Shades of the Sixties: Sanders “Revolution” Takes Oregon, Contests Tie in Kentucky

Posted by Tina

The Democrat Party primaries have become a battle of wills in a party used to walking in lock step to force it’s united will on the people. But thanks to Bernie, The revolution is on!

bernie-hillary-By now it should surprise no one that Bernie is here to stay and will remain a thorn in Hillary’s side all the way to the convention. Last night when the votes were counted Bernie had won in the state of Oregon and achieved a virtual tie in Kentucky where, in 2008, Hillary took the state handily in the race against Obama.

Sanders, Quoted by Bloomburg:

“We are in until the last ballot is cast,” Sanders told supporters at a rally in Carson, California, saying he believes he can win the June 7 primary in the nation’s most populous state. “We have the possibility — it will be a steep climb, I recognize that — but we have the possibility of going to Philadelphia with the majority of the pledged delegates,” Sanders said of the July nominating convention. He said in early general election poll match-ups he does “much better against Trump” than Clinton.

Democrats are dumbfounded and worried, as CNN reports:

Sen. Barbara Boxer, a veteran of Democratic politics, says she never saw anything quite like this before.

Loud cursing, shouting, obscene gestures and vile insults, including crude comments about the female anatomy. It was all on display over the weekend as supporters of Bernie Sanders turned the Nevada State Democratic Convention into chaos.

“I was not able to stop these people for doing what they did,” Boxer, a Hillary Clinton supporter, told CNN. “Apparently they’ve done it before. …. This group of about 100 were very vocal, and I can’t describe it — disrespectful doesn’t even explain it, it was worse than that.”

Although asked by several Democrat party leaders to get control of his supporters, Bernie remains defiant that the party : “has a choice: It can open its doors and welcome into the party (his backers) or maintain its status quo.” And it gets even more interesting:

…new audio obtained by CNN shows a senior Sanders aide — on the eve of the Nevada convention — encouraging the senator’s supporters try to “take over” the convention, change party rules and continue the “revolution” that Sanders has long campaigned on.

“You should not leave,” Joan Kato, the national delegates director, told Sanders supporters in a meeting last week at the Rumor Boutique Hotel. “I’m going to repeat that, unless you are told by someone from the campaign … that you can leave, you should not leave.” …

…After Sanders supporters thought the convention was being shut down prematurely, loud shouting ensued and there were reports of chairs being hurled. The phone number and address of the chairwoman of the Nevada Democratic Party, Roberta Lange, was posted on social media — prompting a flood of more than 1,000 calls, angry voicemails, text messages and even death threats.

“This is a citizen of the United States of America and I just wanted to let you know that I think people like you should be hung in a public execution to show this world that we won’t stand for this sort of corruption,” an unidentified male caller said on the message, provided to CNN and other news outlets. “I don’t know what kind of money they are paying to you, but I don’t know how you sleep at night. You are a sick, twisted piece of s— and I hope you burn for this! …. You cowardless b—, running off the stage! I hope people find you.”

One text message read: “We know where you live… where your kids go to school/grandkids. We have everything on you.”

Yes guys, the old hippie finally has his very own revolution and it ain’t gonna be peaceful: And it’s one, two, three, what are we fightin’ for…don’t ask me I don’t give a damn…

This is like Occupy Wall Street taking a dump on the Democrat Machine. Hey guys, How does if feeeel, to be on your own, with no direction home, in the complete unknown…

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32 Responses to Shades of the Sixties: Sanders “Revolution” Takes Oregon, Contests Tie in Kentucky

  1. Tina says:

    Thomas Lifson at American Thinker:

    The Democrat establishment is waking up to the awful truth on Bernie Sanders: he is a mortal danger to not only the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, but the continued viability of the party’s strategy of mouthing populist rhetoric while practicing crony capitalism. Too late, they now realize he actually means what he says about a “political revolution,” and bringing him back into the fold by the time of the Philadelphia convention will be a problem. Sanders is not just a candidate; he is a movement. And movements don’t compromise, fall in line, kiss and make up, and follow orders. They agitate until they get satisfaction.

