Flight 800 – Hillary, Reno, Gorelick Cover-Up

Flight 800 - bookPosted by Tina

Corruption runs deep in our government. Our corrupted media operates as a protection racket shielding politicians and bureaucrats who’s hands are dirty and who’s phony excuses are made to seem normal and valid. We the people can do nothing about this other than to speak with our friends and relatives and do our best to pass this troubling truth on by word of mouth. We are growing in number but Hillary’s supporters indicate there is still much to do. I’m grateful to those who dig deep to uncover information and facts that expose the guilty players who make the cover-ups possible. Today’s story takes us back to 1996 and the Bill Clinton administration.

Some of you may remember the controversial case of TWA flight 800, the 747 with 230 people aboard that exploded off the coast of Long Island shortly after takeoff from JFK International Airport. Initial radar reports indicating “vertical movement intersecting the flight” were reinforced by 258 eyewitness accounts. But as indicated in a book by Jack Cashill, “TWA 800: The Crash, the Cover-Up, and the Conspiracy” these facts were quicly erased in terms of relevancy by an orchestrated FBI intervention. Cashill’s book explains the corruption that allowed a cover-up:

The Clintons did not want their fingerprints anywhere near this mess. They preferred to work through the Department of Justice, which Hillary had staked out as her own personal fiefdom. Like just about everything she touched, the DOJ was both highly politically and seriously dysfunctional.

Nanny issues sidelined the first two attorney general candidates. Insisting that a woman — any woman — head the department, Hillary finally settled on the feckless Miami prosecutor Janet Reno. For the next eight years the Clintons would have to work around her.

Needing someone to work through, they finally found a fixer worthy of the number two position, a little-known DC litigator named Jamie Gorelick. With Gorelick’s appointment as deputy attorney general in February 1994, Hillary had three women occupying the most powerful posts in federal law enforcement, criminal division head Jo Ann Harris being the third.

Heading up Justice’s operation on the ground in Long Island was still another woman, United States Attorney Valerie Caproni. Caproni brought the FBI in immediately to seize control of the investigation from the National Transportation Safety Board. As officers of the court, Gorelick and Caproni knew the law forbade this move. They simply ignored the law. The FBI reported to Justice. The NTSB did not.

On August 22, 1996, Gorelick summoned the FBI honcho Jim Kallstrom to Washington for a meeting. The White House did not like the direction the investigation was taking. On August 23, the New York Times summed up that direction in an above the fold headline, “Prime Evidence Found That Device Exploded in Cabin of TWA 800.”

The other above-the-fold headline on August 23 read as follows, “Clinton Signs Bill Cutting Welfare.” The signing of this bill three days before the start of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago was hardly a coincidence. There, Clinton hoped to sell the party’s peace and prosperity message. Front page headlines about explosive devices destroying an American airliner, by a bomb or especially by a missile, could make hash out of both peace and prosperity.

Kallstrom returned to Long Island a changed man. Based on his subsequent performance, he seemed to have no more urgent task than to negate the Times reporting on explosive residues. Within a month, the reliably compliant Times had forgotten about the 258 eyewitnesses to a missile strike, the radar data, and the explosive residue. The headline on September 19 read, “New Focus on Malfunctions In Inquiry on T.W.A. Crash.” The investigation was effectively over.

In May 1997, the Clintons found a way to reward Gorelick for her steely performance. They handed this middling bureaucrat with no financial or housing experience the vice-chairmanship of Fannie Mae, a sinecure the Washington Monthly aptly called “the equivalent of winning the lottery.”

During her five-plus years with that self-serving enterprise, Gorelick made $26,466,834 in salary, bonuses, performance pay, and stock options. In January 2004, she stepped down to pay her dues, assuming one of one of only five Democratic seats on the 9-11 Commission.

In March 2004, Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet informed the commissioners about “the wall” that prevented the CIA and FBI from cooperating in the run-up to September 11. “Ironclad regulations,” said Tenet, “so that even people in the criminal division and the intelligence divisions of the FBI couldn’t talk to each other, let alone talk to us or us talk to them.”

The task of assigning credit for the wall was left to Attorney General John Ashcroft. “The single greatest structural cause for Sept. 11 was the wall,” Ashcroft testified before the commission in April 2004. “Full disclosure,” Ashcroft continued, “compels me to inform you that its author is a member of the commission.”

That member, of course, was Jamie Gorelick. More perversely still, as a newly unearthed treasure trove of CIA documents proves beyond argument, under Gorelick’s watchful gaze the CIA and FBI worked hand in glove to subvert the TWA 800 investigation. The “wall” did not even slow them down.

