New Black Panthers Call For Separate Southern Black State

Posted by Tina

You had to know this was coming. Breitbart:

Babu Omowale, the so-called national minister of defense for the People’s New Black Panther Party, says his group and allied organizations have their sights set on establishing “our own government in a nation within a nation.”

Omowale was speaking in an interview set to air Sunday night on this reporter’s talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and News Talk 990 AM in Philadelphia.

Omowale used the interview to claim five states as belonging to the “Black Nation”: Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia.

The revolutionary stated: “We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country.”

Omowale is also co-founder of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, a black militant gun group named after Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton. According to reports, Dallas shooter Micah X. Johnson “liked” the Huey P. Newton Gun Club and Omawale has said that he recognized Johnson from black community events in Dallas. …

… The Huey P. Newton Gun Club says on its website it is seeking to “develop over time to a regimented Black Army.”

“Our mission is to educate the masses of black people on the necessity of self,” states the website. “That includes self-preservation, self-defense, and self-sufficiency through militant culture.”

“We want freedom. We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the destiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.”

This group doesn’t get it.They don’t know the whole picture of our shared American history or theirs as black Americans. The opportunity they say they want exists in this country. Plenty of black people have taken advantage of the opportunity and succeeded. If this group doesn’t know that they have blinded themselves to the truth, perhaps purposely, so in love are they with the struggle.

Radical, violent, bigoted, and militant. NBPP is taking a page from the Islamic tyrants who work to invade and impose their will.

How many on the left will come out to champion these guys? What about Obama…is he just a two-faced proponent of the division and discord expressed by the NBPP or is he a man seeking unity and peace? it’s damn hard to tell! In fact it’s easy to make the case that he has led the way toward the total destruction of America.

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8 Responses to New Black Panthers Call For Separate Southern Black State

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Sound familiar? It would if you have ever read anything La Raza and MEChA preach in two weirdly conflicting racist narratives. A superior Hispanic race born out of Spaniards interbreeding with natives they conquered or simply a race of “natives”, both groups whom seek to “liberate” Aztlan.

    Race (raza) is central to all their literature, constitutions, and declarations of purpose.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    How about we just give them Chicago?

    • Tina says:

      An appropriate choice, Pie.

      Remember the civil rights lawyer from the 2008 election who said the Panthers in Philadelphia wielding weapons and threatening voters was the worst case of voter intimidation he’d seen since the sixties? He’s back:

      J. Christian Adams, Obama Justice Department Laughed Off Armed New Black Panther Threat

      In 2009 and 2010, lawyers working at the United States Justice Department warned top Obama political appointees and other Justice Department officials about the dangerous threats of New Black Panthers to kill police officers and other whites. I was one of those lawyers who delivered those warnings.

      Our warnings came in the context of the Voting Rights Act case I and other lawyers brought against the New Black Panthers on behalf of the United States in 2009, a case the Obama administration ultimately abandoned. Both top DOJ officials, including now Labor Secretary Tom Perez, as well as rank and file employees in the Civil Rights Division, were warned but did not take the New Black Panther threat seriously or otherwise considered the organization to be a laughable joke.

      Allies in the media echoed the narrative that the defendants in the voter intimidation case were harmless clowns.

      Among the information presented to top officials was a video produced by the New Black Panthers entitled “Training Day.” The video proposes killing police officers by ambush. I wrote about the video:

      Another New Black Panther posing in the above photo and kneeling with a shotgun is “Field Marshal” Najee Muhammad. As I wrote in my book Injustice: One of them was Panther “Field Marshal” Najee Muhammad, who is seen in a Panther video called “Training Day” in which he encourages blacks in DeKalb County, Georgia, to don ski masks, lie in wait behind shrubs, and kill police officers with AK-47s. Following that exhortation he mocks the hypothetical victims’ grieving widows.

      We blow this off, like we do every other radical group, at our own peril. We have no help from ignorant liberals, nor their media cohorts. There is very little help in the schools. Now our police officers are under attack from radicals bent on killing them and elitist politicians calling for putting them under federal control.

      Is it any wonder Americans are arming themselves?

  3. Libby says:

    See !!! See what you and the quite literal ELE have wrought !!!

    You aren’t the only ones who can spout this nationalist horseshit. It’s selfish, stupid, and gonna bust this country into a tribal hell hole.

    Nobody’s paying any attention to Babu. And if we can get you morons to knock it off, we might have a shot at another hundred years … so knock it off.

  4. Tina says:

    Oh stuff it Libby.

    You and your liberal allies in the media would like to smooth everything over or hide it under the rug and pretend that you’re leading us toward that magical progressive Nirvana but you can’t control the narrative anymore, so forget it.

    You are the ones who need to knock it off. You are the ones who bring race into everything. You are the ones who make enemies of fellow Americans by accusing them of bigotry and racism for votes! You are the ones pushing the cops kill blacks narative, the republicans are racist narrative, the justice narrative…you do nothing else…OBVIOUSLY…the nation is a wreck! The President you put in the White House started this with his divisive, community organizing, make privileged America pay attitude. His presidency has been nothing but a disaster and we are reaping what he, and the rest of you fawning ejits have sewn…you knock it off and we can go back to being Americans instead of hyphenated Americans.

    • Pie Guevara says:


    • Libby says:

      They are not “narratives”. They are factual, honest-to-god, real situations requiring serious attention … deny it though you will.

      And as the Baton Rouge PD has chosen to do, which is a shame.

      (“… fawning elites have sown ….” And someday you are going to compose a thought of your own.)

  5. J. Soden says:

    So can we make Manhattan in John Carpenter’s “Escape From New York” a reality? Or perhaps a separate state – like Kenya?

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