This Friday, May 27, 2016 image from video provided by KCBS-TV/KCAL-TV shows graffiti on a Vietnam War memorial in the Venice area of Los Angeles. The homespun memorial painted on a block-long wall on Pacific Avenue lists the names of American service members missing in action or unaccounted for in Southeast Asia, painted by a Vietnam veteran and dedicated in 1992. The wall has been tagged previously but the latest vandalism – within the past week – covers the bottom half of the memorial for much of its length. (KCBS-TV/KCAL-TV via AP) TV OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT
Sometimes the headlines are too disgusting to think about but think about it we must:
VENICE (CBSLA.com) — Vandals defaced a memorial to Vietnam war veterans in Venice – an awful sight on this Memorial Day weekend.
Stewart Oscars welled up as he looked at the vandalized mural located on Pacific Avenue near Sunset Court. It was covered in graffiti from end to end.
“This knocked me out. So sickening. Just sadness…think of all these people. They’re gone,” Oscars said. “I remember the Vietnam war and how friends went to war, and bodies came back. Somehow, it has to be taught that this is not a good idea. This is actually stupid.”
This looks like gang related trash to me. There are times when I’d like to be able to execute an unrestrained Gort move and watch these scum turn to an ash spot on the pavement. Another of my alternate egos would rather turn them over to a good drill sargent who would school them in the art of clean up.
Obama, Chris, Dewey, and Libby’s friends. Hey, freedom of speech!
Off Topic —
Socialism vs. Capitalism
And your purpose in putting this up?
It wouldn’t be to try and denigrate an entire race with the actions of one sick SOB, would it?
Lots of angst over how to curtail gang activity. Jailing them don’t work. Ingenious beggars run their operations from solitary. One thing we haven’t tried and really should: it is posited that if the youngsters had jobs to go to, they would not need to join gangs.
There are white taggers too Libby…whose the racist?
Your hope and change guy and Guv Moonbeam have really botched up that idea, sad to say. But even an improved job situation won;t solve the problems of broken families, abandoned morality, and disdain for education and excellence.
Does it occur to you that you complain without naming the source of the problem as your own?
Sorry , but as usual your just spewing Liberal fables, Until your party of liberal fools adjust their thinking to guide people toward self reliance verse government subsidies( in exchange for votes) this idyll time vandalism will not only continue but get worst.
And Tina is correct, it is not just limited to one race or another!
But as most liberals prove time and time again with their Moonbeam type of ideology, you are the problem, never the solution
Misguided fool. You forget Jesus was a Jewish liberal.
Misguided fool? Why so harsh?
James if you think Jesus was a liberal, by today’s political definition, you’re wrong.
Jesus wasn’t a political man. He spoke to us as individuals, children of God. He told us to be charitable, loving and kind but he didn’t advise we express those things through our governments…he expected them of us personally.
Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense. – Proverbs 12:11
Gort gets my vote.
Amazing boy, amazing song, amazing truth. Thanks RHT447
Great contrast, Pie.
They’re lined up for food in Venezuela and finding empty shelves. They’ve taken to hijacking trucks filled with rice shipments. I saw a woman load herself up with not one but two rice sacks that had to weigh 30 pounds each if not more…could have been 50 lb sacks. Desperate situation.
It won’t get much better there unless they get new leadership that understands capitalism. If America doesn’t turn around soon there could be more desperate situations for many countries…a domino effect.
Those of us who are liberal at the very least look at both sides of the coin. I think it would be fair play if you described what a ” Liberal Fable ” is.
James thank you for taking the time to comment at Post Scripts.
I’ve looked at both sides of the coin too and I rejected socialism as a failed system everywhere it’s tried. I’ve noted that tax policies put in place by both Democrat and Republican presidents to get the economy growing are now rejected by the leadership in the Democrat Party. In fact they go so far as to try to demean the idea of cutting taxes, Reaganomics, for purely political reasons since the first Democrat in modern times to do it was John F. Kennedy. The programs we’ve put in place as safety nets are creating huge debt burdens for future generations. I think that’s the wrong thing to do to our children and it’s irresponsible as well. I also think that our welfare system is structured badly and leads to greater dependency and lost generations of people who might otherwise have been productive. Liberal leadership resists all efforts to reform. I think we need to be good conservationists and I’m all for alternative ideas but I believe the man made global warming theory is politicized science made into a hoax to deprive people of their hard earned money. I also think it’s wrong for the heavy hand of government to regulate to the point of destroying the livelihoods of thousands of Americans as we have done in the coal industry in the last eight years.
There are many liberal fables expressed in various ads and in comments on this blog. One would be that republican policies to reform Social Security would virtually throw granny off a cliff. Another is that if you think security at the border should be improved it means you’re actually a racist hiding behind the idea of a wall.
I hope that gives you a better idea of what a “liberal fable” is and also a better idea of what we are about here on Post Scripts. We welcome all opinions and, if you decide to stick around, we’ll likely consider you a friend regardless.