Hillary Clinton should not be allowed anywhere near the White House!

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27 Responses to Flight 800 – Hillary, Reno, Gorelick Cover-Up

  1. Pete says:

    Do you have an alternative to Hillary?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Pete, I personally don’t have an alternative to Hillary, but there are any number of democrats in the Senate that could easily replace her and do a much better job with less controversy. Joe Biden is not out of the question either.

      • bob says:


        Do you really think we are going to have 8 years of HillBillary?

        I can’t even imagine it but it seems to be the way things are shaping up. Polls show Hllbillary leading the Trumpster by 30 percentage points in Collifornia (as Ahnode calls it). But it’s possible this is what the media wants people to think so they won’t even bother voting for Trump.

        • Post Scripts says:

          Sadly Bob, I do think Hillary is a shoe in. The polling would indicate that people who are behind her now wouldn’t care what she has done wrong in the past and totally dismiss her lies and incompetence as rightwing nonsense.

  2. Tina says:

    Pete suggested alternatives for Democrats include Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Cuomo, Deval Patrick, and Joe Biden.”

    As it stands now the alternative in play is Donald Trump.

    In four years we would have another chance to come up with another “alternative”.

    I understand, and share, many of the reservations people have about Trump. But one thing that’s in his favor is that he has not been part of the dysfunctional/criminal government we now have. I say “criminal” in the broader sense that everyone knew the mafia was a criminal organization even though they ran legitimate businesses. The criminality was obvious…bringing them to trial was another thing altogether. Trump would bring fresh eyes to the system. He would challenge some of the more frozen practices and as a negotiator he would see it as a challenge to work with Congress…the whole congress.

    Trump is a man used to looking at problems and getting to the bottom line in order to come up with a workable solution. He is a man used to using money wisely to cut costs. I firmly believe that the American people will be better off overall under his leadership in terms of jobs and the economy.

    Hillary is apparently criticizing him for his decision to file bankruptcy for his casino in Atlantic City. She’s claiming his decision was selfish because of the people hurt by his decision. In business, as in life, there are risks. contractors know this going in. Building at that time in Atlantic city turned out to be ill-timed as the Casino business started a sharp decline. Atlantic City took the risk that gambling would be the answer to their financial woes.

    I believe his early decision actually made the situation better than some of the others that waited during a very difficult period in the casino business. Politifact has a fair assessment of Trumps chapter 11 restructuring of four enterprises. He shares in the responsibility but also in the wise decisions to save the companies and ultimately the jobs.

    A chart at Wikipedia shows the companies that have filed for bankruptcy using Chapter 11 restructuring to save the company, they include names like Bloomingdales, Macy’s, Lear Corporation,Archway Cookies, Alliance Tire Company, Frontier Airlines, Orchard Supply Hardware, Chicago Cubs…it’s quite a list.

    Trump did nothing unusual in the business world in filing for chapter 11. He also appears to have used good business sense in filing. According to Politfact, he suffered personal losses that included a yacht, plane, and stock. Nobody enjoys going through the consequences of the bankruptcy process but sometimes it can’t be helped. The business owner/investor doesn’t make the decisions about who gets paid and who doesn’t; the courts do:

    he rules governing bankruptcy can be complicated, especially business reorganizations under Chapter 11, but there are some easily understood basics. Among them is the Bankruptcy Code’s preference for grouping similar creditors together and paying the members of the group fairly as compared with each other. The general scheme of distribution under the Bankruptcy Code has secured creditors getting the value of their collateral, then the expenses of administering the case are paid, then unsecured claims with priority (like those for back taxes or wages, for example) must be paid. Next, if there is anything left over, the general, unsecured creditors share that amount on a pro rata basis until paid in full. Finally, and only after all other creditors have been paid do equity holders get paid.

    So charges that Trump “stiffed” contractors, making it sound personal, are false and in Hillary’s case a political destraction away from her own failures and corrupt, criminal practices.

    Our nation is in terrible financial shape. It’s hurting the American people. The thing that bothers me about the leadership of the Democrat party is that they deny the failure of their Keynesian polices and continue to repeat the same mistakes that dig us deeper into a state of dependency and growth of the government which is in large part expensive waste. To add insult to injury all of this causes a growing, out of control debt. In addition the leadership of the Democrat party refuses to admit to what has worked under presidents of both parties. They refuse to admit that lowering taxes and putting money in the hands of the people is how the economy grows and good jobs are created. I think they willfully hold to their positions, despite the obvious truth, strictly as a means of holding onto power.