    See Libby…I am having fun!

    • Libby says:

      Alas, Tina, it is your own party’s foibles by which you are aiming to be amused … not other peoples’ (like always). This is the test of an evolved and rational being.

      And you all, like always, are making something out of this, that is not there. Bernie is entirely entitled to continue his campaign until the money runs out, though there should be no more chair throwing, and I doubt that there will be. But by all means, you continue to stand in the corner and wring you hands and bewail the messiness of democracy.

      Though you might want to give some thought to the frequency with which the word “fascist” is being applied to Trump and is followers. Nothing amusing about that.

      • Tina says:

        Don’t play Mother Superior with me Libby. You are no more “evolved” than I or anyone else.

        Oh I seee. When Trump supporters get rowdy they are neanderthals but when Bernie supporters do they’re “evolved.” Lord you’re hillarious!

        And sweetie, we know the definition of fascist and Trump doesn’t fit the mold. But the revolutionary, activist, agitator progressives do…that’s how the world got both fascism and Marxism…both socialist and both looking for nirvana in an imperfect world.

        When are you going to evolve to the point of accepting reality? You don’t have the power to change a yes/no world into heaven, not individually and not as a group.

        • Dewster says:

          Amazing a smuck Conservative telling truth on a station that is rigged for trump and Hillary

          Time to admit the #DNC is rigging the Primary Tina, People are getting madder state by state CA? We will see if it continues

          Also you should be glad that race has made CA voters relevant. Their vote matters yours does not…it’s Trump for you

          Joe S Ex Conservative Congressman Suck on MSM speaks truth

        • Chris says:

          Tina: “When Trump supporters get rowdy they are neanderthals but when Bernie supporters do they’re “evolved.” Lord you’re hillarious!”

          There is no difference between a violent Bernie supporter and a violent Trump supporter.

          There is a difference between Bernie and Trump–only Trump has told his supporters to engage in violence.

    • RHT447 says:

      Get ’em. I’ll hold your coat.

  2. Peggy says:

    Last month I went to Fort Bragg for a week vacation and was very surprised at all of the Bernie signs every where and no Hillary signs. I even drove around neighborhoods looking for a house to buy and realized this conservative would probably not be a welcomed member of the community and would live a very lonely life there.

    Based on what I saw the Dem party and Hillary are going to be in for a rude awakening when Hillary looses Calif. to Bernie. Their national convention should be even more “entertaining” to watch than the GOP’s.

    It really is funny to see the Marxist, Progressive monster the Dem leaders created and have now lost control of doing ever thing they can to survive.

  3. Peggy says:

    Little Miss Debbie admitted to Jake Tapper on CNN the Dem’s superdelgate system is rigged.

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz Just Gave the Weirdest Answer About Superdelegates on CNN; Are They Clinton’s Firewall?:

    “I was just listening to CNN while out running errands and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC chair, was on talking to Jake Tapper. He asked her to explain superdelegates to ease the mind of young voters to not think “it’s all rigged” and, well, here is her response:

    DWS: “Let me make sure I can clarify exactly what was available during the primaries in Iowa and in New Hampshire. The unpledged delegates are a separate category. The only thing available on the ballot in a primary and a caucus is the pledged delegates, those that are tied to the candidate that they are pledged to support and they receive a proportional number of delegates going into our convention. Unpledged delegates exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activist. We are, as a Democratic party, really highlight and emphasis inclusiveness and diversity at our convention and so we want to give every opportunity to grassroots activists and diverse committed democrats to be able to participate, attend and be a delegate at the convention. So we separate out those unpledged delegates to make sure that there isn’t competition between them.”

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Tina et al

    You kids are killing me. So true, so true. It is a pain filled laugh but still a laugh. This is who the Democrats are, this is the “transformation.” These are our fellow citizens, complete morons.

    • Tina says:

      What flabbergasts me is that the activism this bunch started in the sixties is coming full circle to bite the “establishment” (them) in the butt…it is just too delicious.

