Donald Trump Visits Sacramento Today

by Jack

The big trump jet is scheduled to land at Sacramento International today at 3 pm. The Donald will host a capacity crowd at the Sacramento jet center, presumably in one of their large hangers.

I’ve still got some mixed feelings about Trump as a Commander-in-Chief, but I am absolutely convinced that Hillary Clinton would a 1000 times worse.

Trump is confident, he’s got the business experience and is surrounded by savvy advisors. He ought to be able make good financial decisions for America. What’s Hillary got? Really, what’s she have to offer? If the Clinton foundation is any example…we’re in trouble if she get back into the White House.

In a few weeks we’ll be in the general election phase, so prepare for the mud to start. Trump wants to starve grandma and take away your health insurance, he’s all about exploiting the little guys and perks for corporate giants… yadda, yadda, yadda. We expect this, its what they do every time. Now lets see how Donald Trump responds. The establishments dems are terrified, because they have never run against a guy like Trump. They have no clue what to expect, only that he does not play by the old Mr. Nice Guy rules that sunk Mitt Romney and others.

But, no matter what you think of this election this is the first time that an outsider has taken on the political establishment and scored victory after victory right up to the general election. Trump is bold, brash, confident and he is on a roll like nobody I’ve ever seen. This is going to be a fun election.

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19 Responses to Donald Trump Visits Sacramento Today

  1. Tina says:

    Were you able to attend?

  2. Libby says:

    “Trump is bold, brash, confident and he is on a roll like nobody I’ve ever seen.”

    That’s one way to look at it. Clown, buffoon, and boor is another. Although, have you noticed? His hair is not quite as orange as it used to be. There’s presidential for ya.

  3. Chris says:

    Jack: “Trump…surrounded by savvy advisors.”

    Why would you say this, Jack? Just because Trump says he has savvy advisers, you believe him?

    Here are some of Trump’s “savvy advisers:”

    Roger Stone: Banned from CNN for calling political commentator Ana Navarro “Entitled Diva Bitch,” a “pompous shithead,” “Borderline retarded,” “a rabid Pekinese,” and claimed “Black beans and rice didn’t miss her.” He recently tweeted: “Did you hear that noise? That was @ananavarro killing herself #BushToady #Diva #Jerk.” Has said that accusations of Hilary Clinton having lesbian affairs could be a “legitimate question.”

    Corey Lewandowski: Grabbed a Breitbart reporter by the arm, left a bruise, and then lied about it.

    Katrina Pierson: Complained on Twitter that neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney were “pure breeds.”

    Michael Cohen: Said, “By definition, you cannot rape your spouse.” Also threatened journalists with the following:

    “I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said, according to the Daily Beast. “So I’m warning you, tread very f—ing lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be f—ing disgusting. You understand me?”

    And then there are his foreign policy advisers, who aren’t well regarded on the left or the right:

    Trump’s advisers are racist, sexist morons with anger problems because Trump is a racist, sexist moron with anger problems. He says he “surrounds himself with the best people,” but that’s because he thinks sexist, racist morons with anger problems are the best people.

    You’ve gotta stop just taking this man at his word. He’s got the highest ratio of false to true ratings in Politifact history; when are you going to realize that he’s at least as much of a liar as Hilary Clinton, if not more of one?

  4. Chris says:

    Also–you find Trump’s candidacy “fun,” Jack? That’s sick. It’s unpatriotic. Trump is making a laughing stock of our country–he doesn’t have any comprehension of the gravity of the office of the presidency, and he brings down our standing in the world every time he speaks. And that’s “fun” for you?

    Trump has corrupted your mind and your soul.

    • Libby says:

      It is kinda creepy. You can pull up posts from months ago, and the turnaround, the degree of capitulation is just a little terrifying … kind of mob-like, really.

      I hope it don’t turn out that we’ve been consorting with a passel of “good Germans”.

      • Chris says:

        The quickness with which the bloggers here jumped on board Trump’s “ban all Muslim immigrants (temporarily! Until we don’t hate them any more!)” proposal was certainly scary, Libby.

        I don’t think they would have supported the Holocaust, Libby, but they definitely would have supported Japanese internment.

        • Libby says:

          Since your average “good German” didn’t know about the “Holocaust” aspect of the Hitlerian internment, I’m not sure the comparison isn’t apt. How many Americans do you think paid any attention to what was going on in our camps? How many Americans pay any attention to conditions in our immigrant detention centers? Though there, at least, the fourth estate ventures fourth, occasionally.

          This is all very depressing.

  5. Chris says:

    This essay, by conservative ethicist Jack Marshall, is the only thing anyone needs to read about Donald Trump:

    I am confident that even at this difficult time in our nation’s history, reeling from the serial incompetence of the Bush and Obama administrations, the United States could survive a Trump Presidency as a nation.

