Posted by Tina
The President’s “presidential demeanor” was on full display this morning as he worked the media, as well as the stupendously politically lame Republican elites, to discredit Donald Trump. As he spoke, in perfectly polished style, he averred it was a question of “basic decency” that made Donald Trump unfit to hold office.
Hillary Clinton has called the parents of the slain Benghazi four, “liars,”…repeatedly! Instead of apologizing she claims they have poor memories!
Hillary dishonored these men, and their service, from the getgo by failing in her capacity as secretary of state to plan well, provide security, respond to pleas for security, remove them from a dangerous situation, was absent through the night as they fought for their lives, and then lied to cover up her egregious failures before, during and after the attack. How decent was it when, in the presence of his son’s dead body, Benghazi victim father, Charles Woods, was told a pack of lies by a phony Hillary Clinton (and Barack Obama)? There are no adequate words to describe the self-serving reasons for these lies. Indecent is accurate but still insufficient:
Charles Woods, father of slain Benghazi hero Tyrone Woods, blasted Hillary Clinton Tuesday for lying to himself and to the American people after reading out of his diary the remarks Clinton told him at his son’s casket ceremony in 2012.
Appearing on “CNN Newsroom” host Carol Costello asked Woods to respond to Clinton’s attempt to discredit the family’s of the Benghazi victims who have criticized her for blaming a video for the deaths of their children instead of blaming the planned terrorist attack.
“Well, I know what she said, and it has nothing to do with faulty memory,” Woods replied. “As you know, I’ve shown this book to many people. I keep my brains in my pocket. And for years I write down the important things that happen during the day. And this was written down right after we met with Hillary and so it has nothing to do with a faulty memory and I’ll read to you exactly what the conversation was that I had with with Hillary.”
“This is just a couple days after what happened in Benghazi, when the bodies came out. ‘I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand, and she said that we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son.’ Now, not only did I write that down, she also told that to other family members. And then about a half hour or 45 minutes later, she went on national TV at the casket ceremony and she repeated the same untruth,” Woods said.

FILE – This July 18, 2014, file photo shows President Barack Obama speaking about the situation in Ukraine in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington. Obama stated the obvious: “We live in a complex world and at a challenging time.” The confluence of swiftly moving overseas matters comes at a time when the American public’s views on Obama’s foreign policy have been souring, turning what was once seen as his strength into a potential liability. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
The radical left will work hard and do anything, using deceitful deceptive means, to win this election. They are hoping the American people can be distracted from their corrupt candidate, Hillary Clinton, and the lousy economy, the corruption, and the indecent way this administration has used the power of government against the people.
Obama also chastised republican leaders, “Why are you still endorsing him (Trump)?”
It’s fair to ask, “Mr. president why are you still endorsing Hillary Clinton when your own FBI described her as a person who recklessly abused her position of power, deceptively lied about the use of a private server, about the contents of emails, and about her attempt to hide them. How can you continue to support Hillary as she and continues to lie when she describes what Comey said?
Decency, Mr. President? Really?
Do not let this nest of vipers (Hillary, Obama, left media) distract you…remain centered, go to the polls and elect the one candidate that can win who will work for ALL of the people and to restore our nation to prosperity, opportunity, security, and standing in the world.
Every single one of Obumble’s complaints against TheDonald are those that certainly apply to his own performance as a community disorganizer, a senator voting “present” and his seemingly endless term as prez.
This prez only deserves laughter for his phony photo-ops.
A c0mpulsive serial liar who effectively calls Benghazi victims families liars is decent?
A compulsive serial liar who repeatedly lies to the FBI, who repeatedly lies to the American people, who treats her the Secret Service who protectors like dirt, who attacks the rape victims of her dirt bag husband is decent?
He’s proven to not let reporters’ questions get under his skin, and never really appears to lose his temper.
That cannot be said for Mrs. Clinton.
“Reporters who’ve followed Clinton for months may have little to no relationship with the candidate,” according to a Huffington Post report. “And the only opportunity they have to ask her questions is when she works the rope line after events, a time when candidates typically shake hands and pose for selfies with supporters.”
Although she’s increased her availability for some sit-down interviews, they’re mostly with friends like George Stephanopoulos at ABC or Chris Cuomo at CNN, and are highly choreographed.
So are her rallies, and if she hears a question she doesn’t like on the rope-line, things can go south — fast.
In March, Mrs. Clinton lost her temper with a Greenpeace Activist who asked her about donations from the fossil-fuel industry. After Mrs. Clinton answered that she takes donations from a lot of people who work in various industries, she told the activist, “I am so sick — I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me!”
And it’s not the first time Mrs. Clinton has lost her cool.
In an exchange detailed by Ronald Kessler, who wrote “First Family Detail,” a look at the Secret Service and the families they guard, a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Mrs. Clinton, “Good morning, ma’am,” to which she replied: “F– off.”
“When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Mr. Kessler wrote. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident. … Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi.”
Hillary Clinton hits Trump on temper, but she’s no picnic, either
Pie the Hillary campaign is all about Alinsky…destroy your competitor by targeting him for isolation and destruction.