      Their environmental war is also at odds. Imagine! Wherever windmills spin and acres of solar panels exist the spotted owls, falcons, bald eagles, condors, are nothing but compost…and that’s okay?

      These are the nut cases that destroyed the logging industry in Northern California over the spotted owl…a “scare” that turned out to be pure bologna.

      Phonies, that’s what they are.

  5. J. Soden says:

    $hrilLIARy didn’t “win” in KY – she just barely squeaked by.
    And now we hear about gunshots into the Bernie camp from the Dems attending the NV convention. (Kudos to those who booed Barbwa Boxer off the stage) Although Bernie shouldn’t be surprised since he chose to run against $hrilLIARy – and we know what sometimes happens to those folks who disagree with her. Just ask Vince Foster . . .

    The Demwit Ruling Class mistakenly placed all of their eggs in the $hrilLIARy basket. Only problem with that is that they went bad LONG ago! Gonna be a real interesting Demwit convention this summer . . . . .

  6. Dewster says:

    LOL you just follow the Media like sheeple… And This makes you a part of the problem

    Did you watch what happened? DId you follow what happened?

    Bottom Line The Citizens United Decision has finally turned the DNC into a bought out party parallel to the GOP.

    Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a huge problem. She has sold out the convention. The honored speakers include Comcast (owns NBC), Republicans, Hedgefund managers and Lobbyists. In My opinion it is all about the Trade deals which NBC fired anybody who spoke against them. last One Being Ed Schultz.

    I caught much of it. There has been reports of fraud n the Democrat Election in almost every state. And I mean Lawsuits and elections decertifications are happening so this is documented and ongoing.

    I am terribly disappointed in Boxer who thank god is retiring. Yes she did get Booed but what did she say to them? Did you watch?

    The Chairwoman railroaded a rule change in. Also they decertified delegates without giving them any chance to prove they were registered. The reason? They could not find their records. End of story – no chance to prove you were registered.

    I watched the Video LIVE from 3 different angles and I was flabbergasted at the injustice and actually yelled out No! You cheaters!

    Again you need to stop relying on Media I truly believe we are seeing a “Controlled Opposition” Election.

    In fact 1 day before a Hillary supporter was sitting with the Bernie members of the committee to get arrested because the DNC kicked them out! They were on the committee! She said that was BS when they decertified those people and shut the door.

    At this point I believe the Republican Campaign manager for the Million Dollar HRC trolls ect are now trolling as Bernie People and being violent.

    I will say the level of cheating may have some reacting in anger but IT DID NOT HAPPEN LIKE MEDIA IS PORTRAYING!

    Be alarmed, Beware, Something is very very wrong with this election and when it pivots to the Gen…. who knows?

    Googled “Controlled Opposition” And watch

    Bernie is not a dangerous man and he has been working hard for years.

    But then again does Truth Freedom Justice matter to You?

    Watch out People are pissed off and there will be trouble at the convention if the DNC continues. Bernie ? If he looses he will support HRC…Unless he changes this due to the Obvious cheating and Media Lying

    But the People Thousands and thousands of us will not vote for HRC or Trump and will not stand for this election cheating on either side anymore

    Prove me wrong…You can not

    Tina try watching the actual events when they are live….. You can hate Bernie but what Trump and HRC are doing is scary very scary

    Ya know the NY elite are a close knit group and You Know the Clinton’s and Trump have been friends for years right?

    Time to get real and stop this crap. The Media and the Donors are railroading this election. Did you bother to see what happens if these so called trade deals pass?

    Sovereignty at risk, Look at How Europe is reacting to the TTIP, A WTO ruling over the laws of a nation with projected profit as the winner?

    There are 2 sides to every story unless you are the media then it is all about brainwashing the public for your profitability

    • J. Soden says:

      Blabbermouth-Schultz hasn’t sold out to the convention – she’s been a $hrilLIARy supporter from day one. She’s been asked repeatedly to name even ONE $hrilLIARy sucess, and has been unable to answer. Even Mika on “Morning Joe” has called for her to resign.
      It’s almost funny to see the Demwits now being upset at their party leaders just like the GOP voters are, since the “fix is in” on the Demwit side of the aisle. BOTH political party ruling classes deserve the boot!

