by Jack
Seems like there is a flaw, uh, make that flaw’s, a lot of em, in Obama’s New Word Disorder. This time I’m dropping back to talk about the old problem of affordable quality healthcare. WHERE IS IT?
Obamacare was supposed to reduce the cost of health insurance and make it affordable to the poorest of us. The line was better healthcare, yet lower costs because he was reducing overhead and spreading out the costs among everyone. The democratic party says thats right! That’s what he did and we are so much better off today! But, that’s not true. If that were the case, why are so many people complaining about healthcare insurance costs? Even the doctors are complaining like never before! To hear the docs talk, it’s been a financial disaster for them – yet democrats will stand right in front of your face and boldly tell you how wonderful it is. Un-be-liev-able! And [liberals] are going to elect Hillary, the woman who screwed it up before Obama?
My family example: My daughter, a lowly CNA, going to school and working part-time still can’t afford health insurance. But, to add insult to injury, she now has to pay a penaty for something she can’t afford! She’s gone from having no health insurance, to paying a penalty for having no health insurance. This is Obama’s definition of progress?
The only way she can even come remotely close to paying for this new version of health insurance is if she has the bottom of the barrel coverage with a huge deductible. I’m talking about a $5000 deductible. She’s never spent anywhere close to that on medical bills in a one year period, so where’s the benefit? How is this affordable, quality health insurance? In her case, it’s worse than no insurance, because it costs more than paying the stupid tax penalty for not subscribing to Obamacare and she still gets no benefit for her monthly premium. This could only make sense to a liberal.
“To anger a conservative, lie to him.
To anger a liberal, tell him the truth”…
– Teddy Roosevelt
Based on the reply’s we get from Liberal posters about the real facts and consequences of happenings in America today, I would have to fully agree with Roosevelt’s quote.
Todays Progressive liberal party just lie about anything, they want us to believe them and the facts be dammed (latest Big Zero lie, trying to sell us that we are safe in the world, Really ?, when people die on our soil, we are under attack, so another Obama BS statement!
Obama and his administration is on SPIN cycle continuously, They just muck up everything they touch, from health care to national security, then they try to sell America on its merits (only realized by their own blindness to facts) using fact less spin with one lame excuse after another until the next anal act they pull out of their a$$ needs defending.
If a change in America decline is to happen, voters need to give Trump the support to win the WH and straighten out the current cess pool in DC , as well as preventing Hillary from adding more stink to its rancid core.
“… she now has to pay a penaty for something she can’t afford!”
First, if she worked for Kaiser, that socialist model of socialism, she would have coverage. She must spruce up the resume, and move to where they are … or unionize the employer she has. The SEIU will be pleased to take her call. You guys are all for “up by your own bootstraps” … this is how it’s done. You don’t work for employers that abuse you.
Second, it’s not a penalty, it’s a tax, to offset whatever uninsured services she may require from the local hospital. One way or another, it has to be paid for. And if everyone were paying a tax to the government, rather than premiums to “for profit” insurers, then everyone would have coverage. I have yet to hear a anything but selfish, spoiled, greediness in opposition to this.
What a completely asinine response! Kaiser cannot hire every person who’s been adversely affected by Obamacare. But thank you so much for illustrating the inane thinking of the average liberal/progressive.
(There is nothing liberal or progressive about your policies…they take us backwards and are not open to ideas but instead “bound” to Marxist principles.
” You guys are all for “up by your own bootstraps” … this is how it’s done.”
No nimrod, that is how it’s done in a system bound by Marxist principles. It leads to higher prices and increased misery every single time it’s tried. Case in point, GM over the last fifty years. Bankruptcy after bankruptcy because of unreasonable union demands, taxes, and onerous regulations that worked together to strangle the company.
” And if everyone were paying a tax to the government, rather than premiums to “for profit” insurers, then everyone would have coverage.”
Thus creating a monopoly with a bureaucracy controlled by central planners leaving the individual zero options and at the effect of their government. THIS IS NOT FREEDOM OR EQUALITY! Guess who will continue to get premium healthcare? The wealthy elites of government and industry that will simply opt out using private docs and hospitals. The masses will have care that declines with waiting lists and restrictions on available care. See Huffington Post, ‘Free’ Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It’s Worth:
If Canada can create such a gigantic bureaucratic healthcare disaster you know America’s liberals can create an even bigger, more costly one! Why? Because none of them bother with cost to value, budgets, or even planning. Instead they “dream” of their ideal and then try to create it out of “hope and change.” They have no business sense, eschew profit as something stinky rather than necessary to move forward (progressive? Pfhtttt!).
“I have yet to hear a anything but selfish, spoiled, greediness in opposition to this.”
Yeah…because you are an ignorant closed minded dreamer! You imagine that we were able to go to the moon without profits creating the technologies and products necessary to get us there. You imagine cures for cancer, repaired limbs, and even cures for pneumonia without the profits needed for R&D, supplies, equipment, staff, buildings and expansion. You imagine hospitals and doctors that can perform miracles without compensation, profits, or growth…everything is possible in your world and it’s all free, wheeee!
What a dope!
Only a $5,000 deductible? My insurance is $6K. You know what, I’m happy to have it. Because with out Obamacare the insurance companies wouldn’t even sell me insurance due to preexisting continuations. I’d be stuck with nothing.
You are right, Obamacare is an expensive mess. However there is a simple and more affordable solution. It’s called single payer, or Medicare for everyone. Then charge everyone regardless of age a percentage of income to cover it. This would be simpler and less expensive.
Because with out Obamacare the insurance companies wouldn’t even sell me insurance due to preexisting continuations. I’d be stuck with nothing.
Jim that was one thing that everyone agreed needed changing. It’s incorrect to think that Obamacare is the only answer to the problem you faced.
“This would be simpler and less expensive.”
It would be a simple solution on paper. it is already a not so simple solution even for the seniors that already paid a high price for their own parents coverage and now face cuts to the program, new restrictions on service, and losses that add to our growing debt!
Daily Signal:
The idea that we should double down on a system that is creating massive debt and burdening young people is crazy.
In no other area would anyone suggest building on top of a crumbling system! Healthcare is a emotional, personal issue, common sense goes out the window. It seems to flow from an irrational loathing of profits, the very thing that makes innovation, extension and growth, more jobs, higher wages, and yes, superior care possible.
We can make reforms that will address problems such as pre-existing conditions without destroying what has been a working healthcare system, without breaking personal budgets and without the one size fits all mentality that limits rather than expands choices.
Jack the failures of Obamacare, a system forced on the American public through trickery and deceit, are mounting daily:
We at Post Scripts warned people that the projected figures would be wrong…and they are dramatically wrong! But it’s not just about money:
It gets worse:
More problems…collapsing Obamacare exchanges. When you eschew profits you end up with losses and that leads to failure, fewer choices, and higher prices for consumers!
Sally Pipes, in the Forbes article, makes the following observation: It takes a special kind of reasoning to respond to the spectacular failure of government that is Obamacare by calling for, well, even more government.
Yeah, “Special!”
Re Harold …
“To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.” attributed to Teddy Roosevelt.
Actually Teddy Roosevelt never said that. At least there is no evidence he ever said that. But if you want to credit me, I’ll accept that honor.
Oops my bad, but not to worry, I have wiped that clean of my server!
When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer ‘Present’ or ‘Not guilty.’
Theodore Roosevelt
Remember when liberals and Democrats called anyone who criticized Obama a racist? My Rat neighbors tried to pull that crap on me. I threw it back in their faces.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
― Theodore Roosevelt