If she had a great record to run on they could win on that alone…but they don’t. Hillary doesn’t and the Obama years, under the kind of policies she prefers, has been a (almost) complete failure. Her part, foreign policy has seen the ME blown up, a bad deal with terror supporting Iran, scandal, Benghazi, the rise and spread of ISIS, a refugee crisis and increased terror attacks in the west. Bright spot:The 1% have done well! But the middle class is disappearing. More Americans live under the poverty line. Home prices have stabilized (good) and interest rates are low (okay but artificial) but home ownership is at a record low. Inflation and stagnant wages are a double whammy for everyone struggling to make ends meet. The debt has nearly doubled. Our nation now sees more businesses failing than businesses created and small business is where the jobs are for the middle class and poor. You would expect great economic improvements under Obama for Black Americans. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Racial animosity and division has exploded, fueled by the awful war on police officers Obama’s rhetoric, prejudiced stances, and activism have created.
These are the reasons they have to attack Trump as unfit for office. And the policy of personal attack is played with pretty words for the camera but born of the most horrendously devious and ugly attitudes and demeanor you can imagine. These people are not what they portray themselves to be. they are phony and disingenuous, devious and capable of anything no matter how illegal or underhanded.
Tina: “Hillary Clinton has called the parents of the slain Benghazi four, “liars,”…repeatedly! Instead of apologizing she claims they have poor memories”
Why did you put the word “liars” in quotation marks, making it seem like this is a direct quote from Clinton, when you know that it is not a direct quote? Clinton has never called these parents liars, nor has she implied that they are liars.
Maybe “liars” wasn’t mean as a direct quote, Chris. There are other uses for quotation marks other that implying a direct quote.
But, of course, an acidic, demented English major with a chip on his shoulder would not consider that.
“nor has she implied that they are liars.”
Hillary said that Pat Smith was “wrong” on national television. In my opinion that IS calling her a “liar.” Pat Smith took it that way as well.
If Trump looses this election he’ll have no one to blame but himself and his mouth he keeps putting his size 10 in. He needs to just keep hitting her record and let her try to defend it.
Also, if the media pulls out as they’re threatening to if he doesn’t release his tax returns. He won’t have a snowball chance in hell of winning. He should announce he will right after Hillary releases her wall street speeches.
Guarantee, you all will love this. Well, maybe not Jack/Chris. I’m still laughing.
Peggy she’s sick and tired often:
here and here
Shudder…this is decency? This is presidential material?
I hear she tosses lamps too 😉
A MUST read!!
Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Debacle: Arming Jihadists in Libya . . . and Syria:
“Looking ahead to the next installment of e-mails from WikiLeaks As U.S. armed forces attack ISIS in Libya, WikiLeaks is poised to remind us that ISIS is in Libya — indeed, that ISIS is ISIS — thanks to disastrous policies championed by Hillary Clinton as President Obama’s secretary of state. Also raised, yet again, is the specter of Mrs. Clinton’s lying to Congress and the American people — this time regarding a matter some of us have been trying for years to get answers about: What mission was so important the United States kept personnel in the jihadist hellhole of Benghazi in 2012? Specifically, did that mission involve arming the Syrian “rebels” — including al-Qaeda and forces that became ISIS — just as, at Mrs. Clinton’s urging, our government had armed Libyan “rebels” (again, jihadists) to catastrophic effect?”
Kaboom! Trump’s best tweet ever in response to Obama’s remark.
Trump Levels Obama Moments After Saying He Was “Unfit” to Be President:
Dear Post Scripts,
After much thought and review of facts I’ve come to the following conclusions:
1. Hillary has lied.
2. Donald has lied.
3. Donald may be mentally ill and thus unfit to represent the United States as our president.
I will be voting for Hillary.
Dear Pete;
You are 100% correct. I can not vote for either. We have to stop this game and call their Bluff. Not sure if Trump is still playing the game or he has lost it. Trump was a Democrat till 2012. This is all a dangerous game played by the elite.
Hillary is a neoliberal, if she needed a party brand it is Republican.
They are both Psychopaths but Trumps ignorance is more dangerous. His incompetency to even understand what a nuclear weapon is and how the nuke game is played shows he should not receive intel.
I suggest the Government has enough to throw both of them out. If they give them intel we are in trouble. HRC has it so we will be in same place. Trump will not even be able to comprehend it and will be loose with it. So if they give intel to Trump? WHat does that tell the citizens about this election?
Do the research this is a dark dangerous game being played by the elite who are flocking to HRC. Look at the elite Republican donors who are circling her ….they all want something in these next profit wars. Obama is starting them right now. They have been planed out. Nothing new at this point to people.
Step away from the fear mongering….. we need to throw them both out and start over. We are falling
Peggy this woman is a wrecking ball! She’s dangerous. Can you imagine the lies she told leaders in other countries? America has been made out to be a fool and that’s bad enough, but it’s obvious that we are also responsible for endangering every nation in the world through the rise and spread of ISIS. It obvious we are responsible for moving nations like Turkey toward hostile governments, just as Iran was turned in the seventies. The damage done by this administration will be felt for years to come and very difficult to reverse.
It is all of them, Time to put on your big girl pants and look at out history. ya think Bush family is not like the Clinton family?
Think AGain. Dangerous ….. HRC using Trump to take out Bush?
The Bush Family has been committing crimes since Prescott Bush who I may add is actually noted in the sidebar of the report on Morgan 1930’s fascist coup failure on FDR.
This is a coup and both parties are playing the game.
DO your homework on TPP girl that will be the end of our sovernighty to the WTO or as GW called it The New World Order. It is not the conspiracy it is the corporate ruled new world through the WTO. TPP can never be reversed you willing to take that chance?
Read the leaks, These are dangerous times and yes Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both very dangerous people for 2 different reasons.
Partisanitis is seemingly incurable.
Libby and Dewey are wearing the “big girl pants.”