      • Dewster says:

        Yes that is the point. To be clear the DNC has sold out the convention to big money interests under her leadership. Not to mention she seems to lay down during midterms. She is a corrupt Floriduh politician. And yes I am now in Floriduh to help rail against her.

        A corrupt politician is a corrupt politician regardless of Party.

        Yes I was shocked morning Smoe was allowed to speak truth on Comcast MiSinformation NBC.

        Remember Comcast is an Honored Speaker at convention.

        Comcast fired any host that spoke of TPP and Net Neutrality. They also have been a Trump 24/7 for $ station

        Informed Republicans and Democrats are against these corrupt trade deals. Media stands to gain.

        Obama is Dead wrong on these deals and Hillary Clinton worked on them as well. Trump? LOL he is making his backroom deals right now will probably fall in line.

        But I agree the 2 Party System of “Controlled Opposition” can fall apart if people on both sides of the isle wake up.

  7. Dewster says:

    BTW CNN is the Clinton News Network and I saw their Propaganda

    I say they repeatedly used the word Violence….Find that video. There is plenty of video.

    There was no violence. How dare people stand up when the proper process is not followed at a convention? How dare people chant? How dare people question the Democratic party?

    What Thugs!

    The Clinton campaign and DNC is 100% corrupt. They are lying and Cheating! And for CNN to allow their people to lie is disgusting!

    A Fair Election win or loose should be the agenda for every voter any party.

    Beware of this election Both parties

  8. Libby says:

    I like this from Andrew O’Hehir on Salon about the Nevada furor:

    “As has been widely observed during this race, the 2008 contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama was at least as bitter and vitriolic as the Clinton-Sanders race, although there was considerably less ideological distance between the candidates. I have previously observed that there is no historical correlation between a bitterly disputed primary contest and what happens in November; citing 1968 is no more than fearmongering. Consider 1992, when former (and present) California governor Jerry Brown — perhaps the closest Sanders-cognate of all recent Democratic dissidents — ran clear to the end against Bill Clinton and went to the New York convention with almost 600 delegates, ensuring himself a speaking spot. Brown hated Clinton’s guts and viewed him as a shameless phony (and should get some credit for getting that right). He never endorsed Clinton — not at the convention, not during the fall campaign and not at any other time. Remind me how the absence of “party unity” destroyed those Democratic nominees?

    Every general-election campaign is its own animal, largely determined by its own internal dynamics and by unpredictable news memes or twists of fate. Think of Richard Nixon sweating unpleasantly or Michael Dukakis in that tank (looking, observed David Brinkley, like Rocket J. Squirrel); think of the Swift Boat attacks on John Kerry, or the fallout from Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remarks. This year’s Clinton-Trump campaign will also pivot on unknowable unknowns, but one thing I feel sure about is that they’ll have nothing to do with how a few enraged Sanders supporters misbehaved in May.

    If the Democratic establishment is increasingly anxious about its prospective nominee, who appears headed for a perilous, nail-biting and shockingly tight race against the most ignorant and least qualified major-party nominee in political history, that’s for good reason. But Bernie Sanders did not create the Democrats’ current dilemma, and cannot solve it.”

    • Tina says:

      Ignorance is as ignorance does. The record of the last seven plus years is a terrible reminder of what the “smart” can do in a very short time to ruin an economy and create chaos in the world. Hillary would be part two of that scenario.

      Her Billy did not create the fabulous 90’s economy either, by the way, Newt Gingrich and the republicans in congress did when Clinton agreed to their plans and declared the “era of big government is over.” If Hillary had had her way we’d be bankrupted by an earlier and crazier rendition of Obamacare, Hillarycare…see it charted here.

      Hillary is not the smarter candidate. Besides, America has had it with dynasties.

