressed the economy which is the number one concern for most Americans> Perhaps because they know their socialist policies have been on parade for the past nine years and the country has experienced nothing but economic catastrophe on their watch, including the rich getting richer.

    We can’t take more of the policies of either of the democrat contenders for president. The plans espoused by this pair would be like poison economically.

    Where socialist go nothing grows…except the accounts of the very wealthy and they’re buying art and real estate to protect their wealth in this economy instead of investing in businesses and innovation that boosts the economy.

    Dump the Democrats!

    • Dewster says:


      WHat in the world are you talking about? You some how do not even understand their conversation!

      You do not have to like either but the economy was front and center!

      Perhaps you have not a clue what the real problems are!

      Then you make this statement?

      “except the accounts of the very wealthy and they’re buying art and real estate to protect their wealth in this economy instead of investing in businesses and innovation that boosts the economy. ”

      Who do you think the wealthy are? You have no grasp on who and what runs our gov and economy.

      Personally I am tired of paying corporate welfare to companies dogging taxes. Moving their headquarters overseas to avoid taxes, moving jobs to communist type countries for slave labor ect.

      Never fear! Paul Ryan has your agenda in his budget! Since it always fails it will not pass but hey More tax cuts for the rich will fix everything! Take resources from the people and give to the wealthy so they can hide more money! yep! That ought to do it! Trickle to the rich and out of the country!


      After they cut all this to harm the people where does the money go? Oh yea Increases Military spending for all those private contractors and More tax cuts for the Rich to send to the offshore tax shelters!

      Then we can keep starving all government owned agencies and privatize them away so investor profits are above the duty of the service!

      fascism and Oligarchy! yes right back to the gilded ages!

      The economy does better when the average Joe has money to spend not when the rich suck every pennie they can from the gov.

      Hum……. add new war for profit and we are returning to the same policies GW Bush did to grow the economy and this country was thriving as he left office! maybe we can bail out the banks again!

  2. Tina says:

    Dewey please give examples of the economy being “front and center.”

    “Personally I am tired of paying corporate welfare to companies dogging taxes.”

    Please tell me how YOU, personally, pay corporate welfare to companies?

    Corporation are shoved overseas by a hostile tax structure and regulatory structure that makes it very difficult to compete with competitors world wide! You are the fool who thinks that’s the fault of corporations instead of a greedy federal government that is very close to spending more than the American people can produce! You are IGNORANT of these facts, Dewey, because you buy into socialist propaganda and the politics of envy and covetousness (Covert greed).

    The federal government controls it all. When the federal government sets reasonable tax rates and regulation there is no reason for corporations to avoid paying taxes, lobby, or collude with corrupt politicians. They would rather just move ahead with their businesses and spend that lobby money on new products or services that people want and use.

    You’ve bought that sound bite, “tax cuts for the rich, it’s quite the lefty dog whistle! But you don’t understand it because you don’t believe in freedom, you don’t know how to grow the economy, you don’t acknowledge the invaluable contributions the rich already make, and you think that more government can solve problems. You can’t explain how but you’re sure that’s the answer.

    Your entire comment is void of information. You lack substance. You rail against a cartoon character and reduce yourself to a sad, yet comical, cliche. And you won;t see a clear picture unti you let go of all that resentment and hate!

  3. Tina says:

    They try to tell us she was good at her job at state…she was good, at stuff like that!

  4. dewster says:

    Please tell me how YOU, personally, pay corporate welfare to companies?

    Let’s see Tina, I pay very high Income taxes to drive roads with huge potholes, Can Not drink the water, and have a hard time finding eatable food.

    Where do you think your taxes go? Do you pay Income tax?

    I do not listen to soundbites Tina, I do not watch any corporate owned Propaganda News. I Just moved from DC my darling. Do not sit in Chico and tell me you know more. If anyone buys into media soundbites it is those who sit in a rural town telling those who are in the DC Area what is going on.

    You have not a clue how gov works or what goes on in DC. Your world does not exist.
    “When the federal government sets reasonable tax rates and regulation there is no reason for corporations to avoid paying taxes, lobby, or collude with corrupt politicians.”

    That is delusional my dear. It is obvious you have never sat in on a high level corporate meeting. The conversation is the exact opposite. You act like you do not even remember the history of the greedy in the past. Yes I have been in high level corporate meetings. Yes I have worked in DC on many levels Including Lobbying.

    TINA Your entire comment is void of information. You lack substance.

    Most people do not need help understanding very public FACTS.

    “The first truth is that the Liberty of a Democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where where it becomes stronger than their Democratic state itself.

    That, in its essence, is Fascism”

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

  5. dewster says:

    Oh And where am I now? In FloriDuH to rail Rick Scott and Debbie Wasserman Shultz.

    I do work to stop corrupt politicians not read my news.

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