Regarding the Value of Redistribution Socialism, a Quote

So often you guys hit the nail and make me smile:

“A handout is not, and never will be a hand up, it’s more like feeding stray cats, who show their appreciation by using your garden as a bathroom.” – contributed in comments by Harold.

Thanks, Harold! Made my night!

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8 Responses to Regarding the Value of Redistribution Socialism, a Quote

  1. RHT447 says:

    From stray cats to birds—
    For those who haven’t seen this (warning–there are some F-bombs).

  2. dewster says:


    Giving the People Free stuff?

    Funny how you don’t care about

    70 Billion a Year subsidizing Wall Street Banks
    38 Billion a year subsidizing Oil Companies
    2.1 Trillion Fortune 500 companies are stashing Abroad
    159 Billion a yr subsidizing McDonald’s and Walmart employees

    The Millions a day we give to Israel? Around 10 Billion a year?

    We have plenty of money for never ending wars but no money to take care of our Vets?

    yea there is some redistribution going on but it’s not to the poor people.
    Our taxes will always go up as they suck the citizens dry!

    The People have been in the streets of DC for days now……. #DemocracySpring

    But the revolution will not be televised

    • Harold says:

      Funny how you seem to always micro manage the opinions we have with the same spew.

      Vets are never considered by myself as a ‘HANDOUT’, they fall into the hand up category, as do a lot of people trying to break out of the subsidized category created by Liberal give away programs, you first need to acknowledge that government subsidized programs have created a non working class that find it easier to stay on entitlement programs (,no abuse entitlements) verse actually contributing to society.

      And before you go after mental illness as well, there is a great need to house and care for those people as well, and Government has a lot a vacant buildings we tax payers are paying rent on to do so and use those buildings to start a program that helps them.

      You act as if your sending a viable message to voters about proper redistribution of trillions of Tax dollars with your “over the top generalization” blaming Government of corporate support to OTHER than lazy sloth minded entitlement kept Government subsidized loafers, than lets engage in a discussion that will stop wasteful Government entitlements verse meaningful use of our tax dollars, in a manner that does not include the sole purpose of maintaining a elected persons position in office.

  3. Tina says:

    Dewey I’m pretty sick of your constant ranting about what I care about.


    The revolution is Horse Hockey. YOU don’t care about poor people. Poor people won’t have a clue how to not be poor anymore if they listen to you. The false notion that revolution is the answer is garbage.

    How many times have the people in nations in Central and South America been fooled by this siren song and how long have they remained in abject poverty and suffered through bloody revolution?



    Forcing higher wages is NOT the way to rise out of poverty. If it was, you would have seen all of the wealthy people out in the streets before they got wealthy. You didn’t.

    The way to rise out of poverty is more education and/or acquiring better skills. In a free country this is possible, all it takes is a commitment to do it. people come here with nothing and rise to the middle class and beyind…many of them begin without knowing English.

    When people bully their way to higher wages they learn nothing and will remain stuck at the bottom paying more of their hard earned money for goods and services or simply out of a job.

    If you want to be a millionaire my friend you need to obtain the skills that will get you there.

    Or you can go on about destroying this free capitalist nation and all of the SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS WHO ARE NOT MILLIONAIRES BUT WHOSE BUSINESSES YOU WILL SHUT DOWN WITH YOUR CRAPPY REVOLUTION!

    You don’t deserve to have your protest televised! Bunch of da*# thugs and crooks.

    Oh and by the way…WE ARE NOT A COLLECTIVE! The people at least benefit from oil subsidies and war in some way. The War on Poverty has cost this nation’s taxpayers trillions and we are still stuck with a bunch of uneducated unskilled people. the difference after the War on Poverty is that now they feel entitled.

    Sell your rat poison somewhere else; I’m not buying. If they’re smart, poor people won’t buy it either.

  4. dewster says:

    Tina I am tired of you pretending like you know everything. You repeat the failed policies of the past.

    I find it interesting you equate wages to education. They sent the jobs overseas! We have people with degrees working for min wage!

    No one wants gov overreach. We also do not want private control by the wealthy.

    The gov was suppose to be we the people. It is now we the corporate people.

    Does it matter to you the majority is against the koch network agenda? Do you realize you want to dictate your beliefs to all? You are free to live as you see fit. You do not have the right to dictate your beliefs to all.

    WHo runs the gov right now……. Answer that! Who do the politicians work for? Not the people. You want dictators to run the gov forcing your ideology and religion to all. That my dear is not Liberty and Justice for All.

    Americans will fight the Imperialist fascists you support. This is just the beginning. We are not going to allow this corporate coup to win.

    Yes we are imperialists bottom line #MidEastWar

  5. Tina says:

    Dewey you’re a one note whiner. The wealthy include socialist thinking CEO’s in healthcare that helped pass Obamacare by colluding with Democrats. That is a big example of the wealthy and powerful working against the people.

    Does it matter to you that the “network agenda” of the socialist democrats is funded by billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros and Billionaire hedge fund operator and “green” energy magnate Thomas Steyer work against the people for special interests?

    Right now the government works for Steyer and Soros.

    Dewey, I don’t support fascists…YOU DO!

    I support limited government where politicians are answerable to ALL of the people.

    We didn’t start the MidEast war. War was waged on us; for the sake of our own freedo and safety and that of our allies we’ve worked to liberate the Middle East from the cancerous Islamist extremist that are a growing plague to all peace loving people!

    At least we used to be liberators, until the socialist apologist Obama was elected…now we seem to be about empowering the enemies of peace!

    And by the way…my religion is the religion that inspired the notion of freedom, and the rights you enjoy while living in these United States. I do not seek to impose my religion through the government or in any other way. My religion must be chosen by the individual, not forced through government or tyrannical pressure. I do reserve the right to self expression, including religious expression, the very reason our forefathers came to these shores. And as a citizen I reserve the right to try to influence society just as any other citizen. You are the one who seems to want to control speech.

    What country are you from, Dewey? I ask because you sure don’t seem to understand much about American history, the Constitution, or the God given rights we honor at Post Scripts as declared in our founding documents.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Dewey accuses Tina of being a know-it-all? DEWEY?

    Dewey is like all lunatics, he does not know he is insane.

  7. Tina says:

    I found that a bit strange myself, Pie.

    We humans tend to project at times. It seems that’s about all Dewey does on those hot button words and issues.

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