Was Holder Part of a Fast and Furious Cover Up?

Posted by Tina

In January an Obama appointed Judge, Amy Berman, ordered the Justice Department to turn over documents Congress had requested four years ago…four years! (Wasn’t this supposed to be the most transparent administration ever?)

Fast and Furious was the scheme to walk 2000 weapons into Mexico to track where they went and where they went was into the hands of a drug cartel. Ultimately a border patrol agent, Mexican agents and officials and their relatives, and countless Mexican citizens have been terrorized and murdered by criminals using these weapons. When Congress attempted to investigate they got nothing but resistance from the Obama administration which at first denied the program even existed. They finally admitted they had allowed the guns to move across the border after the death of US agent Terry but Eric Holder refused to turn over documents, claiming executive privilege. The House then voted to hold Holder in contempt and sued to obtain the documents. The Justice Department has now finally turned over 20,000 pages of documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/04/documents-confirm-eric-holders-role-in-fast-and-furious-cover-up.php”>Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, released a memo summarizing what they show:

More than previously understood, the documents show the lengths to which senior Department officials went to keep information from Congress. Further, the documents reveal how senior Justice Department officials—including Attorney General Eric Holder—intensely followed and managed an effort to carefully limit and obstruct the information produced to Congress.

Holder and his subordinates:
1. Presumed that allegations about gunwalking in Arizona were false and refused to adjust when documents and evidence showed otherwise.
2. Politicized decisions about how and whether to comply with the congressional investigation.
3. Devised strategies to redact or otherwise withhold relevant information from Congress and the public.
4. Isolated the fallout from the Fast and Furious scandal to ATF leadership and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona.
5. Created a culture of animosity towards congressional oversight.
Chaffetz’s memo goes on to substantiate each of these accusations, citing specific emails.

Fast and Furious was a bad idea from the start. The Bush administration considered a similar strategy with the intention of catching gun purchasers and sellers and prosecuting them. The plan was abandoned due to concerns that the guns might fall into the wrong hands. Speculation continues that the reason for the Obama administration going ahead with Fast and Furious was it’s anti-gun messaging. The plan was to blame the seller as part of their war on second amendment rights. Good Journalism squashed their plans and the attempt to cover up commenced.

The Obama administration cover up resulted in four more years for Obama, a cushy job at his old law firm for Holder, and a lot of death. Paul Mirengoff of Powerline, who reported this news, also observed that the law firm were Holder now works has, “represented large banks he declined to prosecute for their alleged role in the financial crisis.”

The Holder Justice Department was corrupt. Fast and Furious was part of that corruption. The fallout continues.

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3 Responses to Was Holder Part of a Fast and Furious Cover Up?

  1. Pie Guvuevara says:

    The answer is YES.

  2. Dewster says:

    Holder is a Corporate Lawyer who worked for Covington & Burling – represented the biggest banks on Wall Street, – internationally known for its white-collar defense practice. Guess who he works for again.

    Did we see any Banksters go to jail?


    Don’t even get me started on the Bush Admin corruption regarding the DOJ

    Until one is ready to realize the Politicians have been working for their corporate donors so long that all this corruption is the norm and join the people to stop this,
    you are part of the problem.

    Everything is a witch hunt for the donors and very rarely does the real story ever get told. Ya think the corruption stopped with Watergate? The Iran Contra? Ect?

    Only the Naive would think so. DC is a whole different world where drugs, Arms and War is sold for profit. They are so disconnected from the people it is sad.

    WHy do you follow the propaganda?

    If you were really concerned about corruption you would talk about Republican corruption as well. But No Republicans are the saints of the world.

    Pot calling the Kettle Black.

  3. Tina says:

    Oh go ahead and get started Dewey. Let’s revisit the so-called Bush administration DOJ corruption…as long as we don’t leave out what actually happened and how cooperative the Bush administration was.

    Sorry Dewey but you are hardly the person I would trust to “stop this.” Your solution is even more government control and taking from the private sector (fascism)and that isn’t a solution it’s a long slow march toward tyranny.

    “WHy do you follow the propaganda?”

    Why do you think you don’t? That socialist cap Bernie is spewing about free college is pure propaganda…nothing is free. Expecting more from the rich than they already contribute to pay for it means less opportunity when you graduate, but he’s not telling the young people that.

    Why do you think insulting me is effective?

    “If you were really concerned about corruption you would talk about Republican corruption as well.”

    Republicans have been criticized here but for the past eight years we have suffered under a Democrat administration. Democrats are, therefore, setting policy and more often in the news. During the Bush administration we talked about whatever scandals the media brought up.

    Not all scandals are equal. Some are manufactured and spun. It’s not always easy to see the truth or tell the difference. We give it a shot here. All you do is gripe and insult people…which is not very convincing, dude.

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