      • Libby says:

        Tina, what ARE you talking about? Nothing about the Hehir text that I can fathom. Post-Op meds? If we are stressing you, don’t let us.

        • Tina says:

          Off the meds; healing nicely; thanks Libs.

          I’m talking about this statement at the end:

          If the Democratic establishment is increasingly anxious about its prospective nominee, who appears headed for a perilous, nail-biting and shockingly tight race against the most ignorant and least qualified major-party nominee in political history …

          Other than that it was a good article but not necessarily reflective of what will or could happen, IMO. A lot of the Bernie supporters ARE Occupy folks and they were not calm steady types. As I said before Bernie is in his glory, he’s not going away.

          Now I am off to bed…night. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

  9. Tina says: relays two tidbits from Bloomberg and the New York Times that has to have the Hillary camp a bit worried:

    150 “superdelegates” — who can pick their candidate independent of any primary — could put Clinton over the top right now by announcing their support for her but, as Bloomberg reports, they are still refusing to do so. …

    …a major fight has developed between two of the Democratic Party’s most important constituencies — rich environmentalists and labor unions. After the AFL-CIO announced that it was teaming up for a get-out-the-vote effort with billionaire climate-change fanatic Tom Steyer — who helped block the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline — several building-trade groups sent a blistering letter to Richard Trumka saying the AFL-CIO has “now officially become infiltrated by financial and political interests that work in direct conflict to many of our members’ — and yes, AFL-CIO dues paying members’ lives.”

    Terry O’Sullivan, head of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, called the partnership a “politically bankrupt betrayal” of union members.

    As a result, “Trump could well outperform Clinton with the unions that signed on to the letter, a heavily working-class and white male demographic,” the New York Times reports.

    Anything can happen and probably will.

  10. Peggy says:

    Could the media be turning on the Dems? Take a look at these articles that came out just today. My how things have changed.

    Democrats’ divisions could save Republicans:
    “And, according to Gallup polling, the economy is still the most important issue facing the country today. Let’s face it, who are voters likely to believe will do more to spike economic growth — especially in the construction industry — construction magnate Trump and the Republicans, or social activist Clinton and the Democrats? And, while we are at it, who do you think is more likely to prioritize the liberal grievance du jour — like today’s Obama school bathroom policies — over real job creation, Trump and the Republicans, or Clinton and the Democrats?

    Voters who care about the economy will know the difference. In November, that could matter a lot.”

    Democrats Fear an Unruly July Convention in Philadelphia:

    “Bernie Sanders backers seek permits to demonstrate, sparking worries of damage to party and Hillary Clinton

    A growing number of Democrats are bracing for a divisive and disorderly July presidential convention in Philadelphia that could damage the party and expected nominee Hillary Clinton.”

  11. Libby says:

    Ah, the anti-intellectual bias. All those elites making you feel inadequate.

    This is very hard, but, perhaps you just have to except that which is. Christian humility is supposed to be a help there. And here in America you are blessed with the ability (theoretically) to sack and/or jail elites who screw up.

    But to deliberately put a moron in the White House seems just another manifestation of the … self loathing? … that’s had you voting Republican all these years.

    • Tina says:

      What are you talking about Libby? Who are you talking to?

      Let’s not be ridiculous. You have put a real moron in the White House…a man you do not, and cannot, defend. Take a look at your own self loathing before commenting on what you imagine in others…just a suggestion.

      I’m not anti-intellectual. I am anti socialist “intellectual.” You should know that since I’ve linked to articles written by intellectuals I admire.

  12. Libby says:

    Come on, Tina. “Progressive elites controlling your life” is one of your regular, repeated, and somewhat paranoid grouses.

    If you are actually going to deny this … again … there’s nothing to talk about.

    • Tina says:

      I looked it over and found nothing in my writings here about progressive elites or them being controlling, However, progressive elites do want to control our lives. That’s the very definition of the big government model (And the 90% theft factor to support it). You do realize that that 90% will have to trickle down to the middle class eventually. The big government types never have enough.