  3. bob says:

    Can you imagine having to be ruled by this loathsome creature for the next 8 years?

  4. Libby says:

    “So charges that Trump “stiffed” contractors, making it sound personal, are false ….”

    No, they are true. The ELE is a walking, talking icon of the rigged economy Bernie goes on about. Trump files multiple bankruptcies on multiple projects, stiffs any number of smaller investors and contractors and vendors and service providers … and then, with no damage to his personal business standing (in consequence of some “white boy club member” logic I will never comprehend) rides off into the sunset to do it again.

    One of us peasants files bankruptcy, and we is up Shit Creek for ten years.

    • Tina says:

      Libby it isn’t Trumps fault that the stork dropped him off in a family with more wealth than the contractor he uses to pull wire on a job. That’s life. None of your redistribution micromanagement to try to change that has ever worked.

      Your petty class envy, and clear bigotry born of ignorance is useless.

      Many things have contributed to stagnant incomes, lousy job prospects, and lousy returns on savings…and a good number of them are policies put in place during the Obama era:

      Given the wage stagnation and weak employment gains of recent years, it is not surprising that many economists claim that the gap between rich and poor is at its widest since records began 45 years ago. This gap widened even throughout the recovery. From 2010 to 2013, only the households at the very top of the income ladder saw gains, while families in the bottom 40 percent saw their incomes decline over that period, according to the Federal Reserve. Meanwhile, household incomes in the middle stagnated.

      The growing income gap has been driven by the anemic economic growth during the Obama era. But it has also been escalated by the Federal Reserve’s attempt to counter the drag of the anti-growth policies of the federal government and artificially stimulate the economy through its $4 trillion Quantitative Easing policy – a policy that drove short-term interest rates to nearly zero. This policy led to a surging stock market that in turn substantially increased the wealth of the richest Americans who had significant stock investments. At the same time, it vastly decreased the income received by the elderly who saw declining interest payments on their saving.

      While Fed policy did boost profits in the financial markets, it did nothing to combat wage stagnation or the reduced share of wages in gross national income. A debt-based monetary system has produced a debt-driven economy, which rewards those with the financial acumen and assets to invest in the market, while eroding the earnings of working Americans. Increased financial sector profits accrue mainly to upper-income recipients, who are relatively few in number, while the decreased share of wages affects the relatively larger number of workers – thus leading to greater income inequality. …

      … To Democrats over the past eight years, income inequality lies at the core of what is wrong with America. Consequently, the crisis of income inequality demands and justifies a more active government agenda of redistribution, including higher taxes, higher spending on government entitlements, and higher regulation of business: in other words, expanding the public sector. And the Left has used this call for bigger government to paint themselves as defenders of the working and middle classes, regardless of the fact that a bigger government has not only failed to alleviate the income gap but has widened it. …

      … The conservative approach takes a bottom-up focus, rather than a top-down one. It seeks to lift up the bottom, rather than to bring down the top. It seeks to maximize the opportunities for the least well-off, through maximizing the income and economic opportunities of the whole society, rather than to simply target the most well-off for what may eventually become punitive taxation, irrespective of how this taxation would affect all the lower brackets.

      A policy agenda serving this focus includes increasing upward mobility through education that empowers workers and regulatory and tax reform that sparks job creation and wage growth. Conservatives must also fight crony capitalism, which benefits the politically connected, and orient tax policy to benefit families and the middle class, not just to penalize the rich.

      We tried it your way, Libby and the results have been disastrous! Time to revisit Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton (Gingrich)…

      Another good article in National Review notes what the Republican response to Democrats exploitation of the condition we’re in. We should point out that there is no evidence that income inequality hurts economic growth but is a “crass political attempt to distract from a continued weak job market.”

      President Obama “labeled” income inequality” as the nation’s “defining challenge.”

      Republicans should argue that “the problem is not too much income inequality” it is “too little upward mobility!

      As Senator Marco Rubio said last week in an important anti-poverty speech, “upward mobility and equal opportunity is not a partisan issue, it is our unifying American principle.”

      You Democrats never take responsibility for your own messes. YOU have been in charge of the economy over almost eight years. The recession ended in 2009 but the targeted tax hikes, the added entitlement program, the QE, and the spending have left us at very low growth. I heard today that if you take government spending out of the mix our GDP is flat-lined if not negative and has been for most of the last seven years.

      “One of us peasants files bankruptcy, and we is up Shit Creek for ten years.”

      Yeah, well, you peasants also don’t go on to create lots of good jobs either…we all have our places and its up to us to make the most of our situations. I doubt you’ve ever asked a peasant for a job and got one.