    We could not, however survive it as a culture.

    Placing a man with Trump’s personality and his rejection of the basic features of civilized conduct and discourse to an extent that only the obscenely rich or the resolutely misanthropic can get away with would ensure that American culture would deteriorate into a gross, rude, selfish, assault muck in which no rational human being would want to live. A generation raised under President trump would be misogynist and proud of it. It would value appearances over substance, success over character and principles. It would extol, as Trump does, the empty values of the celebrity culture. Bullying would be acceptable; “after all, the President does it.” So would boasting, posturing, bluffing and faking it. He would make us, in short, a nation of assholes.

    Even if Trump was a policy whiz, a political magician and a foreign policy master who balanced the budget and restored American’s primacy in the world, it would not be worth what would be lost: dignity, fairness, civility, caring, respect.

    And it would be lost. That is what the news media doesn’t—can’t?—explain, and what Trump’s naive supporters don’t understand (unless they already have no dignity, fairness, civility, caring, and respect, in which case they don’t care.)

    Leaders are role models, and leaders of nations lead the culture above all. This is not subject to debate. While many choose to deny or ignore this basic truth of organizations and human nature, the evidence—historical, anthropological, psychological, empirical, practical and common sense— is overwhelming. Leaders make us into them; that’s what makes them leaders. Having leadership skills is not in itself a virtue, though being a leader without them is an ethical breach. Trump has many leadership skills, which will make his influence on the culture stronger, for better or worse…and the only possibility is worse.

    I can see the cultural rot has already begun on Post Scripts. Keep having your “fun.”

  6. J. Soden says:

    Famous for her foul-mouthed tantrums when in the white house, can you imagine $hrilLIARy’s tantrums these days as she’s taken to the woodshed by a Bernie?

    • Chris says:

      You mean alleged foul-mouthed tantrums, right J?

      If the allegations are true, at least Clinton keeps her foul-mouthed tantrums behind closed doors, which is more than you can say for Grumpy Trumpy.

      • Libby says:

        Why these people cannot make the distinction between private life and public policy is beyond me? I expect the advent of reality TV has something to do with it, which leads us to the malevolent powers and is another discussion.

        We are all slimey in private. There is a bovine, oblivious contentment in the average Mexican that really gets on my nerves. But any form of public discrimination is absolutely not an option.

        Hillary can cuss all she likes in private, just so long as she’s civil to the heads of state. Trump has already blown that one.

  7. Peggy says:

    Here’s a shocker.

    MSNBC actually covered Hillary’s lying.

    Hillary Clinton on Morning Joe lying horribly 5/27/2016:

    • Libby says:

      No, it’s not a shocker. USA, WSJ, NYT, WP, you can find candid assessments of Hillary’s bad points in all of them, if you care to look … yourself … and not blindly accept the self-serving, biased … oh, to hell with it ….

  8. bob says:

    Dang, this here blog has a bad infestation of liberals.

    • Chris says:

      I get it, Bob. You don’t like thinking, and your conservative friends here don’t make you think; they just tell you what you want to hear. That’s a shame. I know lots of very smart people on both sides of the aisle, who challenge my thinking all the time. I’m grateful for them. It’s a shame that kind of culture isn’t promoted here on Post Scripts; none of the conservatives here point out each other’s factual errors when they make them, and when one of us liberals does that, you circle the wagons and deny any error was made for as long as you possibly can. It’s unhealthy. You should challenge yourselves more. How else will you learn and grow?

      • Tina says:

        Listen to the arrogant narsicist blow: I know lots of very smart people on both sides of the aisle…

        An “I’m better than you” statement is NOT “thinking.” It’s intolerant, boorish targeting to make yourself seem superior.

        If this is such a lousy blog Chris, why do you sped your time here? This is a conservative blog. We have never pretended to be anything else. Saying things like, “your conservative friends here don’t make you think; they just tell you what you want to hear,” isn’t conducive to discussion. It is by it’s very nature arrogant and inflammatory. We have welcomed your comments, despite your repeated, wildly insulting criticisms and labels, and given you the space to freely express your opinions and views. Despite this you often come here just to criticize and demean (And are shocked that you get a similar response).

        Please try to remember this is an informal blog. We talk about things happening in the news. Nobody is expected to write erudite opinions, either pretentiously or seriously.

        If PS isn’t working for you perhaps you should consider moving on. Otherwise, you might find it easier to engage in “challenging discussions’ if you adopted a more respectful attitude and tone. (You had that when you first joined us on PS)

        Help you probably don’t want: You can’t claim to be an inclusive, tolerant person if you refuse to find value and potential in every person with whom you communicate. That’s why and how I welcome you here.

        Ultimately, looking for value and potential in our conversations what I expect from everyone who chooses to contribute here. It’s a high bar but a worth while endeavor you might give a try.

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