      So, how does being against what you’re for make me paranoid? I think it makes me wise and determined to defend myself and others against tyranny.

      Since you offer nothing but a socialist worldview and complete denial about how badly it works there probably IS, and never has been, anything to talk about.

      But here we are, talking.

      • Libby says:

        “With Donald Trump’s ascension as the GOP’s presidential nominee, we’ve clearly entered a new stage, and as usual this election cycle, it’s happening much more rapidly and in ways that have caught media and political elites by surprise. But how we got here and what lies ahead share much more in common than most are willing to admit, most pointedly, the extent to which the media and the GOP have created the Trump candidacy—despite all their professions of dismay—by decades of devaluing objective reality.”

        And you are their handiwork, Tina. A guy named Paul Rosenberg says this phenome dates from Reagan, and lots of folk agree. I certainly do. It’s been obvious to me for quite awhile (since I cut the cable) that the powers are intent on creating the most moronic electorate in the short history of democracy. The only consolation is to watch it turn round and bite the powers on the ass. Alas, it will do much more damage to our feeble civilization, and there is nothing consoling there.

        And Tina, to put a real twist in your knickers, Mr. Rosenberg writes for Al Jeezera English.

        • Tina says:

          “…decades of devaluing objective reality.”

          Objective: impartial · unbiased · unprejudiced · nonpartisan

          Reality: the true situation that exists : the real situation

          How have we devalued objective reality?

          A few bits of “objective reality” the left has attempted to foist on the populace:

          1. There is no right or wrong

          2. Sexually and in terms of race, you are whatever you feel you are

          3. People that enter the country illegally haven’t broken the law

          4. The Republican party is the party of the rich

          5. Keynseian economics is preferable to supply-side economics.

          6. Obama has had a successful presidency.

          7. Deficit spending is bad only when we have a republican in the WH

          8. Obamacare is working so we should have universal healthcare

          9. Hillary Clinton is a viable candidate and a woman to be admired

          10. Global warming is real and we’re all going to die (every decade).

          Trump created the Trump candidacy…the rest followed. The sign of a leader.

          “…the powers are intent on creating the most moronic electorate in the short history of democracy.”

          Who are these powers in your opinion and how have they accomplished their goal?

          In my opinion writers, directors, media heads (news and entertainment), educators, and men like George Soros with his many activist organizations have contributed much to the dumbing down of America, the moron factor.

          It interests me that many of those who are waking up and educating themselves are people you disdain from a self-determined elitist pinnacle.

          “…and lots of folk agree.”

          Really? If they were really smart they’d start looking at their policies and associations (education) they’ve controlled for more than fifty years. That’s where a lot of the damage has been done. You lefties don’t ever self-evaluate though…you play the blame game.

  13. Libby says:

    Uh, Tina. Your list … largely and for the most part does, in fact, contain persecutorial fantasies of the right.

    These seem to fall into two categories: 1) Projections … subjective stuff you impute to your enemy that is made up; and, 2) stuff that is patently untrue. You have made a list of “reality denials” fed to you over, lo, these 40 years … but you really can’t see it, can you.

  14. Chris says:

    Let’s look at that list, Tina. I’m not going to defend or rebut any of the statements you attribute to liberals, I’m just going to say whether or not they’re actually things liberals say.

    1) Not real. You made this up.

    2) Not real. You made this up.

    3) Not real. You made this up.

    4) Hey, finally something based on what liberals have actually said!

    5) Yes, we do believe that.

    6) Mixed. Liberals have varying beliefs on how successful Obama has been.

    7) Fair. Although this type of hypocrisy is also shared among a subset of Republicans.


  15. Chris says:

    Whoops, accidentally pressed submit.

    8) Yep, real.

    9) Mixed, but mostly, real.

    10) Mixed. We believe global warming is real, because that’s what nearly all climate scientists have concluded, but “we’re all gonna die” is your editorialization.

    So being generous, I give you a 65% score on your comprehension quiz about what liberals actually believe. Pay more attention during lecture and stop talking over us when we speak and you’ll do better next time.

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