      • Libby says:

        What does his being born rich have to do with his predatory business practices? You are changing the subject because you do not have an answer to a rather damning observation, which is that your candidate embodies much that is inequitable about the economic playing field in this country.

        You complain about being snookered, and then, to any plausible villain sauntering down the pike, you all but say “snooker me.”

        I don’t get it.

  5. bob says:

    Gorelick was a thoroughly corrupt and incompetent and nothing but a party hack who stayed in the gooberment after Clinton.

    Read Peter Lance’s book about 9/11 if you want to be sick to your stomach about how much Gorelick costs this country.

  6. Dewster says:

    BTW I was told By a sailor friend that was US. As far as he knew a mistake but he questions that himself. They were told to shhhhh, Can not think of the name of the ship right now but yes That was the Navy ship in the area…….. he was on it!

    So mistake? I remember the famous political words… Nothing Happens By accident it is by design

    You do not like Bernie I get that. But why do you think they cheated him, blackballed him ect ect……… because he interrupts their little circle of corruption

    Your statement “Trump did nothing unusual in the business world in filing for chapter 11. He also appears to have used good business sense in filing”

    Good business sense? LOL He profited off the laws plain and simple that is a business model. That means other Businesses were not PAID! Get that?

    Business is not some holy grail of ethics and Greed is not Godly

    • Tina says:

      “He profited off the laws plain and simple”

      That’s a da*# lie! He may not have lost his shirt but he lost stock, possessions, and in one case control of the company.

      “That means other Businesses were not PAID! Get that?”

      Yes I get that, Dewey. Other business didn’t get paid what they expected to get paid. Life is risky!

      Do you GET that if they had not filed chapter eleven “other Businesses” would have gotten even less? The courts put the vendors ahead of the equity owners.

      Do you GET that LIFE is risky? There are no guarantees, not for anyone! Trumps risk was greater and his losses were greater. People in the building trade know that gong in…anything can happen. Things change. It’s like farming when the weather doesn’t cooperate…stuff happens. You’re insane if you think someone starts a big project like that with the intention of going through chapter eleven!

      “Business is not some holy grail of ethics and Greed is not Godly”

      Greed is not Godly no matter WHO is being greedy. Covetous greed is definitely not Godly and it’s rampant these days in our society…that’s what all of the class envy (and class exploitation) and hatred of the rich is about.

      Bashing people that do risk and create jobs is pretty dumb since they create jobs. Most of them, like everyone else, are honest hard working people. Wealth is not a dirty word, nor is profit. If you make a wage you are profiting.

      Being a victim is also not Godly! Resentment is also not Godly. A vindictive nature is not Godly.

      Are we going to play this idiot game or are we going to do what works? Bernie is all about growing government. We’ve tried it and it doesn’t work!

      Yes, Bernie “interrupts” the circle of corruption but only because he wants to pull the strings of big government himself. He wants government to handle everything. That makes us peons…needy peons. Might as well be slaves. Wherever there is big government there is big money and no accountability…that my friend is a recipe for corruption. So Bernie may be a good guy with good intentions but his policies will drive the same vehicle of corruption and needy dependency.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Dewey ” Business is not some holy grail of ethics and Greed is not Godly”

    Good lord, and government is?

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Now isn’t this interesting …

    “Attorneys for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start Clinton’s controversial family foundation in a 2007 letter aimed at boosting his image during plea negotiations, FoxNews.com has learned.”


  9. bob says:

    Hah! Speaking of THIS BOOK the author will be ON JACK’S FAVORITE RADIO SHOW TONIGHT!


    • bob says:

      More on Jack’s favorite radio show tonight….

      Writer and documentary producer Jack Cashill has a Ph.D. from Purdue and has taught as a Fulbright professor in France. He’ll discuss TWA Flight 800 which crashed into the Atlantic shortly after takeoff from JFK airport on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 passengers on board. Although initial reports suggested a terrorist attack, FBI and NTSB investigators blamed a fuel tank explosion. But skeptics have long questioned the official story, and new evidence has surfaced that suggests a conspiracy. Followed by midweek Open Lines.

  10. bob says:

    And I know it’s Jack’s favorite radio show because it has Jack’s favorite radio show host! 🙂 (George ‘I Almost Got Kidnapped in Mexico’ Snoory!)

  11. Libby says:

    Hit Salon today. They won’t let me link, but there’s a good one about what the hell Bill thought he was doing on Loretta’ plane.

    And if you want to be aggravated you can read a historical treatise on Trump’s paranoid politicking.

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