by Jack
It’s time that Trump ramp up his campaign and demonstrate he’s a competent leader and statesman. Instead, he’s still out here tossing out insult bombs to blunt criticism like he did in the beginning of his campaign. Many see him running his campaign like a rank amateur, not a clever businessman and they are saying this will guarantee his defeat.
My personal opinion is, Trump has gone about as far as he can riding the wave of voter frustration for do-nothing politicians. Sure, that’s been a huge bonus for Trump so far, in terms of free advertising and getting his mug on TV. But, at some point voters need to hear a coherent plan for America, not comic-style snipping and one liners about winning. If Trump is trying to get up to speed on global matters I sure don’t see it. It looks like he’s done very little to prepare himself for debates with Hillary Clinton. Specifically, he’s not demonstrated much knowledge about the office he seeks, the Constitution he is too enforce and how he’s going to get anything done, which will call for a bi-partisan effort.
Trump ended May with less than $1.3 million in the bank and that’s small time. On the other hand Hillary Clinton raised more than $28 million in May and she started June with $42 million in cash; a large part of it coming from Wall Street. In her recent speeches she looks unflappable. She’s articulate, poised and knowledgable.
Trump says his dollars on hand and cash expenditures have been just fine. He’s taken down all of his republican competition like Grant took Richmond. He says his campaign is leaner and meaner, thus better run than Hillary’s, so he doesn’t need to throw around big bucks to take her out. Trump’s staff is definitely leaner than Hillary’s, Clinton has about 700 staffers nationwide, Trump has about 30. Trump is counting on the voters to continue their support because he is the anti-establishment candidate, but I think that novelty is wearing off and voters are beginning to ask questions about the Donald’s plan. They don’t see much, just rhetoric and this is making his supporters nervous.
On the morning after Lewandowski’s firing, RealClearPolitics’ daily average of major polls showed Clinton ahead of Trump 45 percent to 39.2 percent. This is a huge drop for Trump, but neither candidate has much to crow about since they both poll with the most negative numbers since candidate polls began.
Too bad people can’t vote for none-of-the-above and force another round of candidates on the field until we finally get somebody worth supporting.
Well written and refreshing, Jack.
Dang it. Put my email address in the Name section. Can someone be kind enough to fix that for me?
Jack you’ve done an excellent job of articulating the current state of the Trump candidacy. He definitely must up his game. I sure hope that a new campaign manager can help in to “up his game” and with fundraising. It sure is a sad state of affairs all around.
Hillary looks composed and unflappable. She seems articulate, poised and knowledgeable but reads from a script. To me she appears either wooden or too folksy, trying to seem likable. I’m not impressed but then I’m sure my opinion is clouded by what I know of her record. She failed the 3:00 AM phone call in my opinion and worse, that failure was preceded by very bad leadership.
Are we sc*#%ed?
File under hope…a low level of experience:
I don’t trust the polling. A polling expert evaluated the recent polls showing Hillary way ahead (12 points I think) and she said when you dig into the data you find they were skewed toward democrat voters and also when the margin of error is taken into consideration they are actually running neck and neck.
Hillary speaks to small audiences. Her speech today illicited almost zero emotion or applause. She rarely speaks to the press and avoids questions off the cuff. Imagine her in front of the congressmen in the Benghazi hearings, “What difference does it make.” That’s the Hillary I keep in mind when I think of how “presidential” she is.
Time will tell. People will either come out and vote to keep her from winning or they will stay home and we will continue on this downward spiral into he77.
Thank you Jack for telling it like it is. This train is headed for a wreck.
Chris — No one gives a damn what your email is. Especially me.
Re Chris : Dang it. Put my email address in the Name section. Can someone be kind enough to fix that for me?
Here is my email address, Chris. Quentin Colgan once abused it. I like would to perform an experiment and see how many progressive ***holes like you would abuse it —
You are so weird.
I am so in your face, Quentin’s ghost.
The vomitous progressive weirdo calls me “weird?” Thank you Piss.
Two attempts at a comeback and neither of them were any good. And this is after unnecessarily responding to something that had nothing to do with you and giving me your email address, unsolicited.
Like I said: weird.
Jack That was well written. I myself can not figure out his motives yet.
Trump has always said he could show the GOP how to win. Ramping up the extreme comments would gather the base. But Trump is also familiar with the Elite Political circles.
So I just never could figure out what he was up to. He never studied up on Policy nor even tried to speak intelligently about an actual policy he wants to implement.
Strangest thing I have ever seen. Good luck to the GOP delegate coup planned in Cleveland…we will see if it grows legs. … But yes well written and unbiased post.
Bill Whittle on Orlando, Islam and Guns
Take heart, people. Months and months we got to get thru. Salon has a good piece up making comparisons of the Brexit and Trump. This is my favorite paragraph:
“I don’t need to lean too hard on the fact that Hillary Clinton’s principal theme for the fall campaign seems to be “at least she’s not Donald Trump,” do I? The problem in the Brexit campaign, and maybe in our presidential campaign too, is that the disgruntled downscale voters of Middle England who want to stick it to the poncey Europeans couldn’t be arsed, to lapse into the vernacular, about any of that stuff. They don’t think things can get much worse for them (about which they are wrong), they are highly likely to do the opposite of whatever a bunch of Oxbridge-educated Londoners tell them to do and they don’t give any part of a crap about bloody Scotland. They have halfway convinced themselves that Estonians have taken their jobs, that the local imam wants to blow them up or at least ban Christmas and that there must be some magical pathway that leads back to the way things supposedly were in Granddad’s time. At least there hasn’t been any talk (so far) about building a wall and making the Scots pay for it. Maybe because, as every British child learns in school, the Romans tried that and it didn’t work.”
“Too bad people can’t vote for none-of-the-above and force another round of candidates on the field until we finally get somebody worth supporting.”
Can we go without a leader for that long? 😉
Howard Stern on the Orlando Islamo-fascist massacre —
Howard Stern in his wonderfully obnoxious and inimitable and no holds barred way gets it down pat.
Trump has been caught skimming donations. This is one reason the big money is not coming into his campaign.
I was once very optimistic about Trump, but no longer.
Sounds like a lot of AP fishing hooey. But hey, whatever floats your boat, Jim.
Yes, better to get one’s news from venerated institutions like Breitbart or Gateway Pundit than the Associated Press.
Tell me (snip), what are the “venerated” institutions that you get your news from? The New York Times? The Boston Globe? The LA Times? The Washington Post? The Daily Kos? CBS? ABC? NBC? CNN? MSNBC? Media Matters? Inquiring minds want to know!
You are right Pie, what was I thinking reading the news.
Here is your chance, the Trump campaign is broke, so help him out. Be one of his big donors. Send him your money, all the money you got. Do it now.
Addenda to the above —
The Puffington Host? Salon? The Nation? Mother Jones? Pacifica’s “Democracy Now?” KZFR? KCHO? KPFA? Seriously, inquiring minds want to know, Piss.
Pie, I get all my news from (snip).
Hope that answers your question.
OK Post Scripts, I got the message. No more snips. Sometimes I am too explicit. Forgive me. Again.
Well, you could call it skimming.
He calls it paying himself a salary … and the family, also, of course.
And then he makes noises about other people’s corruption?
Oh, Lordy, how will we last until Novemver 3?